Esempio n. 1
        public Rock.CMS.DTO.Auth ApiGet(string id, string apiKey)
            using (Rock.Data.UnitOfWorkScope uow = new Rock.Data.UnitOfWorkScope())
                Rock.CMS.UserService userService = new Rock.CMS.UserService();
                Rock.CMS.User        user        = userService.Queryable().Where(u => u.ApiKey == apiKey).FirstOrDefault();

                if (user != null)
                    uow.objectContext.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false;
                    Rock.CMS.AuthService AuthService = new Rock.CMS.AuthService();
                    Rock.CMS.Auth        Auth        = AuthService.Get(int.Parse(id));
                    if (Auth.Authorized("View", user))
                        throw new WebFaultException <string>("Not Authorized to View this Auth", System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Forbidden);
                    throw new WebFaultException <string>("Invalid API Key", System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Forbidden);
Esempio n. 2
        public void UpdateAuth(string id, Rock.CMS.DTO.Auth Auth)
            var currentUser = Rock.CMS.UserService.GetCurrentUser();

            if (currentUser == null)
                throw new WebFaultException <string>("Must be logged in", System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Forbidden);

            using (Rock.Data.UnitOfWorkScope uow = new Rock.Data.UnitOfWorkScope())
                uow.objectContext.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false;
                Rock.CMS.AuthService AuthService  = new Rock.CMS.AuthService();
                Rock.CMS.Auth        existingAuth = AuthService.Get(int.Parse(id));
                if (existingAuth.Authorized("Edit", currentUser))

                    if (existingAuth.IsValid)
                        AuthService.Save(existingAuth, currentUser.PersonId);
                        throw new WebFaultException <string>(existingAuth.ValidationResults.AsDelimited(", "), System.Net.HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
                    throw new WebFaultException <string>("Not Authorized to Edit this Auth", System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Forbidden);
Esempio n. 3
        public void ApiDeleteAuth(string id, string apiKey)
            using (Rock.Data.UnitOfWorkScope uow = new Rock.Data.UnitOfWorkScope())
                Rock.CMS.UserService userService = new Rock.CMS.UserService();
                Rock.CMS.User        user        = userService.Queryable().Where(u => u.ApiKey == apiKey).FirstOrDefault();

                if (user != null)
                    uow.objectContext.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false;
                    Rock.CMS.AuthService AuthService = new Rock.CMS.AuthService();
                    Rock.CMS.Auth        Auth        = AuthService.Get(int.Parse(id));
                    if (Auth.Authorized("Edit", user))
                        AuthService.Delete(Auth, user.PersonId);
                        AuthService.Save(Auth, user.PersonId);
                        throw new WebFaultException <string>("Not Authorized to Edit this Auth", System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Forbidden);
                    throw new WebFaultException <string>("Invalid API Key", System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Forbidden);
Esempio n. 4
        public void DeleteAuth(string id)
            var currentUser = Rock.CMS.UserService.GetCurrentUser();

            if (currentUser == null)
                throw new WebFaultException <string>("Must be logged in", System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Forbidden);

            using (Rock.Data.UnitOfWorkScope uow = new Rock.Data.UnitOfWorkScope())
                uow.objectContext.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false;
                Rock.CMS.AuthService AuthService = new Rock.CMS.AuthService();
                Rock.CMS.Auth        Auth        = AuthService.Get(int.Parse(id));
                if (Auth.Authorized("Edit", currentUser))
                    AuthService.Delete(Auth, currentUser.PersonId);
                    AuthService.Save(Auth, currentUser.PersonId);
                    throw new WebFaultException <string>("Not Authorized to Edit this Auth", System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Forbidden);
Esempio n. 5
        public void ApiCreateAuth(string apiKey, Rock.CMS.DTO.Auth Auth)
            using (Rock.Data.UnitOfWorkScope uow = new Rock.Data.UnitOfWorkScope())
                Rock.CMS.UserService userService = new Rock.CMS.UserService();
                Rock.CMS.User        user        = userService.Queryable().Where(u => u.ApiKey == apiKey).FirstOrDefault();

                if (user != null)
                    uow.objectContext.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false;
                    Rock.CMS.AuthService AuthService  = new Rock.CMS.AuthService();
                    Rock.CMS.Auth        existingAuth = new Rock.CMS.Auth();
                    AuthService.Add(existingAuth, user.PersonId);

                    if (existingAuth.IsValid)
                        AuthService.Save(existingAuth, user.PersonId);
                        throw new WebFaultException <string>(existingAuth.ValidationResults.AsDelimited(", "), System.Net.HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
                    throw new WebFaultException <string>("Invalid API Key", System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Forbidden);
Esempio n. 6
        protected void lbAddUser_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            List <Rock.Security.AuthRule> existingAuths =
                Rock.Security.Authorization.AuthRules(iSecured.AuthEntity, iSecured.Id, CurrentAction);

            int maxOrder = existingAuths.Count > 0 ? existingAuths.Last().Order : -1;

            bool actionUpdated = false;

            foreach (ListItem li in cbUsers.Items)
                if (li.Selected)
                    bool alreadyExists = false;

                    int personId = Int32.Parse(li.Value);

                    foreach (Rock.Security.AuthRule auth in existingAuths)
                        if (auth.PersonId.HasValue && auth.PersonId.Value == personId)
                            alreadyExists = true;

                    if (!alreadyExists)
                        Rock.CMS.Auth auth = new Rock.CMS.Auth();
                        auth.EntityType  = iSecured.AuthEntity;
                        auth.EntityId    = iSecured.Id;
                        auth.Action      = CurrentAction;
                        auth.AllowOrDeny = "A";
                        auth.SpecialRole = Rock.CMS.SpecialRole.None;
                        auth.PersonId    = personId;
                        auth.Order       = ++maxOrder;
                        authService.Add(auth, CurrentPersonId);
                        authService.Save(auth, CurrentPersonId);

                        actionUpdated = true;

            if (actionUpdated)
                Rock.Security.Authorization.ReloadAction(iSecured.AuthEntity, iSecured.Id, CurrentAction);

            pnlAddUser.Visible = false;
            phList.Visible     = true;

Esempio n. 7
        protected void rGrid_Delete(object sender, RowEventArgs e)
            Rock.CMS.Auth auth = authService.Get(( int )rGrid.DataKeys[e.RowIndex]["id"]);
            if (auth != null)
                authService.Delete(auth, CurrentPersonId);
                authService.Save(auth, CurrentPersonId);

                Rock.Security.Authorization.ReloadAction(iSecured.AuthEntity, iSecured.Id, CurrentAction);

Esempio n. 8
        protected void rblAllowDeny_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            RadioButtonList rblAllowDeny = ( RadioButtonList )sender;
            GridViewRow     selectedRow  = rblAllowDeny.NamingContainer as GridViewRow;

            if (selectedRow != null)
                int id = ( int )rGrid.DataKeys[selectedRow.RowIndex]["id"];

                Rock.CMS.Auth auth = authService.Get(id);
                if (auth != null)
                    auth.AllowOrDeny = rblAllowDeny.SelectedValue;
                    authService.Save(auth, CurrentPersonId);

                    Rock.Security.Authorization.ReloadAction(iSecured.AuthEntity, iSecured.Id, CurrentAction);

Esempio n. 9
        public Rock.CMS.DTO.Auth Get(string id)
            var currentUser = Rock.CMS.UserService.GetCurrentUser();

            if (currentUser == null)
                throw new WebFaultException <string>("Must be logged in", System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Forbidden);

            using (Rock.Data.UnitOfWorkScope uow = new Rock.Data.UnitOfWorkScope())
                uow.objectContext.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false;
                Rock.CMS.AuthService AuthService = new Rock.CMS.AuthService();
                Rock.CMS.Auth        Auth        = AuthService.Get(int.Parse(id));
                if (Auth.Authorized("View", currentUser))
                    throw new WebFaultException <string>("Not Authorized to View this Auth", System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Forbidden);
Esempio n. 10
        public void ApiCreateAuth( string apiKey, Rock.CMS.DTO.Auth Auth )
            using ( Rock.Data.UnitOfWorkScope uow = new Rock.Data.UnitOfWorkScope() )
                Rock.CMS.UserService userService = new Rock.CMS.UserService();
                Rock.CMS.User user = userService.Queryable().Where( u => u.ApiKey == apiKey ).FirstOrDefault();

                if (user != null)
                    uow.objectContext.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false;
                    Rock.CMS.AuthService AuthService = new Rock.CMS.AuthService();
                    Rock.CMS.Auth existingAuth = new Rock.CMS.Auth();
                    AuthService.Add( existingAuth, user.PersonId );

                    if (existingAuth.IsValid)
                        AuthService.Save( existingAuth, user.PersonId );
                        throw new WebFaultException<string>( existingAuth.ValidationResults.AsDelimited(", "), System.Net.HttpStatusCode.BadRequest );
                    throw new WebFaultException<string>( "Invalid API Key", System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Forbidden );
Esempio n. 11
        protected void lbAddRole_Click( object sender, EventArgs e )
            List<Rock.Security.AuthRule> existingAuths =
                Rock.Security.Authorization.AuthRules( iSecured.AuthEntity, iSecured.Id, CurrentAction );

            int maxOrder = existingAuths.Count > 0 ? existingAuths.Last().Order : -1;

            foreach ( ListItem li in cblRoleActionList.Items )
                if (li.Selected)
                    bool actionUpdated = false;
                    bool alreadyExists = false;

                    Rock.CMS.SpecialRole specialRole = Rock.CMS.SpecialRole.None;
                    int? groupId = Int32.Parse(ddlRoles.SelectedValue);

                        case -1: specialRole = Rock.CMS.SpecialRole.AllUsers; break;
                        case -2: specialRole = Rock.CMS.SpecialRole.AllAuthenticatedUsers; break;
                        case -3: specialRole = Rock.CMS.SpecialRole.AllUnAuthenticatedUsers; break;
                        default: specialRole = Rock.CMS.SpecialRole.None; break;

                    if (groupId < 0)
                        groupId = null;

                    foreach ( Rock.Security.AuthRule rule in
                        Rock.Security.Authorization.AuthRules( iSecured.AuthEntity, iSecured.Id, li.Text ) )
                        if ( rule.SpecialRole == specialRole && rule.GroupId == groupId )
                            alreadyExists = true;

                    if ( !alreadyExists )
                        Rock.CMS.Auth auth = new Rock.CMS.Auth();
                        auth.EntityType = iSecured.AuthEntity;
                        auth.EntityId = iSecured.Id;
                        auth.Action = li.Text;
                        auth.AllowOrDeny = "A";
                        auth.SpecialRole = specialRole;
                        auth.GroupId = groupId;
                        auth.Order = ++maxOrder;
                        authService.Add( auth, CurrentPersonId );
                        authService.Save( auth, CurrentPersonId );

                        actionUpdated = true;

                    if ( actionUpdated )
                        Rock.Security.Authorization.ReloadAction( iSecured.AuthEntity, iSecured.Id, li.Text );

            pnlAddRole.Visible = false;
            phList.Visible = true;

Esempio n. 12
        protected void lbAddUser_Click( object sender, EventArgs e )
            List<Rock.Security.AuthRule> existingAuths =
                Rock.Security.Authorization.AuthRules( iSecured.AuthEntity, iSecured.Id, CurrentAction );

            int maxOrder = existingAuths.Count > 0 ? existingAuths.Last().Order : -1;

            bool actionUpdated = false;

            foreach ( ListItem li in cbUsers.Items )
                if ( li.Selected )
                    bool alreadyExists = false;

                    int personId = Int32.Parse( li.Value );

                    foreach ( Rock.Security.AuthRule auth in existingAuths )
                        if ( auth.PersonId.HasValue && auth.PersonId.Value == personId)
                            alreadyExists = true;

                    if ( !alreadyExists )
                        Rock.CMS.Auth auth = new Rock.CMS.Auth();
                        auth.EntityType = iSecured.AuthEntity;
                        auth.EntityId = iSecured.Id;
                        auth.Action = CurrentAction;
                        auth.AllowOrDeny = "A";
                        auth.SpecialRole = Rock.CMS.SpecialRole.None;
                        auth.PersonId = personId;
                        auth.Order = ++maxOrder;
                        authService.Add( auth, CurrentPersonId );
                        authService.Save( auth, CurrentPersonId );

                        actionUpdated = true;


            if ( actionUpdated )
                Rock.Security.Authorization.ReloadAction( iSecured.AuthEntity, iSecured.Id, CurrentAction );

            pnlAddUser.Visible = false;
            phList.Visible = true;

Esempio n. 13
        protected void lbAddRole_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            List <Rock.Security.AuthRule> existingAuths =
                Rock.Security.Authorization.AuthRules(iSecured.AuthEntity, iSecured.Id, CurrentAction);

            int maxOrder = existingAuths.Count > 0 ? existingAuths.Last().Order : -1;

            foreach (ListItem li in cblRoleActionList.Items)
                if (li.Selected)
                    bool actionUpdated = false;
                    bool alreadyExists = false;

                    Rock.CMS.SpecialRole specialRole = Rock.CMS.SpecialRole.None;
                    int?groupId = Int32.Parse(ddlRoles.SelectedValue);

                    switch (groupId)
                    case -1: specialRole = Rock.CMS.SpecialRole.AllUsers; break;

                    case -2: specialRole = Rock.CMS.SpecialRole.AllAuthenticatedUsers; break;

                    case -3: specialRole = Rock.CMS.SpecialRole.AllUnAuthenticatedUsers; break;

                    default: specialRole = Rock.CMS.SpecialRole.None; break;

                    if (groupId < 0)
                        groupId = null;

                    foreach (Rock.Security.AuthRule rule in
                             Rock.Security.Authorization.AuthRules(iSecured.AuthEntity, iSecured.Id, li.Text))
                        if (rule.SpecialRole == specialRole && rule.GroupId == groupId)
                            alreadyExists = true;

                    if (!alreadyExists)
                        Rock.CMS.Auth auth = new Rock.CMS.Auth();
                        auth.EntityType  = iSecured.AuthEntity;
                        auth.EntityId    = iSecured.Id;
                        auth.Action      = li.Text;
                        auth.AllowOrDeny = "A";
                        auth.SpecialRole = specialRole;
                        auth.GroupId     = groupId;
                        auth.Order       = ++maxOrder;
                        authService.Add(auth, CurrentPersonId);
                        authService.Save(auth, CurrentPersonId);

                        actionUpdated = true;

                    if (actionUpdated)
                        Rock.Security.Authorization.ReloadAction(iSecured.AuthEntity, iSecured.Id, li.Text);

            pnlAddRole.Visible = false;
            phList.Visible     = true;

Esempio n. 14
        protected void lbAddRole_Click( object sender, EventArgs e )
            List<Rock.Security.AuthRule> existingAuths =
                Rock.Security.Authorization.AuthRules( iSecured.AuthEntity, iSecured.Id, CurrentAction );

            int maxOrder = existingAuths.Count > 0 ? existingAuths.Last().Order : -1;

            foreach ( ListItem li in cblRoleActionList.Items )
                if (li.Selected)
                    bool actionUpdated = false;
                    bool alreadyExists = false;

                    foreach ( Rock.Security.AuthRule rule in
                        Rock.Security.Authorization.AuthRules( iSecured.AuthEntity, iSecured.Id, li.Text ) )
                        if ( rule.UserOrRole == "R" && rule.UserOrRoleName == ddlRoles.SelectedValue )
                            alreadyExists = true;

                    if ( !alreadyExists )
                        Rock.CMS.Auth auth = new Rock.CMS.Auth();
                        auth.EntityType = iSecured.AuthEntity;
                        auth.EntityId = iSecured.Id;
                        auth.Action = li.Text;
                        auth.AllowOrDeny = "A";
                        auth.UserOrRole = "R";
                        auth.UserOrRoleName = ddlRoles.SelectedValue;
                        auth.Order = ++maxOrder;
                        authService.Add( auth, CurrentPersonId );
                        authService.Save( auth, CurrentPersonId );

                        actionUpdated = true;

                    if ( actionUpdated )
                        Rock.Security.Authorization.ReloadAction( iSecured.AuthEntity, iSecured.Id, li.Text );

            pnlAddRole.Visible = false;
            phList.Visible = true;

Esempio n. 15
        public void CreateAuth( Rock.CMS.DTO.Auth Auth )
            var currentUser = Rock.CMS.UserService.GetCurrentUser();
            if ( currentUser == null )
                throw new WebFaultException<string>("Must be logged in", System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Forbidden );

            using ( Rock.Data.UnitOfWorkScope uow = new Rock.Data.UnitOfWorkScope() )
                uow.objectContext.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false;
                Rock.CMS.AuthService AuthService = new Rock.CMS.AuthService();
                Rock.CMS.Auth existingAuth = new Rock.CMS.Auth();
                AuthService.Add( existingAuth, currentUser.PersonId );

                if (existingAuth.IsValid)
                    AuthService.Save( existingAuth, currentUser.PersonId );
                    throw new WebFaultException<string>( existingAuth.ValidationResults.AsDelimited(", "), System.Net.HttpStatusCode.BadRequest );