Esempio n. 1
        public async Task POST_SignOut_Should_Return_Expired_Set_Cookie_Headers()
             * HttpPost("users/logout")
             * Signout and check that we got 4 empty and expired set cookie headers

            using (var requestMessage = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, _client.BaseAddress + "users/logout"))
                // generate access code and set header
                string accessToken = HelperMethods.GenerateJWTAccessToken(_testUser.ID, _config["UserJwtTokenKey"]);
                ReturnableRefreshToken refToken = new ReturnableRefreshToken(HelperMethods.GenerateRefreshToken(_testUser, _context));
                string cookie = "AccessToken=" + accessToken + "; AccessTokenSameSite=" + accessToken + "; RefreshToken=" + refToken.Token + "; RefreshTokenSameSite=" + refToken.Token;
                requestMessage.Headers.Add("Cookie", cookie);

                // make request and validate status code
                var response = await _client.SendAsync(requestMessage);

                Assert.Equal(HttpStatusCode.OK, response.StatusCode);

                // make sure cookies exist, and then make sure all are expired and empty
                Dictionary <string, string> cookiesToDelete = TestingHelpingMethods.CheckForCookies(response);
                foreach (string delete_cookie in response.Headers.GetValues("Set-Cookie").ToList())
                    string   date         = delete_cookie.Split(';')[1].Split('=')[1];
                    DateTime expiringDate = DateTime.Parse(date);
                    Assert.True(DateTime.Now > expiringDate);                                     // make sure expired
                    Assert.Equal("", cookiesToDelete[delete_cookie.Split(';')[0].Split('=')[0]]); // make sure each is empty
Esempio n. 2
        public static void SetCookies(HttpResponse Response, string tokenString, RefreshToken refToken)
            ReturnableRefreshToken retToken = new ReturnableRefreshToken(refToken); // decrypt the token

            // append cookies after login
            Response.Cookies.Append("AccessToken", tokenString, HelperMethods.GetCookieOptions(false));
            Response.Cookies.Append("RefreshToken", retToken.Token, HelperMethods.GetCookieOptions(false));
            Response.Cookies.Append("AccessTokenSameSite", tokenString, HelperMethods.GetCookieOptions(true));
            Response.Cookies.Append("RefreshTokenSameSite", retToken.Token, HelperMethods.GetCookieOptions(true));
        public async Task POST_Should_Return_New_Valid_Cookies()
             * HttpPost("refresh")
             * For this test we need a valid refresh token, and an access token that is expired or not.
             * Then make a call to refresh and use the received tokens to see if we can make a valid call to the api.
             * And finally we make a call to validateRefreshToken to make sure the newly generated refresh was stored in the DB

            // get reference to app settings and local db
            var config = new ConfigurationBuilder().AddJsonFile("appsettings.Development.json").Build();
            DbContextOptions <APIContext> options = new DbContextOptions <APIContext>();
            APIContext context = new APIContext(options, config);

            // generate an access token and valid refresh token
            string[] keyAndIV               = { config.GetValue <string>("UserEncryptionKey"), config.GetValue <string>("UserEncryptionIV") }; // for user encryption there is a single key
            User     user                   = context.Users.Single(a => a.Email.SequenceEqual(HelperMethods.EncryptStringToBytes_Aes("*****@*****.**", keyAndIV)));
            string   accessToken            = HelperMethods.GenerateJWTAccessToken(user.ID, config["UserJwtTokenKey"]);
            ReturnableRefreshToken refToken = new ReturnableRefreshToken(HelperMethods.GenerateRefreshToken(user, context));

            // set cookies in header
            string cookie = "AccessToken=" + accessToken + "; RefreshToken=" + refToken.Token;

            _client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Cookie", cookie);

            // send request to refresh and assert request is ok and new cookies are present
            var response = await _client.PostAsync("refresh", null);

            Assert.Equal(HttpStatusCode.OK, response.StatusCode);

            // valid cookies presence and retrieve
            Dictionary <string, string> new_cookies = TestingHelpingMethods.CheckForCookies(response);

            // check that we recieved a valid login response
            JObject responseBody = await TestingHelpingMethods.CheckForLoginResponse(response);

            // set new access token in cookies
            cookie = "AccessTokenSameSite=" + new_cookies.Single(a => a.Key == "AccessTokenSameSite").Value;
            _client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Cookie", cookie);

            // make a call to the api to make sure we recieved a valid access token
            response = await _client.GetAsync("users/" + responseBody["id"].ToString());

            Assert.Equal(HttpStatusCode.OK, response.StatusCode);

            // and the last thing we need is to validate that the refresh token was stored in the DB
            context.Dispose();                                                                                                                                 // close old connection
            user = new APIContext(options, config).Users.Single(a => a.Email.SequenceEqual(HelperMethods.EncryptStringToBytes_Aes("*****@*****.**", keyAndIV))); // get fresh handle of user from the DB
            Assert.True(HelperMethods.ValidateRefreshToken(user, new_cookies.Single(a => a.Key == "RefreshTokenSameSite").Value));
Esempio n. 4
        }                                       // encryption key and iv used for all users base data,, this key cannot unluck user stored passwords/accounts

        public UserControllerIntegrationTest(WebApplicationFactory <SafeAccountsAPI.Startup> fixture)
            _client = fixture.CreateClient();

            // get reference to app settings and local db
            _config = new ConfigurationBuilder().AddJsonFile("appsettings.Development.json").Build();
            DbContextOptions <APIContext> options = new DbContextOptions <APIContext>();

            _context = new APIContext(options, _config);

            // set default header for our api_key... Development key only, doesnt work with online api
            _client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("ApiKey", "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJodHRwOi8vc2NoZW1hcy54bWxzb2FwLm9yZy93cy8yMDA1LzA1L2lkZW50aXR5L2NsYWltcy9uYW1lIjoiYXBpX2tleSIsImV4cCI6MTY2Mjk4NzA4MywiaXNzIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9sb2NhbGhvc3Q6NDQzNjYiLCJhdWQiOiJodHRwczovL2xvY2FsaG9zdDo0NDM2NiJ9.NUf-fL3g72Z8XqihXJIuaG_z8_NEHmSwckb94VgVK3Q");

            // set reference to our user for testing
            _keyAndIv    = new string[] { _config.GetValue <string>("UserEncryptionKey"), _config.GetValue <string>("UserEncryptionIV") };       // for user encryption there is a single key
            _testUser    = _context.Users.Single(a => a.Email.SequenceEqual(HelperMethods.EncryptStringToBytes_Aes("*****@*****.**", _keyAndIv))); // encrypted user
            _retTestUser = new ReturnableUser(_testUser, _keyAndIv);                                                                             // decrypted user

            // generate access code and refresh token for use with endpoints that need to be logged in
            _accessToken  = HelperMethods.GenerateJWTAccessToken(_testUser.ID, _config["UserJwtTokenKey"], _config.GetValue <string>("ApiUrl"));
            _refreshToken = new ReturnableRefreshToken(HelperMethods.GenerateRefreshToken(_testUser, _context, _keyAndIv), _keyAndIv).Token;