public void ValueFromUserSpecifiedConfigFile() { string code = @" using System; using System.Configuration; using Xunit; public class MockTestClass { [Fact] public void CheckConfigurationFileEntry() { Assert.Equal(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings[""ConfigurationValue""], ""42""); } } "; XmlNode assemblyNode; using (MockAssembly mockAssembly = new MockAssembly(assemblyFileName)) { mockAssembly.Compile(code, null); assemblyNode = mockAssembly.Run(configFile); } ResultXmlUtility.AssertResult(assemblyNode, "Pass", "MockTestClass.CheckConfigurationFileEntry"); Assert.Equal(Path.GetFullPath(configFile), assemblyNode.Attributes["configFile"].Value); }
public void TestClassIsNotInstantiatedForSkippedTests() { string code = @" using System; using Xunit; public class MockTestClass { public MockTestClass() { throw new Exception(""Should not reach me!""); } [Fact(Skip = ""the reason"")] public void TestThatShouldBeSkipped() { } } "; XmlNode assemblyNode = Execute(code); XmlNode testNode = ResultXmlUtility.AssertResult(assemblyNode, "Skip", "MockTestClass.TestThatShouldBeSkipped"); XmlNode messageNode = testNode.SelectSingleNode("reason/message"); Assert.Equal("the reason", messageNode.InnerText); }
public void TheoryViaClassAcceptanceTest() { string code = @" using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using Xunit.Extensions; public class StubData : IEnumerable<object[]> { public IEnumerator<object[]> GetEnumerator() { yield return new object[] { 1, ""hello world"", 2.3 }; } IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { return GetEnumerator(); } } public class Stub { [Theory, ClassData(typeof(StubData))] public void PassingTestData(int foo, string bar, double baz) { } } "; XmlNode assemblyNode = Execute(code, null, "xunit.extensions.dll"); ResultXmlUtility.AssertResult(assemblyNode, "Pass", "Stub." + @"PassingTestData(foo: 1, bar: ""hello world"", baz: 2.3)"); }
public void ConfigurationExceptionShouldBeThrown() { string code = @" using System; using System.Configuration; using Xunit; public class MockTestClass { [Fact] public void TestMethod() { } } "; XmlNode assemblyNode; using (MockAssembly mockAssembly = new MockAssembly(assemblyFileName)) { mockAssembly.Compile(code, null); assemblyNode = mockAssembly.Run(configFile); } var resultNode = ResultXmlUtility.GetResult(assemblyNode); var failureNode = resultNode.SelectSingleNode("failure"); Assert.NotNull(failureNode); Assert.Equal("System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException", failureNode.Attributes["exception-type"].Value); }
public void CallbackIncludesStartMessages() { const string code = @" using Xunit; public class TestClass { [Fact] public void TestMethod1() {} [Fact] public void TestMethod2() {} [Fact] public void TestMethod3() {} }"; using (MockAssembly assembly = new MockAssembly()) { assembly.Compile(code); List <XmlNode> nodes = new List <XmlNode>(); using (ExecutorWrapper wrapper = new ExecutorWrapper(assembly.FileName, null, false)) wrapper.RunTests("TestClass", new List <string> { "TestMethod1" }, node => { nodes.Add(node); return(true); }); Assert.Equal(3, nodes.Count); Assert.Equal("start", nodes[0].Name); // <start> ResultXmlUtility.AssertAttribute(nodes[0], "name", "TestClass.TestMethod1"); ResultXmlUtility.AssertAttribute(nodes[0], "type", "TestClass"); ResultXmlUtility.AssertAttribute(nodes[0], "method", "TestMethod1"); Assert.Equal("test", nodes[1].Name); Assert.Equal("class", nodes[2].Name); } }
public void AcceptanceTest() { string code = @" using Xunit; public class TestClass { [Fact] public void TestMethod1() {} [Fact] public void TestMethod2() {} [Fact] public void TestMethod3() {} }"; using (MockAssembly assembly = new MockAssembly()) { assembly.Compile(code); XmlNode lastNode = null; XmlNode returnValue = null; using (ExecutorWrapper wrapper = new ExecutorWrapper(assembly.FileName, null, false)) returnValue = wrapper.RunTests("TestClass", new List <string> { "TestMethod1", "TestMethod2" }, node => { lastNode = node; return(true); }); Assert.Equal(returnValue, lastNode); Assert.Equal(2, lastNode.ChildNodes.Count); // Two test results XmlNode result0 = ResultXmlUtility.GetResult(lastNode, 0); Assert.Equal("Pass", result0.Attributes["result"].Value); XmlNode result1 = ResultXmlUtility.GetResult(lastNode, 1); Assert.Equal("Pass", result1.Attributes["result"].Value); } }
public void TestMethodWithNonTestMethod() { string code = @" using Xunit; public class TestClass { [Fact] public void TestMethod1() {} [Fact] public void TestMethod2() {} [Fact] public void TestMethod3() {} public void NonTestMethod() {} }"; using (MockAssembly assembly = new MockAssembly()) { assembly.Compile(code); XmlNode lastNode = null; using (ExecutorWrapper wrapper = new ExecutorWrapper(assembly.FileName, null, false)) wrapper.RunTests("TestClass", new List <string> { "TestMethod1", "NonTestMethod" }, node => { lastNode = node; return(true); }); Assert.Single(lastNode.ChildNodes); // Only the test method XmlNode result = ResultXmlUtility.GetResult(lastNode, 0); Assert.Equal("Pass", result.Attributes["result"].Value); } }
public void VerifiesConstructorIsCalled() { string code = @" using System; using Xunit; public class MockTestClass { int counter; public MockTestClass() { counter++; } [Fact] public void CounterShouldBeIncrementedInConstructor() { Assert.Equal(counter, 1); } } "; XmlNode assemblyNode = Execute(code); ResultXmlUtility.AssertResult(assemblyNode, "Pass", "MockTestClass.CounterShouldBeIncrementedInConstructor"); }
public void StdOutput() { const string expected = @"Line 1 to Standard Output Line 2 to Standard Error Line 3 to Standard Output "; string code = @" using System; using Xunit; public class TestClass { [Fact] public void SampleTest() { Console.WriteLine(""Line 1 to Standard Output""); Console.Error.WriteLine(""Line 2 to Standard Error""); Console.WriteLine(""Line 3 to Standard Output""); } } "; XmlNode assemblyNode = Execute(code); XmlNode node = ResultXmlUtility.GetResult(assemblyNode); Assert.Equal(expected, node.SelectSingleNode("output").InnerText); }
public void TheoryViaDataAcceptanceTest() { string code = @" using Xunit.Extensions; public class Stub { [Theory] [InlineData(1, ""hello"", 2.3)] [InlineData(42, ""world"", 21.12)] public void PassingTestData(int foo, string bar, double baz) { } } "; XmlNode assemblyNode = Execute(code, null, "xunit.extensions.dll"); XmlNode testNode1 = ResultXmlUtility.GetResult(assemblyNode, 0, 0); ResultXmlUtility.AssertAttribute(testNode1, "result", "Pass"); ResultXmlUtility.AssertAttribute(testNode1, "name", "Stub." + @"PassingTestData(foo: 1, bar: ""hello"", baz: 2.3)"); XmlNode testNode2 = ResultXmlUtility.GetResult(assemblyNode, 0, 1); ResultXmlUtility.AssertAttribute(testNode2, "result", "Pass"); ResultXmlUtility.AssertAttribute(testNode2, "name", "Stub." + @"PassingTestData(foo: 42, bar: ""world"", baz: 21.12)"); }
public void TheoryWithNoDataAttributes() { string code = @" using Xunit.Extensions; public class Stub { [Theory] public void TheoryMethod(int x) { } } "; XmlNode assemblyNode = Execute(code, null, "xunit.extensions.dll"); XmlNode testNode = ResultXmlUtility.GetResult(assemblyNode, 0, 0); ResultXmlUtility.AssertAttribute(testNode, "result", "Fail"); ResultXmlUtility.AssertAttribute(testNode, "name", "Stub.TheoryMethod"); XmlNode failureNode = testNode.SelectSingleNode("failure"); ResultXmlUtility.AssertAttribute(failureNode, "exception-type", typeof(InvalidOperationException).FullName); XmlNode messageNode = failureNode.SelectSingleNode("message"); Assert.Equal("System.InvalidOperationException : No data found for Stub.TheoryMethod", messageNode.InnerText); }
public void OutputIsPresentEvenIfTestFails() { const string expected = @"Line 1 to Standard Output "; string code = @" using System; using Xunit; public class TestClass { [Fact] public void SampleTest() { Console.WriteLine(""Line 1 to Standard Output""); Assert.False(true); } } "; XmlNode assemblyNode = Execute(code); XmlNode node = ResultXmlUtility.GetResult(assemblyNode); Assert.Equal(expected, node.SelectSingleNode("output").InnerText); }
public void TestHasTimeoutAndExceeds() { string code = @" using System; using System.Threading; using Xunit; public class Stub { [Fact(Timeout = 50)] public void TestShouldTimeout() { Thread.Sleep(120); Assert.Equal(2, 2); } } "; XmlNode assemblyNode = Execute(code); XmlNode testNode = ResultXmlUtility.AssertResult(assemblyNode, "Fail", "Stub.TestShouldTimeout"); XmlNode messageNode = testNode.SelectSingleNode("failure/message"); Assert.Equal("Test execution time exceeded: 50ms", messageNode.InnerText); }
public void Async40AcceptanceTest() { string code = @" using System; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Xunit; public class TestClass { [Fact] public Task TestMethod() { return Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { Thread.Sleep(1); }) .ContinueWith(_ => { Assert.True(false); }); } } "; XmlNode assemblyNode = Execute(code); XmlNode testNode = ResultXmlUtility.AssertResult(assemblyNode, "Fail", "TestClass.TestMethod"); XmlNode failureNode = testNode.SelectSingleNode("failure"); ResultXmlUtility.AssertAttribute(failureNode, "exception-type", typeof(TrueException).FullName); }
public void NonPublicTestMethod() { string code = @" using Xunit; public class TestClass { [Fact] void NonPublicTestMethod() {} }"; using (MockAssembly assembly = new MockAssembly()) { assembly.Compile(code); XmlNode returnValue = null; using (ExecutorWrapper wrapper = new ExecutorWrapper(assembly.FileName, null, false)) returnValue = wrapper.RunTests("TestClass", new List <string> { "NonPublicTestMethod" }, node => { return(true); }); Assert.Single(returnValue.ChildNodes); XmlNode result = ResultXmlUtility.GetResult(returnValue, 0); Assert.Equal("Pass", result.Attributes["result"].Value); } }
public void AcceptanceTest() { string code = @" using Xunit; public class TestClass { [Fact] public void TestMethod() { } }"; using (MockAssembly assembly = new MockAssembly()) { assembly.Compile(code); XmlNode lastNode = null; XmlNode returnValue = null; using (ExecutorWrapper wrapper = new ExecutorWrapper(assembly.FileName, null, false)) returnValue = wrapper.RunTest("TestClass", "TestMethod", node => { lastNode = node; return(true); }); XmlNode resultNode = ResultXmlUtility.GetResult(lastNode); Assert.Equal("Pass", resultNode.Attributes["result"].Value); Assert.Equal(returnValue, lastNode); } }
public void TraceAssertDoesNotCreateAnyOutput() { string code = @" #define TRACE using System; using System.Diagnostics; using Xunit; public class TestClass { [Fact] public void SampleTest() { Trace.Assert(false); } } "; XmlNode assemblyNode = Execute(code); XmlNode node = ResultXmlUtility.AssertResult(assemblyNode, "Fail", "TestClass.SampleTest"); Assert.Null(node.SelectSingleNode("output")); }
public void AssemblyFilenameInXmlMatchesOriginallyPassedNameToExecutor() { using (MockAssembly mockAssembly = new MockAssembly()) { mockAssembly.Compile(""); XmlNode assemblyNode = mockAssembly.Run(null); ResultXmlUtility.AssertAttribute(assemblyNode, "name", mockAssembly.FileName); } }
public void TestCommandReturnsStartXml_WithDisplayName() { MethodInfo method = typeof(TestMethodCommandClass).GetMethod("TestMethod"); Mock <TestCommand> command = new Mock <TestCommand>(Reflector.Wrap(method), "Display Name!", 0); command.CallBase = true; XmlNode result = command.Object.ToStartXml(); Assert.Equal("start", result.Name); ResultXmlUtility.AssertAttribute(result, "name", "Display Name!"); ResultXmlUtility.AssertAttribute(result, "type", typeof(TestMethodCommandClass).FullName); ResultXmlUtility.AssertAttribute(result, "method", "TestMethod"); }
public void LackOfConfigurationFileBugInCLR4() // { string code = @" using System; using Xunit; public class ConfigurationFileExample { [Fact] public void Test() { new Uri(""http://localhost:58080/indexes/categoriesByName?query=CategoryName%3ABeverages&start=0&pageSize=25""); } }"; XmlNode assemblyNode = Execute(code); ResultXmlUtility.AssertResult(assemblyNode, "Pass", "ConfigurationFileExample.Test"); }
public void ClassWithStaticTest() { string code = @" using System; using Xunit; public class StaticTests { [Fact] public static void StaticTestMethod() { } }"; XmlNode assemblyNode = Execute(code); ResultXmlUtility.AssertResult(assemblyNode, "Pass", "StaticTests.StaticTestMethod"); }
public void NamedFailingTest() { string code = codeHeader + @" public class ExampleSpecUsage { [Spec(""Failing specification"")] public void Failing() { Assert.True(false); } } "; XmlNode assemblyNode = Execute(code); XmlNode resultNode = ResultXmlUtility.GetResult(assemblyNode); ResultXmlUtility.AssertAttribute(resultNode, "result", "Fail"); ResultXmlUtility.AssertAttribute(resultNode, "name", "Failing specification"); }
public void FactMethodsCannotHaveArguments() { string code = @" using System; using Xunit; public class MockTestClass { [Fact] public void FactWithParameters(int x) { } } "; XmlNode assemblyNode = Execute(code); XmlNode testNode = ResultXmlUtility.AssertResult(assemblyNode, "Fail", "MockTestClass.FactWithParameters"); XmlNode failureNode = testNode.SelectSingleNode("failure"); ResultXmlUtility.AssertAttribute(failureNode, "exception-type", typeof(InvalidOperationException).FullName); Assert.Equal("System.InvalidOperationException : Fact method MockTestClass.FactWithParameters cannot have parameters", failureNode.SelectSingleNode("message").InnerText); }
public void NamedSkippedTest() { string code = codeHeader + @" public class ExampleSpecUsage { [Spec(""Skipped specification"", Skip=""Failing, not sure why..."")] public void Skippy() { Assert.False(true); } } "; XmlNode assemblyNode = Execute(code); XmlNode resultNode = ResultXmlUtility.GetResult(assemblyNode); ResultXmlUtility.AssertAttribute(resultNode, "result", "Skip"); ResultXmlUtility.AssertAttribute(resultNode, "name", "Skipped specification"); }
public void ThrowsExpectedException() { string code = @" using System; using Xunit; public class MockTestClass { [Fact] public void ExpectTest() { Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(delegate { throw new InvalidOperationException(); }); } } "; XmlNode assemblyNode = Execute(code); ResultXmlUtility.AssertResult(assemblyNode, "Pass", "MockTestClass.ExpectTest"); }
public void AssertAreEqualTwoNumbersEqualShouldBePassedResult() { string code = @" using System; using Xunit; public class MockTestClass { [Fact] public void SuccessTest() { Assert.Equal(2, 2); } } "; XmlNode assemblyNode = Execute(code); ResultXmlUtility.AssertResult(assemblyNode, "Pass", "MockTestClass.SuccessTest"); }
public void ThrowingDataAttributeAcceptanceTest() { string code = @" using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Reflection; using Xunit; using Xunit.Extensions; public class MisbehavingTestClass { [Theory, MisbehavedData] public void TheoryWithMisbehavingData(string a) { Assert.True(true); } } public class MisbehavedDataAttribute : DataAttribute { public override IEnumerable<object[]> GetData(MethodInfo method, Type[] paramTypes) { throw new Exception(); } } "; XmlNode assemblyNode = Execute(code, null, "xunit.extensions.dll"); XmlNode testNode = ResultXmlUtility.GetResult(assemblyNode, 0, 0); ResultXmlUtility.AssertAttribute(testNode, "result", "Fail"); ResultXmlUtility.AssertAttribute(testNode, "name", "MisbehavingTestClass.TheoryWithMisbehavingData"); XmlNode failureNode = testNode.SelectSingleNode("failure"); ResultXmlUtility.AssertAttribute(failureNode, "exception-type", typeof(InvalidOperationException).FullName); XmlNode messageNode = failureNode.SelectSingleNode("message"); Assert.Contains("System.InvalidOperationException : An exception was thrown while getting data for theory MisbehavingTestClass.TheoryWithMisbehavingData:", messageNode.InnerText); }
public void UsesSingleInstanceOfFixtureDataForAllTests() { string code = @" using System; using System.Diagnostics; using Xunit; public class TestFixtureTest : IUseFixture<object> { public static object fixtureData = null; public void SetFixture(object data) { if (fixtureData == null) fixtureData = data; else Assert.Same(fixtureData, data); } [Fact] public void Test1() { } [Fact] public void Test2() { } }"; XmlNode assemblyNode = Execute(code); XmlNode result0 = ResultXmlUtility.GetResult(assemblyNode, 0); ResultXmlUtility.AssertAttribute(result0, "result", "Pass"); XmlNode result1 = ResultXmlUtility.GetResult(assemblyNode, 1); ResultXmlUtility.AssertAttribute(result1, "result", "Pass"); }
public void TheoryWithDataAttributesWithNoData() { string code = @" using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Reflection; using Xunit.Extensions; public class EmptyTheoryData : DataAttribute { public override IEnumerable<object[]> GetData(MethodInfo methodUnderTest, Type[] parameterTypes) { return new object[0][]; } } public class Stub { [Theory] [EmptyTheoryData] public void TheoryMethod(int x) { } } "; XmlNode assemblyNode = Execute(code, null, "xunit.extensions.dll"); XmlNode testNode = ResultXmlUtility.GetResult(assemblyNode, 0, 0); ResultXmlUtility.AssertAttribute(testNode, "result", "Fail"); ResultXmlUtility.AssertAttribute(testNode, "name", "Stub.TheoryMethod"); XmlNode failureNode = testNode.SelectSingleNode("failure"); ResultXmlUtility.AssertAttribute(failureNode, "exception-type", typeof(InvalidOperationException).FullName); XmlNode messageNode = failureNode.SelectSingleNode("message"); Assert.Equal("System.InvalidOperationException : No data found for Stub.TheoryMethod", messageNode.InnerText); }
public void ValueFromUserSpecifiedConfigFile() { string code = @" using System; using System.Configuration; using Xunit; public class MockTestClass { [Fact] public void CheckConfigurationFileEntry() { Assert.Equal(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings[""ConfigurationValue""], ""42""); } } "; XmlNode assemblyNode = Execute(code, configFile); ResultXmlUtility.AssertResult(assemblyNode, "Pass", "MockTestClass.CheckConfigurationFileEntry"); }