Esempio n. 1
        public ResultFileEntry([NotNull] string name,
                               [NotNull] FileInfo fileinfo,
                               bool displayEntry,
                               ResultFileID rfid,
                               [NotNull] string householdKey,
                               [CanBeNull] string?additionalFileIndex, CalcOption enablingOption)
            Name                = name;
            FileName            = fileinfo.Name;
            FullFileName        = fileinfo.FullName;
            DisplayEntry        = displayEntry;
            ResultFileID        = rfid;
            HouseholdKey        = householdKey;
            AdditionalFileIndex = additionalFileIndex;
            EnablingCalcOption  = enablingOption;
            if (FileName == FullFileName)
                throw new LPGException("Full filename was same as filename");

            if (FileName.Contains(":"))
                throw new LPGException("Somehow the full path ended up in the Filename");
        public bool CheckForResultFileEntry(ResultFileID rfid, [NotNull] string loadTypeName,
                                            [NotNull] HouseholdKey householdKey, [CanBeNull] PersonInformation pi, [CanBeNull] string additionalFileIndex)
            var key = ResultFileEntry.CalculateHashKey(rfid, _calcObjectName, loadTypeName, householdKey.Key, pi?.Name,

        public bool CheckForFile(ResultFileID rfid1, [NotNull] HouseholdKey householdKey, [CanBeNull] string additionalFileIndex = null)
            string key = ResultFileEntry.CalculateHashKey(rfid1, null, null, householdKey.Key, null, additionalFileIndex);

            if (ResultFileList.ResultFiles.ContainsKey(key))
        public ResultFileEntry GetResultFileEntry(ResultFileID rfid, [CanBeNull] string loadTypeName,
                                                  [NotNull] HouseholdKey householdKey, [CanBeNull] PersonInformation pi, [CanBeNull]  string additionalFileIndex)
            var key = ResultFileEntry.CalculateHashKey(rfid, _calcObjectName, loadTypeName, householdKey.Key, pi?.Name,

            if (!ResultFileList.ResultFiles.ContainsKey(key))
                throw new LPGException("The file with the ID " + rfid + ", the loadtype " + loadTypeName +
                                       ", and the householdID " + householdKey +
                                       " is missing. This is probably a bug. Please report.");
Esempio n. 5
        public static string CalculateHashKey(ResultFileID resultFileID,
                                              [CanBeNull] string?householdName,
                                              [CanBeNull] string?loadTypeName,
                                              [CanBeNull] string?householdKey,
                                              [CanBeNull] string?personName,
                                              [CanBeNull] string?additionalFileIndex)
            var s = "";

            s += resultFileID + "#";
            s += householdName + "#";
            s += loadTypeName + "#";
            s += householdKey + "#";
            s += personName + "#";
            s += additionalFileIndex + "#";
Esempio n. 6
#pragma warning restore CA1036 // Override methods on comparable types
        public ResultFileEntry([NotNull] string name,
                               [NotNull] FileInfo fileInfo,
                               bool displayEntry,
                               [CanBeNull] StreamWriter streamWriter,
                               [CanBeNull] BinaryWriter binaryWriter,
                               [NotNull] Stream stream,
                               ResultFileID rfid,
                               [NotNull] string householdName,
                               [NotNull] string householdKey,
                               [NotNull] LoadTypeInformation lti,
                               [NotNull] PersonInformation pi,
                               [NotNull] string additionalFileIndex,
                               TimeSpan timeResolution, CalcOption enablingOption)
            EnablingCalcOption = enablingOption;
            TimeResolution     = timeResolution;
            Name                = name;
            FileName            = fileInfo.Name;
            FullFileName        = fileInfo.FullName;
            Stream              = stream;
            DisplayEntry        = displayEntry;
            StreamWriter        = streamWriter;
            BinaryWriter        = binaryWriter;
            ResultFileID        = rfid;
            HouseholdName       = householdName;
            LoadTypeInformation = lti;
            HouseholdKey        = householdKey;
            PersonInformation   = pi;
            AdditionalFileIndex = additionalFileIndex;
            if (FileName == FullFileName)
                throw new LPGException("Full filename was same as filename");

            if (FileName.Contains(":"))
                throw new LPGException("Somehow the full path ended up in the Filename");
        public T MakeFile <T>([NotNull] string fileName, [NotNull] string description,
                              bool displayResultFileEntry, ResultFileID rfid1,
                              [NotNull] HouseholdKey householdKey,
                              TargetDirectory targetDirectory, TimeSpan timeResolution,
                              CalcOption enablingOption,
                              [CanBeNull] LoadTypeInformation lti    = null,
                              [CanBeNull] PersonInformation pi       = null,
                              [CanBeNull] string additionalFileIndex = null)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fileName))
                throw new LPGException("Filename was empty");
            if (!HouseholdRegistry.IsHouseholdRegistered(householdKey))
                throw new LPGException("Forgotten Household Key: " + householdKey);
            if (fileName.Contains(".."))
                throw new LPGException("Filename with two dots. This looks bad. Please fix: " + fileName);
            if (fileName.Contains("  "))
                throw new LPGException("Filename with two spaces. This looks bad. Please fix: " + fileName);
            var    rfid          = rfid1;
            var    cleanFileName = AutomationUtili.CleanFileName(fileName);
            string targetDir     = GetFullPathForTargetdirectry(targetDirectory);

            if (!Directory.Exists(targetDir))
            var fileInfo = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(targetDir, cleanFileName));

            if (fileInfo.FullName.Length > 250)
                throw new LPGException("The result filename " + fileInfo.FullName + " was longer than 250 characters which is a problem for Windows. Maybe chose a shorter directory name or nest less deep and try again?");
            if (fileInfo.Exists)
                throw new LPGException("The file " + fileInfo.Name + " already exists. Can't create it again!");
            bool tryagain;

            if (!_allValidIds.Contains((int)rfid))
                throw new LPGException("Invalid result file ID");
                try {
                    if (typeof(T) == typeof(StreamWriter))
                        var stream = _getStream.GetWriterStream(fileInfo.FullName);
#pragma warning disable S2930 // "IDisposables" should be disposed
                        var sw = new StreamWriter(stream);
#pragma warning restore S2930 // "IDisposables" should be disposed
                        var ret = (T)(object)sw;
                        var rfe = new ResultFileEntry(description, fileInfo, displayResultFileEntry, sw,
                                                      null, stream, rfid, _calcObjectName, householdKey.Key,
                                                      lti, pi, additionalFileIndex, timeResolution, enablingOption);
                        ResultFileList.ResultFiles.Add(rfe.HashKey, rfe);
                    if (typeof(T) == typeof(BinaryWriter))
                        var stream = _getStream.GetWriterStream(fileInfo.FullName);
#pragma warning disable S2930 // "IDisposables" should be disposed
                        var bw = new BinaryWriter(stream);
#pragma warning restore S2930 // "IDisposables" should be disposed
                        var ret = (T)(object)bw;
                        var rfe = new ResultFileEntry(description, fileInfo, displayResultFileEntry, null, bw,
                                                      stream, rfid, _calcObjectName, householdKey.Key, lti, pi,
                                                      additionalFileIndex, timeResolution, enablingOption);
                        ResultFileList.ResultFiles.Add(rfe.HashKey, rfe);
                    if (typeof(T) == typeof(Stream))
                        var stream = _getStream.GetWriterStream(fileInfo.FullName);
                        var ret    = (T)(object)stream;
                        var rfe    = new ResultFileEntry(description, fileInfo, displayResultFileEntry, null, null,
                                                         stream, rfid, _calcObjectName, householdKey.Key, lti, pi,
                                                         additionalFileIndex, timeResolution, enablingOption);
                        ResultFileList.ResultFiles.Add(rfe.HashKey, rfe);
                    if (typeof(T) == typeof(FileStream))
                        var stream = _getStream.GetWriterStream(fileInfo.FullName);
                        var ret    = (T)(object)stream;
                        var rfe    = new ResultFileEntry(description, fileInfo, displayResultFileEntry, null, null,
                                                         stream, rfid, _calcObjectName, householdKey.Key, lti, pi,
                                                         additionalFileIndex, timeResolution, enablingOption);
                        ResultFileList.ResultFiles.Add(rfe.HashKey, rfe);

                    throw new LPGException("Unknown stream type in Makefile<T>");
                catch (IOException ioe) {
                    if (!Config.IsInUnitTesting)
                        var errormessage = "The file " + fileInfo.FullName +
                                           " could not be opened. The exact error message was:" + Environment.NewLine + ioe.Message +
                                           Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine;
                        errormessage += " Maybe you forgot to close Excel? Press YES to try again!";
                        var dr = MessageWindowHandler.Mw.ShowYesNoMessage(errormessage, "Error opening file!");
                        if (dr == LPGMsgBoxResult.Yes)
                            tryagain = true;
                            tryagain = false;
                        tryagain = false;
            } while (tryagain);
            throw new DataIntegrityException("Couldn't open file \"" + fileInfo.FullName + "\". Aborting.");
        public void RegisterFile([NotNull] string fileName, [NotNull] string description, bool displayResultFileEntry, ResultFileID rfid1,
                                 [NotNull] HouseholdKey householdKey, TargetDirectory targetDirectory, CalcOption enablingOption,
                                 [CanBeNull] string additionalFileIndex = null)
            if (!HouseholdRegistry.IsHouseholdRegistered(householdKey))
                throw new LPGException("Forgotten Household Key: " + householdKey);

            if (fileName.Contains(".."))
                throw new LPGException("Filename with two dots. This looks bad. Please fix: " + fileName);
            if (fileName.Contains("  "))
                throw new LPGException("Filename with two spaces. This looks bad. Please fix: " + fileName);
            string          fullFileName = Path.Combine(GetFullPathForTargetdirectry(targetDirectory), fileName);
            FileInfo        fi           = new FileInfo(fullFileName);
            ResultFileEntry rfe          = new ResultFileEntry(description, fi, displayResultFileEntry, rfid1, householdKey.Key,
                                                               additionalFileIndex, enablingOption);

            ResultFileList.ResultFiles.Add(rfe.HashKey, rfe);
 public ResultFileEntry GetResultFileEntry(ResultFileID rfid, string loadTypeName, HouseholdKey householdKey,
                                           PersonInformation pi, string additionalFileIndex) =>
 throw new NotImplementedException();
 public T MakeFile <T>(string fileName, string description, bool displayResultFileEntry, ResultFileID rfid1,
                       HouseholdKey householdKey, TargetDirectory targetDirectory, TimeSpan timeResolution,
                       CalcOption enablingOption, LoadTypeInformation lti = null, PersonInformation pi = null,
                       string additionalFileIndex = null) =>
 throw new NotImplementedException();