private void InitRichEditControl() { using (new UsingProcessor(() => Editor.BeginUpdate(), () => Editor.EndUpdate())) { if (cell.HasRichText) { RichTextString richText = cell.GetRichText(); Document document = Editor.Document; foreach (RichTextRun run in richText.Runs) { DocumentRange range = document.InsertText(document.Range.End, run.Text); CharacterProperties cp = document.BeginUpdateCharacters(range); try { cp.Bold = run.Font.Bold; cp.ForeColor = run.Font.Color; cp.Italic = run.Font.Italic; cp.FontName = run.Font.Name; cp.FontSize = (float)run.Font.Size; cp.Strikeout = run.Font.Strikethrough ? StrikeoutType.Single : StrikeoutType.None; switch (run.Font.Script) { case ScriptType.Subscript: cp.Subscript = true; break; case ScriptType.Superscript: cp.Superscript = true; break; default: cp.Subscript = false; cp.Superscript = false; break; } cp.Underline = run.Font.UnderlineType switch { DevExpress.Spreadsheet.UnderlineType.Single => DevExpress.XtraRichEdit.API.Native.UnderlineType.Single, DevExpress.Spreadsheet.UnderlineType.Double => DevExpress.XtraRichEdit.API.Native.UnderlineType.Double, _ => DevExpress.XtraRichEdit.API.Native.UnderlineType.None }; } finally { document.EndUpdateCharacters(cp); } } } else { Editor.Text = cell.DisplayText; } } }
private void OKButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var visitor = new SpreadRichDocumentVisitor(Editor.Document.Range.End.ToInt()); using (DocumentIterator iterator = new DocumentIterator(Editor.Document, true)) { while (iterator.MoveNext()) { iterator.Current.Accept(visitor); } } RichTextString richText = visitor.RichText; cell.SetRichText(richText); if (Editor.Document.Paragraphs.Count > 1) { cell.Alignment.WrapText = true; } }
private static void ProcessFontRuns(RecordInputStream in1, RichTextString str, int formattingRunDataLength) { if (formattingRunDataLength % FORMAT_RUN_ENCODED_SIZE != 0) { throw new RecordFormatException("Bad format run data length " + formattingRunDataLength + ")"); } if (in1.Remaining != formattingRunDataLength) { throw new RecordFormatException("Expected " + formattingRunDataLength + " bytes but got " + in1.Remaining); } int nRuns = formattingRunDataLength / FORMAT_RUN_ENCODED_SIZE; for (int i = 0; i < nRuns; i++) { short index = in1.ReadShort(); short iFont = in1.ReadShort(); in1.ReadInt(); // skip reserved. str.ApplyFont(index, str.Length, iFont); } }
private static byte[] CreateFormatData(RichTextString str) { int nRuns = str.NumFormattingRuns; byte[] result = new byte[(nRuns + 1) * FORMAT_RUN_ENCODED_SIZE]; int pos = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nRuns; i++) { LittleEndian.PutUShort(result, pos, str.GetIndexOfFormattingRun(i)); pos += 2; int fontIndex = ((HSSFRichTextString)str).GetFontOfFormattingRun(i); LittleEndian.PutUShort(result, pos, fontIndex == HSSFRichTextString.NO_FONT ? 0 : fontIndex); pos += 2; pos += 4; // skip reserved } LittleEndian.PutUShort(result, pos, str.Length); pos += 2; LittleEndian.PutUShort(result, pos, 0); pos += 2; pos += 4; // skip reserved return(result); }
protected int wf_42011_3(int minusRow, Worksheet ws, DataTable dt) { int rowIndex, startRow, totalRow, f, headRow; string rptName; Range range; //3.現貨或期貨連續二日漲跌幅度≧12%之股票期貨(以現貨連續二日漲跌幅度之絕對值由大至小排序) startRow = 629 - 1; totalRow = 300; startRow = startRow - minusRow; rowIndex = startRow; headRow = 5 - 1; f = dt.Rows.Count; if (!cbx1.Checked) { headRow--; f--; } if (!cbx2.Checked) { headRow--; f--; } if (!cbx3.Checked) { //刪明細 range = ws.Range[(startRow - 4 + 1) + ":" + (startRow + totalRow + 2 + 1)]; range.Delete(DeleteMode.EntireRow); minusRow = minusRow + (totalRow + 5); //刪表頭 f = 3; if (!cbx1.Checked) { f--; } if (!cbx2.Checked) { f--; } range = ws.Range[(headRow + 1) + ":" + (headRow + 1)]; range.Delete(DeleteMode.EntireRow); minusRow = minusRow + 1; //改編號 ws.Cells[headRow, 1].Value = f.AsString(); ws.Cells[headRow + 1, 1].Value = (f + 1).AsString(); ws.Cells[headRow + 2, 1].Value = (f + 2).AsString(); return(minusRow); } if (!cbx1.Checked) { ws.Cells[rowIndex - 4, 1].Value = ws.Cells[rowIndex - 4, 1].Value.AsInt() - 1; } if (!cbx2.Checked) { ws.Cells[rowIndex - 4, 1].Value = ws.Cells[rowIndex - 4, 1].Value.AsInt() - 1; } if (txtUpDown.Text != "12") { //表首 //使用RichTextString才能保留原本設定的格式 RichTextString richText = new RichTextString(); richText = ws.Cells[headRow, 2].GetRichText(); f = richText.Text.IndexOf("12%") + 1; if (f > 0) { richText.Characters(f - 1, 3).Text = txtUpDown.Text + "%"; ws.Cells[headRow, 2].SetRichText(richText); } //表頭 richText = ws.Cells[rowIndex - 4, 2].GetRichText(); f = richText.Text.IndexOf("12%") + 1; if (f > 0) { richText.Characters(f - 1, 3).Text = txtUpDown.Text + "%"; ws.Cells[rowIndex - 4, 2].SetRichText(richText); } } DataView dv = dt.AsDataView(); dv.RowFilter = "(YS_UPDOWN_ABS*100) >= " + txtUpDown.Text + " or (YI_UPDOWN_ABS*100) >= " + txtUpDown.Text; dv.Sort = "YS_UPDOWN_ABS DESC, APDK_KIND_GRP2, APDK_KIND_LEVEL DESC, MGR3_KIND_ID"; dt = dv.ToTable(); //dt = dt.AsEnumerable().Where(x => Math.Round(Math.Abs(x.Field<decimal>("YS_UPDOWN") * 100),16) >= txtUpDown.AsDecimal() || // Math.Round(Math.Abs(x.Field<decimal>("YI_UPDOWN") * 100), 16) >= txtUpDown.AsDecimal()) // .OrderByDescending(x => Math.Round(Math.Abs(x.Field<decimal>("YS_UPDOWN")),16)) // .ThenBy(x => x.Field<string>("APDK_KIND_GRP2")) // .ThenByDescending(x => x.Field<int>("APDK_KIND_LEVEL")) // .ThenBy(x => x.Field<string>("MGR3_KIND_ID")).CopyToDataTable(); //dt = dt.AsEnumerable().Where(x => Math.Round(Math.Abs(x.Field<decimal>("YS_UPDOWN") * 100), 15,MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) >= txtUpDown.AsDecimal() || // Math.Round(Math.Abs(x.Field<decimal>("YI_UPDOWN") * 100), 15, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) >= txtUpDown.AsDecimal()) // .OrderByDescending(x => Math.Abs(x.Field<decimal>("YS_UPDOWN"))) // .ThenBy(x => x.Field<string>("APDK_KIND_GRP2")) // .ThenByDescending(x => x.Field<Int16>("APDK_KIND_LEVEL")) // .ThenBy(x => x.Field<string>("MGR3_KIND_ID")) // .CopyToDataTable(); f = 0; foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { rowIndex++; f++; ws.Cells[rowIndex, 1].Value = f.AsString(); ws.Cells[rowIndex, 2].Value = dr["MGR3_KIND_ID"].AsString(); ws.Cells[rowIndex, 3].Value = dr["APDK_NAME"].AsString(); ws.Cells[rowIndex, 4].Value = dr["MGR3_SID"].AsString(); ws.Cells[rowIndex, 5].Value = dr["PID_NAME"].AsString(); ws.Cells[rowIndex, 6].SetValue(dr["TFXM1_PRICE"]); ws.Cells[rowIndex, 7].SetValue(dr["AI5_PRICE"]); ws.Cells[rowIndex, 8].SetValue(dr["TS_UPDOWN"]); ws.Cells[rowIndex, 9].SetValue(dr["TI_UPDOWN"]); ws.Cells[rowIndex, 10].SetValue(dr["YS_UPDOWN"]); ws.Cells[rowIndex, 11].SetValue(dr["YI_UPDOWN"]); ws.Cells[rowIndex, 12].SetValue(dr["T_30_RATE"]); ws.Cells[rowIndex, 13].SetValue(dr["MGR2_DAY_RATE"]); if (dr["MGR3_CUR_LEVEL"].AsString() == "Z") { RichTextString richText = new RichTextString(); richText.AddTextRun("從其高", new RichTextRunFont("標楷體", 12)); richText.AddTextRun("(" + (dr["MGR3_CUR_CM"].AsDecimal() * 100).AsString() + "%)", new RichTextRunFont("Times New Roman", 12)); ws.Cells[rowIndex, 14].SetRichText(richText); } else { RichTextString richText = new RichTextString(); richText.AddTextRun(dr["MGR3_CUR_LEVEL"].AsString(), new RichTextRunFont("Times New Roman", 12)); ws.Cells[rowIndex, 14].SetRichText(richText); } ws.Cells[rowIndex, 15].SetValue(dr["AI2_OI"]); ws.Cells[rowIndex, 16].SetValue(dr["AI2_M_QNTY"]); } //刪除空白列 //刪"本日無" if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { range = ws.Range[(startRow - 3 + 1) + ":" + (startRow - 3 + 1)]; range.Delete(DeleteMode.EntireRow); startRow = startRow - 1; minusRow = minusRow + 1; } //刪多餘空白列 if (dt.Rows.Count < totalRow) { //沒資料連表頭都刪 if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) { startRow = startRow - 3; totalRow = totalRow + 3; } range = ws.Range[(startRow + dt.Rows.Count + 1 + 1) + ":" + (startRow + totalRow + 1)]; range.Delete(DeleteMode.EntireRow); minusRow = minusRow + (totalRow - dt.Rows.Count); } return(minusRow); }
protected int wf_42011_2(int minusRow, Worksheet ws, DataTable dt) { int rowIndex, startRow, totalRow, f, headRow; string rptName; Range range; startRow = 322 - 1; totalRow = 300; startRow = startRow - minusRow; rowIndex = startRow; headRow = 4 - 1; if (!cbx1.Checked) { headRow = headRow - 1; } if (!cbx2.Checked) { //刪明細 startRow = 321 - minusRow; range = ws.Range[(startRow - 4 + 1) + ":" + (startRow + totalRow + 2 + 1)]; range.Delete(DeleteMode.EntireRow); minusRow = minusRow + (totalRow + 5) + 2; //5表首,2表尾 //刪表頭 range = ws.Range[(headRow + 1) + ":" + (headRow + 1)]; range.Delete(DeleteMode.EntireRow); minusRow = minusRow + 1; //改編號 if (cbx1.Checked) { f = 2; } else { f = 1; } ws.Cells[headRow, 1].Value = f.AsString(); ws.Cells[headRow + 1, 1].Value = (f + 1).AsString(); ws.Cells[headRow + 2, 1].Value = (f + 2).AsString(); ws.Cells[headRow + 3, 1].Value = (f + 3).AsString(); return(minusRow); } if (!cbx1.Checked) { ws.Cells[rowIndex - 4, 1].Value = "1"; } if (txtRange.Text != "8.5" || txtRate2.Text != "10.5" || txtRate3.Text != "13.5" || txtRate4.Text != "1.0" || lblCmRate.Text != "15") { //表首 RichTextString richText = new RichTextString(); richText = ws.Cells[headRow, 2].GetRichText(); if (txtRange.Text != "8.5") { f = richText.Text.IndexOf("8.5 %") + 1; if (f > 0) { richText.Characters(f - 1, 5).Text = txtRate1.Text + "%"; } } if (txtRate2.Text != "10.5") { f = richText.Text.IndexOf("10.5 %") + 1; if (f > 0) { richText.Characters(f - 1, 6).Text = txtRate2.Text + "%"; } } if (txtRate3.Text != "13.5") { f = richText.Text.IndexOf("13.5 %") + 1; if (f > 0) { richText.Characters(f - 1, 6).Text = txtRate3.Text + "%"; } } if (txtRate4.Text != "1.0") { f = richText.Text.IndexOf("1.0 %") + 1; if (f > 0) { richText.Characters(f - 1, 5).Text = txtRate4.Text + "%"; } } if (lblCmRate.Text != "12") { f = richText.Text.IndexOf("12 %") + 1; if (f > 0) { richText.Characters(f - 1, 4).Text = lblCmRate.Text + "%"; } } ws.Cells[headRow, 2].SetRichText(richText); //表頭 richText = ws.Cells[rowIndex - 4, 2].GetRichText(); if (txtRange.Text != "8.5") { f = richText.Text.IndexOf("8.5 %") + 1; if (f > 0) { richText.Characters(f - 1, 5).Text = txtRate1.Text + "%"; } } if (txtRate2.Text != "10.5") { f = richText.Text.IndexOf("10.5 %") + 1; if (f > 0) { richText.Characters(f - 1, 6).Text = txtRate2.Text + "%"; } } if (txtRate3.Text != "13.5") { f = richText.Text.IndexOf("13.5 %") + 1; if (f > 0) { richText.Characters(f - 1, 6).Text = txtRate3.Text + "%"; } } if (txtRate4.Text != "1.0") { f = richText.Text.IndexOf("1.0 %") + 1; if (f > 0) { richText.Characters(f - 1, 5).Text = txtRate4.Text + "%"; } } if (lblCmRate.Text != "12") { f = richText.Text.IndexOf("12 %") + 1; if (f > 0) { richText.Characters(f - 1, 4).Text = lblCmRate.Text + "%"; } } ws.Cells[rowIndex - 4, 2].SetRichText(richText); } if (cbxRate.Checked) { DataView dv = dt.AsDataView(); dv.RowFilter = "rpt3_flag='Y'"; dt = dv.ToTable(); } dt = dt.Sort("MGR2_DAY_RATE DESC, APDK_KIND_GRP2, APDK_KIND_LEVEL DESC, MGR3_KIND_ID"); f = 0; foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { rowIndex++; f++; ws.Cells[rowIndex, 1].Value = f.AsString(); ws.Cells[rowIndex, 2].Value = dr["MGR3_KIND_ID"].AsString(); ws.Cells[rowIndex, 3].Value = dr["APDK_NAME"].AsString(); ws.Cells[rowIndex, 4].Value = dr["MGR3_SID"].AsString(); ws.Cells[rowIndex, 5].Value = dr["PID_NAME"].AsString(); ws.Cells[rowIndex, 6].SetValue(dr["MGR2_DAY_RATE"]); ws.Cells[rowIndex, 7].SetValue(dr["T_30_RATE"]); ws.Cells[rowIndex, 8].SetValue(dr["MGR2_DAY_RATE_AVG_1Y"]); if (dr["MGR3_CUR_LEVEL"].AsString() == "Z") { ws.Cells[rowIndex, 9].Value = "從其高(" + (dr["MGR3_CUR_CM"].AsDecimal() * 100).AsString() + "%)"; } else { ws.Cells[rowIndex, 9].Value = dr["MGR3_CUR_LEVEL"].AsString(); } if (dr["DAY_CNT_3"].AsInt() == 0) { RichTextString richText = new RichTextString(); richText.AddTextRun("-", new RichTextRunFont("Times New Roman", 12)); ws.Cells[rowIndex, 10].SetRichText(richText); } else { RichTextString richText = new RichTextString(); richText.AddTextRun(dr["DAY_CNT_3"].AsInt().ToString(), new RichTextRunFont("Times New Roman", 12)); ws.Cells[rowIndex, 10].SetRichText(richText); } ws.Cells[rowIndex, 11].SetValue(dr["TFXM1_PRICE"]); ws.Cells[rowIndex, 12].SetValue(dr["AI5_PRICE"]); ws.Cells[rowIndex, 13].SetValue(dr["TS_UPDOWN"]); ws.Cells[rowIndex, 14].SetValue(dr["TI_UPDOWN"]); ws.Cells[rowIndex, 15].SetValue(dr["YS_UPDOWN"]); ws.Cells[rowIndex, 16].SetValue(dr["YI_UPDOWN"]); ws.Cells[rowIndex, 17].SetValue(dr["AI2_OI"]); ws.Cells[rowIndex, 18].SetValue(dr["AI2_M_QNTY"]); } //刪除空白列 //刪"本日無" if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { range = ws.Range[(startRow - 3 + 1) + ":" + (startRow - 3 + 1)]; range.Delete(DeleteMode.EntireRow); startRow = startRow - 1; minusRow = minusRow + 1; } //刪多餘空白列 if (dt.Rows.Count < totalRow) { //沒資料連表頭都刪 if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) { startRow = startRow - 3; totalRow = totalRow + 4; //表頭3列+表尾註1列 } range = ws.Range[(startRow + dt.Rows.Count + 1 + 1) + ":" + (startRow + totalRow + 1)]; range.Delete(DeleteMode.EntireRow); minusRow = minusRow + (totalRow - dt.Rows.Count); } return(minusRow); }
void OnGUI() { // 准星贴图 Rect rect = new Rect(Input.mousePosition.x - (FrontSightTex.width / 2), Screen.height - Input.mousePosition.y - (FrontSightTex.height / 2), FrontSightTex.width, FrontSightTex.height); GUI.DrawTexture(rect, FrontSightTex); // 总血条贴图 GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(0, 0, BloodBgTex.width, BloodBgTex.height), BloodBgTex); GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(0, 0, BloodTex.width * (_data.Health * 0.01f), BloodTex.height), BloodTex); // 血量全屏贴图 Color alpha = GUI.color; HealthAlpha = (100.0f - _data.Health) / 120.0f; if (HealthAlpha < 0.42) { HealthAlpha = 0; } alpha.a = HealthAlpha; GUI.color = alpha; GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(0, 0, Screen.width, Screen.height), HealthWarnTex); alpha.a = 1.0f; GUI.color = alpha; = Skin; RichTextString rts = new RichTextString(); GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(0, 0, Screen.width, Screen.height)); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.Label(HealthTex); rts.color = _data.HealthColor(NormalColor, WarningColor, DangerousColor); rts.Text = _data.Health.ToString(); GUILayout.Label(rts); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.Label(DefenseTex); rts.color = _data.DefenseColor(NormalColor, WarningColor, DangerousColor); rts.Text = _data.Defense.ToString(); GUILayout.Label(rts); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.Label(TimeTex); rts.color = _data.SecondColor(NormalColor, WarningColor, DangerousColor); rts.Text = string.Format("{0:D}:{1:D2}", _data.Second / 60, _data.Second % 60); GUILayout.Label(rts); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.Label(BulletTex); rts.color = _data.BulletColor(NormalColor, WarningColor, DangerousColor); rts.Text = _data.Bullet.ToString(); GUILayout.Label(rts); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.Label(MoneyTex); rts.color = NormalColor; rts.Text = _data.Money.ToString(); GUILayout.Label(rts); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.EndArea(); }
protected override ResultStatus Export() { try { if (txtSID.Text.AsString() == "") { MessageDisplay.Error("請輸入標的證券代號"); return(ResultStatus.Fail); } this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; this.Refresh(); Thread.Sleep(5); lblProcessing.Visible = true; ShowMsg("開始轉檔..."); string rptId = "42012", file, rptName = "股票期貨風險價格係數分析表"; //讀取資料(保證金適用比例級距) DataTable dt42012 = dao42012.d_42012_detl(txtSDate.DateTimeValue.ToString("yyyyMMdd"), txtEDate.DateTimeValue.ToString("yyyyMMdd"), txtSID.Text.AsString(), txtRange.Text.AsDecimal() / 100, txtRate2Ref.Text.AsDecimal() / 100, txtRate3Ref.Text.AsDecimal() / 100, txtRate4Ref.Text.AsDecimal() / 100, txtRate1.Text.AsDecimal() / 100, txtRate2.Text.AsDecimal() / 100, txtRate3.Text.AsDecimal() / 100, txtRate4.Text.AsDecimal() / 100); if (dt42012.Rows.Count == 0) { MessageDisplay.Info(txtSDate.Text + "~" + txtEDate.Text + "," + rptId + '-' + rptName + ",無任何資料!"); lblProcessing.Visible = false; return(ResultStatus.Fail); } dt42012 = dt42012.Sort("MGR3_YMD"); //複製檔案 file = PbFunc.wf_copy_file(rptId, rptId); if (file == "") { return(ResultStatus.Fail); } //開啟檔案 Workbook workbook = new Workbook(); workbook.LoadDocument(file); //切換Sheet Worksheet ws = workbook.Worksheets[0]; ws.Cells[0, 15].Value = txtSDate.Text + "~" + txtEDate.Text; //填資料 //表首 int f, rowIndex, startRow = 3 - 1, totalRow = 300, minusRow = 0; Range range; if (cbx1.Checked) { if (txtRange.Text != "10") { //表首 //使用RichTextString才能保留原本設定的格式 RichTextString richText = new RichTextString(); richText = ws.Cells[2, 2].GetRichText(); f = richText.Text.IndexOf("10%") + 1; if (f > 0) { richText.Characters(f - 1, 3).Text = txtRange.Text + "%"; richText.Characters(f - 1, txtRange.Text.Length).Font.Color = Color.Red; } ws.Cells[startRow, 2].SetRichText(richText); } } else { range = ws.Range[(startRow + 1).AsString() + ":" + (startRow + 1).AsString()]; range.Delete(DeleteMode.EntireRow); minusRow = minusRow + 1; //改編號 ws.Cells[startRow, 1].Value = "1"; ws.Cells[startRow + 1, 1].Value = "2"; ws.Cells[startRow + 2, 1].Value = "3"; ws.Cells[startRow + 3, 1].Value = "4"; } startRow = 4 - 1; startRow = startRow - minusRow; if (cbx2.Checked) { if (txtRange.Text != _CON1 || txtRate2.Text != _CON2 || txtRate3.Text != _CON3 || txtRate4.Text != _CON4 || lblCmRate.Text != _CON5) { //表首 RichTextString richText = new RichTextString(); richText = ws.Cells[startRow, 2].GetRichText(); if (txtRange.Text != _CON1) { f = richText.Text.IndexOf(_CON1 + " %") + 1; if (f > 0) { richText.Characters(f - 1, 5).Text = txtRate1.Text + "%"; richText.Characters(f - 1, txtRate1.Text.Length).Font.Color = Color.Red; } } if (txtRate2.Text != _CON2) { f = richText.Text.IndexOf(_CON2 + " %") + 1; if (f > 0) { richText.Characters(f - 1, 6).Text = txtRate2.Text + "%"; richText.Characters(f - 1, txtRate2.Text.Length).Font.Color = Color.Red; } } if (txtRate3.Text != _CON3) { f = richText.Text.IndexOf(_CON3 + " %") + 1; if (f > 0) { richText.Characters(f - 1, 6).Text = txtRate3.Text + "%"; richText.Characters(f - 1, txtRate3.Text.Length).Font.Color = Color.Red; } } if (txtRate4.Text != _CON4) { f = richText.Text.IndexOf(_CON4 + " %") + 1; if (f > 0) { richText.Characters(f - 1, 5).Text = txtRate4.Text + "%"; richText.Characters(f - 1, txtRate4.Text.Length).Font.Color = Color.Red; } } if (lblCmRate.Text != _CON5) { f = richText.Text.IndexOf(_CON5 + "%") + 1; if (f > 0) { richText.Characters(f - 1, 5).Text = lblCmRate.Text + "%"; richText.Characters(f - 1, lblCmRate.Text.Length).Font.Color = Color.Red; } } ws.Cells[startRow, 2].SetRichText(richText); } } else { range = ws.Range[(startRow + 1).AsString() + ":" + (startRow + 1).AsString()]; range.Delete(DeleteMode.EntireRow); minusRow = minusRow + 1; //改編號 ws.Cells[startRow, 1].Value = "2"; ws.Cells[startRow + 1, 1].Value = "3"; ws.Cells[startRow + 2, 1].Value = "4"; } #region 表1 startRow = 13 - 1; startRow = startRow - minusRow; totalRow = 1000; rowIndex = startRow; if (cbx1.Checked) { if (txtRange.Text != "10") { //表頭 RichTextString richText = new RichTextString(); richText = ws.Cells[rowIndex - 3, 2].GetRichText(); f = richText.Text.IndexOf("10%") + 1; if (f > 0) { richText.Characters(f - 1, 3).Text = txtRange.Text + "%"; richText.Characters(f - 1, txtRange.Text.Length).Font.Color = Color.Red; ws.Cells[rowIndex - 3, 2].SetRichText(richText); } } if (cbxRate.Checked) { DataView dv = dt42012.AsDataView(); dv.RowFilter = "(mgr2_level = 'Z' and T_30_RATE >= (MGR3_CUR_CM - " + (txtRate4Ref.Text.AsDecimal() / 100).AsString() + ")) or (mgr2_level = '1' and t_30_rate >= " + (txtRate1Ref.Text.AsDecimal() / 100).AsString() + ") or (mgr2_level = '2' and t_30_rate >= " + (txtRate2Ref.Text.AsDecimal() / 100).AsString() + ")"; dt42012 = dv.ToTable(); } foreach (DataRow dr in dt42012.Rows) { rowIndex++; ws.Cells[rowIndex, 1].Value = dr["MGR3_YMD"].AsDateTime("yyyyMMdd").ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"); ws.Cells[rowIndex, 2].Value = dr["MGR3_KIND_ID"].AsString(); ws.Cells[rowIndex, 3].Value = dr["APDK_NAME"].AsString(); ws.Cells[rowIndex, 4].Value = dr["MGR3_SID"].AsString(); ws.Cells[rowIndex, 5].Value = dr["PID_NAME"].AsString(); ws.Cells[rowIndex, 6].SetValue(dr["T_30_RATE"]); ws.Cells[rowIndex, 7].SetValue(dr["MGR2_DAY_RATE"]); if (dr["MGR3_CUR_LEVEL"].AsString() == "Z") { RichTextString richText = new RichTextString(); richText.AddTextRun("從其高", new RichTextRunFont("標楷體", 12, Color.Red)); richText.AddTextRun("(" + (dr["MGR3_CUR_CM"].AsDecimal() * 100).AsString() + "%)", new RichTextRunFont("Times New Roman", 12, Color.Red)); ws.Cells[rowIndex, 8].SetRichText(richText); } else { RichTextString richText = new RichTextString(); richText.AddTextRun(dr["MGR3_CUR_LEVEL"].AsString(), new RichTextRunFont("Times New Roman", 12)); ws.Cells[rowIndex, 8].SetRichText(richText); } if (dr["DAY_CNT"].AsInt() == 0) { ws.Cells[rowIndex, 9].Value = "-"; } else { ws.Cells[rowIndex, 9].SetValue(dr["DAY_CNT"]); } ws.Cells[rowIndex, 10].SetValue(dr["TFXM1_PRICE"]); ws.Cells[rowIndex, 11].SetValue(dr["AI5_PRICE"]); ws.Cells[rowIndex, 12].SetValue(dr["TS_UPDOWN"]); ws.Cells[rowIndex, 13].SetValue(dr["TI_UPDOWN"]); ws.Cells[rowIndex, 14].SetValue(dr["YS_UPDOWN"]); ws.Cells[rowIndex, 15].SetValue(dr["YI_UPDOWN"]); ws.Cells[rowIndex, 16].SetValue(dr["AI2_OI"]); ws.Cells[rowIndex, 17].SetValue(dr["AI2_M_QNTY"]); }//foreach (DataRow dr in dt42012.Rows) //刪除空白列 if (dt42012.Rows.Count < totalRow) { range = ws.Range[(startRow + dt42012.Rows.Count + 1 + 1) + ":" + (startRow + totalRow + 1)]; range.Delete(DeleteMode.EntireRow); minusRow = minusRow + (totalRow - dt42012.Rows.Count); } } else { range = ws.Range[(startRow - 3 + 1) + ":" + (startRow + totalRow + 1)]; range.Delete(DeleteMode.EntireRow); minusRow = minusRow + (totalRow + 4); } #endregion #region 表2 startRow = 1018 - 1; startRow = startRow - minusRow; totalRow = 1000; rowIndex = startRow; if (cbx2.Checked) { if (txtRange.Text != _CON1 || txtRate2.Text != _CON2 || txtRate3.Text != _CON3 || txtRate4.Text != _CON4 || lblCmRate.Text != _CON5) { //表頭 RichTextString richText = new RichTextString(); richText = ws.Cells[rowIndex - 3, 2].GetRichText(); if (txtRange.Text != _CON1) { f = richText.Text.IndexOf(_CON1 + " %") + 1; if (f > 0) { richText.Characters(f - 1, 5).Text = txtRate1.Text + "%"; richText.Characters(f - 1, txtRate1.Text.Length).Font.Color = Color.Red; } } if (txtRate2.Text != _CON2) { f = richText.Text.IndexOf(_CON2 + " %") + 1; if (f > 0) { richText.Characters(f - 1, 6).Text = txtRate2.Text + "%"; richText.Characters(f - 1, txtRate2.Text.Length).Font.Color = Color.Red; } } if (txtRate3.Text != _CON3) { f = richText.Text.IndexOf(_CON3 + " %") + 1; if (f > 0) { richText.Characters(f - 1, 6).Text = txtRate3.Text + "%"; richText.Characters(f - 1, txtRate3.Text.Length).Font.Color = Color.Red; } } if (txtRate4.Text != _CON4) { f = richText.Text.IndexOf(_CON4 + " %") + 1; if (f > 0) { richText.Characters(f - 1, 5).Text = txtRate4.Text + "%"; richText.Characters(f - 1, txtRate4.Text.Length).Font.Color = Color.Red; } } if (lblCmRate.Text != _CON5) { f = richText.Text.IndexOf(_CON5 + "%") + 1; if (f > 0) { richText.Characters(f - 1, 5).Text = lblCmRate.Text + "%"; richText.Characters(f - 1, lblCmRate.Text.Length).Font.Color = Color.Red; } } ws.Cells[rowIndex - 3, 2].SetRichText(richText); if (!cbx1.Checked) { ws.Cells[rowIndex - 3, 1].Value = "1"; } } if (cbxRate.Checked) { DataView dv = dt42012.AsDataView(); dv.RowFilter = "(mgr2_level = 'Z' and mgr2_day_rate >= (MGR3_CUR_CM - " + (txtRate4.Text.AsDecimal() / 100).AsString() + ")) or (mgr2_level = '1' and mgr2_day_rate >= " + (txtRate1.Text.AsDecimal() / 100).AsString() + ") or (mgr2_level = '2' and mgr2_day_rate >= " + (txtRate2.Text.AsDecimal() / 100).AsString() + ")"; dt42012 = dv.ToTable(); } foreach (DataRow dr in dt42012.Rows) { rowIndex++; ws.Cells[rowIndex, 1].Value = dr["MGR3_YMD"].AsDateTime("yyyyMMdd").ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"); ws.Cells[rowIndex, 2].Value = dr["MGR3_KIND_ID"].AsString(); ws.Cells[rowIndex, 3].Value = dr["APDK_NAME"].AsString(); ws.Cells[rowIndex, 4].Value = dr["MGR3_SID"].AsString(); ws.Cells[rowIndex, 5].Value = dr["PID_NAME"].AsString(); ws.Cells[rowIndex, 6].SetValue(dr["MGR2_DAY_RATE"]); ws.Cells[rowIndex, 7].SetValue(dr["T_30_RATE"]); if (dr["MGR3_CUR_LEVEL"].AsString() == "Z") { RichTextString richText = new RichTextString(); richText.AddTextRun("從其高", new RichTextRunFont("標楷體", 12, Color.Red)); richText.AddTextRun("(" + (dr["MGR3_CUR_CM"].AsDecimal() * 100).AsString() + "%)", new RichTextRunFont("Times New Roman", 12, Color.Red)); ws.Cells[rowIndex, 8].SetRichText(richText); } else { RichTextString richText = new RichTextString(); richText.AddTextRun(dr["MGR3_CUR_LEVEL"].AsString(), new RichTextRunFont("Times New Roman", 12)); ws.Cells[rowIndex, 8].SetRichText(richText); } if (dr["DAY_CNT_3"].AsInt() == 0) { ws.Cells[rowIndex, 9].Value = "-"; } else { ws.Cells[rowIndex, 9].SetValue(dr["DAY_CNT_3"]); } ws.Cells[rowIndex, 10].SetValue(dr["TFXM1_PRICE"]); ws.Cells[rowIndex, 11].SetValue(dr["AI5_PRICE"]); ws.Cells[rowIndex, 12].SetValue(dr["TS_UPDOWN"]); ws.Cells[rowIndex, 13].SetValue(dr["TI_UPDOWN"]); ws.Cells[rowIndex, 14].SetValue(dr["YS_UPDOWN"]); ws.Cells[rowIndex, 15].SetValue(dr["YI_UPDOWN"]); ws.Cells[rowIndex, 16].SetValue(dr["AI2_OI"]); ws.Cells[rowIndex, 17].SetValue(dr["AI2_M_QNTY"]); }//foreach (DataRow dr in dt42012.Rows) //刪除空白列 if (dt42012.Rows.Count < totalRow) { range = ws.Range[(startRow + dt42012.Rows.Count + 1 + 1) + ":" + (startRow + totalRow + 1)]; range.Delete(DeleteMode.EntireRow); minusRow = minusRow + (totalRow - dt42012.Rows.Count); } } else { range = ws.Range[(startRow - 3 + 1) + ":" + (startRow + totalRow + 1)]; range.Delete(DeleteMode.EntireRow); minusRow = minusRow + (totalRow + 4); } #endregion //存檔 ws.ScrollToRow(0); workbook.SaveDocument(file); ShowMsg("轉檔成功"); } catch (Exception ex) { ShowMsg("轉檔錯誤"); MessageDisplay.Error("輸出錯誤"); throw ex; } finally { this.Cursor = Cursors.Arrow; this.Refresh(); Thread.Sleep(5); } return(ResultStatus.Success); }
public RichTextString tietToRich(TietHoc element, string type, int fontSize) { RichTextString richText = new RichTextString(); if (element.diaDiem != null && element.diaDiem != "" && element.diaDiem != Lop.giangDuong.ToString()) { RichTextRunFont font = new RichTextRunFont("Times New Roman", size - 2); font.Script = ScriptType.Superscript; font.Bold = true; richText.AddTextRun(element.diaDiem, font); richText.AddTextRun(" ", new RichTextRunFont("Times New Roman", 2)); } RichTextRunFont font2; if (element.mon.ten.Contains("|")) { //Nếu là dạng môn có mã phức tạp string[] arr = element.mon.ten.Split(new char[] { '|' }); string[] maMon = arr[1].Split(new char[] { '_' }); foreach (string ma in maMon) { if (ma[0] == '^') { font2 = new RichTextRunFont("Times New Roman", size - 2); font2.Script = ScriptType.None; } else { font2 = new RichTextRunFont("Times New Roman", size - 2); font2.Script = ScriptType.Subscript; } font2.Bold = true; richText.AddTextRun(ma.Substring(1), font2); } } else { //Nếu là dạng môn có mã mặc định font2 = new RichTextRunFont("Times New Roman", size); font2.Script = ScriptType.None; font2.Bold = true; richText.AddTextRun(, font2); } //Thêm kc ngắn sau mã môn richText.AddTextRun(" ", new RichTextRunFont("Times New Roman", 2)); if (element.bai != "" && element.bai != null && type != "tuan" && type != "ngay") { RichTextRunFont font3 = new RichTextRunFont("Times New Roman", size - 2); font3.Script = ScriptType.Superscript; font3.Bold = true; richText.AddTextRun(element.bai, font3); richText.AddTextRun(" ", new RichTextRunFont("Times New Roman", 2)); } if (element.hinhThuc != "" && element.hinhThuc != "LT" && element.hinhThuc != null) { RichTextRunFont font4 = new RichTextRunFont("Times New Roman", size - 2); font4.Bold = true; if (element.hinhThuc == "+" || element.hinhThuc == ".") { if (element.hinhThuc == ".") { font4.Size = 13; } else { font4.Size = 9; } } else { font4.Script = ScriptType.Subscript; } richText.AddTextRun(element.hinhThuc, font4); } return(richText); }
public ExcelHelper SetCellValue(RichTextString val) { _cell.SetCellValue(val); return this; }
public RichTextString(RichTextString rts) { Text = rts; color = Color.white; }
public SpreadRichDocumentVisitor(int endPos) { richTextString = new RichTextString(); endPosition = endPos; }
public ExcelHelper SetCellValue(RichTextString val) { _cell.SetCellValue(val); return(this); }
private static byte[] CreateFormatData(RichTextString str) { int nRuns = str.NumFormattingRuns; byte[] result = new byte[(nRuns + 1) * FORMAT_RUN_ENCODED_SIZE]; int pos = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nRuns; i++) { LittleEndian.PutUShort(result, pos, str.GetIndexOfFormattingRun(i)); pos += 2; int fontIndex = ((HSSFRichTextString)str).GetFontOfFormattingRun(i); LittleEndian.PutUShort(result, pos, fontIndex == HSSFRichTextString.NO_FONT ? 0 : fontIndex); pos += 2; pos += 4; // skip reserved } LittleEndian.PutUShort(result, pos, str.Length); pos += 2; LittleEndian.PutUShort(result, pos, 0); pos += 2; pos += 4; // skip reserved return result; }