Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// When the user is returned after performing/cancelling an order, the status of the transaction is not returned in the
        /// querystring.
        /// Thus the merchant needs to call the Completes method to retrieve the transaction status.
        /// It is important to notice that this function can only be used in combination with Initialize.
        /// If you at a later time want to get the transaction status you will need to call the Check function.
        /// Complete may only be called once for each transaction.
        /// Note: You have to check both errorCode and transactionStatus to be sure the transaction was successful.
        /// You need to save transactionRef and optionally transactionNumber as a reference to the transaction.
        /// The orderRef used during initialize and purchase is deleted upon completion of the transaction.
        /// Returns a boolean indicating if the request was successful.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="orderRef"></param>
        /// <returns>A boolean indicating if the result was transferred without errors. See also TransactionComplete.</returns>
        public async Task <CompleteResult> Complete(string orderRef)
            // Validation
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(orderRef))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(orderRef), "orderRef is required");

            // Build string for md5 including all fields except empty strings and description field
            var hashInput = new StringBuilder();

            // Add encryption key at the end of string to be hashed
            // Make hash
            string hash;

            MD5Hash.Hash(hashInput.ToString(), out hash);

            // Call web service
            var payexOrder = GetPxOrderClient();
            var xmlReturn  = await payexOrder.CompleteAsync(Account.AccountNumber, orderRef, hash);

            // Parse the result
            var result = ResultParser.ParseCompleteResult(xmlReturn);
