private void IconsBox_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right) { RightClickMenu.Show(this, e.Location); } }
private void pictureBox1_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right) { RightClickMenu.Show(Cursor.Position); } }
private void TasView_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right && !TasView.IsPointingAtColumnHeader && !_supressContextMenu) { RightClickMenu.Show(TasView, e.X, e.Y); } else if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) { ClearLeftMouseStates(); } if (e.Button == System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Right) { if (_rightClickFrame != -1) { _rightClickInput = null; _rightClickOverInput = null; _rightClickFrame = -1; CurrentTasMovie.ChangeLog.EndBatch(); } } _supressContextMenu = false; DoTriggeredAutoRestoreIfNeeded(); }
void MouseEvents_RIGHTCLICK(Ray qamRay, bool hold) { if ((!hold) && (!UnitMenuIsOn)) { if (!IsLocked) { if (MouseEvents.State.Position.AsUnitUnderCursor) { UnitScript ClickedUnit = MouseEvents.State.Position.AsUnitUnderCursor; if (IsOtherUnit(ClickedUnit.gameObject)) {//--------------- I think of adding anozher Menu like InteractionMenu or what. //-------------it would contain Interaction specific comamds like Guard, GroupMove, BuildAGroup, TakeLeadership, and so on... //-------------butt now this Rightclick will handle the focus to the other Unit and call it's CommandOptionsMenu ClickedUnit.gameObject.AddComponent <Focus>(); RightClickMenu.PopUpGUI(ClickedUnit); GUIScript.SelectedGroup.ResetGroup(); } else {//---------------the Focussed Unit (This unit) was Rightclicked self. RightClickMenu.PopUpGUI(UNIT); } } else {//------------ Rightclick on Ground... GameObject.Destroy(gameObject.GetComponent <Focus>()); } } else if (IsLockedToThis) { UNIT.Options.OptionsBase_RIGHTCLICK(qamRay, hold); } } }
public void Update() { position = new Vector2(Input.mousePosition.x, Screen.height - Input.mousePosition.y); dragging = IsDragging(); RaycastHit hit; Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition); if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit)) { ObjectInformation info = hit.transform.GetComponent <ObjectInformation> (); if (info) { if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0) && info.item.type != ItemType.Deployer) { player.AddToInventory(info.item, info.item.count); info.item.DestroyWorldObject(); } else if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(1)) { RightClickMenu rcm = transform.gameObject.AddComponent <RightClickMenu> (); rcm.Init(info.item, WindowType.WorldObject); print(info.item.type.ToString()); } } } }
void Start() { rcm = this; trans = gameObject.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); map = GameObject.Find("MapGenerator").GetComponent <MapGenerator>(); mousePos = new Vector2(); toolTipPos = trans.anchoredPosition; hideMenu(); }
private void Start() { if (instance) { DestroyImmediate(this); } else { instance = this; } }
void WindowFunction(int windowID) { int x = 0, y = 0; //for each item in inventory foreach (Item item in player.inventory_items) { //index position of the item : add to y if (x >= width) { x -= width; y++; } if (!item.nullified) { if (item.type != ItemType.Null) { //default button : used with all items : add window top border Vector2 position = new Vector2((button_size + button_margin) * x + button_margin, (button_size + button_margin) * y + + button_margin), size = new Vector2(button_size, button_size); Rect button = new Rect(position, size); //item button if (GUI.Button(button, item.texture)) { //Left clicked the item if (Event.current.button == 0 && item.equip_location != null) //left clicked //equip to the first equip_location { player.Equip(item, item.equip_location [0]); return; //Right clicked the item } else if (Event.current.button == 1) { //add right click menu to the player object as a script RightClickMenu rcm = transform.gameObject.AddComponent <RightClickMenu> (); rcm.Init(item, WindowType.Inventory); } } if (item.stackable) { GUI.Label(button, item.count.ToString()); } } } x++; } }
private void HistoryView_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (e.Button == System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Right) { RightClickMenu.Show(HistoryView, e.X, e.Y); } else if (e.Button == System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left) { if (HistoryView.selectedItem == -1) { HistoryView.SelectItem(_hackSelect, true); } } }
public void OnRightClickMenuCreated(RightClickMenu rightClickMenu) { var contextMenu = (ContextMenu)(_rightClickMenuContextMenu.GetValue(rightClickMenu)); var modsGroup = new MenuItem("Mods"); foreach (var modMenuItem in _modMenuItems) { AddMenuItem(modMenuItem, modsGroup); } if (!_modMenuItems.Any()) { modsGroup.Enabled = false; } contextMenu.Items.Insert(contextMenu.Items.Count - 1, modsGroup); }
private void PrvwBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPreviewEnabled) { RightClickMenu.Show(PrvwBtn, new System.Drawing.Point(1, 20)); } else { IsPreviewEnabled = false; StartNormalPrvw1.Enabled = true; StartNormalPrvw2.Enabled = true; StartNormalPrvw3.Enabled = true; StartCustomPrvw.Enabled = true; } }
private void TasView_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right && !TasView.IsPointingAtColumnHeader && !_supressContextMenu) { RightClickMenu.Show(TasView, e.X, e.Y); } else if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) { CurrentTasMovie.SupressGreenzonging = false; _startMarkerDrag = false; _startFrameDrag = false; _startBoolDrawColumn = string.Empty; _startFloatDrawColumn = string.Empty; // Exit float editing if value was changed with cursor if (_floatEditRow != -1 && _floatPaintState != CurrentTasMovie.GetFloatState(_floatEditRow, _floatEditColumn)) { _floatEditRow = -1; RefreshDialog(); } _floatPaintState = 0; _floatEditYPos = -1; _leftButtonHeld = false; if (_floatEditRow == -1) { CurrentTasMovie.ChangeLog.EndBatch(); } } if (e.Button == System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Right) { if (_rightClickFrame != -1) { _rightClickInput = null; _rightClickFrame = -1; CurrentTasMovie.ChangeLog.EndBatch(); } } _supressContextMenu = false; DoTriggeredAutoRestoreIfNeeded(); }
public void Start() { player = GetComponent <Player>(); skin = Resources.Load("GUI Skins/Normal") as GUISkin; //set the size of the rect : start with 0 height, will be determined later in WindowFunction size = new Vector2(button_width, 0); //get the right_click_menu on the player RightClickMenu rcm = transform.GetComponent <RightClickMenu> (); if (rcm != this) //if a right_click_menu already exists, delete it { Destroy(rcm); } //set the position of the menu at the cursor position = new Vector2(Input.mousePosition.x, Screen.height - Input.mousePosition.y); }
public static unsafe void Notify(PluginNotification* notification) { switch (notification->Reason) { case PluginNotificationReason.DatabaseLoaded: DataSource = new DataSource( databasePath: Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(notification->DatabasePath), mainWnd: notification->MainWnd); RightClickMenu = new RightClickMenu(DataSource); break; case PluginNotificationReason.DatabaseUnloaded: DataSource.DatabasePath = null; break; case PluginNotificationReason.StatusRightClick: RightClickMenu.ContextMenu.IsOpen = true; break; case PluginNotificationReason.SettingsChange: break; } }
void Start() { rectTransform = GetComponent <RectTransform>(); beBlock = GetComponent <BEBlock>(); holding = false; isDragging = false; holdCounter = 0; onDragCanvas = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("onDragCanvas").transform; mainCanvas = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GameController").transform.GetChild(1).gameObject; foreach (Transform child in mainCanvas.transform) { if (child.GetComponent <RightClickMenu>()) { rightClickMenu = child.GetComponent <RightClickMenu>(); } } StartCoroutine(BELayoutRebuild.DelayedLayoutRebuild(beBlock)); }
private void ObjectGrid_CellMouseUp(object sender, DataGridViewCellMouseEventArgs e) { if (e.ColumnIndex == 0 && e.RowIndex != -1) { DataGridViewCheckBoxCell cell = ObjectGrid.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[0] as DataGridViewCheckBoxCell; if ((bool)cell.EditingCellFormattedValue) { ObjectGrid.Rows[e.RowIndex].ReadOnly = false; } else { ObjectGrid.Rows[e.RowIndex].ReadOnly = true; ObjectGrid.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[0].ReadOnly = false; } } if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right) { RightClickMenu.Show(Cursor.Position.X, Cursor.Position.Y); currentCell = new Tuple <int, int>(e.RowIndex, e.ColumnIndex); } }
public static unsafe void Notify(PluginNotification *notification) { switch (notification->Reason) { case PluginNotificationReason.DatabaseLoaded: mainWnd = notification->MainWnd; RightClickMenu = new RightClickMenu(notification->MainWnd); break; case PluginNotificationReason.DatabaseUnloaded: break; case PluginNotificationReason.StatusRightClick: RightClickMenu.ContextMenu.IsOpen = true; break; case PluginNotificationReason.SettingsChange: break; } }
void WindowFunction(int windowID) { int index = 0; foreach (Rect r in slots) { GUI.Box(r, ""); if (player.equipment_items [index] != null) { if (player.equipment_items [index].type != ItemType.Null) { if (player.equipment_items [index] != null) { Item item = player.equipment_items [index]; Vector2 position; Rect button; button = slots [index]; if (GUI.Button(button, item.texture)) { if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0)) { player.Unequip(item); } else if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(1)) { RightClickMenu rcm = transform.gameObject.AddComponent <RightClickMenu> (); rcm.Init(item, WindowType.Equipment); } } } } } index++; } }
public static unsafe void Notify(PluginNotification *notification) { switch (notification->Reason) { case PluginNotificationReason.DatabaseLoaded: DataSource = new DataSource( databasePath: Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(notification->DatabasePath), mainWnd: notification->MainWnd); RightClickMenu = new RightClickMenu(DataSource); break; case PluginNotificationReason.DatabaseUnloaded: DataSource.DatabasePath = null; break; case PluginNotificationReason.StatusRightClick: RightClickMenu.ContextMenu.IsOpen = true; break; case PluginNotificationReason.SettingsChange: break; } }
private void TasView_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right && !TasView.IsPointingAtColumnHeader && !_supressContextMenu && TasView.SelectedRows.Any()) { if (Global.MovieSession.Movie.FrameCount < TasView.SelectedRows.Max()) { // trying to be smart here // if a loaded branch log is shorter than selection, keep selection until you attempt to call context menu // you might need it when you load again the branch where this frame exists TasView.DeselectAll(); RefreshTasView(); } else { RightClickMenu.Show(TasView, e.X, e.Y); } } else if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) { ClearLeftMouseStates(); } if (e.Button == System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Right) { if (_rightClickFrame != -1) { _rightClickInput = null; _rightClickOverInput = null; _rightClickFrame = -1; CurrentTasMovie.ChangeLog.EndBatch(); } } _supressContextMenu = false; DoTriggeredAutoRestoreIfNeeded(); }
public void AskForOrder() { RightClickMenu.PopUpGUI(this); }
public void click() { Unit u = mg.getCurrentUnit(); if (action.hasMovement()) { mg.lastPlayerPath = mg.getCurrentUnit().currentPath; mg.currentKeysTile = action.movementTile; } if (action.movementTypes.Contains(MovementType.Move)) { u.unitMovement = UnitMovement.Move; u.currentMoveDist = u.moveDistLeft; u.startMoving(false); } if (action.movementTypes.Contains(MovementType.BackStep)) { u.unitMovement = UnitMovement.BackStep; u.currentMoveDist = 1; u.startMoving(true); } if (action.minorTypes.Contains(MinorType.Escape)) { u.unitMovement = UnitMovement.Escape; u.currentMoveDist = 2; u.startMoving(true); } if (action.standardTypes.Contains(StandardType.Attack)) { u.attackEnemy = action.actualTile.getCharacter(); u.startAttacking(); } if (action.standardTypes.Contains(StandardType.OverClock)) { u.attackEnemy = action.actualTile.getCharacter(); u.startAttacking(true); } if (action.standardTypes.Contains(StandardType.Throw)) { u.attackEnemy = action.actualTile.getCharacter(); u.startThrowing(); } if (action.standardTypes.Contains(StandardType.Intimidate)) { u.attackEnemy = action.actualTile.getCharacter(); u.startIntimidating(); } if (action.standardTypes.Contains(StandardType.InstillParanoia)) { u.attackEnemy = action.actualTile.getCharacter(); u.startInstillingParanoia(); } if (action.minorTypes.Contains(MinorType.Invoke)) { u.attackEnemy = action.actualTile.getCharacter(); u.startInvoking(); } if (action.minorTypes.Contains(MinorType.Stealth)) { u.rollStealth(); } if (action.movementTypes.Contains(MovementType.Recover)) { u.recover(); } if (action.gameMasterTypes.Contains(GameMasterType.Damage1)) { action.actualTile.getCharacter().damage(1, null); //; Debug.Log(; action.actualTile.getCharacter().showDamage(1, true, false); } if (action.gameMasterTypes.Contains(GameMasterType.Heal1)) { action.actualTile.getCharacter().gainHealth(1); action.actualTile.getCharacter().showHitpoints(1, true); } if (action.gameMasterTypes.Contains(GameMasterType.Heal10)) { action.actualTile.getCharacter().gainHealth(10); action.actualTile.getCharacter().showHitpoints(10, true); } /* if (action.minorTypes.Contains(MinorType.OneOfMany)) { * * }*/ if (action.standardTypes.Contains(StandardType.Heal)) { u.attackEnemy = action.actualTile.getCharacter(); u.startHealing(); } if (action.minorTypes.Contains(MinorType.Loot)) { u.lootTile = action.actualTile; } if (action.minorTypes.Contains(MinorType.TurretOn) || action.minorTypes.Contains(MinorType.TurretOff)) { u.turretTile = action.actualTile; } if (action.standardTypes.Contains(StandardType.PickUpTrap)) { u.pickUpTrapTile = action.actualTile; // (action.actualTile.getCharacter() as TrapUnit).trap; } if (action.standardTypes.Contains(StandardType.PickUpTurret)) { u.pickUpTurretTile = action.actualTile; //(action.actualTile.getCharacter() as TurretUnit).turret; } if (action.standardTypes.Contains(StandardType.MoveBody)) { u.moveUnit = action.actualTile.getCharacter();; } if (action.minorTypes.Contains(MinorType.Examine)) { u.examineUnit(action.actualTile.getCharacter()); u.useMinor(MinorType.Examine, false, false); } RightClickMenu.hideMenu(true); }
protected override void OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e) { base.OnMouseUp(e); if (e.Button == System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left) { mouseDown = false; oldXLocation = -1; bool ignoreClick = false; if (Math.Abs(offset) > 5) { TabOffset += offset; ignoreClick = true; } offset = 0; if (tabRects == null) { UpdateTabRects(); } if (!ignoreClick) { for (int i = 0; i < tabRects.Count; i++) { if (tabRects[i].XButtonRect.Contains(e.Location)) { if (baseTabControl.TabCount > 1 && i == BaseTabControl.SelectedIndex) { if (i == 0) { baseTabControl.SelectTab(1); } else { baseTabControl.SelectTab(i - 1); } Application.DoEvents(); } baseTabControl.TabPages.RemoveAt(i); previousSelectedTabIndex = -1; UpdateTabRects(); return; } else if (tabRects[i].TabRect.Contains(e.Location)) { baseTabControl.SelectedIndex = i; } } } animationSource = e.Location; UpdateTabRects(); Invalidate(); } else { RightClickLocation = e.Location; RightClickMenu.Show(PointToScreen(e.Location)); } }