}         // SelectMenuItemForXInput()

        /// <summary>
        /// Run game screen. Called each frame.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="game">Form for access to asteroid manager and co</param>
        public void Run(RocketCommanderGame game)
            // Render background

            // Select mission
            int xPos = 50 * BaseGame.Width / 1024;
            int yPos = 154 * BaseGame.Height / 768;

            TextureFont.WriteText(xPos, yPos, Texts.SelectMission);

            if (game.RenderMenuButton(MenuButton.Back,
                                      new Point(1024 - 230, 768 - 150)))
                quit = true;
            }             // if

            // If pressing XBox controller right/left change selection
            int maxLevels = Math.Min(game.levels.Length, 4);

            if (Input.GamePadRightJustPressed)
                xInputLevelSelection =
                    (xInputLevelSelection + 1) % maxLevels;
            }             // if (Input.GamePad)
            else if (Input.GamePadLeftJustPressed)
                if (xInputLevelSelection <= 0)
                    xInputLevelSelection = maxLevels;
            }             // if (Input.GamePad)

            // Show all levels (max. 4 levels are supported right now)
            for (int num = 0; num < game.levels.Length &&
                 num < 4; num++)
                Level level = game.levels[num];
                xPos = 50 * BaseGame.Width / 1024 +
                       num * (BaseGame.Width - 175) / 4;
                yPos = 192 * BaseGame.Height / 768;

                // Is selected?
                int       maxHeight = BaseGame.Height * 5 / 6 - yPos;
                int       height    = Math.Min(level.Length, maxHeight);
                Rectangle clickArea = new Rectangle(
                    xPos, yPos,
                    (BaseGame.Width - 180) / 4 - 10, height + 27);
                Color col = Input.MouseInBox(clickArea) && quit == false ?
                            Color.Red : Color.White;

                // Write name on top
                    xPos, yPos,                    // - (num%2==1?40:0),
                    level.Name, col);

                // Calc preview rect
                Rectangle previewRect = new Rectangle(
                    xPos, yPos + 38, 40, height);

                // Disable linear filtering for level textures

                // Show level preview.
                // Show 2 parts if bigger than 512
                if (level.Length > 512)
                    previewRect = new Rectangle(
                        xPos + 70, yPos + 38, 40, height);
                                                 new Rectangle(0, 0, 40, Math.Min(level.Length, 512)));

                    // Draw lines around preview rect to mark highlighting
                    Point upperLeft  = new Point(previewRect.X, previewRect.Y);
                    Point upperRight = new Point(previewRect.Right, previewRect.Y);
                    Point lowerLeft  = new Point(previewRect.X, previewRect.Bottom);
                    Point lowerRight = new Point(previewRect.Right, previewRect.Bottom);
                    BaseGame.DrawLine(upperLeft, upperRight, col);
                    BaseGame.DrawLine(upperLeft, lowerLeft, col);
                    BaseGame.DrawLineWithShadow(upperRight, lowerRight,
                                                new Point(lowerRight.X + 1, lowerRight.Y), col);

                    previewRect = new Rectangle(
                        xPos, yPos + 26 + 8, 40, height);
                                                 new Rectangle(0, 512, 40, Math.Min(level.Length - 512, 512)));

                    upperLeft  = new Point(previewRect.X, previewRect.Y);
                    upperRight = new Point(previewRect.Right, previewRect.Y);
                    lowerLeft  = new Point(previewRect.X, previewRect.Bottom);
                    lowerRight = new Point(previewRect.Right, previewRect.Bottom);
                    BaseGame.DrawLine(upperLeft, upperRight, col);
                    BaseGame.DrawLine(upperLeft, lowerLeft, col);
                    BaseGame.DrawLineWithShadow(upperRight, lowerRight,
                                                new Point(lowerRight.X + 1, lowerRight.Y), col);

                    // Draw connection line (makes more sense to understand structure)
                    Point p1 =
                        new Point(xPos + 20, previewRect.Y);
                    Point p2 =
                        new Point(xPos + 20, previewRect.Y - 8);
                    Point p3 =
                        new Point(xPos + 40 + 15, previewRect.Y - 8);
                    Point p4 =
                        new Point(xPos + 40 + 15, previewRect.Bottom);
                    Point p5 =
                        new Point(xPos + 40 + 30 + 20, previewRect.Bottom);
                    Point p6 =
                        new Point(xPos + 40 + 30 + 20, previewRect.Bottom - 8);
                    col = Color.LightGray;
                    BaseGame.DrawLine(p1, p2, col);
                    BaseGame.DrawLine(p2, p3, col);
                    BaseGame.DrawLine(p3, p4, col);
                    BaseGame.DrawLine(p4, p5, col);
                    BaseGame.DrawLine(p5, p6, col);
                }                 // if
                    // Show just one part
                                                 new Rectangle(0, 0, 40, Math.Min(level.Length, 512)));

                    // Draw lines around preview rect to mark highlighting
                    Point upperLeft  = new Point(previewRect.X, previewRect.Y);
                    Point upperRight = new Point(previewRect.Right, previewRect.Y);
                    Point lowerLeft  = new Point(previewRect.X, previewRect.Bottom);
                    Point lowerRight = new Point(previewRect.Right, previewRect.Bottom);
                    BaseGame.DrawLine(upperLeft, upperRight, col);
                    BaseGame.DrawLine(upperLeft, lowerLeft, col);
                    BaseGame.DrawLineWithShadow(upperRight, lowerRight,
                                                new Point(lowerRight.X + 1, lowerRight.Y), col);
                }                 // else

                // Enable linear texture filtering again

                // Level selected?
                if (Input.MouseInBox(clickArea) &&
                    quit == false &&
                    (Input.MouseLeftButtonJustPressed ||
                     Input.GamePadAJustPressed ||
                    // Close mission selection

                    // Remember selected level number for the sky rotation.
                    Level.currentLevelNumber = num;

                    // Start mission with this level
                    game.AddGameScreen(new Mission(level, game.asteroidManager));
                } // if
            }     // for (num)
        }         // Run(game)
        /// <summary>
        /// Run game screen. Called each frame.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="game">Form for access to asteroid manager and co</param>
        public void Run(RocketCommanderGame game)
            // Render background

            // Select mission
            int xPos = 50 * BaseGame.Width / 1024;
            int yPos = 154 * BaseGame.Height / 768;
            TextureFont.WriteText(xPos, yPos, Texts.SelectMission);

            if (game.RenderMenuButton(MenuButton.Back,
                new Point(1024 - 230, 768 - 150)))
                quit = true;
            } // if

            // If pressing XBox controller right/left change selection
            int maxLevels = Math.Min(game.levels.Length, 4);
            if (Input.GamePadRightJustPressed)
                xInputLevelSelection =
                    (xInputLevelSelection + 1) % maxLevels;
            } // if (Input.GamePad)
            else if (Input.GamePadLeftJustPressed)
                if (xInputLevelSelection <= 0)
                    xInputLevelSelection = maxLevels;
            } // if (Input.GamePad)

            // Show all levels (max. 4 levels are supported right now)
            for (int num = 0; num < game.levels.Length &&
                num < 4; num++)
                Level level = game.levels[num];
                xPos = 50 * BaseGame.Width / 1024 +
                    num * (BaseGame.Width - 175) / 4;
                yPos = 192 * BaseGame.Height / 768;

                // Is selected?
                int maxHeight = BaseGame.Height * 5 / 6 - yPos;
                int height = Math.Min(level.Length, maxHeight);
                Rectangle clickArea = new Rectangle(
                    xPos, yPos,
                    (BaseGame.Width - 180) / 4 - 10, height + 27);
                Color col = Input.MouseInBox(clickArea) && quit == false ?
                    Color.Red : Color.White;

                // Write name on top
                    xPos, yPos,// - (num%2==1?40:0),
                    level.Name, col);

                // Calc preview rect
                Rectangle previewRect = new Rectangle(
                    xPos, yPos + 38, 40, height);

                // Disable linear filtering for level textures

                // Show level preview.
                // Show 2 parts if bigger than 512
                if (level.Length > 512)
                    previewRect = new Rectangle(
                        xPos + 70, yPos + 38, 40, height);
                        new Rectangle(0, 0, 40, Math.Min(level.Length, 512)));

                    // Draw lines around preview rect to mark highlighting
                    Point upperLeft = new Point(previewRect.X, previewRect.Y);
                    Point upperRight = new Point(previewRect.Right, previewRect.Y);
                    Point lowerLeft = new Point(previewRect.X, previewRect.Bottom);
                    Point lowerRight = new Point(previewRect.Right, previewRect.Bottom);
                    BaseGame.DrawLine(upperLeft, upperRight, col);
                    BaseGame.DrawLine(upperLeft, lowerLeft, col);
                    BaseGame.DrawLineWithShadow(upperRight, lowerRight,
                        new Point(lowerRight.X + 1, lowerRight.Y), col);

                    previewRect = new Rectangle(
                        xPos, yPos + 26 + 8, 40, height);
                        new Rectangle(0, 512, 40, Math.Min(level.Length - 512, 512)));

                    upperLeft = new Point(previewRect.X, previewRect.Y);
                    upperRight = new Point(previewRect.Right, previewRect.Y);
                    lowerLeft = new Point(previewRect.X, previewRect.Bottom);
                    lowerRight = new Point(previewRect.Right, previewRect.Bottom);
                    BaseGame.DrawLine(upperLeft, upperRight, col);
                    BaseGame.DrawLine(upperLeft, lowerLeft, col);
                    BaseGame.DrawLineWithShadow(upperRight, lowerRight,
                        new Point(lowerRight.X + 1, lowerRight.Y), col);

                    // Draw connection line (makes more sense to understand structure)
                    Point p1 =
                        new Point(xPos + 20, previewRect.Y);
                    Point p2 =
                        new Point(xPos + 20, previewRect.Y - 8);
                    Point p3 =
                        new Point(xPos + 40 + 15, previewRect.Y - 8);
                    Point p4 =
                        new Point(xPos + 40 + 15, previewRect.Bottom);
                    Point p5 =
                        new Point(xPos + 40 + 30 + 20, previewRect.Bottom);
                    Point p6 =
                        new Point(xPos + 40 + 30 + 20, previewRect.Bottom - 8);
                    col = Color.LightGray;
                    BaseGame.DrawLine(p1, p2, col);
                    BaseGame.DrawLine(p2, p3, col);
                    BaseGame.DrawLine(p3, p4, col);
                    BaseGame.DrawLine(p4, p5, col);
                    BaseGame.DrawLine(p5, p6, col);
                } // if
                    // Show just one part
                        new Rectangle(0, 0, 40, Math.Min(level.Length, 512)));

                    // Draw lines around preview rect to mark highlighting
                    Point upperLeft = new Point(previewRect.X, previewRect.Y);
                    Point upperRight = new Point(previewRect.Right, previewRect.Y);
                    Point lowerLeft = new Point(previewRect.X, previewRect.Bottom);
                    Point lowerRight = new Point(previewRect.Right, previewRect.Bottom);
                    BaseGame.DrawLine(upperLeft, upperRight, col);
                    BaseGame.DrawLine(upperLeft, lowerLeft, col);
                    BaseGame.DrawLineWithShadow(upperRight, lowerRight,
                        new Point(lowerRight.X + 1, lowerRight.Y), col);
                } // else

                // Enable linear texture filtering again

                // Level selected?
                if (Input.MouseInBox(clickArea) &&
                    quit == false &&
                    (Input.MouseLeftButtonJustPressed ||
                    Input.GamePadAJustPressed ||
                    // Close mission selection

                    // Remember selected level number for the sky rotation.
                    Level.currentLevelNumber = num;

                    // Start mission with this level
                    game.AddGameScreen(new Mission(level, game.asteroidManager));
                } // if
            } // for (num)