Esempio n. 1
    void Start()
        dataController = FindObjectOfType <Data_Controller>();                                                                  // Store a reference to the DataController so we can request the data we need for this round

        currentRoundData = dataController.GetCurrentRoundData();                                                                // Ask the DataController for the data for the current round. At the moment, we only have one round - but we could extend this
        questionPool     = currentRoundData._questions;                                                                         // Take a copy of the questions so we could shuffle the pool or drop questions from it without affecting the original RoundData object

        timeRemaining = currentRoundData._timeLimitInSeconds;                                                                   // Set the time limit for this round based on the RoundData object
        playerScore   = 0;
        questionIndex = 0;

        isRoundActive = true;
Esempio n. 2
    private void HandleOnResponseReceived_Random(string response)
        var fetchedData = new Opentdbcom_Class();

        JsonUtility.FromJsonOverwrite(response, fetchedData);

         * var i = 0;
         * foreach (var result in randomData.results) {
         *  Debug.Log("================" + i + "=============");
         *  Debug.Log("CATEGORY: " + result.category + "\n"
         + "type: " + result.type + "\n"
         + "difficulty: " + result.difficulty + "\n"
         + "question: " + result.question + "\n"
         + "correct_answer: " + result.correct_answer + "\n");
         +  Debug.Log("INCORRECT_ANSWERS: \n");
         +  foreach (var item in result.incorrect_answers) {
         +      Debug.Log(item + "\n");
         +  }
         +  Debug.Log("======================================");
         +  i++;
         + }

        var roundData = new Round_Data();

        roundData._name = Menu_Controller.instance.urlCategory;
        roundData._pointsAddedForCorrectAnswer = 10;
        roundData._timeLimitInSeconds          = Menu_Controller.instance.timeLimit;
        roundData._questions = new Question_Data[Menu_Controller.instance.urlNumberOfQuestions];
        int k = 0;

        foreach (var result in fetchedData.results)
            // (m+1) - number of answers
            int m = 0;
            foreach (var ans in result.incorrect_answers)

            // questionText and answers[] initialization
            var question = new Question_Data(result.category, result.type, result.difficulty, result.question, m + 1);

            // answers[] filling
            int j = 0;
            foreach (var ans in result.incorrect_answers)
                var qaj = question._answers[j];
                qaj._answerText      = ans;
                qaj._isCorrect       = false;
                question._answers[j] = qaj;
            var qajPlus1 = question._answers[j];
            qajPlus1._answerText = result.correct_answer;
            qajPlus1._isCorrect  = true;
            question._answers[j] = qajPlus1;

             * //Debug.Log("QUESTION № " + roundData._questions.Length+1);
             * Debug.Log("BEFORE ORDER BY");
             * Debug.Log("====================" + "\n");
             * for (int i = 0; i < question._answers.Length; i++) {
             *  Debug.Log(i + " : " + question._answers[i]._answerText + " - " + question._answers[i]._isCorrect + "\n");
             * }
             * Debug.Log("====================" + "\n");

            // Answer_Data[] answersWithRandomPos
            question._answers = question._answers.OrderBy(x => rnd.Next()).ToArray();

             * Debug.Log("AFTER ORDER BY");
             * Debug.Log("====================" + "\n");
             * for (int i = 0; i < question._answers.Length; i++) {
             *  Debug.Log(i + " : " + question._answers[i]._answerText + " - " + question._answers[i]._isCorrect + "\n");
             * }
             * Debug.Log("====================" + "\n");

            // QuestionData = questionText + answers[]
            roundData._questions[k] = question;

         * var i = 0;
         * foreach (var question in roundData._questions) {
         *  Debug.Log("================" + i + "=============");
         *  Debug.Log("CATEGORY: " + question._category + "\n"
         + "type: " + question._type + "\n"
         + "difficulty: " + question._difficulty + "\n"
         + "question: " + question._questionText + "\n");
         +  Debug.Log("ANSWERS: \n");
         +  foreach (var item in question._answers) {
         +      Debug.Log(item + "\n");
         +  }
         +  Debug.Log("======================================");
         +  i++;
         + }

        allRoundData[0] = roundData;
