public CheckupPage()
     this.viewModel = new RoutineCheckupViewModel();
     DataContext    = this.viewModel;
        private async void finishEdit(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
                this.ring.IsActive = true;
                var patientDal = new PatientDAL();
                var nurseDal   = new NurseDAL();
                var appointDal = new AppointmentDAL();
                var vm         = new RoutineCheckupViewModel();
                var appnt      = await appointDal.GetAppointmentById(this.AppointmentID);

                var patient = await patientDal.GetPatientById(this.PatientId);

                var nurse = await nurseDal.GetNurseByNurseId(this.NurseId);

                var date = this.CheckupDate.Date.AddHours(this.CheckupTime.Hours).AddMinutes(this.CheckupTime.Minutes);
                var sys  = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.SystolicReading.ToString())
                    ? this.SystolicReading
                    : throw new ArgumentException("The Systolic Reading cannot be empty.");
                var dbp = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.DiastolicBloodPressure.ToString())
                    ? this.DiastolicBloodPressure
                    : throw new ArgumentException("The blood pressure cannot be empty.");
                var weght = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.Weight.ToString())
                    ? this.Weight
                    : throw new ArgumentException("The weight cannot be empty");
                var tep = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.Temperature.ToString())
                    ? this.Temperature
                    : throw new ArgumentException("The tmeperature cannot be empty");
                var diag = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.InitialDiagnosis)
                    ? this.InitialDiagnosis
                    : throw new ArgumentException("The initial diaggnosis cannot be empty");
                var checkup = new RoutineCheck(appnt, nurse, patient, date, sys, dbp, weght, tep, diag);
                await vm.EditCheckup(checkup);

                this.ChangesMade = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                this.ring.IsActive = false;
                this.error.Text    = ex.Message;
                await Task.Delay(4000);

                this.error.Text = "";

            this.ring.IsActive = false;
Esempio n. 3
        private async void viewCheckup(object sender, ItemClickEventArgs e)
            var checkup = e.ClickedItem as RoutineCheck;
            var cvm     = new RoutineCheckupViewModel();
            var dialog  = new CheckupDetailedView()
                AppointmentID          = checkup.Appointment.AppointmentId,
                CheckupDate            = (DateTimeOffset)checkup.Date,
                CheckupTime            = checkup.Date.TimeOfDay,
                PatientId              = checkup.Patient.Id,
                PatientName            = checkup.Patient.FullName,
                NurseId                = checkup.Nurse.NurseId,
                NurserName             = checkup.Nurse.FullName,
                SystolicReading        = checkup.SystolicReading,
                DiastolicBloodPressure = checkup.DiastolicBloodPressure,
                Weight           = checkup.Weight,
                Temperature      = checkup.Temperature,
                InitialDiagnosis = checkup.InitialDiagnosis,
                User             = this.User
            var result = await dialog.ShowAsync();

            switch (result)
            case ContentDialogResult.Secondary:
                if (dialog.ChangesMade)
                    this.ring.IsActive = true;
                    await this.viewModel.LoadPatientCheckups(this.Patient);

                    var mess = new MessageDialog("Your changes have been stored");
                    this.ring.IsActive = false;
                    await mess.ShowAsync();
