Esempio n. 1
        public void FA001_DocumentsWithRevTracking(string testId, string src)
            // Load the source document
            DirectoryInfo sourceDir         = new DirectoryInfo("../../../../TestFiles/");
            FileInfo      sourceDocxFi      = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(sourceDir.FullName, src));
            WmlDocument   wmlSourceDocument = new WmlDocument(sourceDocxFi.FullName);

            // Create the dir for the test
            var rootTempDir     = TestUtil.TempDir;
            var thisTestTempDir = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(rootTempDir.FullName, testId));

            if (thisTestTempDir.Exists)
                Assert.True(false, "Duplicate test id: " + testId);
            var tempDirFullName = thisTestTempDir.FullName;

            // Copy src DOCX to temp directory, for ease of review

            var sourceDocxCopiedToDestFileName = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(tempDirFullName, sourceDocxFi.Name));

            if (!sourceDocxCopiedToDestFileName.Exists)

            var sourceDocxAcceptedCopiedToDestFileName = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(tempDirFullName, sourceDocxFi.Name.ToLower().Replace(".docx", "-accepted.docx")));
            var wmlSourceAccepted = RevisionProcessor.AcceptRevisions(wmlSourceDocument);


            var outFi = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(tempDirFullName, "Output.docx"));
            FormattingAssemblerSettings settings = new FormattingAssemblerSettings();
            var assembledWml = FormattingAssembler.AssembleFormatting(wmlSourceDocument, settings);


            var outAcceptedFi        = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(tempDirFullName, "Output-accepted.docx"));
            var assembledAcceptedWml = RevisionProcessor.AcceptRevisions(assembledWml);


Esempio n. 2
 public static void AcceptRevisions(WordprocessingDocument doc)
        public void DoTest(string name)
            var sourceFi           = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(TestUtil.SourceDir.FullName, name));
            var baselineAcceptedFi = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(TestUtil.SourceDir.FullName, name.Replace(".docx", "-Accepted.docx")));
            var baselineRejectedFi = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(TestUtil.SourceDir.FullName, name.Replace(".docx", "-Rejected.docx")));

            WmlDocument sourceWml         = new WmlDocument(sourceFi.FullName);
            WmlDocument afterRejectingWml = RevisionProcessor.RejectRevisions(sourceWml);
            WmlDocument afterAcceptingWml = RevisionProcessor.AcceptRevisions(sourceWml);

            var processedAcceptedFi = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(TestUtil.TempDir.FullName, sourceFi.Name.Replace(".docx", "-Accepted.docx")));


            var processedRejectedFi = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(TestUtil.TempDir.FullName, sourceFi.Name.Replace(".docx", "-Rejected.docx")));


            // Copy source files to temp dir
            if (m_CopySourceFilesToTempDir)
                while (true)
                        ////////// CODE TO REPEAT UNTIL SUCCESS //////////
                        var sourceDocxCopiedToDestFi = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(TestUtil.TempDir.FullName, sourceFi.Name));
                        if (!sourceDocxCopiedToDestFi.Exists)
                    catch (IOException)

            // create batch file to copy properly processed documents to the TestFiles directory.
            while (true)
                    ////////// CODE TO REPEAT UNTIL SUCCESS //////////
                    var batchFileName = "Copy-Gen-Files-To-TestFiles.bat";
                    var batchFi       = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(TestUtil.TempDir.FullName, batchFileName));
                    var batch         = "";
                    batch += "copy " + processedAcceptedFi.FullName + " " + baselineAcceptedFi.FullName + Environment.NewLine;
                    batch += "copy " + processedRejectedFi.FullName + " " + baselineRejectedFi.FullName + Environment.NewLine;
                    if (batchFi.Exists)
                        File.AppendAllText(batchFi.FullName, batch);
                        File.WriteAllText(batchFi.FullName, batch);
                catch (IOException)

            // Open Windows Explorer
            if (m_OpenTempDirInExplorer)
                while (true)
                        ////////// CODE TO REPEAT UNTIL SUCCESS //////////
                        var semaphorFi = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(TestUtil.TempDir.FullName, "z_ExplorerOpenedSemaphore.txt"));
                        if (!semaphorFi.Exists)
                            File.WriteAllText(semaphorFi.FullName, "");
                    catch (IOException)

            // Use WmlComparer to see if accepted baseline is same as processed
            if (baselineAcceptedFi.Exists)
                var baselineAcceptedWml = new WmlDocument(baselineAcceptedFi.FullName);
                WmlComparerSettings wmlComparerSettings = new WmlComparerSettings();
                WmlDocument         result = WmlComparer.Compare(baselineAcceptedWml, afterAcceptingWml, wmlComparerSettings);
                var revisions = WmlComparer.GetRevisions(result, wmlComparerSettings);
                if (revisions.Any())
                    Assert.True(false, "Regression Error: Accepted baseline document did not match processed document");
                Assert.True(false, "No Accepted baseline document");

            // Use WmlComparer to see if rejected baseline is same as processed
            if (baselineRejectedFi.Exists)
                var baselineRejectedWml = new WmlDocument(baselineRejectedFi.FullName);
                WmlComparerSettings wmlComparerSettings = new WmlComparerSettings();
                WmlDocument         result = WmlComparer.Compare(baselineRejectedWml, afterRejectingWml, wmlComparerSettings);
                var revisions = WmlComparer.GetRevisions(result, wmlComparerSettings);
                if (revisions.Any())
                    Assert.True(false, "Regression Error: Rejected baseline document did not match processed document");
                Assert.True(false, "No Rejected baseline document");
Esempio n. 4
        public void WC003_Compare(string testId, string name1, string name2, int revisionCount)
            var sourceDir   = new DirectoryInfo("../../../../TestFiles/");
            var source1Docx = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(sourceDir.FullName, name1));
            var source2Docx = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(sourceDir.FullName, name2));

            var rootTempDir     = TestUtil.TempDir;
            var thisTestTempDir = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(rootTempDir.FullName, testId));

            if (thisTestTempDir.Exists)
                Assert.True(false, "Duplicate test id???");

            var source1CopiedToDestDocx = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(thisTestTempDir.FullName, source1Docx.Name));
            var source2CopiedToDestDocx = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(thisTestTempDir.FullName, source2Docx.Name));

            File.Copy(source1Docx.FullName, source1CopiedToDestDocx.FullName);
            File.Copy(source2Docx.FullName, source2CopiedToDestDocx.FullName);

            var before = source1CopiedToDestDocx.Name.Replace(".docx", "");
            var after  = source2CopiedToDestDocx.Name.Replace(".docx", "");
            var docxWithRevisionsFi = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(thisTestTempDir.FullName, before + "-COMPARE-" + after + ".docx"));

            var source1Wml = new WmlDocument(source1CopiedToDestDocx.FullName);
            var source2Wml = new WmlDocument(source2CopiedToDestDocx.FullName);
            var settings   = new WmlComparerSettings
                DebugTempFileDi = thisTestTempDir
            var comparedWml = OpenXmlPowerTools.WmlComparer.WmlComparer.Compare(source1Wml, source2Wml, settings);


            // validate generated document
            var validationErrors = "";

            using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
                ms.Write(comparedWml.DocumentByteArray, 0, comparedWml.DocumentByteArray.Length);
                using var wDoc = WordprocessingDocument.Open(ms, true);
                var validator = new OpenXmlValidator();
                var errors    = validator.Validate(wDoc).Where(e => !ExpectedErrors.Contains(e.Description));
                if (errors.Any())
                    var ind = "  ";
                    var sb  = new StringBuilder();
                    foreach (var err in errors)
                        sb.Append("Error" + Environment.NewLine);
                        sb.Append(ind + "ErrorType: " + err.ErrorType.ToString() + Environment.NewLine);
                        sb.Append(ind + "Description: " + err.Description + Environment.NewLine);
                        sb.Append(ind + "Part: " + err.Part.Uri.ToString() + Environment.NewLine);
                        sb.Append(ind + "XPath: " + err.Path.XPath + Environment.NewLine);
                    validationErrors = sb.ToString();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(validationErrors))
                Assert.True(false, validationErrors);

            var settings2 = new WmlComparerSettings();

            var revisionWml = new WmlDocument(docxWithRevisionsFi.FullName);
            var revisions   = OpenXmlPowerTools.WmlComparer.WmlComparer.GetRevisions(revisionWml, settings);

            Assert.Equal(revisionCount, revisions.Count);

            var afterRejectingWml = RevisionProcessor.RejectRevisions(revisionWml);

            var WRITE_TEMP_FILES = true;

            if (WRITE_TEMP_FILES)
                var afterRejectingFi = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(thisTestTempDir.FullName, "AfterRejecting.docx"));

            var afterRejectingComparedWml = OpenXmlPowerTools.WmlComparer.WmlComparer.Compare(source1Wml, afterRejectingWml, settings);
            var sanityCheck1 = OpenXmlPowerTools.WmlComparer.WmlComparer.GetRevisions(afterRejectingComparedWml, settings);

            if (WRITE_TEMP_FILES)
                var afterRejectingComparedFi = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(thisTestTempDir.FullName, "AfterRejectingCompared.docx"));

            var afterAcceptingWml = RevisionProcessor.AcceptRevisions(revisionWml);

            if (WRITE_TEMP_FILES)
                var afterAcceptingFi = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(thisTestTempDir.FullName, "AfterAccepting.docx"));

            var afterAcceptingComparedWml = OpenXmlPowerTools.WmlComparer.WmlComparer.Compare(source2Wml, afterAcceptingWml, settings);
            var sanityCheck2 = OpenXmlPowerTools.WmlComparer.WmlComparer.GetRevisions(afterAcceptingComparedWml, settings);

            if (WRITE_TEMP_FILES)
                var afterAcceptingComparedFi = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(thisTestTempDir.FullName, "AfterAcceptingCompared.docx"));

            if (sanityCheck1.Count != 0)
                Assert.True(false, "Sanity Check #1 failed");

            if (sanityCheck2.Count != 0)
                Assert.True(false, "Sanity Check #2 failed");
        private static WmlDocument CompareInternal(
            WmlDocument source1,
            WmlDocument source2,
            WmlComparerSettings settings,
            bool preProcessMarkupInOriginal)
            if (preProcessMarkupInOriginal)
                source1 = PreProcessMarkup(source1, settings.StartingIdForFootnotesEndnotes + 1000);

            source2 = PreProcessMarkup(source2, settings.StartingIdForFootnotesEndnotes + 2000);

            SaveDocumentIfDesired(source1, "Source1-Step1-PreProcess.docx", settings);
            SaveDocumentIfDesired(source2, "Source2-Step1-PreProcess.docx", settings);

            // at this point, both source1 and source2 have unid on every element.  These are the values that will
            // enable reassembly of the XML tree.  But we need other values.

            // In source1:
            // - accept tracked revisions
            // - determine hash code for every block-level element
            // - save as attribute on every element

            // - accept tracked revisions and reject tracked revisions leave the unids alone, where possible.
            // - after accepting and calculating the hash, then can use the unids to find the right block-level
            //   element in the unmodified source1, and install the hash

            // In source2:
            // - reject tracked revisions
            // - determine hash code for every block-level element
            // - save as an attribute on every element

            // - after rejecting and calculating the hash, then can use the unids to find the right block-level element
            //   in the unmodified source2, and install the hash

            // - sometimes after accepting or rejecting tracked revisions, several paragraphs will get coalesced into a
            //   single paragraph due to paragraph marks being inserted / deleted.
            // - in this case, some paragraphs will not get a hash injected onto them.
            // - if a paragraph doesn't have a hash, then it will never correspond to another paragraph, and such
            //   issues will need to be resolved in the normal execution of the LCS algorithm.
            // - note that when we do propagate the unid through for the first paragraph.

            // Establish correlation between the two.
            // Find the longest common sequence of block-level elements where hash codes are the same.
            // this sometimes will be every block level element in the document.  Or sometimes will be just a fair
            // number of them.

            // at the start of doing the LCS algorithm, we will match up content, and put them in corresponding unknown
            // correlated comparison units.  Those paragraphs will only ever be matched to their corresponding paragraph.
            // then the algorithm can proceed as usual.

            // need to call ChangeFootnoteEndnoteReferencesToUniqueRange before creating the wmlResult document, so that
            // the same GUID ids are used for footnote and endnote references in both the 'after' document, and in the
            // result document.

            WmlDocument source1AfterAccepting = RevisionProcessor.AcceptRevisions(source1);
            WmlDocument source2AfterRejecting = RevisionProcessor.RejectRevisions(source2);

            SaveDocumentIfDesired(source1AfterAccepting, "Source1-Step2-AfterAccepting.docx", settings);
            SaveDocumentIfDesired(source2AfterRejecting, "Source2-Step2-AfterRejecting.docx", settings);

            // this creates the correlated hash codes that enable us to match up ranges of paragraphs based on
            // accepting in source1, rejecting in source2
            source1 = HashBlockLevelContent(source1, source1AfterAccepting, settings);
            source2 = HashBlockLevelContent(source2, source2AfterRejecting, settings);

            SaveDocumentIfDesired(source1, "Source1-Step3-AfterHashing.docx", settings);
            SaveDocumentIfDesired(source2, "Source2-Step3-AfterHashing.docx", settings);

            // Accept revisions in before, and after
            source1 = RevisionProcessor.AcceptRevisions(source1);
            source2 = RevisionProcessor.AcceptRevisions(source2);

            SaveDocumentIfDesired(source1, "Source1-Step4-AfterAccepting.docx", settings);
            SaveDocumentIfDesired(source2, "Source2-Step4-AfterAccepting.docx", settings);

            // after accepting revisions, some unids may have been removed by revision accepter, along with the
            // correlatedSHA1Hash codes, this is as it should be.
            // but need to go back in and add guids to paragraphs that have had them removed.

            using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
                ms.Write(source2.DocumentByteArray, 0, source2.DocumentByteArray.Length);
                using (WordprocessingDocument wDoc = WordprocessingDocument.Open(ms, true))

            var wmlResult = new WmlDocument(source1);

            using (var ms1 = new MemoryStream())
                using (var ms2 = new MemoryStream())
                    ms1.Write(source1.DocumentByteArray, 0, source1.DocumentByteArray.Length);
                    ms2.Write(source2.DocumentByteArray, 0, source2.DocumentByteArray.Length);
                    WmlDocument producedDocument;

                    using (WordprocessingDocument wDoc1 = WordprocessingDocument.Open(ms1, true))
                        using (WordprocessingDocument wDoc2 = WordprocessingDocument.Open(ms2, true))
                            producedDocument = ProduceDocumentWithTrackedRevisions(settings, wmlResult, wDoc1, wDoc2);

                    SaveDocumentsAfterProducingDocument(ms1, ms2, settings);
                    SaveCleanedDocuments(source1, producedDocument, settings);

        public void RP001(string name)
            var sourceDir          = new DirectoryInfo("../../../../TestFiles/");
            var sourceFi           = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(sourceDir.FullName, name));
            var baselineAcceptedFi = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(sourceDir.FullName, name.Replace(".docx", "-Accepted.docx")));
            var baselineRejectedFi = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(sourceDir.FullName, name.Replace(".docx", "-Rejected.docx")));

            var sourceWml         = new WmlDocument(sourceFi.FullName);
            var afterRejectingWml = RevisionProcessor.RejectRevisions(sourceWml);
            var afterAcceptingWml = RevisionProcessor.AcceptRevisions(sourceWml);

            var processedAcceptedFi = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(TestUtil.TempDir.FullName, sourceFi.Name.Replace(".docx", "-Accepted.docx")));


            var processedRejectedFi = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(TestUtil.TempDir.FullName, sourceFi.Name.Replace(".docx", "-Rejected.docx")));


            // create batch file to copy properly processed documents to the TestFiles directory.
            while (true)
                    var batchFileName = "Copy-Gen-Files-To-TestFiles.bat";
                    var batchFi       = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(TestUtil.TempDir.FullName, batchFileName));
                    var batch         = "";
                    batch += "copy " + processedAcceptedFi.FullName + " " + baselineAcceptedFi.FullName + Environment.NewLine;
                    batch += "copy " + processedRejectedFi.FullName + " " + baselineRejectedFi.FullName + Environment.NewLine;
                    if (batchFi.Exists)
                        File.AppendAllText(batchFi.FullName, batch);
                        File.WriteAllText(batchFi.FullName, batch);
                catch (IOException)

            // Use WmlComparer to see if accepted baseline is same as processed
            if (baselineAcceptedFi.Exists)
                var baselineAcceptedWml = new WmlDocument(baselineAcceptedFi.FullName);
                var wmlComparerSettings = new WmlComparerSettings();
                var result    = OpenXmlPowerTools.WmlComparer.WmlComparer.Compare(baselineAcceptedWml, afterAcceptingWml, wmlComparerSettings);
                var revisions = OpenXmlPowerTools.WmlComparer.WmlComparer.GetRevisions(result, wmlComparerSettings);
                if (revisions.Any())
                    Assert.True(false, "Regression Error: Accepted baseline document did not match processed document");
                Assert.True(false, "No Accepted baseline document");

            // Use WmlComparer to see if rejected baseline is same as processed
            if (baselineRejectedFi.Exists)
                var baselineRejectedWml = new WmlDocument(baselineRejectedFi.FullName);
                var wmlComparerSettings = new WmlComparerSettings();
                var result    = OpenXmlPowerTools.WmlComparer.WmlComparer.Compare(baselineRejectedWml, afterRejectingWml, wmlComparerSettings);
                var revisions = OpenXmlPowerTools.WmlComparer.WmlComparer.GetRevisions(result, wmlComparerSettings);
                if (revisions.Any())
                    Assert.True(false, "Regression Error: Rejected baseline document did not match processed document");
                Assert.True(false, "No Rejected baseline document");