Esempio n. 1
        public override void Run()
            var entityStore = Object.FindObjectOfType <EntityPrefabStore>();

            var rudeFella = entityStore.GetRandomCompanion();  //todo give drunk trait

            var travelManager = Object.FindObjectOfType <TravelManager>();

            if (travelManager.Party.IsFull())
                Description = $"The party passes by a {rudeFella.EntityClass.ToString().ToLower()} face down on the ground. They stir and wobble to their knees. \n\n\"Oi! Ye wagon is a hunk of junk!\"\n\nDerpus continues to tug the wagon along with tears in his eyes.";

                Penalty = new Penalty();

                Penalty.AddEntityLoss(travelManager.Party.Derpus, EntityStatTypes.CurrentMorale, 5);

                Description = $"The party passes by a {rudeFella.EntityClass.ToString().ToLower()} face down on the ground. Later, they make a stop to rest and notice the {rudeFella.EntityClass.ToString().ToLower()} clinging to the bottom of the wagon! \n\n\"Haha! I'm comin' with ya!\"";

                Reward = new Reward();



            var fullResultDescription = new List <string> {
                Description + "\n"

            var eventMediator = Object.FindObjectOfType <EventMediator>();

            eventMediator.Broadcast(GlobalHelper.EncounterResult, this, fullResultDescription);
Esempio n. 2
        public override void Run()
            var entityStore = Object.FindObjectOfType <EntityPrefabStore>();

            var trappedFella = entityStore.GetRandomCompanion();

            var eClass = GlobalHelper.GetEnumDescription(trappedFella.EntityClass).ToLower();

            var travelManager = Object.FindObjectOfType <TravelManager>();

            Description =
                $"While scouting a potential campsite, the party finds a {eClass} trapped under a fallen tree. Evidently, woodcutting is not their strong suit. A bag of supplies rests on the ground just out of the {eClass}'s reach. \n\n\"A little help?\"";

            Options = new Dictionary <string, Option>();

            var    optionTitle = $"Rescue the {eClass}";
            string optionResultText;

            Reward optionOneReward;

            const int joinChance = 16;

            var joinRoll = Dice.Roll("1d100");

            if (!travelManager.Party.IsFull() && joinRoll <= joinChance)
                optionResultText =
                    $"Everyone helps lift the tree so the {eClass} can escape. They spring to their feet and shake everyone's hand! \n\n\"I owe you a life debt! Name's {trappedFella.Name}! I'm comin' with!\"";

                optionOneReward = new Reward();


                optionOneReward.AddPartyGain(PartySupplyTypes.HealthPotions, Random.Range(2, 5));
                optionOneReward.AddPartyGain(PartySupplyTypes.Food, Random.Range(1, 7));
                optionOneReward.AddPartyGain(PartySupplyTypes.Gold, Random.Range(5, 16));
                optionResultText =
                    $"Everyone helps lift the tree so the {eClass} can escape. They're not able to give us a reward, but they promise to pay it forward.";

                optionOneReward = new Reward();

                optionOneReward.EveryoneGain(travelManager.Party, EntityStatTypes.CurrentMorale, 5);

            var optionOne = new Option(optionTitle, optionResultText, optionOneReward, null, EncounterType.Normal);

            Options.Add(optionTitle, optionOne);

            optionTitle = "Steal his supplies";

            var chosen = travelManager.Party.GetRandomCompanion();

            optionResultText = $"{chosen.FirstName()} grabs the bag of supplies and leaves the {eClass} to their fate.";

            var optionTwoReward = new Reward();

            optionTwoReward.AddPartyGain(PartySupplyTypes.HealthPotions, Random.Range(2, 5));
            optionTwoReward.AddPartyGain(PartySupplyTypes.Food, Random.Range(1, 7));
            optionTwoReward.AddPartyGain(PartySupplyTypes.Gold, Random.Range(5, 16));

            var optionTwo = new Option(optionTitle, optionResultText, optionTwoReward, null, EncounterType.Normal);

            Options.Add(optionTitle, optionTwo);


            var eventMediator = Object.FindObjectOfType <EventMediator>();

            eventMediator.Broadcast(GlobalHelper.FourOptionEncounter, this);