Esempio n. 1
        //If we have a rexObject slotted, this will notify it of any collisions and enable it to act accordingly
        private void NotifyOfCollision(Collider2D col, RexObject.Side side, RexObject.CollisionType collisionType)
            if (rexObject != null)
                rexObject.OnPhysicsCollision(col, side, collisionType);

            RexObject otherObject = col.GetComponent <RexObject>();

            if (otherObject != null)
                RexObject.Side otherSide;
                if (side == RexObject.Side.Bottom)
                    otherSide = RexObject.Side.Top;
                else if (side == RexObject.Side.Top)
                    otherSide = RexObject.Side.Bottom;
                else if (side == RexObject.Side.Left)
                    otherSide = RexObject.Side.Right;
                    otherSide = RexObject.Side.Left;

                otherObject.NotifyOfCollisionWithPhysicsObject(boxCol, otherSide, collisionType);
Esempio n. 2
        //Checks our horizontal collisions, and either stops us from moving or enables us to continue moving
        private void CheckHorizontalCollisions(float velocityToCheck, bool isTranslatingDirectly = false)
            properties.isAgainstLeftWall  = false;
            properties.isAgainstRightWall = false;
            box = GetRectAtPosition(properties.position);
            if (velocityToCheck != 0)
                //edgebuffer prevents unintended horizontal collisions with a MovingPlatform you're riding on top of
                float   edgeBuffer = (isTranslatingDirectly) ? 0.05f : 0.0f;
                Vector2 startPoint = new Vector2(, - box.height * 0.5f + edgeBuffer);
                Vector2 endPoint   = new Vector2(, + box.height * 0.5f);

                RaycastHit2D[] raycastHits        = new RaycastHit2D[raycastAmounts.horizontal];
                int            numberOfCollisions = 0;
                float          fraction           = 0;

                float   sideRayLength = box.width / 2 + Mathf.Abs(velocityToCheck);
                Vector2 direction     = (velocityToCheck) > 0 ? Vector2.right : -Vector2.right;
                bool    didCollide    = false;

                for (int i = 0; i < raycastAmounts.horizontal; i++)
                    float   raycastSpacing = (float)i / (float)(raycastAmounts.horizontal - 1);
                    Vector2 rayOrigin;

                    if (i == 1 && !willStickToMovingPlatforms)
                        rayOrigin = Vector2.Lerp(startPoint, endPoint, ((float)(i - 1) / (float)(raycastAmounts.horizontal - 1)) + 0.005f);
                    else if (i == raycastAmounts.horizontal - 2 && !willStickToMovingPlatforms)
                        rayOrigin = Vector2.Lerp(startPoint, endPoint, ((float)(i + 1) / (float)(raycastAmounts.horizontal - 1)) - 0.005f);
                        rayOrigin = Vector2.Lerp(startPoint, endPoint, raycastSpacing);

                    raycastHits[i] = Physics2D.Raycast(rayOrigin, direction, sideRayLength, collisionLayerMask);
                    //Debug.DrawRay(rayOrigin, direction * sideRayLength,;

                    if (raycastHits[i].fraction > 0)
                        didCollide = true;
                        if (fraction > 0)
                            float slopeAngle = Vector2.Angle(raycastHits[i].point - raycastHits[i - 1].point, Vector2.right);
                            if (Mathf.Abs(slopeAngle - 90) < slopeAngleBuffer)                            //If the slope is too steep, treat it as a wall
                                if (direction == Vector2.right)
                                    properties.isAgainstRightWall = true;
                                    properties.isAgainstLeftWall = true;

                                if (willStickToMovingPlatforms)
                                    MovingPlatform platform = raycastHits[i].collider.GetComponent <MovingPlatform>();
                                    if (platform != null)
                                        movingPlatform = platform;
                                        movingPlatform = null;

                                properties.position        += (direction * (raycastHits[i].fraction * sideRayLength - box.width / 2.0f));
                                properties.velocity         = new Vector2(0, properties.velocity.y);
                                properties.externalVelocity = new Vector2(0, properties.externalVelocity.y);

                                RexObject.Side side = (direction == Vector2.right) ? RexObject.Side.Right : RexObject.Side.Left;
                                if (side == RexObject.Side.Left && DidHitLeftWallThisFrame() && velocityToCheck < 0.0f)
                                    NotifyOfCollision(raycastHits[i].collider, RexObject.Side.Left, RexObject.CollisionType.Enter);
                                else if (side == RexObject.Side.Right && DidHitRightWallThisFrame() && velocityToCheck > 0.0f)
                                    NotifyOfCollision(raycastHits[i].collider, RexObject.Side.Right, RexObject.CollisionType.Enter);


                        fraction = raycastHits[i].fraction;

                    if (!didCollide && isTranslatingDirectly)
                        properties.position = new Vector2(transform.position.x + velocityToCheck, properties.position.y);