private void SaveEdit_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ComboBoxItem type = (ComboBoxItem)this.Etype.SelectedItem; if (this.Ename.Text.Equals("")) { JXMessageBox.Show(this, "设备名称不准为空!", MsgImage.Error); return; } if (type.Tag.ToString().Equals("")) { JXMessageBox.Show(this, "非法操作!", MsgImage.Error); return; } RoomClass rc = new RoomClass(); int state = rc.updateEquipmentInformation(int.Parse(this.ID.Content.ToString()), this.Ename.Text, int.Parse(type.Tag.ToString())); if (state == BaseRequest.SUCCESS) { Room roomBean = RoomManagerBean.Room; EquipmentClass ec = new EquipmentClass(); DataSet set = ec.getEquipmentInformationByRoom(int.Parse(roomBean.roomId.Text));, set, BaseRequest.PAGE_SIZE); JXMessageBox.Show(this, "编辑信息已保存.", MsgImage.Success); this.Close(); } else { JXMessageBox.Show(this, "保存失败!", MsgImage.Error); } }
private void Handle_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { TextRange _Text = new TextRange(this.Information.Document.ContentStart, this.Information.Document.ContentEnd); if (_Text.Text.Length > 150) { JXMessageBox.Show(this, "处理说明只能输入150个字符,请检查!", MsgImage.Error); return; } if (_Text.Text.Length <3 || _Text.Text.Equals("")) { JXMessageBox.Show(this, "请输入警报处理说明!", MsgImage.Error); return; } int Aid = int.Parse(this.Aid.Text); MessageBox.Show("id>>" + Aid.ToString() + " _Text.Text=" + _Text.Text); RoomClass rc=new RoomClass(); int state = rc.doAlarmInformation(Aid,_Text.Text); if (state == BaseRequest.SUCCESS) { Alarm alarm = RoomManagerBean.Alarm; RoomClass _Rclass = new RoomClass(); DataSet _Alarm_Set = _Rclass.queryAlarmList();, _Alarm_Set, BaseRequest.PAGE_SIZE); JXMessageBox.Show(this, "警报处理完成!", MsgImage.Success); this.Close(); } else { JXMessageBox.Show(this, "系统异常,请联系管理员!", MsgImage.Error); } }
private void Details_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { RoomClass rc=new RoomClass(); var a = this.alarmGrid.SelectedItem; var b = a as DataRowView; int _Aid = Convert.ToInt32(b.Row[0]); MySqlDataReader reader = rc.getHistoryAlarmImformation(_Aid); AlarmDetails ad = new AlarmDetails(); TextRange _Text = new TextRange(ad.Information.Document.ContentStart, ad.Information.Document.ContentEnd); if (reader.Read()) { ad.number.Text = reader["NUMBER"].ToString(); ad.Ename.Text = reader["NAME"].ToString(); ad.Etype.Text = reader["TYPE_NAME"].ToString(); ad.Atype.Text = reader["ALARM_TYPE_NAME"].ToString(); = reader["ROOM_NAME"].ToString(); ad.Handle_User.Text = reader["USER_NAME"].ToString(); ad.Handle_Time.Text = reader["PROCESSING_TIME"].ToString(); ad.Alarm_Time.Text = reader["ALARM_TIME"].ToString(); _Text.Text = reader["REMARK"].ToString(); ad.title.Content = reader["NUMBER"] + " 历史报警信息:"; } ad.Owner = Window.GetWindow(this); ad.ShowDialog(); }
private void diplayAlrm_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { MyTransaction.insertAlarm(); Alarm alarm = RoomManagerBean.Alarm; RoomClass _Rclass = new RoomClass(); DataSet _Alarm_Set = _Rclass.queryAlarmList();, _Alarm_Set, BaseRequest.PAGE_SIZE); }
/// <summary> /// Kiểm tra xem có tồn tại phòng tương ứng với type và class hay ko? /// </summary> /// <param name="roomType"></param> /// <param name="roomClass"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool RoomCheckExist(RoomTypex roomType, RoomClass roomClass) { ICriteria criteria = _session.OpenSession().CreateCriteria(typeof(Room)); criteria.Add(Expression.Eq(Room.ROOMCLASS, roomClass)) .Add(Expression.Eq(Room.ROOMTYPE, roomType)) .Add(Expression.Eq(Room.DELETED, false)); return(criteria.List().Count > 0); }
/// <summary> /// Kiểm tra xem có tồn tại phòng tương ứng với type và class hay ko? /// </summary> /// <param name="roomType"></param> /// <param name="roomClass"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool RoomCheckExist(RoomTypex roomType, RoomClass roomClass) { ICriteria criteria = _session.OpenSession().CreateCriteria(typeof(Room)); criteria.Add(Expression.Eq("RoomClass", roomClass)) .Add(Expression.Eq("RoomType", roomType)) .Add(Expression.Eq("Deleted", false)); return(criteria.List().Count > 0); }
protected void Add_click(object sender, EventArgs e) { RoomClass rc = new RoomClass(); room_master r = new room_master(); r.roomtype = type_tb.Text; r.roomcost = Int32.Parse(Cost_tb.Text); rc.addRoom(r); Response.Redirect("AdminViewRoom.aspx"); }
protected void rptRoomClasses_ItemDataBound(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e) { if (e.Item.DataItem is RoomClass) { _currentClass = (RoomClass)e.Item.DataItem; Repeater rptRoomTypes = (Repeater)e.Item.FindControl("rptRoomTypes"); rptRoomTypes.DataSource = Module.RoomTypexGetAll(); rptRoomTypes.DataBind(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!this.IsPostBack) { RoomClass rc = new RoomClass(); GridView1.DataSource = rc.viewRooms(); GridView1.DataBind(); } }
private void ShowRoom(RoomClass room) { for (int i = 0; i < room.VariationIndex.Length; i++) { AllSegments[i].Select(room.VariationIndex[i]); } SetAltarSegment(room.AltarSegment, room.Symbol); currentRoomId = room.Id; }
public CreateGroupRequest(string name, GroupType groupType, RoomClass roomClass, params int[] lightIds) : base(0, new List <int>(lightIds), roomClass) { if (!lightIds.Any() && groupType != GroupType.Room) { throw new ArgumentException("Only groups of type \"room\" can be created without any lights in them."); } _method = HttpMethod.Post; NewName = name; Type = groupType; }
protected void rptClass_ItemDataBound(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e) { if (e.Item.DataItem is RoomClass) { Repeater rptTypes = (Repeater)e.Item.FindControl("rptTypes"); _roomClass = e.Item.DataItem as RoomClass; // Sử dụng biến toàn cục _roomClass để check với tất cả các room type rptTypes.DataSource = AllRoomTypes; rptTypes.DataBind(); } }
public RoomClass(int number, RoomClass parent, int x, int y) { this.number = number; this.parent = parent; this.x = x; this.y = y; this.neighbors = new Dictionary <Direction, RoomClass>(); foreach (Direction direction in Direction.GetValues(typeof(Direction))) { this.neighbors.Add(direction, null); } }
/// <summary> /// Lấy về danh Room theo class và type /// </summary> /// <param name="cruise"></param> /// <param name="roomClass"></param> /// <param name="roomType"></param> /// <returns></returns> public IList RoomGetBy_ClassType(Cruise cruise, RoomClass roomClass, RoomTypex roomType) { ICriteria criteria = _session.OpenSession().CreateCriteria(typeof(Room)); criteria.Add(Expression.Eq(Room.ROOMTYPE, roomType)) .Add(Expression.Eq(Room.ROOMCLASS, roomClass)); if (cruise != null) { criteria.Add(Expression.Eq("Cruise", cruise)); } return(criteria.List()); }
/** * Given a room from the List, find the furthest room from * that point. */ public RoomClass GetFurthestRoomFromNode(RoomClass room) { // TODO - returns a random room. In the future, this will // use something like Djikstra's algorithm to find the // furthest node RoomClass farRoom = GetRandomRoom(); while (room == farRoom) { farRoom = GetRandomRoom(); } return(farRoom); }
protected void rptRoomClass_ItemDataBound(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e) { { RoomClass roomClass = (RoomClass)e.Item.DataItem; #region -- Header -- // Đối với header, thêm danh sách roomType thông thường using (Repeater rpt = e.Item.FindControl("rptRoomTypeHeader") as Repeater) { if (rpt != null) { rpt.DataSource = Module.RoomTypexGetAll(); rpt.DataBind(); } } #endregion #region -- Item -- #region RoomClass Id using (Label labelRoomClassId = e.Item.FindControl("labelRoomClassId") as Label) { if (labelRoomClassId != null) { labelRoomClassId.Text = roomClass.Id.ToString(); } } #endregion //Đối với từng dòng using (Repeater rpt = e.Item.FindControl("rptRoomTypeCell") as Repeater) { if (rpt != null) { // Gán sự kiện ItemDataBound (vì control trong Repeater không tự nhận hàm này) rpt.ItemDataBound += RptRoomTypeItemDataBound; IList roomTypeList = Module.RoomTypexGetAll(); rpt.DataSource = roomTypeList; rpt.DataBind(); } } #endregion } }
/** * Print all of the properties of the Room object */ public override string ToString() { string roomString = string.Format("ID: {0}\n", this.number); roomString += (this.parent == null) ? string.Format("Parent: null\n") : string.Format("Parent: {0}\n", this.parent.number); roomString += string.Format("({0}, {1})\n", this.x, this.y); roomString += "Neighbors:\n"; foreach (Direction direction in Direction.GetValues(typeof(Direction))) { RoomClass directionRoom = this.neighbors [direction]; roomString += (directionRoom == null) ? string.Format("\t{0}: null\n", direction.ToString()) : string.Format("\t{0}: {1}\n", direction.ToString(), directionRoom.number); } return(roomString); }
protected void RptRoomTypeItemDataBound(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e) { RoomTypex rtype = e.Item.DataItem as RoomTypex; RoomClass father = (RoomClass)(((RepeaterItem)e.Item.Parent.Parent).DataItem); TextBox txtSingle = (e.Item.Parent.Parent).FindControl("txtSingle") as TextBox; if (rtype != null) { #region RoomType Id using (Label labelRoomTypeId = e.Item.FindControl("labelRoomTypeId") as Label) { if (labelRoomTypeId != null) { labelRoomTypeId.Text = rtype.Id.ToString(); } } #endregion TextBox textBoxPrice = (TextBox)e.Item.FindControl("textBoxPrice"); Label labelSailsPriceConfigId = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("labelSailsPriceConfigId"); //Kiểm tra xem có tồn tại room nào mà class và type là rtype và father ko? IList room = Module.RoomGetBy_ClassType(ActiveCruise, father, rtype); //Nếu có thì hiện giá if (room.Count > 0) { Domain.SailsPriceConfig priceConfig = Module.SailsPriceConfigGet(Table, rtype, father); //Module.SailsPriceConfigGetBy_RoomType_RoomClass_Trip(_trip,rtype,father,Option); //Nếu có giá thì hiện if (priceConfig != null) { labelSailsPriceConfigId.Text = priceConfig.Id.ToString(); textBoxPrice.Text = priceConfig.NetPrice.ToString("####"); if (txtSingle != null) { txtSingle.Text = priceConfig.SpecialPrice.ToString("#,0.#"); } } } //Nếu không tồn tại room thì để N/A else { textBoxPrice.Enabled = false; textBoxPrice.Text = "N/A"; } } }
private void Alarm_History(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (saveDevice.Children != null) { saveDevice.Children.Clear(); } HistoryAlarm alarm = RoomManagerBean.HistoryAlarm; RoomClass _Rclass = new RoomClass(); DataSet _HistoryAlarmSet = _Rclass.queryHistoryAlarmList();, _HistoryAlarmSet, BaseRequest.PAGE_SIZE); saveDevice.Children.Add(alarm); alarm.SetValue(Grid.RowProperty, 0); alarm.SetValue(Grid.ColumnProperty, 0); }
private void roomsTreeView() { RoomClass rc=new RoomClass(); MySqlDataReader reader=rc.queryRoomsName(); while(reader.Read()) { TreeViewItem item = new TreeViewItem(); //item.HeaderTemplate; item.Header=reader["ROOM_NAME"]; item.Uid = reader["ID"].ToString(); item.FontSize = 12; //item.Foreground = ; this.rooms.Items.Add(item); } }
private void SaveEdit_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ComboBoxItem type = (ComboBoxItem)this.type.SelectedItem; if (this.Ename.Text.Equals("")) { JXMessageBox.Show(this, "设备名称不准为空!", MsgImage.Error); return; } if (this.ip.Text.Equals("")) { JXMessageBox.Show(this, "读写器IP不能为空!", MsgImage.Error); return; } if (this.port.Text.Equals("")) { JXMessageBox.Show(this, "读写器端口不能为空!", MsgImage.Error); return; } if ("".Equals(type.Tag.ToString())) { JXMessageBox.Show(this, "非法操作!", MsgImage.Error); return; } if (this.sweepTime.Text.Equals("")) { JXMessageBox.Show(this, "读写器扫描时间不为空!", MsgImage.Error); return; } RoomClass rc = new RoomClass(); int state = rc.updateWriteAndReader(int.Parse(this.ID.Content.ToString()), this.Ename.Text, this.ip.Text, int.Parse(this.port.Text), int.Parse(type.Tag.ToString()), float.Parse(this.sweepTime.Text.ToString())); if (state == BaseRequest.SUCCESS) { Room roomBean = RoomManagerBean.Room; EquipmentClass ec = new EquipmentClass(); DataSet set = ec.getEquipmentInformationByRoom(int.Parse(roomBean.roomId.Text));, set, BaseRequest.PAGE_SIZE); JXMessageBox.Show(this, "编辑信息已保存.", MsgImage.Success); this.Close(); } else { JXMessageBox.Show(this, "保存失败!", MsgImage.Error); } }
protected void rptRoomClass_ItemDataBound(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e) { if (e.Item.DataItem is RoomClass) { RoomClass item = e.Item.DataItem as RoomClass; if (item != null) { Repeater rptRoomType = e.Item.FindControl("rptRoomType") as Repeater; if (rptRoomType != null) { rptRoomType.DataSource = Module.RoomTypexGetAll(); rptRoomType.DataBind(); } } } }
private void roomsTreeView() { RoomClass rc = new RoomClass(); MySqlDataReader reader = rc.queryRoomsName(); while (reader.Read()) { TreeViewItem item = new TreeViewItem(); //item.HeaderTemplate; item.Header = reader["ROOM_NAME"]; item.Uid = reader["ID"].ToString(); item.FontSize = 12; //item.Foreground = ; this.rooms.Items.Add(item); } }
/// <summary> /// Gets whether the room class is considered safe. Safe rooms aren't counted to score, do not deplete power-ups, allow firing, or contain hazards /// </summary> /// <param name="class"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool IsSafeRoom(this RoomClass @class) { switch (@class) { case RoomClass.Inaccessible: case RoomClass.Starting: case RoomClass.Respite: case RoomClass.Transition: case RoomClass.Shop: case RoomClass.Secret: return(true); default: return(false); } }
private NuimoLedMatrix MatrixForRoomClass(RoomClass roomClass) { switch (roomClass) { case RoomClass.LivingRoom: return(Icons.Couch); case RoomClass.Bedroom: return(Icons.Bed); case RoomClass.Hallway: return(Icons.Door); default: return(Icons.Home); } }
protected void buttonSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(textBoxName.Text)) { if (RoomClassId > 0) { _roomClass = Module.RoomClassGetById(RoomClassId); } else { _roomClass = new RoomClass(); _roomClass.Order = Module.RooomClassCount(); } _roomClass.Cruise = _cruise; _roomClass.Name = textBoxName.Text; _roomClass.Description = textBoxDescription.Text; if (ddlCruises.SelectedIndex > 0) { _roomClass.Cruise = Module.CruiseGetById(Convert.ToInt32(ddlCruises.SelectedValue)); } else { _roomClass.Cruise = null; } if (RoomClassId < 0) { Module.Save(_roomClass); RoomClassId = _roomClass.Id; } else { Module.Update(_roomClass); } GetDataSource(); } } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Error("Error when buttonSubmit_Click in RoomTypexEdit", ex); ShowError(ex.Message); } }
protected void rptRoomType_ItemDataBound(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e) { if (e.Item.DataItem is RoomTypex) { RoomTypex rtype = e.Item.DataItem as RoomTypex; RoomClass rclass = ((RepeaterItem)((e.Item.Parent).Parent)).DataItem as RoomClass; Label label_RoomClass = e.Item.FindControl("label_RoomClass") as Label; Label label_RoomType = e.Item.FindControl("label_RoomType") as Label; Label label_Avaliable = e.Item.FindControl("label_Avaliable") as Label; DropDownList ddlSelect = e.Item.FindControl("ddlSelect") as DropDownList; if (rclass != null && rtype != null && label_Avaliable != null && label_RoomClass != null && label_RoomType != null && ddlSelect != null) { label_RoomClass.Text = rclass.Name; label_RoomType.Text = rtype.Name; int roomCount = Module.RoomCount(rclass, rtype, null, _startDate, _trip.NumberOfDay); if (roomCount < 0) { e.Item.Visible = false; return; } if (roomCount == 0) { ddlSelect.Visible = false; } if (rtype.Id != SailsModule.TWIN) { label_Avaliable.Text = string.Format("{0} room(s)", roomCount); for (int i = 0; i <= roomCount; i++) { ddlSelect.Items.Add(new ListItem(string.Format("{0} room", i), i.ToString())); } } else { label_Avaliable.Text = string.Format("{0} room(s) ({1} person)", roomCount / 2, roomCount); for (int i = 0; i <= roomCount; i++) { ddlSelect.Items.Add(new ListItem(string.Format("{0} person", i), i.ToString())); } } } } }
public void GenerateRoom(RoomClass roomToGenerate, RoomClass.ExitClass requiredExit) { if (roomToGenerate == null) { roomToGenerate = CreateRoom(); } if (roomToGenerate.Generated) { return; } List <int> availableSegments = Enumerable.Range(0, 6).ToList(); List <int> availableExits = Enumerable.Range(0, 10).ToList(); if (requiredExit != null) { availableExits.Remove(requiredExit.Id); availableSegments.Remove(exitToSegment[requiredExit.Id]); } GenerateAltarSegment(availableSegments, availableExits, roomToGenerate); var numExits = Mathf.Min(Random.Range(1, 4), availableSymbols.Count); GenerateExits(requiredExit, numExits, availableSegments, availableExits, roomToGenerate); GenerateNoExits(availableSegments, roomToGenerate); roomToGenerate.Generated = true; foreach (var exit in roomToGenerate.Exits) { var newRoom = Rooms.Find(x => x.Id == exit.Target.RoomId); GenerateRoom(newRoom, new RoomClass.ExitClass() { Id = exit.Target.ExitId, Target = new RoomClass.ExitClass.TargetClass() { ExitId = exit.Id, RoomId = roomToGenerate.Id } }); } }
private RoomClass CreateRoom() { var newRoom = new RoomClass(); var newId = Random.Range(0, int.MaxValue); while (Rooms.Any(x => x.Id == newId)) { newId = Random.Range(0, int.MaxValue); } newRoom.Id = newId; newRoom.Symbol = availableSymbols[Random.Range(0, availableSymbols.Count)]; availableSymbols.Remove(newRoom.Symbol); Rooms.Add(newRoom); return(newRoom); }
// makes the doors leading to this room a certain type (incomplete: missing lock) void changeSurroundingDoors(int x, int y, RoomClass thisroom) { if (thisroom.adjacentNorth) { room[x, y + 1].frameSouth = thisroom.frameNorth; } if (thisroom.adjacentSouth) { room[x, y - 1].frameNorth = thisroom.frameSouth; } if(thisroom.adjacentEast) { room[x + 1, y].frameWest = thisroom.frameEast; } if (thisroom.adjacentWest) { room[x - 1, y].frameEast = thisroom.frameWest; } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { if (Instance != null) { Destroy(Instance.gameObject); } Instance = this; AdventureController.Instance.BindMe(this); Hero = Instantiate(AdventureController.Instance.Hero); AdventureController.Instance.Hero = Hero; DontDestroyOnLoad(Hero.gameObject); Room = AdventureController.Instance.Map.Compartments[AdventureController.Instance.PlayerCompartmentNumber] as RoomClass; BackgroundSprites = new System.Collections.Generic.List<GameObject>(); HeroGameObject = Hero.gameObject; BackgroundSprites.Add(CreateGameObjectBySprite(Room.Background)); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { Dices.Add(Instantiate(d8DicePrefab)); Dices[i].ResetPosition(); } if (Room.Type == FloodedTempleRoomType.Training) { isFighting = true; isExploring = false; Fight = new FightInfo(); Fight.Hero = Hero; Fight.Enemy = GameObject.Instantiate(Room.Enemy); StartCoroutine(WriteForTime(MainMessageText, "FIGHT!", 1f)); StartCoroutine(WriteForTime(MainMessageText, "FIGHT!", 1f)); } else { isFighting = false; isExploring = true; } }
private void Add_Type(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string type = this.typeName.Text; RoomClass rc = new RoomClass(); int state = rc.addType(type); if (state == BaseRequest.SUCCESS) { JXMessageBox.Show(this, "添加类别成功!",MsgImage.Success);, rc.queryType(), BaseRequest.PAGE_SIZE); this.Close(); } else if (state == BaseRequest.HAS) { JXMessageBox.Show(this, "已有该类别!", MsgImage.Error); } else { JXMessageBox.Show(this, "未知错误,请联系管理员!", MsgImage.Error); } }
private void Edit_DeviceClass(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { EditDeviceClass editDeviceClass =new EditDeviceClass(); // MessageBox.Show(add_Equ.Children.Contains(equipmentDetails).ToString()); RoomClass rc = new RoomClass(); var a = this.deviceData.SelectedItem; var b = a as DataRowView; int typeId = Convert.ToInt32(b.Row[0]); MySqlDataReader reader = rc.getTypeInfor(typeId); if (reader.Read()) { editDeviceClass.typeName.Text = reader["TYPE_NAME"].ToString(); editDeviceClass.createUser.Content = reader["CREATE_USER"]; editDeviceClass.createTime.Content = Convert.ToDateTime(reader["CREATE_TIME"]).ToString(BaseRequest.DATE_MS_FORMAT); = reader["ID"]; } editDeviceClass.Owner = Window.GetWindow(this); editDeviceClass.ShowDialog(); }
private void Edit_DeviceClass(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { EditDeviceClass editDeviceClass = new EditDeviceClass(); // MessageBox.Show(add_Equ.Children.Contains(equipmentDetails).ToString()); RoomClass rc = new RoomClass(); var a = this.deviceData.SelectedItem; var b = a as DataRowView; int typeId = Convert.ToInt32(b.Row[0]); MySqlDataReader reader = rc.getTypeInfor(typeId); if (reader.Read()) { editDeviceClass.typeName.Text = reader["TYPE_NAME"].ToString(); editDeviceClass.createUser.Content = reader["CREATE_USER"]; editDeviceClass.createTime.Content = Convert.ToDateTime(reader["CREATE_TIME"]).ToString(BaseRequest.DATE_MS_FORMAT); = reader["ID"]; } editDeviceClass.Owner = Window.GetWindow(this); editDeviceClass.ShowDialog(); }
//警报处理 private void Treatment_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var a = this.alarmGrid.SelectedItem; var b = a as DataRowView; int _Aid = Convert.ToInt32(b.Row[0]); RoomClass rc = new RoomClass(); MySqlDataReader reader = rc.getAlarmInformation(_Aid); TreatmentAlarm ta = new TreatmentAlarm(); if(reader.Read()) { ta.Aid.Text = reader["ALARM_ID"].ToString(); ta.number.Text = reader["NUMBER"].ToString(); ta.Etype.Text = reader["TYPE_NAME"].ToString(); ta.Atype.Text = reader["ALARM_TYPE_NAME"].ToString(); ta.Room.Text = reader["ROOM_NAME"].ToString(); ta.Time.Text = reader["ALARM_TIME"].ToString(); } ta.Owner = Window.GetWindow(this); ta.ShowDialog(); }
private void Add_Rooms(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { RoomBean bean = new RoomBean(); if (this.roomName.Text.Equals("")) { MessageBox.Show("请输入机房名!"); return; } RoomClass rc = new RoomClass(); bean.RoomName = this.roomName.Text; if (!this.belongs.Text.Equals("")) { bean.Belongs = this.belongs.Text; } if (!this.purpose.Text.Equals("")) { bean.Purpose = this.purpose.Text; } if (!this.floor.Text.Equals("")) { bean.Floor = this.floor.Text; } int state = rc.AddRoom(bean); if (state == BaseRequest.HAS) { MessageBox.Show("已存在该机房名!"); } else if (state == BaseRequest.SUCCESS) { MessageBox.Show("操作成功!"); this.addRooms.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;, rc.queryRoomsList(), BaseRequest.PAGE_SIZE); } else { MessageBox.Show("系统异常,请连管理员!"); } }
//编辑新添加设备 private void Edit_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { EditEquipments edit = new EditEquipments(); var a = this.comingGrild.SelectedItem; var b = a as DataRowView; int _Eid = Convert.ToInt32(b.Row[0]); EquipmentClass _Eclass = new EquipmentClass(); RoomClass room = new RoomClass(); MySqlDataReader reader = _Eclass.editNewEquipment(_Eid); ComboBox rooms = edit.roomBox; ComboBoxItem roomItem = new ComboBoxItem(); if (reader.Read()) { edit.ID.Content = reader["ID"]; edit.numberStr.Text = reader["NUMBER"].ToString(); edit.Ename.Text = reader["NAME"].ToString(); edit.Etype.Content = reader["TYPE_NAME"]; roomItem.Content = reader["ROOM_NAME"]; roomItem.Tag = reader["RID"]; roomItem.IsSelected = true; rooms.Items.Add(roomItem); edit.UserName.Content = reader["USER_NAME"]; edit.CreateTime.Content = Convert.ToDateTime(reader["STORAGE_TIME"]).ToString(BaseRequest.DATE_TIME_FORMAT); } MySqlDataReader roomReader = room.queryRoomsName(); while (roomReader.Read()) { if (!reader["RID"].ToString().Equals(roomReader["ID"].ToString())) { roomItem = new ComboBoxItem(); roomItem.Content = roomReader["ROOM_NAME"]; roomItem.Tag = roomReader["ID"]; rooms.Items.Add(roomItem); } } edit.Owner = Window.GetWindow(this); edit.ShowDialog(); }
private void Add_Type(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string type = this.typeName.Text; RoomClass rc = new RoomClass(); int state = rc.addType(type); if (state == BaseRequest.SUCCESS) { JXMessageBox.Show(this, "添加类别成功!", MsgImage.Success);, rc.queryType(), BaseRequest.PAGE_SIZE); this.Close(); } else if (state == BaseRequest.HAS) { JXMessageBox.Show(this, "已有该类别!", MsgImage.Error); } else { JXMessageBox.Show(this, "未知错误,请联系管理员!", MsgImage.Error); } }
//警报处理 private void Treatment_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var a = this.alarmGrid.SelectedItem; var b = a as DataRowView; int _Aid = Convert.ToInt32(b.Row[0]); RoomClass rc = new RoomClass(); MySqlDataReader reader = rc.getAlarmInformation(_Aid); TreatmentAlarm ta = new TreatmentAlarm(); if (reader.Read()) { ta.Aid.Text = reader["ALARM_ID"].ToString(); ta.number.Text = reader["NUMBER"].ToString(); ta.Etype.Text = reader["TYPE_NAME"].ToString(); ta.Atype.Text = reader["ALARM_TYPE_NAME"].ToString(); ta.Room.Text = reader["ROOM_NAME"].ToString(); ta.Time.Text = reader["ALARM_TIME"].ToString(); } ta.Owner = Window.GetWindow(this); ta.ShowDialog(); }
private void Edit_DeviceClass(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { int id = (int); string name = this.typeName.Text; if (name.Equals("")) { JXMessageBox.Show(this,"请输入类别名称!",MsgImage.Error); return; } RoomClass rc = new RoomClass(); int state = rc.saveEditType(id, name); if (state == BaseRequest.SUCCESS) { JXMessageBox.Show(this,"编辑设备类别信息成功!",MsgImage.Success);, rc.queryType(), BaseRequest.PAGE_SIZE); this.Close(); } else { JXMessageBox.Show(this, "未知错误,请联系管理员!", MsgImage.Error); } }
private void Sava_Edit(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (this.roomName.Text.Equals("")) { MessageBox.Show("请输入机房名称!"); return; } RoomBean bean = new RoomBean(); RoomClass rc=new RoomClass(); bean.RoomName = this.roomName.Text; bean.Floor = this.floor.Text; bean.Purpose = this.purpose.Text; bean.Belongs = this.belongs.Text; bean.Id = (int)this.roomId.Content; int state=rc.saveEditRoom(bean); if (state == BaseRequest.SUCCESS) { MessageBox.Show("操作成功!"); this.edit_room.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;, rc.queryRoomsList(), BaseRequest.PAGE_SIZE); } }
private void Details_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { RoomClass rc = new RoomClass(); var a = this.historyEquipment.SelectedItem; var b = a as DataRowView; int _Eid = Convert.ToInt32(b.Row[0]); MySqlDataReader reader=rc.queryHistoryEquipmentInformation(_Eid); HistoryEquipmentDetails _Details = new HistoryEquipmentDetails(); if (reader.Read()) { _Details.number.Text = reader["NUMBER"].ToString();["NAME"].ToString(); _Details.type.Text = reader["TYPE_NAME"].ToString(); = reader["ROOM_NAME"].ToString(); _Details.takeUser.Text = reader["TAKE_NAME"].ToString(); _Details.takeTime.Text = Convert.ToDateTime(reader["TAKE_TIME"]).ToString(BaseRequest.DATE_MS_FORMAT); _Details.userName.Text = reader["USER_NAME"].ToString(); _Details.time.Text = Convert.ToDateTime(reader["STORAGE_TIME"]).ToString(BaseRequest.DATE_MS_FORMAT); } _Details.Owner = Window.GetWindow(this); _Details.ShowDialog(); }
/// <summary> /// Create a group for a list of lights /// </summary> /// <param name="lights">List of lights in the group</param> /// <param name="name">Optional name</param> /// <param name="roomClass">for room creation the room class has to be passed, without class it will get the default: "Other" class.</param> /// <returns></returns> public async Task<string> CreateGroupAsync(IEnumerable<string> lights, string name = null, RoomClass? roomClass = null) { CheckInitialized(); if (lights == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(lights)); CreateGroupRequest jsonObj = new CreateGroupRequest(); jsonObj.Lights = lights; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) jsonObj.Name = name; if(roomClass.HasValue) { jsonObj.Class = roomClass.Value; jsonObj.Type = GroupType.Room; } string jsonString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jsonObj, new JsonSerializerSettings() { NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore }); HttpClient client = await GetHttpClient().ConfigureAwait(false); //Create group with the lights we want to target var response = await client.PostAsync(new Uri(String.Format("{0}groups", ApiBase)), new JsonContent(jsonString)).ConfigureAwait(false); var jsonResult = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); HueResults groupResult = DeserializeDefaultHueResult(jsonResult); if (groupResult.Count > 0 && groupResult[0].Success != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(groupResult[0].Success.Id)) { return groupResult[0].Success.Id.Replace("/groups/", string.Empty); } if (groupResult.HasErrors()) throw new Exception(groupResult.Errors.First().Error.Description); return null; }
private void Add_Rooms(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { RoomBean bean=new RoomBean(); if (this.roomName.Text.Equals("")) { MessageBox.Show("请输入机房名!"); return; } RoomClass rc = new RoomClass(); bean.RoomName = this.roomName.Text; if (!this.belongs.Text.Equals("")) bean.Belongs = this.belongs.Text; if (!this.purpose.Text.Equals("")) bean.Purpose = this.purpose.Text; if (!this.floor.Text.Equals("")) bean.Floor = this.floor.Text; int state=rc.AddRoom(bean); if (state == BaseRequest.HAS) MessageBox.Show("已存在该机房名!"); else if (state == BaseRequest.SUCCESS) { MessageBox.Show("操作成功!"); this.addRooms.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;, rc.queryRoomsList(), BaseRequest.PAGE_SIZE); } else MessageBox.Show("系统异常,请连管理员!"); }
//编辑设备信息 private void Edit_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { RoomClass rc=new RoomClass(); var a = this.roomEquipment.SelectedItem; var b = a as DataRowView; int _Eid = Convert.ToInt32(b.Row[0]); int _TypeId = Convert.ToInt32(b.Row[1]); MySqlDataReader reader; if (_TypeId == 4) { reader = rc.getWriteAndReaderInformation(_Eid); if (reader.Read()) { EditWriteAndReader ear = new EditWriteAndReader(); ear.ID.Content = reader["READER_WRITER_ID"]; ear.numberStr.Text =reader["NUMBER"].ToString(); ear.Ename.Text = reader["NAME"].ToString(); ear.Etype.Text = reader["TYPE_NAME"].ToString(); = reader["ROOM_NAME"].ToString(); ear.ip.Text = reader["IP"].ToString(); ear.port.Text = reader["PORT"].ToString(); ear.antenenSum.Text = reader["ANTENNA_SUM"].ToString(); if (int.Parse(reader["TYPE"].ToString()) == 0) { ear.type.SelectedIndex = 0; } else { ear.type.SelectedIndex = 1; } ear.sweepTime.Text = reader["SWEEP_TIME"].ToString(); ear.userName.Text = reader["USER_NAME"].ToString(); ear.createTime.Text = reader["CREATE_TIME"].ToString(); ear.Owner = Window.GetWindow(this); ear.ShowDialog(); } } else { reader = rc.getEquipmentInfo(_Eid); if (reader.Read()) { EditEquipment ed = new EditEquipment(); ed.ID.Content = reader["ID"]; ed.numberStr.Text = reader["NUMBER"].ToString(); ed.Ename.Text = reader["NAME"].ToString(); //ed.Etype.Text = reader["TYPE_NAME"].ToString(); int status = int.Parse(reader["WORK_STATUS"].ToString()); if (status == 1) { ed.status.Text = "入库中"; } else if (status == 0) { ed.status.Text = "正常使用"; } else if (status == 15) { ed.status.Text = "保修中"; } = reader["ROOM_NAME"].ToString(); if (int.Parse(reader["POWER_SOURCE"].ToString()) == 0) { ed.powerSource.Text = "开"; //ed.powerSource.Foreground = Brush.TransformProperty; } else { ed.powerSource.Text = "关"; } ed.userName.Text = reader["USER_NAME"].ToString(); ed.time.Text = reader["STORAGE_TIME"].ToString(); reader = rc.getTypeList(); ComboBox types = ed.Etype; ComboBoxItem TypeItems; while (reader.Read()) { if (int.Parse(reader["ID"].ToString()) != 4) { TypeItems = new ComboBoxItem(); TypeItems.Content = reader["TYPE_NAME"]; TypeItems.Tag = reader["ID"]; if (int.Parse(reader["ID"].ToString()) == _TypeId) TypeItems.IsSelected = true; types.Items.Add(TypeItems); } } ed.Owner = Window.GetWindow(this); ed.ShowDialog(); } } }
public void createRoom(int x, int y, RoomClass room) { x *= 60; y *= 36; thisDungeon = GameObject.Find("Dungeon"); if(thisDungeon == null) { createDungeon(); } // Create GameObject Holder GameObject thisRoom = (GameObject)Instantiate(RoomHolder, new Vector3(x, y, 0), Quaternion.identity); = "Room (" + x / 60 + ", " + y / 36 + ")"; thisRoom.transform.SetParent(thisDungeon.transform); NetworkServer.Spawn(thisRoom); // Create the floor GameObject thisFloor; if (room.floor == RoomClass.FloorType.normal) { thisFloor = (GameObject)Instantiate(floor[0], new Vector3(x,y,0),Quaternion.identity); } else if (room.floor == RoomClass.FloorType.first) { thisFloor = (GameObject)Instantiate(floor[1], new Vector3(x, y, 0), Quaternion.identity); } else if (room.floor == RoomClass.FloorType.boss) { thisFloor = (GameObject)Instantiate(floor[2], new Vector3(x, y, 0), Quaternion.identity); } else if (room.floor == RoomClass.FloorType.dark) { thisFloor = (GameObject)Instantiate(floor[3], new Vector3(x, y, 0), Quaternion.identity); } else if (room.floor == RoomClass.FloorType.secret) { thisFloor = (GameObject)Instantiate(floor[4], new Vector3(x, y, 0), Quaternion.identity); } else { thisFloor = (GameObject)Instantiate(floor[5], new Vector3(x, y, 0), Quaternion.identity); Debug.Log("floor Exception -> " + room.floor.ToString()); } showValues(room, thisFloor.GetComponent<Text>()); = room.floor.ToString(); thisFloor.transform.SetParent(thisRoom.transform); NetworkServer.Spawn(thisFloor); if (room.status == RoomClass.Status.empty || room.status == RoomClass.Status.blocked) return; // Create the walls, the doors and the frames GameObject thisNorthWall, thisNorthBorder; GameObject thisSouthWall, thisSouthBorder; GameObject thisEastWall, thisEastBorder; GameObject thisWestWall, thisWestBorder; // North if (room.adjacentNorth) { thisNorthWall = (GameObject)Instantiate(wallHorizontalWithDoor, new Vector3(x, y + 16, 0), Quaternion.identity); if (room.frameNorth == RoomClass.DoorFrame.wood) { thisNorthBorder = (GameObject)Instantiate(doorFrame[0], new Vector3(x, y + 16, 0), Quaternion.identity); } else if (room.frameNorth == RoomClass.DoorFrame.bones) { thisNorthBorder = (GameObject)Instantiate(doorFrame[1], new Vector3(x, y + 16, 0), Quaternion.identity); } else if (room.frameNorth == { thisNorthBorder = (GameObject)Instantiate(doorFrame[2], new Vector3(x, y + 16, 0), Quaternion.identity); } else if (room.frameNorth == RoomClass.DoorFrame.none) { thisNorthBorder = (GameObject)Instantiate(doorFrame[3], new Vector3(x, y + 16, 0), Quaternion.identity); } else if (room.frameNorth == RoomClass.DoorFrame.spikes) { thisNorthBorder = (GameObject)Instantiate(doorFrame[4], new Vector3(x, y + 16, 0), Quaternion.identity); } else { thisNorthBorder = (GameObject)Instantiate(doorFrame[5], new Vector3(x, y + 16, 0), Quaternion.identity); Debug.Log("northBorder Exception -> " + room.frameNorth.ToString()); } thisNorthBorder.transform.SetParent(thisRoom.transform); NetworkServer.Spawn(thisNorthBorder); } else { thisNorthWall = (GameObject)Instantiate(wallHorizontal, new Vector3(x, y + 16, 0), Quaternion.identity); } // South if (room.adjacentSouth) { thisSouthWall = (GameObject)Instantiate(wallHorizontalWithDoor, new Vector3(x, y - 16, 0), Quaternion.identity); if (room.frameSouth == RoomClass.DoorFrame.wood) { thisSouthBorder = (GameObject)Instantiate(doorFrame[0], new Vector3(x, y - 16, 0), Quaternion.identity); } else if (room.frameSouth == RoomClass.DoorFrame.bones) { thisSouthBorder = (GameObject)Instantiate(doorFrame[1], new Vector3(x, y - 16, 0), Quaternion.identity); } else if (room.frameSouth == { thisSouthBorder = (GameObject)Instantiate(doorFrame[2], new Vector3(x, y - 16, 0), Quaternion.identity); } else if (room.frameSouth == RoomClass.DoorFrame.none) { thisSouthBorder = (GameObject)Instantiate(doorFrame[3], new Vector3(x, y - 16, 0), Quaternion.identity); } else if (room.frameSouth == RoomClass.DoorFrame.spikes) { thisSouthBorder = (GameObject)Instantiate(doorFrame[4], new Vector3(x, y - 16, 0), Quaternion.identity); } else { thisSouthBorder = (GameObject)Instantiate(doorFrame[5], new Vector3(x, y - 16, 0), Quaternion.identity); Debug.Log("southBorder Exception -> " + room.frameSouth.ToString()); } thisSouthBorder.transform.SetParent(thisRoom.transform); NetworkServer.Spawn(thisSouthBorder); } else { thisSouthWall = (GameObject)Instantiate(wallHorizontal, new Vector3(x, y - 16, 0), Quaternion.identity); } // East if (room.adjacentEast) { thisEastWall = (GameObject)Instantiate(wallVerticalWithDoor, new Vector3(x + 28, y, 0), Quaternion.identity); if (room.frameEast == RoomClass.DoorFrame.wood) { thisEastBorder = (GameObject)Instantiate(doorFrame[0], new Vector3(x + 28, y, 0), Quaternion.identity); } else if (room.frameEast == RoomClass.DoorFrame.bones) { thisEastBorder = (GameObject)Instantiate(doorFrame[1], new Vector3(x + 28, y, 0), Quaternion.identity); } else if (room.frameEast == { thisEastBorder = (GameObject)Instantiate(doorFrame[2], new Vector3(x + 28, y, 0), Quaternion.identity); } else if (room.frameEast == RoomClass.DoorFrame.none) { thisEastBorder = (GameObject)Instantiate(doorFrame[3], new Vector3(x + 28, y, 0), Quaternion.identity); } else if (room.frameEast == RoomClass.DoorFrame.spikes) { thisEastBorder = (GameObject)Instantiate(doorFrame[4], new Vector3(x + 28, y, 0), Quaternion.identity); } else { thisEastBorder = (GameObject)Instantiate(doorFrame[5], new Vector3(x + 28, y, 0), Quaternion.identity); Debug.Log("southBorder Exception -> " + room.frameEast.ToString()); } thisEastBorder.transform.SetParent(thisRoom.transform); NetworkServer.Spawn(thisEastBorder); } else { thisEastWall = (GameObject)Instantiate(wallVertical, new Vector3(x + 28, y, 0), Quaternion.identity); } // West if (room.adjacentWest) { thisWestWall = (GameObject)Instantiate(wallVerticalWithDoor, new Vector3(x - 28, y, 0), Quaternion.identity); if (room.frameWest == RoomClass.DoorFrame.wood) { thisWestBorder = (GameObject)Instantiate(doorFrame[0], new Vector3(x - 28, y, 0), Quaternion.identity); } else if (room.frameWest == RoomClass.DoorFrame.bones) { thisWestBorder = (GameObject)Instantiate(doorFrame[1], new Vector3(x - 28, y, 0), Quaternion.identity); } else if (room.frameWest == { thisWestBorder = (GameObject)Instantiate(doorFrame[2], new Vector3(x - 28, y, 0), Quaternion.identity); } else if (room.frameWest == RoomClass.DoorFrame.none) { thisWestBorder = (GameObject)Instantiate(doorFrame[3], new Vector3(x - 28, y, 0), Quaternion.identity); } else if (room.frameWest == RoomClass.DoorFrame.spikes) { thisWestBorder = (GameObject)Instantiate(doorFrame[4], new Vector3(x - 28, y, 0), Quaternion.identity); } else { thisWestBorder = (GameObject)Instantiate(doorFrame[5], new Vector3(x - 28, y, 0), Quaternion.identity); Debug.Log("southBorder Exception -> " + room.frameWest.ToString()); } thisWestBorder.transform.SetParent(thisRoom.transform); NetworkServer.Spawn(thisWestBorder); } else { thisWestWall = (GameObject)Instantiate(wallVertical, new Vector3(x - 28, y, 0), Quaternion.identity); } // Place them inside the Holder // walls thisNorthWall.transform.SetParent(thisRoom.transform); thisSouthWall.transform.SetParent(thisRoom.transform); thisEastWall.transform.SetParent(thisRoom.transform); thisWestWall.transform.SetParent(thisRoom.transform); // doors // frames //NetworkServer.Spawn(thisNorthWall); //NetworkServer.Spawn(thisSouthWall); //NetworkServer.Spawn(thisEastWall); //NetworkServer.Spawn(thisWestWall); }
void showValues(RoomClass room, Text theText) { theText.text = "status: " + room.status.ToString() + '\n' + "type: " + room.type.ToString() + '\n' + "floor: " + room.floor.ToString() + '\n' + "Numbre of adj rooms: " + room.adjacentRooms().ToString() + '\n' + '\n' + "lockNorth: " + room.lockNorth.ToString() + '\n' + "lockSouth: " + room.lockSouth.ToString() + '\n' + "lockEast: " + room.lockEast.ToString() + '\n' + "lockWest: " + room.lockWest.ToString() + '\n' + '\n' + "frameNorth: " + room.frameNorth.ToString() + '\n' + "frameSouth: " + room.frameSouth.ToString() + '\n' + "frameEast: " + room.frameEast.ToString() + '\n' + "frameWest: " + room.frameWest.ToString() + '\n' + '\n' + "adjacentNorth: " + room.adjacentNorth.ToString() + '\n' + "adjacentSouth: " + room.adjacentSouth.ToString() + '\n' + "adjacentEast: " + room.adjacentEast.ToString() + '\n' + "adjacentWest: " + room.adjacentWest.ToString() + '\n'; }
private void Equipment_Details(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { RoomClass rc = new RoomClass(); var a =; var b = a as DataRowView; int _Eid = Convert.ToInt32(b.Row[0]); int _TypeId = Convert.ToInt32(b.Row[1]); MySqlDataReader reader; if (_TypeId == 4)//如果设备类型等于4,则为读写器 { reader = rc.getWriteAndReaderInformation(_Eid); if (reader.Read()) { WriteAndReaderInfo war = new WriteAndReaderInfo(); war.number.Text =reader["NUMBER"].ToString(); war.Ename.Text = reader["NAME"].ToString(); war.Etype.Text = reader["TYPE_NAME"].ToString(); = reader["ROOM_NAME"].ToString(); war.ip.Text = reader["IP"].ToString(); war.port.Text = reader["PORT"].ToString(); war.antenenSum.Text = reader["ANTENNA_SUM"].ToString(); if (int.Parse(reader["TYPE"].ToString()) == 0) { war.type.Text = "门禁读写器"; } else { war.type.Text = "室内读写器"; } war.sweepTime.Text = reader["SWEEP_TIME"].ToString() + " 秒"; war.userName.Text = reader["USER_NAME"].ToString(); war.createTime.Text = reader["CREATE_TIME"].ToString(); war.Owner = Window.GetWindow(this); war.ShowDialog(); } } else { reader = rc.getEquipmentInfo(_Eid); if (reader.Read()) { EquipmentsDetails ed = new EquipmentsDetails(); ed.number.Text = reader["NUMBER"].ToString(); ed.Ename.Text = reader["NAME"].ToString(); ed.Etype.Text = reader["TYPE_NAME"].ToString(); int status = int.Parse(reader["WORK_STATUS"].ToString()); if (status == 1) { ed.status.Text = "入库中"; } else if (status == 0) { ed.status.Text = "正常使用"; } else if (status == 15) { ed.status.Text = "保修中"; } = reader["ROOM_NAME"].ToString(); if (int.Parse(reader["POWER_SOURCE"].ToString()) == 0) { ed.powerSource.Text = "开"; //ed.powerSource.Foreground = Brush.TransformProperty; } else { ed.powerSource.Text = "关"; } ed.userName.Text = reader["USER_NAME"].ToString(); ed.time.Text = reader["STORAGE_TIME"].ToString(); ed.Owner = Window.GetWindow(this); ed.ShowDialog(); } } }
private Sprite SetRoomFurniture(RoomClass room) { if (room.Type == FloodedTempleRoomType.Shop) { return FT_Furniture.GetRandomShopFurniture(); } else if (room.Type == FloodedTempleRoomType.Rest) { return FT_Furniture.GetRandomRestFurniture(); } else if (room.Type == FloodedTempleRoomType.Training) { return FT_Furniture.GetRandomTrainingFurniture(); } return null; }
void setupRoomsArray() { room = new RoomClass[max_x, max_y]; for (int i = 0; i< max_x; i++) { for(int j = 0; j < max_y; j++) { room[i,j] = new RoomClass(); room[i, j].status = RoomClass.Status.empty; if (i == 0 || i == max_x - 1 || j == 0 || j == max_y - 1) { room[i, j].status = RoomClass.Status.blocked; room[i, j].adjacentEast = true; room[i, j].adjacentNorth = true; } } } }
public void GenerateMap() { Map = new DungeonMap(); int roomCount = Random.Range(Constants.FT_RoomCountMax, Constants.FT_RoomCountMin); for(int i=0; i < roomCount; i++) { RoomClass room = new RoomClass(); room.Background = RoomSprites[Random.Range(0, RoomSprites.Length - 1)]; room.Type = RoomTypes[Random.Range(0, RoomTypes.Length - 1)]; room.Furniture = SetRoomFurniture(room); if (room.Type == FloodedTempleRoomType.Shop) { for(int j=0; j < Constants.FT_ItemsPerShop; j++) { room.ActiveItems.Add(ItemCollection.GetRandomItem()); } } else if (room.Type == FloodedTempleRoomType.Rest) { room.ActiveItems.Add(new FakeAltar()); } else if (room.Type == FloodedTempleRoomType.Training) { room.Enemy = FT_EnemyCollection.GetRandomEnemy(); } Map.Compartments.Add(room); if (i < roomCount - 1) { PassageClass passage = new PassageClass(); passage.Tiles = new PassageTile[Random.Range(Constants.FT_PassageTileLengthMin, Constants.FT_PassageTileLengthMax)]; AbActiveItem[] activeItems = new AbActiveItem[passage.Tiles.Length * 4]; //#todo generate doors activeItems[1] = new FakeAltar(); //activeItems[1].Action = previous; activeItems[activeItems.Length-2] = new FakeAltar(); //activeItems[activeItems.Length-2].Action = next; for (int j = 3; j < activeItems.Length-2; j++) { if (Random.Range(1, 100) <= Constants.FT_AltarChance) { activeItems[j] = FT_AltarCollection.GetRandomAltar(); j += Constants.FT_SameEventsMinDistance - 1; } } AbEnemy[] enemies = new AbEnemy[passage.Tiles.Length * 4]; for (int j = 2; j < enemies.Length; j++) { if (Random.Range(1, 100) <= Constants.FT_AltarChance) { if (activeItems[j]!=null) { enemies[j-1] = FT_EnemyCollection.GetRandomEnemy(); } else { enemies[j] = FT_EnemyCollection.GetRandomEnemy(); } j += Constants.FT_SameEventsMinDistance - 1; } } for (int j = 0; j < passage.Tiles.Length; j++) { PassageTile passageTile = new PassageTile(); passageTile.Background = PassageSprites[Random.Range(0, PassageSprites.Length - 1)]; for(int k = 0; k < Constants.FT_EventSlotsPerPassageTile; k++) { passageTile.ActiveItems[k] = activeItems[j * 4 + k]; } for (int k = 0; k < Constants.FT_EventSlotsPerPassageTile; k++) { passageTile.Enemies[k] = enemies[j * 4 + k]; } passage.Tiles[j] = passageTile; } Map.Compartments.Add(passage); } } }
private void Search_Equipment(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { //int type=int.Parse(this.type.SelectedValue.ToString()); ComboBoxItem item = (ComboBoxItem)this.type.SelectedItem; EquipmentBean bean = new EquipmentBean(); if (!item.Tag.ToString().Equals("")) { bean.Type = (int)item.Tag; } bean.Number = this.number.Text; RoomClass rc = new RoomClass(); DataSet equipmentSet = rc.queryEquipmentList(bean); //MessageBox.Show("===" + equipmentSet.Tables[0].Rows.Count); //if (equipmentSet.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) //{ // JXMessageBox.Show(Window.GetWindow(this), "搜索记录为空!", MsgImage.Exclamation); //}, equipmentSet, BaseRequest.PAGE_SIZE); }
private void Alarm_History(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (saveDevice.Children != null) saveDevice.Children.Clear(); HistoryAlarm alarm = RoomManagerBean.HistoryAlarm; RoomClass _Rclass = new RoomClass(); DataSet _HistoryAlarmSet = _Rclass.queryHistoryAlarmList();, _HistoryAlarmSet, BaseRequest.PAGE_SIZE); saveDevice.Children.Add(alarm); alarm.SetValue(Grid.RowProperty, 0); alarm.SetValue(Grid.ColumnProperty, 0); }
//录入设备 private void Add_NewEquipment(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { AddEquipment add = new AddEquipment(); ; EquipmentClass equip = new EquipmentClass(); RoomClass room = new RoomClass(); MySqlDataReader roomReader = room.queryRoomsName(); MySqlDataReader typeReader = room.getTypeList(); MySqlDataReader reader = equip.getMaxId(); if (reader.Read()) { // ReaderAndWriterConnection EpcNumber = new ReaderAndWriterConnection(); int i = 1; if (reader["ID"].ToString().Equals("") || reader["ID"] == null) { add.ID.Content = i; add.numberStr.Text = ReaderAndWriterConnection.getEPCCode(i); } else { add.ID.Content = reader["ID"]; add.numberStr.Text = ReaderAndWriterConnection.getEPCCode(int.Parse(reader["ID"].ToString())); } } ComboBox rooms = add.roomBox; ComboBoxItem check = new ComboBoxItem(); check.Content = "请选择..."; check.Tag = ""; check.IsSelected = true; rooms.Items.Add(check); while (roomReader.Read()) { check = new ComboBoxItem(); check.Content = roomReader["ROOM_NAME"]; check.Tag = roomReader["ID"]; rooms.Items.Add(check); } ComboBox types = add.typeBox; ComboBoxItem checkType = new ComboBoxItem(); checkType.Content = "请选择..."; checkType.Tag = ""; checkType.IsSelected = true; types.Items.Add(checkType); while (typeReader.Read()) { if (int.Parse(typeReader["ID"].ToString()) == 4) { continue; } else { ComboBoxItem TypeItems = new ComboBoxItem(); TypeItems.Content = typeReader["TYPE_NAME"]; TypeItems.Tag = typeReader["ID"]; types.Items.Add(TypeItems); } } add.Owner = Window.GetWindow(this); add.ShowDialog(); }
public void GenerateMap() { Map = new DungeonMap(); int roomCount = Random.Range(Constants.FT_RoomCountMax, Constants.FT_RoomCountMin); bool isRestExists = false; bool isTrainingExists = false; bool isShopExists = false; for (int i=0; i < roomCount; i++) { RoomClass room = new RoomClass(); if (Map.Compartments.Count == 0) { room.Type = FloodedTempleRoomTypes.Start; room.Background = StartRoomSprite; room.Furniture = SetRoomFurniture(room); Map.Compartments.Add(room); } else if (Map.Compartments.Count == (roomCount - 1) * 2) { room.Type = FloodedTempleRoomTypes.Final; room.Background = FinalRoomSprite; room.Furniture = SetRoomFurniture(room); room.ActiveItems.Add(FT_AltarCollection.TheRivenMaskAltar); room.Enemy = FT_EnemyCollection.DDTheRock; Map.Compartments.Add(room); } else { do { room.Type = MinorRoomTypes[Random.Range(0, MinorRoomTypes.Length)]; } while (!(room.Type == FloodedTempleRoomTypes.Training && !isTrainingExists || room.Type == FloodedTempleRoomTypes.Shop && !isShopExists || room.Type == FloodedTempleRoomTypes.Rest && !isRestExists || isTrainingExists && isShopExists && isRestExists)); if (room.Type == FloodedTempleRoomTypes.Training) { isTrainingExists = true; } else if(room.Type == FloodedTempleRoomTypes.Shop) { isShopExists = true; } else if (room.Type == FloodedTempleRoomTypes.Rest) { isRestExists = true; } room.Background = MinorRoomSprites[(int)room.Type-1]; room.Furniture = SetRoomFurniture(room); if (room.Type == FloodedTempleRoomTypes.Shop) { for (int j = 0; j < Random.Range(1, Constants.FT_ItemsPerShop); j++) { room.ActiveItems.Add(ItemCollection.GetRandomItem()); } } else if (room.Type == FloodedTempleRoomTypes.Rest) { room.ActiveItems.Add(FT_AltarCollection.RestRoomAltar); } else if (room.Type == FloodedTempleRoomTypes.Training) { room.Enemy = FT_EnemyCollection.GetRandomMinorBoss(); } Map.Compartments.Add(room); } if (i < roomCount - 1) { PassageClass passage = new PassageClass(); passage.Tiles = new PassageTile[Random.Range(Constants.FT_PassageMinTileLength, Constants.FT_PassageMaxTileLength+1)]; AbActiveItem[] activeItems = new AbActiveItem[passage.Tiles.Length * 4]; for (int j = 3; j < activeItems.Length-2; j++) { if ((j%Constants.FT_EventSlotsPerPassageTile==2 || j % Constants.FT_EventSlotsPerPassageTile == 3) && Random.Range(1, 100) <= Constants.FT_AltarChance) { activeItems[j] = FT_AltarCollection.GetRandomAltar(); j += Constants.FT_SameEventsMinDistance - 1; } } AbEnemy[] enemies = new AbEnemy[passage.Tiles.Length * 4]; if (i == 0) { enemies[2] = FT_EnemyCollection.TutorialTurtle; } for (int j = 2; j < enemies.Length; j++) { if (i == 0) { j += Constants.FT_SameEventsMinDistance - 1; } else { if (j % Constants.FT_EventSlotsPerPassageTile != 0 && Random.Range(1, 100) <= Constants.FT_EnemyChance) { if (activeItems[j] != null) { enemies[j - 1] = FT_EnemyCollection.GetRandomTrashEnemy(); } else { enemies[j] = FT_EnemyCollection.GetRandomTrashEnemy(); } j += Constants.FT_SameEventsMinDistance - 1; } } } for (int j = 0; j < passage.Tiles.Length; j++) { PassageTile passageTile = new PassageTile(); passageTile.Background = PassageSprites[Random.Range(0, PassageSprites.Length)]; for(int k = 0; k < Constants.FT_EventSlotsPerPassageTile; k++) { passageTile.ActiveItems[k] = activeItems[j * 4 + k]; } for (int k = 0; k < Constants.FT_EventSlotsPerPassageTile; k++) { passageTile.Enemies[k] = enemies[j * 4 + k]; } passage.Tiles[j] = passageTile; } Map.Compartments.Add(passage); } } }
//设备管理功能选择 private void Choice(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { TreeViewItem assets = ((sender as TreeView).SelectedItem as TreeViewItem); //MessageBox.Show(assets.Uid.ToString()); string assetsName = assets.Uid.ToString(); if (assetsName == null || "".Equals(assetsName)) { roomGrid.Children.Clear(); } if (roomGrid.Children != null) roomGrid.Children.Clear(); // ================================================================================== if (assetsName.Equals("Elist")) { EquipmentList equipment = RoomManagerBean.EquipmentList; RoomClass rc = new RoomClass(); EquipmentBean bean = new EquipmentBean(); DataSet equipmentSet = rc.queryEquipmentList(bean); DataSet typeSet = rc.queryType(); ComboBox box = RoomManagerBean.EquipmentList.type; if (box.HasItems) box.Items.Clear(); ComboBoxItem boxItem = new ComboBoxItem(); boxItem.Content = "请选择..."; boxItem.Tag = ""; boxItem.IsSelected = true; box.Items.Add(boxItem); //RoomManagerBean.DeviceClass.selectType.SelectedValuePath = ""; if (typeSet.Tables.Count > 0) { DataRowCollection drc = typeSet.Tables[0].Rows; for (int i = 0; i < drc.Count; i++) { DataRow dr = drc[i]; int typeId = (int)dr["ID"]; string typeName = dr["TYPE_NAME"].ToString(); ComboBoxItem boxItems = new ComboBoxItem(); boxItems.Content = typeName; boxItems.Tag = typeId; box.Items.Add(boxItems); //MessageBox.Show("typeId=" + typeId + " typeName=" + boxItems.Tag); } //MessageBox.Show("===" + equipmentSet.Tables.Count);, equipmentSet, BaseRequest.PAGE_SIZE); roomGrid.Children.Add(equipment); equipment.SetValue(Grid.RowProperty, 0); equipment.SetValue(Grid.ColumnProperty, 0); } } else if (assetsName.Equals("Report")) { Statement statement = RoomManagerBean.Statement; roomGrid.Children.Add(statement); statement.SetValue(Grid.RowProperty, 0); statement.SetValue(Grid.ColumnProperty, 0); } else if (assetsName.Equals("Inventory")) { RoomClass rc = new RoomClass(); DataSet stockSet = rc.queryInventory();, stockSet, BaseRequest.PAGE_SIZE); DeviceList deviceList = RoomManagerBean.DeviceList; roomGrid.Children.Add(deviceList); deviceList.SetValue(Grid.RowProperty, 0); deviceList.SetValue(Grid.ColumnProperty, 0); } else if (assetsName.Equals("Category")) { DeviceClass deviceClass = RoomManagerBean.DeviceClass; RoomClass room = new RoomClass(); QueryUser query = new QueryUser(); //query.Account = UserManagerBean.AddUser.queryAccount.Text; //query.UserName = UserManagerBean.AddUser.queryName.Text; DataSet set = room.queryType();, set, BaseRequest.PAGE_SIZE); roomGrid.Children.Add(deviceClass); deviceClass.SetValue(Grid.RowProperty, 0); deviceClass.SetValue(Grid.ColumnProperty, 0); } else if (assetsName.Equals("HistoryEquipment")) { HistoryEquipment he = RoomManagerBean.HistoryEquipment; RoomClass rc = new RoomClass(); DataSet set = rc.queryHistoryEquipment();, set, BaseRequest.PAGE_SIZE); roomGrid.Children.Add(he); he.SetValue(Grid.RowProperty, 0); he.SetValue(Grid.ColumnProperty, 0); } }
private void Report_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (this.pathText.Text.Equals("")) { JXMessageBox.Show(this, "文件名与保存路径不能为空!", MsgImage.Error); return; } bool b=false; FileBean bean = new FileBean(); if (this.reportWord.IsChecked == true) { bean.FontSize = int.Parse(this.wordfont.Text); bean.Color = this.wordColor.Background; bean.Width = int.Parse(this.wordWidth.Text); bean.Height = int.Parse(this.wordHeight.Text); } else if (this.reportExcel.IsChecked == true) { //bean.FontSize = int.Parse(this.excelFont.Text); //bean.Color = this.ExcelColor.Background; //bean.Width = int.Parse(this.excelWidth.Text); //bean.Height = int.Parse(this.excelHeight.Text); string path=@""+this.pathText.Text; RoomClass rc = new RoomClass(); DataSet dataSet = rc.queryHistoryAlarmList(); b=ExportFile.DataSetToExcel(path); } else if (this.reportPdf.IsChecked == true) { //bean.FontSize = int.Parse(this.pdfFont.Text); float fontSize = float.Parse(this.pdfFont.Text); //bean.Color = this.pdfColor.Background; Brush color = this.pdfColor.Background; //bean.Width = int.Parse(this.pdfWidh.Text); //bean.Height = int.Parse(this.pdfheight.Text); string title = "历史报警表"; string path = @"" + this.pathText.Text; // RoomClass rc = new RoomClass(); DataSet dataSet = MySqlHelper.GetDataSet(MySqlHelper.Conn, CommandType.Text, ExportFileSql.sql); b= ExportFile.ConvertDataTableToPDF(dataSet.Tables[0], path, title,color, fontSize, null); } else if (this.reportHtml.IsChecked == true) { //bean.FontSize = int.Parse(this.htmlFont.Text); // bean.Color = this.htmlColor.Background; // bean.Width = int.Parse(this.htmlWidth.Text); //string fontColor = this.htmlColor.Background.ToString(); //System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(fontColor); string path = @"" + this.pathText.Text; //bean.Height = int.Parse(this.htmlHeight.Text); //RoomClass rc = new RoomClass(); DataSet dataSet = MySqlHelper.GetDataSet(MySqlHelper.Conn, CommandType.Text, ExportFileSql.sql); string title = "历史报警数据"; b = ExportFile.MakeHtml(path, dataSet, title, this.htmlColor.Background, int.Parse(this.htmlFont.Text)); } if (b == true) { JXMessageBox.Show(this, "文件成功导出!", MsgImage.Success); } else { JXMessageBox.Show(this, "文件导出失败!", MsgImage.Error); } }
private void Add_ReaderAndWrite(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { AddReaderWrider rw = new AddReaderWrider(); EquipmentClass ec = new EquipmentClass(); RoomClass rc = new RoomClass(); MySqlDataReader roomReader = rc.queryRoomsName(); ComboBox rooms = rw.roomBox; ComboBoxItem roomItem = new ComboBoxItem(); roomItem.Content = "请选择..."; roomItem.Tag = ""; roomItem.IsSelected = true; rooms.Items.Add(roomItem); while (roomReader.Read()) { roomItem = new ComboBoxItem(); roomItem.Content = roomReader["ROOM_NAME"]; roomItem.Tag = roomReader["ID"]; rooms.Items.Add(roomItem); } MySqlDataReader reader = ec.getWriderMaxId(); if (reader.Read()) { if ("".Equals(reader["ID"].ToString()) || reader["ID"] == null) { int _Ecode = 100000; rw.number.Text = "100000"; rw.numberStr.Text = ReaderAndWriterConnection.getEPCCode(_Ecode); } else { rw.number.Text = reader["ID"].ToString(); rw.numberStr.Text = ReaderAndWriterConnection.getEPCCode(int.Parse(reader["ID"].ToString())); } } rw.Owner = Window.GetWindow(this); rw.ShowDialog(); }