Esempio n. 1
    public HouseData GenerateInnerDoors(HouseData houseData)
        houseData.roomPairs = new List <RoomPair> ();
        for (int x = 2; x < houseData.floorPlan.roomData.GetLength(0) - 2; x++)
            for (int z = 2; z < houseData.floorPlan.roomData.GetLength(1) - 2; z++)
                if (houseData.floorPlan.area [x, z] == UnitType.INNERWALL_DOWN)                                                 //Mögliche Wand für eine Tür
                    if (houseData.floorPlan.area [x, z - 1] == UnitType.INNERWALL_UP)                                           //Angrenzendes Feld ist das Gegenstück zur Wand
                        RoomPair roomPair = GetExistingRoomPair(ref houseData.roomPairs, new RoomPair(houseData.floorPlan.roomData[x, z], houseData.floorPlan.roomData[x, z - 1]));
                        roomPair.doorPoints.Add(new Point2DTupel(x, z, x, z - 1));
                else if (houseData.floorPlan.area [x, z] == UnitType.INNERWALL_UP)                                              //Mögliche Wand für eine Tür
                    if (houseData.floorPlan.area [x, z + 1] == UnitType.INNERWALL_DOWN)                                         //Angrenzendes Feld ist das Gegenstück zur Wand
                        RoomPair roomPair = GetExistingRoomPair(ref houseData.roomPairs, new RoomPair(houseData.floorPlan.roomData[x, z], houseData.floorPlan.roomData[x, z + 1]));
                        roomPair.doorPoints.Add(new Point2DTupel(x, z, x, z + 1));
                else if (houseData.floorPlan.area [x, z] == UnitType.INNERWALL_LEFT)                                            //Mögliche Wand für eine Tür
                    if (houseData.floorPlan.area [x + 1, z] == UnitType.INNERWALL_RIGHT)                                        //Angrenzendes Feld ist das Gegenstück zur Wand
                        RoomPair roomPair = GetExistingRoomPair(ref houseData.roomPairs, new RoomPair(houseData.floorPlan.roomData[x, z], houseData.floorPlan.roomData[x + 1, z]));
                        roomPair.doorPoints.Add(new Point2DTupel(x, z, x + 1, z));
                else if (houseData.floorPlan.area [x, z] == UnitType.INNERWALL_RIGHT)                                           //Mögliche Wand für eine Tür
                    if (houseData.floorPlan.area [x - 1, z] == UnitType.INNERWALL_LEFT)                                         //Angrenzendes Feld ist das Gegenstück zur Wand
                        RoomPair roomPair = GetExistingRoomPair(ref houseData.roomPairs, new RoomPair(houseData.floorPlan.roomData[x, z], houseData.floorPlan.roomData[x - 1, z]));
                        roomPair.doorPoints.Add(new Point2DTupel(x, z, x - 1, z));

        foreach (RoomPair rp in houseData.roomPairs)
            Point2DTupel doorPlaces = rp.doorPoints [randomGenerator.Next(rp.doorPoints.Count)];
            houseData.floorPlan.doorInfo.Add((double)doorPlaces.point1.x * (double)1000 + (double)doorPlaces.point1.z / (double)1000, houseData.floorPlan.area [doorPlaces.point1.x, doorPlaces.point1.z]);
            houseData.floorPlan.doorInfo.Add((double)doorPlaces.point2.x * (double)1000 + (double)doorPlaces.point2.z / (double)1000, houseData.floorPlan.area [doorPlaces.point2.x, doorPlaces.point2.z]);

            houseData.floorPlan.area [doorPlaces.point1.x, doorPlaces.point1.z] = UnitType.DOOR;
            houseData.floorPlan.area [doorPlaces.point2.x, doorPlaces.point2.z] = UnitType.DOOR;

Esempio n. 2
		private void AddWallsSequentially()
			Room[,] r = _rooms;

			//capacity should be rooms * 2?
			ArrayList ExcludeWalls = new ArrayList(r.Length * 2);

			Random random = new Random();
			SolutionFinder finder = new SolutionFinder();

			PassCount = 0;
			while (finder.CycleFound)
				foreach (Room room in r)
					//if there's already only one way out of this room, then skip it
					if (room.PassableNeighbors < 2)

					Direction d = random.Next(4);
					Room neighbor = room.Neighbors[d] as Room;

					//if the selected neighbor isn't a room, move on
					if (neighbor == null)

					//if there's already only one way out of the selected neighbor, move on
					if (neighbor.PassableNeighbors < 2)

					RoomPair pair = new RoomPair(room, room.Neighbors[d]);

					//if we've already determined that we can't add this wall, don't try again
					if (ExcludeWalls.Contains(pair))

					//now try to add the new wall, and make sure all the rooms are still reachable
					new Wall(room, d);
					if (finder.RoomsConnected < r.Length)
						finder.CycleFound = true;
						finder.RoomsConnected = r.Length;

					//break out of the foreach loop early if we've already eliminated all cycles
					if (!finder.CycleFound)
 public RoomPair GetExistingRoomPair(ref List <RoomPair> list, RoomPair equal)
     foreach (RoomPair rp in list)
         if (rp.Equals(equal))
Esempio n. 4
        //This method places starting room, places a certain number of regular rooms in a loop, then places an exit room.
        void GenerateMap(int levelNumber)
            //Levels are randomly generated with rooms being placed into a 7 by 7 grid.
            //The starting room is always placed in the middle of the grid at position (3,3).
            //The length of each one of our rooms is 256 units and the height is 176 units.
            //A fantasy version of each level and a science version of each level are generated simultaneously, but offset by 2000 units in the x dimension.

            Vector2 startPos = new Vector2(3, 3);   //Position of the start room in the model of our level grid.
            Vector2 scaledStartPos = new Vector2(3 * 256, 3 * 176); //Actual position of the fantasy room being instantiated in Unity.
            Vector2 offsetStartPos = new Vector2((3 * 256) + 2000, 3 * 176);    //Actual position of the science room being instantiated in Unity (notice 2000 unit offset in x dimension).

            //Instantiates fantasy room at starting position and adds room to our grid model.
            GameObject roomToInstantiate = Instantiate(fantasyStartRooms[0], scaledStartPos, Quaternion.identity);
            fantasyRooms[3, 3] = roomToInstantiate;

            //Instantiates science room at starting position and adds room to our grid model.
            roomToInstantiate = Instantiate(scienceStartRooms[0], offsetStartPos, Quaternion.identity);
            scienceRooms[3, 3] = roomToInstantiate;

            //Adds the starting coordinate position (3,3) to our roomCoordinate list.
            //Coordinates contained in this list are occupied.
            roomCoordinatesSize += 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) //This loop places 8 "normal" rooms that are not starting rooms, exit rooms, key rooms, or lock rooms.
                Vector3 coordinate = selectCoordinate();    //Calls function that will return an available coordinate pair for instantiating a new room.
                Vector2 scaledCoordinate = new Vector2((int)coordinate.x * 256, (int)coordinate.y * 176);   //Multiply room coordinate by the dimensions of our rooms.
                Vector2 offsetCoordinate = new Vector2(((int)coordinate.x * 256) + 2000, (int)coordinate.y * 176);  //Applies 2000 unit offset for science room.

                RoomPair fanAndSciRoom = selectRoom();  //Calls method that will return a pair of rooms to be instantiated (one fantasy and one science room).

                GameObject fantasyRoomToInstantiate = Instantiate(fanAndSciRoom._fantasy, scaledCoordinate, Quaternion.identity); //Instantiates fantasy room
                fantasyRooms[(int)coordinate.x, (int)coordinate.y] = fantasyRoomToInstantiate;  //Adds just instantiated fantasy room to fantasyRooms matrix at appropriate coordinates.
                spawnEnemies(scaledCoordinate, fantasyEnemies,;     //This method instantiates enemies at the most recently instantiated fantasy room.

                GameObject scienceRoomToInstantiate = Instantiate(fanAndSciRoom._science, offsetCoordinate, Quaternion.identity);   //Instantiates science room
                scienceRooms[(int)coordinate.x, (int)coordinate.y] = scienceRoomToInstantiate;  //Adds just instantiated science room to scienceRooms matrix at appropriate coordinates.
                spawnEnemies(offsetCoordinate, fantasyEnemies,;     //This method instantiates enemies at the most recently instantiated science room.

                //Opens the doors between the newly instnatiated room and its neighbor so that the player character can move between rooms.
                openDoors((int)coordinate.z, (int)coordinate.x, (int)coordinate.y, fantasyRoomToInstantiate, scienceRoomToInstantiate);

                //Adds the new coordinates to the list of occupied coordinates.
                roomCoordinatesSize += 1;

            //Places a room containing a key somewhere in the level and stores the coordinates of the key room in variable keyPos.
            Vector2 keyPos = placeKeyRoom();

            Boolean lockAndKeyFarAway = false;    //This variable will be set to true if the locked room is placed at least 3 spaces away from the key room.
            while (lockAndKeyFarAway == false)    //This loop continues until the locked room is placed far enough away from the key room.
                Vector3 lockPos = selectCoordinate();   //Potential coordinates for placing the locked room.
                Vector3 endPos = new Vector3();
                Boolean possibleToPlaceExit = false;    //This variable will be set to true if there is an available space to place the exit room next to the locked room after placing locked room.

                if (isCoordinateEmpty((int)lockPos.x, (int)lockPos.y + 1))  //If true exit room will be placed north of locked room.
                    endPos = new Vector3((int)lockPos.x, (int)lockPos.y + 1, 1);
                    possibleToPlaceExit = true;
                else if (isCoordinateEmpty((int)lockPos.x, (int)lockPos.y - 1))     //If true exit room will be placed south of locked room.
                    endPos = new Vector3((int)lockPos.x, (int)lockPos.y - 1, 2);
                    possibleToPlaceExit = true;
                else if (isCoordinateEmpty((int)lockPos.x + 1, (int)lockPos.y))     //If true exit room will be placed east of locked room.
                    endPos = new Vector3((int)lockPos.x + 1, (int)lockPos.y, 3);
                    possibleToPlaceExit = true;
                else if (isCoordinateEmpty((int)lockPos.x - 1, (int)lockPos.y))     //If true exit room will be placed west of locked room.
                    endPos = new Vector3((int)lockPos.x - 1, (int)lockPos.y, 4);
                    possibleToPlaceExit = true;

                if (possibleToPlaceExit == true)
                    //This condition checks to make sure the key room and locked room are at least 3 spaces apart.
                    if (distanceBetweenPoints((int)keyPos.x, (int)keyPos.y, (int)lockPos.x, (int)lockPos.y) >= 3)
                        placeLockRoom(lockPos);     //Places the locked room at coordinates in lockPos.
                        Vector2 scaledEndPos = new Vector2((int)endPos.x * 256, (int)endPos.y * 176);
                        Vector2 offsetEndPos = new Vector2(((int)endPos.x * 256) + 2000, (int)endPos.y * 176);

                        //Instantiates fantasy exit room, adds the room to our model, and spawns enemies in the exit room.
                        GameObject fantasyRoomToInstantiate = Instantiate(fantasyEndRooms[0], scaledEndPos, Quaternion.identity);
                        fantasyRooms[(int)endPos.x, (int)endPos.y] = roomToInstantiate;
                        spawnEnemies(scaledEndPos, fantasyEnemies, fantasyEndRooms[0];

                        //Instantiates science exit room, adds the room to our model, and spawns enemies in the exit room.
                        GameObject scienceRoomToInstantiate = Instantiate(scienceEndRooms[0], offsetEndPos, Quaternion.identity);
                        scienceRooms[(int)endPos.x, (int)endPos.y] = roomToInstantiate;
                        spawnEnemies(offsetEndPos, fantasyEnemies, scienceEndRooms[0];

                        lockAndKeyFarAway = true;

                        //Opens the doors between the exit room and the locked room so that the player character can move between rooms.
                        openDoors((int)endPos.z, (int)endPos.x, (int)endPos.y, fantasyRoomToInstantiate, scienceRoomToInstantiate);
