public static async Task <RomanizedSong> RomanizeSong(Song song, bool useHtml) { //TODO: Add furigana/okurigana support across app Task <string> awaitLyrics = GetTransliteration(song.Lyrics, useHtml); Task <string> awaitTitle = song.Title.StripJapanese(); Task <string> awaitArtist = song.Artist.StripJapanese(); Task <string> awaitFeat = song.FeaturedArtist.StripJapanese(); Task <string> awaitAlbum = song.Album.StripJapanese(); await Task.WhenAll(awaitLyrics, awaitTitle, awaitArtist, awaitFeat, awaitAlbum); RomanizedSong romanized = new RomanizedSong { Title = await awaitTitle, Artist = await awaitArtist, Album = await awaitAlbum, Lyrics = await awaitLyrics, Id = song.Id }; // Log(Type.Event, "Romanized song with ID " + song.Id); // Analytics.TrackEvent("Romanized song info", new Dictionary<string, string> { // { "SongID", song.Id.ToString() } // }); return(romanized); }
public static async Task <RomanizedSong> GetRomanizedSongFromTable(int id) { Logging.Log(Logging.Type.Processing, $"Attempting to find romanized song with ID {id} on table..."); DataRow[] _; try { _ = rdb.Select("id = " + id); if (_.Length != 0) { DataRow dr = _[0]; RomanizedSong song = DataRowToRomanizedSong(dr); return(song); } else { Logging.Log(Logging.Type.Processing, "Did not find song, returning null..."); return(null); } } catch (EvaluateException) { //TODO: Add error hadnling return(null); } }
public static async Task <List <SongBundle> > GetSongList() { if (File.Exists(DbPath)) { InitializeTables(); db = await ReadDatabaseFile(DbPath); rdb = await ReadRomanizedDatabaseFile(RomanizedDbPath); List <SongBundle> songs = new List <SongBundle>(); foreach (DataRow dr in db.Rows) { Song song = DataRowToSong(dr); RomanizedSong rSong = null; if (song.Romanized) { rSong = await GetRomanizedSongFromTable(song.Id); } songs.Add(new SongBundle(song, rSong)); } return(songs); } else { return(null); } }
internal static RomanizedSong DataRowToRomanizedSong(DataRow dr) { RomanizedSong song = new RomanizedSong { Id = (int)dr["id"], Title = (string)dr["title"], Artist = (string)dr["artist"], Album = (string)dr["album"], FeaturedArtist = (string)dr["featuredArtist"] }; return(song); }
public static async Task <SongBundle> GetSongFromTable(int id) { InitializeTables(); db = await ReadDatabaseFile(DbPath); rdb = await ReadRomanizedDatabaseFile(RomanizedDbPath); //Genius does not have a song with ID 0, if we recieve a request with //ID 0, immediately return null if (id == 0) { return(null); } else { Logging.Log(Logging.Type.Info, $"Attempting to find song with ID {id} on table..."); DataRow[] _; try { _ = db.Select("id = " + id); if (_.Length != 0) { DataRow dr = _[0]; Song song = DataRowToSong(dr); RomanizedSong romanized = null; if (song.Romanized) { romanized = await GetRomanizedSongFromTable(id); } return(new SongBundle(song, romanized)); } else { Logging.Log(Logging.Type.Info, "Did not find song, returning null..."); return(null); } } catch (EvaluateException) { //TODO: Add error hadnling return(null); } } }
public static async Task <List <SongBundle> > GetSearchResults(string query) { string results = await HttpRequests.GetRequest(GeniusSearchUrl + Uri.EscapeUriString(query), GeniusAuthHeader); JObject parsed = JObject.Parse(results); IList <JToken> parsedList = parsed["response"]?["hits"]?.Children().ToList(); List <SongBundle> resultsList = new List <SongBundle>(); if (parsedList != null && parsedList.Count != 0) { foreach (JToken result in parsedList) { Song song = new Song { Id = (int)result["result"]?["id"], Title = (string)result["result"]?["title"], Artist = (string)result["result"]?["primary_artist"]?["name"], Cover = (string)result["result"]?["song_art_image_thumbnail_url"], Header = (string)result["result"]?["header_image_url"], ApiPath = (string)result["result"]?["api_path"], Path = (string)result["result"]?["path"] }; RomanizedSong rSong = new RomanizedSong(); if (Prefs.GetBoolean("romanize_search", false)) { rSong = await JapaneseTools.RomanizeSong(song, false); } resultsList.Add(new SongBundle(song, rSong)); } return(resultsList); } resultsList = new List <SongBundle>(); return(resultsList); }
public static async Task <SongBundle> GetSongDetails(SongBundle song) { Log(Logging.Type.Info, "Starting GetSongDetails operation"); string results = await HttpRequests.GetRequest(GeniusApiUrl + song.Normal.ApiPath, GeniusAuthHeader); JObject parsed = JObject.Parse(results); parsed = (JObject)parsed["response"]?["song"]; //Change root to song Song fromJson = new Song { Title = (string)parsed?.SelectToken("title") ?? "", Artist = (string)parsed?.SelectToken("") ?? "", Album = (string)parsed?.SelectToken("") ?? "", Header = (string)parsed?.SelectToken("header_image_url") ?? "", Cover = (string)parsed?.SelectToken("song_art_image_url") ?? "", ApiPath = (string)parsed?.SelectToken("api_path") ?? "", Path = (string)parsed?.SelectToken("path") ?? "" }; song.Normal = fromJson; if (parsed != null && parsed["featured_artists"].HasValues) { IList <JToken> parsedList = parsed["featured_artists"].Children().ToList(); song.Normal.FeaturedArtist = "feat. "; foreach (JToken artist in parsedList) { if (song.Normal.FeaturedArtist == "feat. ") { song.Normal.FeaturedArtist += artist["name"]?.ToString(); } else { song.Normal.FeaturedArtist += ", " + artist["name"]; } } Log(Logging.Type.Processing, "Added featured artists to song"); } else { song.Normal.FeaturedArtist = ""; } //Execute all Japanese transliteration tasks at once if (Prefs.GetBoolean("auto_romanize_details", true) && song.Normal.Title.ContainsJapanese() || song.Normal.Artist.ContainsJapanese() || song.Normal.Album.ContainsJapanese()) { Task <string> awaitTitle = song.Normal.Title.StripJapanese(); Task <string> awaitArtist = song.Normal.Artist.StripJapanese(); Task <string> awaitAlbum = song.Normal.Album.StripJapanese(); await Task.WhenAll(awaitTitle, awaitArtist, awaitAlbum); RomanizedSong romanized = new RomanizedSong(); // This snippet is the same in GetAndShowLyrics song.Romanized ??= romanized; romanized.Title = await awaitTitle; romanized.Artist = await awaitArtist; romanized.Album = await awaitAlbum; romanized.Id = song.Normal.Id; song.Romanized = romanized; song.Normal.Romanized = true; Log(Logging.Type.Event, "Romanized song info with ID " + song.Normal.Id); Analytics.TrackEvent("Romanized song info", new Dictionary <string, string> { { "SongID", song.Normal.Id.ToString() } }); } else { song.Romanized = null; } return(song); }
private async Task ShowLyrics() { Log(Type.Info, "Started ShowLyrics method"); #region UI Variables TextView infoTxt = FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.infoTxt); ProgressBar lyricsLoadingWheel = FindViewById <ProgressBar>(Resource.Id.lyricsLoadingWheel); SwipeRefreshLayout refreshLayout = FindViewById <SwipeRefreshLayout>(Resource.Id.swipeRefreshLayout); ImageView savedView = FindViewById <ImageView>(Resource.Id.savedView); ImageButton fabMore = FindViewById <ImageButton>(Resource.Id.fabMore); #endregion string lyrics = await Genius.GetSongLyrics(songInfo); songInfo.Normal.Lyrics = lyrics; //TODO: Make auto-romanization happen after loading normal version of song //Auto-romanize based on preferences if (songInfo.Normal.Lyrics.ContainsJapanese() && Prefs.GetBoolean("auto_romanize", false)) { RomanizedSong romanized = await JapaneseTools.RomanizeSong(songInfo.Normal, true); //Fill empty info for songs with romanized lyrics and non-romanized details if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(romanized.Title) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(songInfo.Normal.Title)) { romanized.Title = songInfo.Normal.Title; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(romanized.Artist) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(songInfo.Normal.Artist)) { romanized.Artist = songInfo.Normal.Artist; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(romanized.Album) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(songInfo.Normal.Album)) { romanized.Album = songInfo.Normal.Album; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(romanized.FeaturedArtist) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(songInfo.Normal.FeaturedArtist)) { romanized.FeaturedArtist = songInfo.Normal.FeaturedArtist; } songInfo.Romanized = romanized; songInfo.Normal.Romanized = true; } else { if (songInfo.Romanized != null) { songInfo.Romanized.Lyrics = ""; } } UpdateSong(songInfo, false, false); RunOnUiThread(() => { fabMore.Visibility = ViewStates.Visible; savedView.Visibility = ViewStates.Gone; infoTxt.Visibility = ViewStates.Visible; lyricsLoadingWheel.Visibility = ViewStates.Gone; refreshLayout.Refreshing = false; }); shouldCheck = true; Log(Type.Info, "Finished getting lyrics from Genius"); Analytics.TrackEvent("Finished getting lyrics from Genius", new Dictionary <string, string> { { "SongID", songInfo.Normal.Id.ToString() } }); }