Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        ///     Creates address from public key
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="publicKey"></param>
        /// <param name="networkType"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Address CreateFromPublicKey(string publicKey, NetworkType networkType)
            // step 1) sha-3(256) public key
            var digestSha3 = new Sha3Digest(256);
            var stepOne    = new byte[Key];

            digestSha3.BlockUpdate(publicKey.FromHex(), 0, Key);
            digestSha3.DoFinal(stepOne, 0);

            // step 2) perform ripemd160 on previous step
            var digestRipeMd160 = new RipeMD160Digest();
            var stepTwo         = new byte[Ripemd160];

            digestRipeMd160.BlockUpdate(stepOne, 0, Key);
            digestRipeMd160.DoFinal(stepTwo, 0);

            // step3) prepend network byte
            var stepThree = new[] { networkType.GetValueInByte() }.Concat(stepTwo).ToArray();

            // step 4) perform sha3 on previous step
            var stepFour = new byte[Key];

            digestSha3.BlockUpdate(stepThree, 0, Ripemd160 + 1);
            digestSha3.DoFinal(stepFour, 0);

            // step 5) retrieve checksum
            var stepFive = new byte[Checksum];

            Array.Copy(stepFour, 0, stepFive, 0, Checksum);

            // step 6) append stepFive to result of stepThree
            var stepSix = new byte[AddressDecoded];

            Array.Copy(stepThree, 0, stepSix, 0, Ripemd160 + 1);
            Array.Copy(stepFive, 0, stepSix, Ripemd160 + 1, Checksum);

            // step 7) return base 32 encode address byte array
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Create an Address from a given public key and network type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="publicKey">The public key.</param>
        /// <param name="networkType">The network type</param>
        /// <returns>Address.</returns>
        public Address(string publicKey, NetworkType.Types networkType)
            // step 1) sha-3(256) public key
            var digestSha3 = new KeccakDigest(256);
            var stepOne    = new byte[Constants.Key];

            digestSha3.BlockUpdate(publicKey.FromHex(), 0, Constants.Key);
            digestSha3.DoFinal(stepOne, 0);

            // step 2) perform ripemd160 on previous step
            var digestRipeMd160 = new RipeMD160Digest();
            var stepTwo         = new byte[Constants.Ripemd160];

            digestRipeMd160.BlockUpdate(stepOne, 0, Constants.Key);
            digestRipeMd160.DoFinal(stepTwo, 0);

            // step3) prepend network byte
            var stepThree = new[] { networkType.GetNetwork() }.Concat(stepTwo).ToArray();

            // step 4) perform sha3 on previous step
            var stepFour = new byte[Constants.Key];

            digestSha3.BlockUpdate(stepThree, 0, Constants.Ripemd160 + 1);
            digestSha3.DoFinal(stepFour, 0);

            // step 5) retrieve checksum
            var stepFive = new byte[Constants.Checksum];

            Array.Copy(stepFour, 0, stepFive, 0, Constants.Checksum);

            // step 6) append stepFive to resulst of stepThree
            var stepSix = new byte[Constants.AddressDecoded];

            Array.Copy(stepThree, 0, stepSix, 0, Constants.Ripemd160 + 1);
            Array.Copy(stepFive, 0, stepSix, Constants.Ripemd160 + 1, Constants.Checksum);

            // step 7) return base 32 encode address byte array
Esempio n. 3
        private static String DeriveSIN(byte[] pubKeyBytes)
            // Get sha256 hash and then the RIPEMD-160 hash of the public key (this call gets the result in one step).
            byte[]          hash            = new SHA256Managed().ComputeHash(pubKeyBytes);
            RipeMD160Digest ripeMd160Digest = new RipeMD160Digest();

            ripeMd160Digest.BlockUpdate(hash, 0, hash.Length);
            byte[] output = new byte[20];
            ripeMd160Digest.DoFinal(output, 0);

            byte[] pubKeyHash = output;

            // Convert binary pubKeyHash, SINtype and version to Hex
            String version       = "0F";
            String SINtype       = "02";
            String pubKeyHashHex = bytesToHex(pubKeyHash);

            // Concatenate all three elements
            String preSIN = version + SINtype + pubKeyHashHex;

            // Convert the hex string back to binary and double sha256 hash it leaving in binary both times
            byte[] preSINbyte = hexToBytes(preSIN);
            byte[] hash2Bytes = DoubleDigest(preSINbyte);

            // Convert back to hex and take first four bytes
            String hashString  = bytesToHex(hash2Bytes);
            String first4Bytes = hashString.Substring(0, 8);

            // Append first four bytes to fully appended SIN string
            String unencoded = preSIN + first4Bytes;

            byte[] unencodedBytes = new BigInteger(unencoded,
            String encoded = Encode(unencodedBytes);

        public ITestResult Perform()
            IDigest digest = new RipeMD160Digest();

            byte[] resBuf = new byte[digest.GetDigestSize()];

            for (int i = 0; i < messages.Length; i++)
                byte[] m = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(messages[i]);
                digest.BlockUpdate(m, 0, m.Length);
                digest.DoFinal(resBuf, 0);

                if (!Arrays.AreEqual(resBuf, Hex.Decode(digests[i])))
                    return(new SimpleTestResult(false, Name + ": Vector " + i + " failed"));

            // test 2
            byte[] mm = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(messages[messages.Length - 1]);

            digest.BlockUpdate(mm, 0, mm.Length / 2);

            // clone the IDigest
            IDigest d = new RipeMD160Digest((RipeMD160Digest)digest);

            digest.BlockUpdate(mm, mm.Length / 2, mm.Length - mm.Length / 2);
            digest.DoFinal(resBuf, 0);

            if (!Arrays.AreEqual(resBuf, Hex.Decode(digests[digests.Length - 1])))
                return(new SimpleTestResult(false,
                                            "RipeMD160 failing clone test"
                                            + SimpleTest.NewLine
                                            + "    expected: " + digests[digests.Length - 1]
                                            + SimpleTest.NewLine
                                            + "    got     : " + Hex.ToHexString(resBuf)));

            d.BlockUpdate(mm, mm.Length / 2, mm.Length - mm.Length / 2);
            d.DoFinal(resBuf, 0);

            if (!Arrays.AreEqual(resBuf, Hex.Decode(digests[digests.Length - 1])))
                return(new SimpleTestResult(false,
                                            "RipeMD160 failing clone test - part 2"
                                            + SimpleTest.NewLine
                                            + "    expected: " + digests[digests.Length - 1]
                                            + SimpleTest.NewLine
                                            + "    got     : " + Hex.ToHexString(resBuf)));

            for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++)
            digest.DoFinal(resBuf, 0);

            if (!Arrays.AreEqual(resBuf, Hex.Decode(MillionADigest)))
                return(new SimpleTestResult(false, Name + ": Million a's failed"));

            return(new SimpleTestResult(true, Name + ": Okay"));
Esempio n. 5
 public static byte[] RIPEMD160(byte[] data, int offset, int count)
     #if !DNXCORE50
     using (var ripm = new RIPEMD160Managed())
         return ripm.ComputeHash(data, offset, count);
     RipeMD160Digest ripemd = new RipeMD160Digest();
     ripemd.BlockUpdate(data, offset, count);
     byte[] rv = new byte[20];
     ripemd.DoFinal(rv, 0);
     return rv;
Esempio n. 6
        public static byte[] Digest(byte[] data, String algo)
            if (algo == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("El algoritmo de huella digital no puede ser nulo");
            if (data == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Los datos no pueden ser nulos");

            switch (algo)
            case AOSignConstants.SIGN_ALGORITHM_SHA1:
                Sha1Digest dig = new Sha1Digest();
                dig.BlockUpdate(data, 0, data.Length);
                byte[] result = new byte[dig.GetDigestSize()];
                dig.DoFinal(result, 0);

            case AOSignConstants.SIGN_ALGORITHM_SHA256:
                Sha256Digest dig = new Sha256Digest();
                dig.BlockUpdate(data, 0, data.Length);
                byte[] result = new byte[dig.GetDigestSize()];
                dig.DoFinal(result, 0);

            case AOSignConstants.SIGN_ALGORITHM_SHA384:
                Sha384Digest dig = new Sha384Digest();
                dig.BlockUpdate(data, 0, data.Length);
                byte[] result = new byte[dig.GetDigestSize()];
                dig.DoFinal(result, 0);

            case AOSignConstants.SIGN_ALGORITHM_SHA512:
                Sha512Digest dig = new Sha512Digest();
                dig.BlockUpdate(data, 0, data.Length);
                byte[] result = new byte[dig.GetDigestSize()];
                dig.DoFinal(result, 0);

            case AOSignConstants.SIGN_ALGORITHM_RIPEMD160:
                RipeMD160Digest dig = new RipeMD160Digest();
                dig.BlockUpdate(data, 0, data.Length);
                byte[] result = new byte[dig.GetDigestSize()];
                dig.DoFinal(result, 0);

            case AOSignConstants.SIGN_ALGORITHM_MD5:
                MD5Digest dig = new MD5Digest();
                dig.BlockUpdate(data, 0, data.Length);
                byte[] result = new byte[dig.GetDigestSize()];
                dig.DoFinal(result, 0);

            case AOSignConstants.SIGN_ALGORITHM_MD2:
                MD2Digest dig = new MD2Digest();
                dig.BlockUpdate(data, 0, data.Length);
                byte[] result = new byte[dig.GetDigestSize()];
                dig.DoFinal(result, 0);

                // You can use the default case.
                throw new ArgumentNullException("El algoritmo no es reconocido");

            throw new ArgumentNullException("Algoritmo de hash no soportado: " + algo);
Esempio n. 7
        // This are implented as static constructors to translate Dart factory

        /// Derives the private key from the given [mnemonic] using the specified
        /// [networkInfo].
        public static Wallet derive(List <String> mnemonic, NetworkInfo networkInfo, String lastDerivationPathSegment = "0")
            Mnemonic bip39;

            // Get the mnemonic as a single concatenated string
            String mnemonicString = String.Join(' ', mnemonic);

            // Check the mnemonic
                bip39 = new Mnemonic(mnemonicString);
            catch (ArgumentException e)
                System.ArgumentException argEx = new System.ArgumentException($"Invalid mnemonic string - Exception ${e.Message} - '${mnemonicString}'");
                throw argEx;
            // Get the seed - byte[]. !!!Note the empty password - OK!
            byte[] seed = bip39.DeriveSeed();
            // Using the seed in a BIP32 instance
            ExtKey root = new ExtKey(seed);
            // Check for correct lastDerivationPathSegment
            int  segValue  = -1;
            bool isNumeric = int.TryParse(lastDerivationPathSegment, out segValue);

            if ((isNumeric == false) || (segValue < 0))
                // Exception - derivation path not valid!
                System.ArgumentException argEx = new System.ArgumentException($"Argument Exception - Invalid Derivation Path: '{lastDerivationPathSegment}'");
                throw argEx;
            //  Create the Keypath - with the last Path Segment
            String  derivedPathString = $"{DERIVATION_PATH}/{lastDerivationPathSegment}";
            KeyPath derivationPath    = new KeyPath(derivedPathString);
            // Get the node
            ExtKey derivedNode = root.Derive(derivationPath);

            // Get the private key
            byte[] privateKey = derivedNode.PrivateKey.ToBytes();

            // Get the curve data
            X9ECParameters secp256k1 = ECNamedCurveTable.GetByName("secp256k1");
            ECPoint        point     = secp256k1.G;

            // Compute the curve point associated to the private key
            BigInteger bigInt     = new BigInteger(HexEncDec.ByteArrayToString(privateKey), (int)16);
            ECPoint    curvePoint = point.Multiply(bigInt);

            // Get the public key - Be Careful, this MUST be compressed format!!!
            byte[] publicKeyBytes = curvePoint.GetEncoded(true);

            // Get the address
            Sha256Digest sha256digest = new Sha256Digest();

            sha256digest.BlockUpdate(publicKeyBytes, 0, publicKeyBytes.Length);
            // byte[] sha256digestOut = new byte[sha256digest.GetByteLength()];
            byte[] sha256digestOut = new byte[sha256digest.GetDigestSize()];
            sha256digest.DoFinal(sha256digestOut, 0);

            RipeMD160Digest ripeMD160Digest = new RipeMD160Digest();

            ripeMD160Digest.BlockUpdate(sha256digestOut, 0, sha256digestOut.Length);
            // byte[] address = new byte[ripeMD160Digest.GetByteLength()];
            byte[] address = new byte[ADDRESS_LENGTH];
            ripeMD160Digest.DoFinal(address, 0);

            // Return the key bytes
            return(new Wallet(address: address, publicKey: publicKeyBytes, privateKey: privateKey, networkInfo: networkInfo));