Esempio n. 1
        public async Task SetChannelRoleAsync([Remainder] string input = "")
            if (!StateChecker.IsGuildAdmin(Context))
                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(":x: You are not guild admin!");


            if (StateChecker.IsPrivateMessage(Context))
                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(
                    ":x: Please use this command in the channel you wish to set the role for");

            var roleHandler = new RoleHandler(Factory.GetDatabase());

            if (!roleHandler.IsValidRole(input))
                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($":x: *{input}* is not a valid channel role");


            roleHandler.SetRoleForChannel(Context.Channel.Id, input);
            await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(
                $"This channel has now been set to the *{input.ToLower()}* role!");
Esempio n. 2
        public NewsFeedViewModel(AspNetUser user)
            var isAdmin = RoleHandler.isAdmin(user.Id);
            var groups  = user.Groups;
            ICollection <Post> posts = new List <Post>();

            //TODO TBD posts are shown twice
            foreach (var group in groups)
                posts = posts.Union(group.Posts, new PostComparator()).ToList();
            posts = posts.Union(user.Posts, new PostComparator()).ToList();
            FacebookDatabaseEntities entities = new FacebookDatabaseEntities();
            var friends = user.AspNetUsers;

            foreach (var friend in friends)
                posts = posts.Union(friend.Posts.Where(x => groups.Where(y => y.group_id == x.group_id).Any() || x.group_id == null), new PostComparator()).ToList();
            posts = posts.OrderByDescending(x =>;

            this.posts = new List <PostViewModel>();
            foreach (var post in posts)
                this.posts.Add(new PostViewModel(post, "Newsfeed", isAdmin));
Esempio n. 3
        private static async Task RulesRole(Cacheable <IUserMessage, ulong> arg1, ISocketMessageChannel arg2,
                                            SocketReaction arg3)
            await RoleHandler.OnRulesReaction(arg1, arg2, arg3);

            await Task.CompletedTask;
Esempio n. 4
        public GroupsViewModel(string selectedId, string userId)
            var databaseEntities = new FacebookDatabaseEntities();
            var user             = databaseEntities.AspNetUsers.Find(userId);
            var groups           = user.Groups;

            myGroups = groups.Union(user.Groups1, new GroupComparator()).ToList();

            if (selectedId != null)
                selectedGroup = databaseEntities.Groups.Find(int.Parse(selectedId));
                selectedGroup = myGroups.FirstOrDefault();

            //TO-DO add administrator permission
            if (selectedGroup != null)
                newPost = new PostViewModel {
                    appLocation = "Groups", group_id = selectedGroup.group_id
                if (selectedGroup.AspNetUsers.Contains(user))
                    accesPermision = AccesPermision.readPermissions;
                    accesPermision = AccesPermision.noPermission;
            isAdmin = RoleHandler.isAdmin(userId);
Esempio n. 5
        public async Task ShowChannelRolesAsync()
            if (!StateChecker.IsGuildAdmin(Context))
                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(":x: You are not guild admin!");


            if (StateChecker.IsPrivateMessage(Context))
                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(
                    ":x: Please use this command in the guild you wish to see the roles for");

            var roleHandler          = new RoleHandler(Factory.GetDatabase());
            var allGuildTextChannels = Context.Guild.TextChannels;
            var botUserId            = Context.Client.CurrentUser.Id;

            foreach (var guildChannel in allGuildTextChannels)
                var users = guildChannel.Users;
                foreach (var user in users)
                    if (user.Id == botUserId)
                        var role = roleHandler.GetRoleForChannel(guildChannel.Id);
                        await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{guildChannel.Name} : {role}");
Esempio n. 6
        public ActionResult CreateOrEditRole()
            RoleResponse _response = new RoleResponse();

            if (Request.QueryString["id"] != null)
                var request = new RoleRequest
                    Data = new RoleModel
                        Id = long.Parse(Request.QueryString["id"].ToString())

                RoleResponse resp   = new RoleHandler(_unitOfWork).GetDetail(request);
                RoleModel    _model = resp.Entity;
                ViewBag.Response   = _response;
                ViewBag.Organisasi = BindDropDownOrganization();
                ViewBag.ActionType = ClinicEnums.Action.Edit;
                ViewBag.Response   = _response;
                ViewBag.Organisasi = BindDropDownOrganization();
                ViewBag.ActionType = ClinicEnums.Action.Add;
Esempio n. 7
        public ActionResult GetRoleData()
            var _draw          = Request.Form.GetValues("draw").FirstOrDefault();
            var _start         = Request.Form.GetValues("start").FirstOrDefault();
            var _length        = Request.Form.GetValues("length").FirstOrDefault();
            var _sortColumn    = Request.Form.GetValues("columns[" + Request.Form.GetValues("order[0][column]").FirstOrDefault() + "][name]").FirstOrDefault();
            var _sortColumnDir = Request.Form.GetValues("order[0][dir]").FirstOrDefault();
            var _searchValue   = Request.Form.GetValues("search[value]").FirstOrDefault();

            int _pageSize = _length != null?Convert.ToInt32(_length) : 0;

            int _skip = _start != null?Convert.ToInt32(_start) : 0;

            var request = new RoleRequest
                Draw          = _draw,
                SearchValue   = _searchValue,
                SortColumn    = _sortColumn,
                SortColumnDir = _sortColumnDir,
                PageSize      = _pageSize,
                Skip          = _skip

            var response = new RoleHandler(_unitOfWork).GetListData(request);

            return(Json(new { data = response.Data, recordsFiltered = response.RecordsFiltered, recordsTotal = response.RecordsTotal, draw = response.Draw }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Esempio n. 8
        protected override PeerBase CreatePeer(InitRequest initRequest)
            ClientPeer curPeer = new ClientPeer(initRequest.Protocol, initRequest.PhotonPeer);

            log.Debug("One Peer is Created!");
            // 注册Handler
            RegisteHandler((byte)OperationCode.GetServer, new ServerPropertyHandler());
            RegisteHandler((byte)OperationCode.Login, new LoginHandler());
            RegisteHandler((byte)OperationCode.UserRegiste, new UserRegisteHandler());
            RoleHandler roleHander = new RoleHandler();

            RegisteHandler((byte)OperationCode.RoleHandler, roleHander);
            RegisteHandler((byte)OperationCode.CreateRole, roleHander);
            RegisteHandler((byte)OperationCode.ChooseRole, roleHander);

            TaskHandler taskHandler = new TaskHandler();

            RegisteHandler((byte)OperationCode.AddTask, taskHandler);
            RegisteHandler((byte)OperationCode.GetTask, taskHandler);
            RegisteHandler((byte)OperationCode.UpdateTask, taskHandler);

            RoleInfoHandler roleinfoHandler = new RoleInfoHandler();

            RegisteHandler((byte)OperationCode.AddRoleInfo, roleinfoHandler);
            RegisteHandler((byte)OperationCode.UpdateRoleInfo, roleinfoHandler);
            RegisteHandler((byte)OperationCode.GetRoleInfo, roleinfoHandler);

            RegisteHandler((byte)OperationCode.AddGoodsList, roleinfoHandler);
            RegisteHandler((byte)OperationCode.UpdateGoodsList, roleinfoHandler);
            RegisteHandler((byte)OperationCode.GetGoodsList, roleinfoHandler);

            RegisteHandler((byte)OperationCode.AddEquipList, roleinfoHandler);
            RegisteHandler((byte)OperationCode.UpdateEquipList, roleinfoHandler);
            RegisteHandler((byte)OperationCode.GetEquipList, roleinfoHandler);

            SkillHandler skillhandler = new SkillHandler();

            RegisteHandler((byte)OperationCode.GetSkill, skillhandler);
            RegisteHandler((byte)OperationCode.AddSkill, skillhandler);
            RegisteHandler((byte)OperationCode.UpdateSkill, skillhandler);

            BattleHandler battleHandler = new BattleHandler();

            RegisteHandler((byte)OperationCode.ForTeam, battleHandler);
            RegisteHandler((byte)OperationCode.CancelTeam, battleHandler);
            RegisteHandler((byte)OperationCode.SyncMove, battleHandler);
            RegisteHandler((byte)OperationCode.SyncMoveAnim, battleHandler);
            RegisteHandler((byte)OperationCode.RemoveTeamRole, battleHandler);
            RegisteHandler((byte)OperationCode.SyncMoveDir, battleHandler);

            MonsterHandler monsterHandler = new MonsterHandler();

            RegisteHandler((byte)OperationCode.CreateMonster, monsterHandler);
            RegisteHandler((byte)OperationCode.SyncMonsterMove, monsterHandler);
Esempio n. 9
        /// <summary>
        ///     Creates a new instance of this class.
        /// </summary>
        public Bot()
            _config      = ConfigFactory.GenerateConfig();
            _persistence = SerializerFactory.GenerateSerializer();

            _commandHandler = new CommandHandler();
            _channelHandler = new ChannelHandler();
            _roleHandler    = new RoleHandler();
            _dblHandler     = new DblHandler();
Esempio n. 10
        public void AddRoles()
            Roles role = new Roles();

            role.Key      = "admin";
            role.Name     = "系统管理员";
            role.OwnerId  = Guid.NewGuid();
            role.Comments = "系统超级管理员";

        //set department data from database
        public void setRegisterDepartment()
            registerDepartmentcomboBox.Items.Add("--Select Department--");
            registerDepartmentcomboBox.SelectedIndex = 0;
            DBConnector dbC = new DBConnector();

            RoleHandler roleHandler = new RoleHandler();
            List <Role> rolesList   = new List <Role>();

            rolesList = roleHandler.getAllRole(dbC.getConn());
            for (int i = 0; i < rolesList.Count; i++)
Esempio n. 12
        // This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to configure the HTTP request pipeline.
        public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory, IServiceProvider serviceProvider)

            if (env.IsDevelopment())


            RoleHandler.AddRoles(serviceProvider, RoleHandler.Admin, RoleHandler.Post);

            // Add external authentication middleware below. To configure them please see
            string[] conf = File.ReadAllLines("secrets.txt");

            app.UseFacebookAuthentication(new FacebookOptions()
                AppId      = conf[0],
                AppSecret  = conf[1],
                SaveTokens = true

            app.UseMvc(routes =>
                    name: "default", // route
                    template: "{controller=Route}/{action=List}/{id?}");
                // Not sure if we'll need it though, nice as a test bench for now
                    name: "home",
                    template: "{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}");
Esempio n. 13
        public async Task ClearChannelRoleAsync()
            if (!StateChecker.IsGuildAdmin(Context))
                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(":x: You are not guild admin!");


            if (StateChecker.IsPrivateMessage(Context))
                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(
                    ":x: Please use this command in the channel you wish to clear the role for");

            var roleHandler = new RoleHandler(Factory.GetDatabase());

Esempio n. 14
 public GameSocket(ISerializer serializer) : base(serializer)
     _bagHandler           = new BagHandler(this);
     _battleHandler        = new BattleHandler(this);
     _dailyActivityHandler = new DailyActivityHandler(this);
     _equipHandler         = new EquipHandler(this);
     _itemHandler          = new ItemHandler(this);
     _messageHandler       = new MessageHandler(this);
     _npcHandler           = new NpcHandler(this);
     _petHandler           = new PetHandler(this);
     _petNewHandler        = new PetNewHandler(this);
     _playerHandler        = new PlayerHandler(this);
     _prepaidHandler       = new PrepaidHandler(this);
     _resourceHandler      = new ResourceHandler(this);
     _skillHandler         = new SkillHandler(this);
     _skillKeysHandler     = new SkillKeysHandler(this);
     _taskHandler          = new TaskHandler(this);
     _teamHandler          = new TeamHandler(this);
     _entryHandler         = new EntryHandler(this);
     _roleHandler          = new RoleHandler(this);
        public ActionResult RolePrivilegeList()
            RolePrivilegeModel rpmodel = new RolePrivilegeModel();

            if (Request.QueryString["roleid"] != null)
                var reqOrg = new RoleRequest
                    Data = new RoleModel
                        Id = Convert.ToInt64(Request.QueryString["roleid"].ToString())

                var respOrg = new RoleResponse();
                respOrg          = new RoleHandler(_unitOfWork).GetDetail(reqOrg);
                rpmodel.RoleDesc = respOrg.Entity.RoleName;
                rpmodel.RoleID   = respOrg.Entity.Id;

                var _request = new RolePrivilegeRequest
                    Data = new RolePrivilegeModel
                        RoleID = Convert.ToInt64(Request.QueryString["roleid"].ToString())
                //get Privilege Ids for organization
                var selPrivileges = new RolePrivilegeHandler(_unitOfWork, _context).GetListData(_request);
                if (selPrivileges.Entity.PrivilegeIDs != null && selPrivileges.Entity.PrivilegeIDs.Count > 0)
                    rpmodel.PrivilegeIDs = selPrivileges.Entity.PrivilegeIDs;

Esempio n. 16
 public bool InActiveRole(int roleId, string ownerId)
     return(RoleHandler.InActiveRole(roleId, Guid.Parse(ownerId)));
Esempio n. 17
    public async Task MainAsync()
        //initialize and connect client
        _client      = new DiscordSocketClient();
        _client.Log += Log;

        //get config
        _config = new Config();
        String json_str;

        try {
            json_str = File.ReadAllText("data/config.json");
            _config  = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <Config>(json_str);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            if (e is FileNotFoundException)
                Console.WriteLine("ERROR: data/config.json not found. Creating new config.json file. Please set BotToken field.");
                File.WriteAllText("data/config.json", JsonSerializer.Serialize(_config));
            else if (e is JsonException)
                Console.WriteLine("ERROR: data/config.json: " + e.Message);
                Console.WriteLine("ERROR: exception thrown when trying to load data/config.json: ");

        if (_config.CommandEnabled || _config.RoleEnabled)
            Console.WriteLine("Setting up handler(s) in 4 seconds.");

        //login using generated token
        try {
            await _client.LoginAsync(
        } catch {
            Console.WriteLine("ERROR: could not log in. Ensure the BotToken field in data/config.json is valid.");

        //begin running and wait 4 seconds to allow client to connect
        await _client.StartAsync();

        if (_config.CommandEnabled || _config.RoleEnabled)
            await Task.Delay(4000);

        //set up command handler
        if (_config.CommandEnabled)
            _commandhandler = new CommandHandler(_config);
            if (_commandhandler.LoadCommands() != 0)
                Console.WriteLine("WARN: could not initialize command handler.");
                _commandhandler = null;
                //hook command handler to message received event
                _client.MessageReceived += HandleMessageAsync;
                Console.WriteLine("Command handler ready.");

        //set up role handler
        if (_config.RoleEnabled)
            SocketGuild       foundguild   = null;
            SocketTextChannel foundchannel = null;

            //try to get guilds from client 3 times
            var guilds = _client.Guilds;
            int i      = 0;
            while (guilds.Count <= 0 && i < 2)
                Console.WriteLine("WARN: retrieved 0 guilds from client. Retrying in 4 seconds.");
                await Task.Delay(4000);

                guilds = _client.Guilds;
                i     += 1;

            if (guilds.Count > 0)
                //find guild in config
                foreach (SocketGuild guild in guilds)
                    if (guild.Name == _config.RoleGuild)
                        foundguild = guild;
                if (foundguild != null)
                    //find channel in config
                    var channels = foundguild.TextChannels;
                    foreach (SocketTextChannel channel in channels)
                        if (channel.Name == _config.RoleChannel)
                            foundchannel = channel;
                //try to initialize role handler
                if (foundguild != null && foundchannel != null)
                    _rolehandler = new RoleHandler(foundguild, foundchannel);
                    if ((await _rolehandler.LoadRoles()) != 0)
                        Console.WriteLine("WARN: could not initialize role handler.");
                        _rolehandler = null;
                        //give command handler reference to role handler's load method on success

                        //hook reaction handler to reaction events
                        _client.ReactionAdded   += HandleReactionAddedAsync;
                        _client.ReactionRemoved += HandleReactionRemovedAsync;
                        Console.WriteLine("Role handler ready.");
                    Console.WriteLine("WARN: config.json: could not find guild or channel specified in configuration for role handler. Either they do not exist, or client did not connect within 5 seconds.");
                    Console.WriteLine("WARN: could not initialize role handler.");
                Console.WriteLine("WARN: retrieved 0 guilds from client while trying to initialize role handler.");
                Console.WriteLine("WARN: could not initialize role handler.");

        //set up join handler
        if (_config.JoinEnabled)
            SocketGuild       foundguild   = null;
            SocketTextChannel foundchannel = null;

            //try to get guilds from client 3 times
            var guilds = _client.Guilds;
            int i      = 0;
            while (guilds.Count <= 0 && i < 2)
                Console.WriteLine("WARN: retrieved 0 guilds from client. Retrying in 4 seconds.");
                await Task.Delay(4000);

                guilds = _client.Guilds;
                i     += 1;

            if (guilds.Count > 0)
                //find guild in config
                foreach (SocketGuild guild in guilds)
                    if (guild.Name == _config.JoinGuild)
                        foundguild = guild;
                if (foundguild != null)
                    //find channel in config
                    var channels = foundguild.TextChannels;
                    foreach (SocketTextChannel channel in channels)
                        if (channel.Name == _config.JoinChannel)
                            foundchannel = channel;
                //try to initialize join handler
                if (foundguild != null && foundchannel != null)
                    _joinhandler = new JoinHandler(foundguild, foundchannel);
                    if ((await _joinhandler.LoadJoin()) != 0)
                        Console.WriteLine("WARN: could not initialize join handler.");
                        _joinhandler = null;
                        //give command handler reference to join handler's load method on success

                        //hook reaction handler to join event
                        _client.UserJoined += HandleUserJoinedAsync;
                        Console.WriteLine("Join handler ready.");
                    Console.WriteLine("WARN: config.json: could not find guild or channel specified in configuration for join handler. Either they do not exist, or client did not connect within 5 seconds.");
                    Console.WriteLine("WARN: could not initialize join handler.");
                Console.WriteLine("WARN: retrieved 0 guilds from client while trying to initialize join handler.");
                Console.WriteLine("WARN: could not initialize join handler.");

        //delay infinitely
        await Task.Delay(-1);
Esempio n. 18
        public static bool IsGeneralChannel(SocketCommandContext context)
            var roleHandler = new RoleHandler(Factory.GetDatabase());

            return(roleHandler.GetRoleForChannel(context.Channel.Id) == "general");
Esempio n. 19
 public RolesController(RoleHandler handler, IStringLocalizer <RolesController> localizer)
     _handler   = handler;
     _localizer = localizer;;
Esempio n. 20
 public GameSocket(ISerializer serializer) : base(serializer)
     _achievementHandler       = new AchievementHandler(this);
     _activityHandler          = new ActivityHandler(this);
     _activityFavorHandler     = new ActivityFavorHandler(this);
     _amuletHandler            = new AmuletHandler(this);
     _arenaHandler             = new ArenaHandler(this);
     _attendanceHandler        = new AttendanceHandler(this);
     _bagHandler               = new BagHandler(this);
     _battleHandler            = new BattleHandler(this);
     _cardHandler              = new CardHandler(this);
     _consignmentLineHandler   = new ConsignmentLineHandler(this);
     _crossServerHandler       = new CrossServerHandler(this);
     _dailyActivityHandler     = new DailyActivityHandler(this);
     _demonTowerHandler        = new DemonTowerHandler(this);
     _equipHandler             = new EquipHandler(this);
     _exchangeHandler          = new ExchangeHandler(this);
     _fashionHandler           = new FashionHandler(this);
     _fightLevelHandler        = new FightLevelHandler(this);
     _fleeHandler              = new FleeHandler(this);
     _friendHandler            = new FriendHandler(this);
     _functionHandler          = new FunctionHandler(this);
     _functionOpenHandler      = new FunctionOpenHandler(this);
     _giftOnlineHandler        = new GiftOnlineHandler(this);
     _goddessHandler           = new GoddessHandler(this);
     _guildBlessHandler        = new GuildBlessHandler(this);
     _guildBossHandler         = new GuildBossHandler(this);
     _guildDepotHandler        = new GuildDepotHandler(this);
     _guildHandler             = new GuildHandler(this);
     _guildShopHandler         = new GuildShopHandler(this);
     _guildTechHandler         = new GuildTechHandler(this);
     _hookSetHandler           = new HookSetHandler(this);
     _interactHandler          = new InteractHandler(this);
     _intergalMallHandler      = new IntergalMallHandler(this);
     _itemHandler              = new ItemHandler(this);
     _leaderBoardHandler       = new LeaderBoardHandler(this);
     _limitTimeActivityHandler = new LimitTimeActivityHandler(this);
     _mailHandler              = new MailHandler(this);
     _mapHandler               = new MapHandler(this);
     _masteryHandler           = new MasteryHandler(this);
     _medalHandler             = new MedalHandler(this);
     _messageHandler           = new MessageHandler(this);
     _mountHandler             = new MountHandler(this);
     _npcHandler               = new NpcHandler(this);
     _offlineAwardHandler      = new OfflineAwardHandler(this);
     _onlineGiftHandler        = new OnlineGiftHandler(this);
     _payGiftHandler           = new PayGiftHandler(this);
     _petHandler               = new PetHandler(this);
     _petNewHandler            = new PetNewHandler(this);
     _playerHandler            = new PlayerHandler(this);
     _prepaidHandler           = new PrepaidHandler(this);
     _rankHandler              = new RankHandler(this);
     _resourceDungeonHandler   = new ResourceDungeonHandler(this);
     _resourceHandler          = new ResourceHandler(this);
     _rewardHandler            = new RewardHandler(this);
     _saleHandler              = new SaleHandler(this);
     _shopMallHandler          = new ShopMallHandler(this);
     _skillHandler             = new SkillHandler(this);
     _skillKeysHandler         = new SkillKeysHandler(this);
     _soloHandler              = new SoloHandler(this);
     _stealHandler             = new StealHandler(this);
     _sysSetHandler            = new SysSetHandler(this);
     _taskHandler              = new TaskHandler(this);
     _teamHandler              = new TeamHandler(this);
     _tradeHandler             = new TradeHandler(this);
     _treasureHandler          = new TreasureHandler(this);
     _upLevelHandler           = new UpLevelHandler(this);
     _vipHandler               = new VipHandler(this);
     _vitalityHandler          = new VitalityHandler(this);
     _wingHandler              = new WingHandler(this);
     _activityRevelryHandler   = new ActivityRevelryHandler(this);
     _auctionHandler           = new AuctionHandler(this);
     _chatHandler              = new ChatHandler(this);
     _daoYouHandler            = new DaoYouHandler(this);
     _entryHandler             = new EntryHandler(this);
     _roleHandler              = new RoleHandler(this);
     _farmHandler              = new FarmHandler(this);
     _five2FiveHandler         = new Five2FiveHandler(this);
     _guildManagerHandler      = new GuildManagerHandler(this);
     _xianYuanHandler          = new XianYuanHandler(this);
Esempio n. 21
 public static Role getRoleByName(String roleName)
Esempio n. 22
 public static Role getRoleByID(int roleID)
Esempio n. 23
 public static List <Role> getAllRole()
Esempio n. 24
        public ActionResult Show(string id)
            var databaseEntities = new FacebookDatabaseEntities();

            if (databaseEntities.AspNetUsers.Find(id) == null)
                return(View("Profile", null));

            var iAmaVisitor = true;

            if (User.Identity.GetUserId() == id)
                iAmaVisitor = false;
            var isAdmin = false;

            if (User.Identity.GetUserId() != null)
                isAdmin = RoleHandler.isAdmin(User.Identity.GetUserId());

            var     loggedUser = databaseEntities.AspNetUsers.Find(User.Identity.GetUserId());
            Profile profile    = databaseEntities.Profiles.Find(id);

            if (profile == null)
                return(View("AddProfile", new ProfileViewModel()));
                //TO-DO: add properties to ProfileViewModel like : albums, posts and personal informations and show them into view.
                var aspNetUser = databaseEntities.AspNetUsers.Find(id);
                var posts      = aspNetUser.Posts;
                List <PostViewModel> userPosts = new List <PostViewModel>();
                foreach (var post in posts)
                    userPosts.Add(new PostViewModel(post, "Profile", isAdmin));
                List <Album>          albums     = databaseEntities.Albums.Where(x => x.user_id == id).ToList();
                List <AlbumViewModel> userAlbums = new List <AlbumViewModel>();
                foreach (Album album in albums)
                    userAlbums.Add(new AlbumViewModel(, "Profile", album.album_id, userPosts, id));

                List <AspNetUser> friends         = aspNetUser.AspNetUsers.ToList();
                List <Profile>    profiles        = databaseEntities.Profiles.ToList();
                List <Profile>    friendsProfiles = (from aspUser in friends
                                                     join friendProfile in profiles on aspUser.Id equals friendProfile.Id
                                                     select friendProfile).ToList();
                List <FriendViewModel> friendsList = new List <FriendViewModel>();
                foreach (Profile friend in friendsProfiles)
                    friendsList.Add(new FriendViewModel(friend.Id, friend.Albums.Where(x => == "ProfileAlbum").FirstOrDefault().Pictures.OrderByDescending(x =>, friend.firstname + friend.lastname));
                var profileViewModel = new ProfileViewModel(profile, userAlbums, userPosts, friendsList);
                profileViewModel.iAmaVisitor = iAmaVisitor;
                profileViewModel.isAdmin     = isAdmin;
                if (iAmaVisitor)
                    var myID = User.Identity.GetUserId();
                    profileViewModel.profileVisitorID = myID;
                    if (friendsProfiles.Select(x => x.Id).ToList().Contains(myID))
                        profileViewModel.relationshipStatus = FriendshipStatus.friends;
                        profileViewModel.relationshipStatus = MessageHandler.GetFriendRequestStatus(User.Identity.GetUserId(), id);

                if (profile.privacy == 1)
                    if (profile.AspNetUser.Id != User.Identity.GetUserId() && !aspNetUser.AspNetUsers.Where(x => x.Id == User.Identity.GetUserId()).Any())
                        profileViewModel.privacy = true;

                return(View("Profile", profileViewModel));
Esempio n. 25
 public bool AddRole([FromBody] Roles role)
Esempio n. 26
 public bool UpdateRole([FromBody] Roles role)
Esempio n. 27
        public JArray ListAllRoles()
            DataSet ds = RoleHandler.ListAllRoles();
