public void GetReverse() { var size0 = new RoixSizeInt(12, 34); var size1 = size0.ReverseLength().ReverseLength(); size0.Is(size1); size0.Equals(size1).IsTrue(); // because of record (size0 == size1).IsTrue(); // because of record }
public void Explicit() { int x = 1234, y = 5678; var size = new RoixSizeInt(x, y); var point = (RoixPointInt)size; point.X.Is(x); point.Y.Is(y); }
public void 幅が負数はダメ(int w, int h) { Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => new RoixSizeInt(w, h)); Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => { var s0 = new RoixSizeInt(0, 0); var s1 = s0 with { Width = w, Height = h }; }); }
public void Ctor(int w, int h) { var size = new RoixSizeInt(w, h); size.Width.Is(w); size.Height.Is(h); var(w1, h1) = size; w1.Is(w); h1.Is(h); }