Esempio n. 1
        public HttpResponseMessage RiZhiYo(string userid,string seeid,string logtick)
            string res = "";
            BaseService baseservice = new BaseService();
            string sqlstr = "";
                if (logtick == "0")
                    sqlstr = "with cte as " +
                                "( " +
                                " select row=row_number()over(order by getdate()), * from WktuserShareUserId where SharePresonid =  " + userid.ToString() + "and WktUserId=" + seeid.ToString() + " and WktuserShareUserId.STATE = 0 and WriteTime > " + logtick.ToString() +
                                ") " +
                                " select * from cte where row between " + "1" + " and " + "10";
                    sqlstr = "with cte as " +
                                "( " +
                                " select row=row_number()over(order by getdate()), * from WktuserShareUserId where SharePresonid =  " + userid.ToString() + "and WktUserId=" + seeid.ToString() + " and WktuserShareUserId.STATE = 0 and WriteTime < " + logtick.ToString() +
                                ") " +
                                " select * from cte where row between " + "1" + " and " + "10";

                IList nbhstaff = baseservice.ExecuteSQL(sqlstr);
                List<RiZhiinfo> stafflist = new List<RiZhiinfo>();
                if (nbhstaff != null && nbhstaff.Count > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < nbhstaff.Count; i++)
                        object[] sf = (object[])nbhstaff[i];
                        RiZhiinfo st = new RiZhiinfo();
                        // Personinfo p = new Personinfo();
                        st.PersonId = sf[3].ToString();//分享人的ID
                        st.PersonName = sf[6].ToString();//分享人的姓名
                        WkTUser user = new WkTUser();
                        user = (WkTUser)baseservice.loadEntity(user, Convert.ToInt64(st.PersonId));
                        long m = user.Kdid.Id;
                        WkTDept dept = new WkTDept();
                        dept = (WkTDept)baseservice.loadEntity(dept, m);
                        st.PersonDept = dept.KdName;//分享人的部门
                        st.Logtick = sf[4].ToString();
                        st.PersonMD5code = user.ImgMD5Code;
                        st.Contenttxt140 = HtmlToReguFormat140(sf[5].ToString());//日志内容去格式前140
                        //st.ContenttxtAll = sf[5].ToString();//日志全部内容
                        st.RizhiTime = new DateTime(Convert.ToInt64(sf[4].ToString())).ToString("yyyy年MM月dd日 HH:mm:ss");//日志时间
                        st.RizhiId = sf[7].ToString(); //日志id
                        st.Imglist = HtmlToReguForimg(sf[5].ToString());//日志图片
                        List<Comments> q = new List<Comments>();
                        List<comm> ps = new List<comm>();
                        IList c = baseservice.loadEntityList("from StaffLog where State=" + (int)IEntity.stateEnum.Normal + "and Id=" + st.RizhiId);
                        if (c != null && c.Count > 0)
                            foreach (StaffLog n in c)
                                IList<Comments> r = n.Comments;
                                foreach (Comments s in r)
                                    string sqql = "select u from WkTUser u where u.KuName='" + s.CommentPersonName.Trim() + "'";
                                    WkTUser ww = (WkTUser)baseservice.loadEntityList(sqql)[0];
                                    comm p = new comm();
                                    p.Id = ww.Id.ToString();
                                    p.Na = s.CommentPersonName;//评论人名字
                                    //IList d = baseservice.loadEntityList("from StaffLog where State=" + 758);
                                    //foreach(WkTUser d1 in d)
                                    //    p.Id = d1.Id;
                                    p.Co = s.Content;//评论内容
                                    p.Commtime = new DateTime(s.TimeStamp).ToString("yyyy年MM月dd日 HH:mm:ss");
                        st.Comments = ps;
                    RiZhiAll l = new RiZhiAll();
                    l.List = stafflist;
                    res = "成功";
                    string data = JsonTools.ObjectToJson(l);
                    var jsonStr = "{\"Message\":" + "\"" + res + "\"" + "," + "\"data\":" + data + "}";
                    var result = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK)
                        Content = new StringContent(jsonStr, Encoding.UTF8, "text/json")
                    return result;
                    res = "没有内容";
                    string data = "1";//JsonTools.ObjectToJson(l);
                    var jsonStr = "{\"Message\":" + "\"" + res + "\"" + "," + "\"data\":" + data + "}";
                    var result = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK)
                        Content = new StringContent(jsonStr, Encoding.UTF8, "text/json")
                    return result;
Esempio n. 2
        public HttpResponseMessage GetRiZhi2(string userid, string seeid, string logtick)
            string res = "";
            string sql1 = "select u from WkTUser u where u.KuName='" + userid + "'";
            string sql2 = "select u from WkTUser u where u.Id='" + seeid + "'";
            string sql3 = "select u.DeptId from Wktuser_M_Dept u where u.WktuserId=" + userid + " and u.State = " + (int)IEntity.stateEnum.Normal;
            BaseService baseservice = new BaseService();
            List<WkTDept> theDepts = new List<WkTDept>();
            IList theone = baseservice.loadEntityList(sql3);
            if (theone != null && theone.Count > 0)
                List<RiZhiinfo> stafflist = new List<RiZhiinfo>();
                WkTUser user = new WkTUser();
                user = (WkTUser)baseservice.loadEntity(user, Convert.ToInt64(seeid));
                string m = user.Kdid.Id.ToString();
                int flog = 1;
                for (int i = 0; i < theone.Count; i++)

                    string a = "";
                    a = ((WkTDept)theone[i]).Id.ToString();
                    if (a == m)
                        flog = 0;
                        string sqlstr = "";
                        if (logtick == "0")
                            sqlstr = "with cte as " +
                                        "( " +
                                        " select row=row_number()over(order by getdate()), * from LOG_T_STAFFLOG where WktUserId=" + seeid.ToString() + " and WriteTime > " + logtick.ToString() +
                                        ") " +
                                        " select * from cte where row between " + "1" + " and " + "10";
                            sqlstr = "with cte as " +
                                        "( " +
                                        " select row=row_number()over(order by getdate()), * from LOG_T_STAFFLOG where WktUserId=" + seeid.ToString() + " and WriteTime < " + logtick.ToString() +
                                        ") " +
                                        " select * from cte where row between " + "1" + " and " + "10";
                        IList one = baseservice.ExecuteSQL(sqlstr);

                        if (one != null && one.Count > 0)
                            for (int j = 0; j < one.Count; j++)
                                object[] sf = (object[])one[j];
                                RiZhiinfo st = new RiZhiinfo();
                                //// Personinfo p = new Personinfo();
                                st.PersonId = sf[4].ToString();//分享人的ID

                                WkTUser user1 = new WkTUser();
                                user1 = (WkTUser)baseservice.loadEntity(user1, Convert.ToInt64(st.PersonId));
                                st.PersonName = user1.KuLid;//分享人的姓名
                                //long mm = user1.Kdid.Id;
                                WkTDept dept = new WkTDept();
                                dept = (WkTDept)baseservice.loadEntity(dept, Convert.ToInt64(m));
                                st.PersonDept = dept.KdName;//分享人的部门
                                st.Logtick = sf[3].ToString();
                                st.PersonMD5code = user1.ImgMD5Code;
                                st.Contenttxt140 = HtmlToReguFormat140(sf[2].ToString());//日志内容去格式前140
                                ////st.ContenttxtAll = sf[5].ToString();//日志全部内容
                                st.RizhiTime = new DateTime(Convert.ToInt64(sf[3].ToString())).ToString("yyyy年MM月dd日 HH:mm:ss");//日志时间
                                st.RizhiId = sf[1].ToString(); //日志id
                                st.Imglist = HtmlToReguForimg(sf[2].ToString());//日志图片
                                List<Comments> q = new List<Comments>();
                                List<comm> ps = new List<comm>();
                                IList c = baseservice.loadEntityList("from StaffLog where State=" + (int)IEntity.stateEnum.Normal + "and Id=" + st.RizhiId);
                                if (c != null && c.Count > 0)
                                    foreach (StaffLog n in c)
                                        IList<Comments> r = n.Comments;
                                        foreach (Comments s in r)
                                            string sqql = "select u from WkTUser u where u.KuName='" + s.CommentPersonName.Trim() + "'";
                                            WkTUser ww = (WkTUser)baseservice.loadEntityList(sqql)[0];
                                            comm p = new comm();
                                            p.Id = ww.Id.ToString();
                                            p.Na = s.CommentPersonName;//评论人名字
                                            //IList d = baseservice.loadEntityList("from StaffLog where State=" + 758);
                                            //foreach(WkTUser d1 in d)
                                            //    p.Id = d1.Id;
                                            p.Co = s.Content;//评论内容
                                            p.Commtime = new DateTime(s.TimeStamp).ToString("yyyy年MM月dd日 HH:mm:ss");
                                st.Comments = ps;
                RiZhiAll l = new RiZhiAll();
                l.List = stafflist;
                res = "成功";
                string data = JsonTools.ObjectToJson(l);
                var jsonStr = "{\"Message\":" + "\"" + res + "\"" + "," + "\"data\":" + data + "}";
                var result = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK)
                    Content = new StringContent(jsonStr, Encoding.UTF8, "text/json")
                return result;

                    return RiZhiYo(userid, seeid, logtick);

                return RiZhiYo(userid, seeid, logtick);
