public void GetVersion_ShouldThrowRfcLibraryNotFoundException()
            uint major = 1, minor = 2, patch = 0;
            var  notFoundMessage = "The SAP RFC libraries were not found in the output folder or in a folder contained in the systems .* environment variable";

            _interopMock.Setup(s => s.GetVersion(out major, out minor, out patch)).Throws(new DllNotFoundException());
            var library = new RfcNetWeaverLibrary(_interopMock.Object);

            Action action = () => library.GetVersion();

            action.Should().Throw <RfcLibraryNotFoundException>().And.Message.Should().MatchRegex(notFoundMessage);
        public void GetVersion_ShouldSuccess()
            uint major = 1, minor = 2, patch = 0;

            _interopMock.Setup(s => s.GetVersion(out major, out minor, out patch)).Returns(RfcResultCodes.RFC_OK);
            var library = new RfcNetWeaverLibrary(_interopMock.Object);

            var version = library.GetVersion();

            _interopMock.Verify(s => s.GetVersion(out major, out minor, out patch), Times.Once);