public override void ExecuteCmdlet() { base.ExecuteCmdlet(); ExecuteClientAction(() => { if (ShouldProcess(this.Name, VerbsCommon.New)) { string resourceGroup = this.ResourceGroupName; string restorePointCollectionName = this.Name; string vmId = this.VmId; string location = this.Location; RestorePointCollection restorePointCollection = new RestorePointCollection(location); restorePointCollection.Source = new RestorePointCollectionSourceProperties() { Id = vmId }; var result = RestorePointCollectionsClient.CreateOrUpdate(resourceGroup, restorePointCollectionName, restorePointCollection); var psObject = new PSRestorePointCollection(); ComputeAutomationAutoMapperProfile.Mapper.Map <RestorePointCollection, PSRestorePointCollection>(result, psObject); WriteObject(psObject); } }); }
// for update of RPC, only update of tags is permitted private void UpdateRpc(string rgName, string rpcName, RestorePointCollection rpc, Dictionary <string, string> tags) { rpc.Tags = tags; RestorePointCollectionUpdate updateRpc = new RestorePointCollectionUpdate( tags, rpc.Source); m_CrpClient.RestorePointCollections.Update(rgName, rpcName, updateRpc); }
// Verify that the two rpcs created by this test are in the GET restorePointCollections response. private void VerifyReturnedRpcs(IEnumerable <RestorePointCollection> rpcs, string rpcName1, string rpcName2, string location, string vmId) { // two rpcs are returned because the RG has two rpcs RestorePointCollection rpc1 = rpcs.Where(rpc => rpc.Name == rpcName1).First(); VerifyRpc(rpc1, rpcName1, location, vmId); RestorePointCollection rpc2 = rpcs.Where(rpc => rpc.Name == rpcName2).First(); VerifyRpc(rpc2, rpcName2, location, vmId); }
private RestorePointCollection CreateRpc(string sourceVMId, string rpcName, string rgName, string location, Dictionary <string, string> tags) { //Models.SubResource sourceVM = new Models.SubResource(id: sourceVMId); RestorePointCollectionSourceProperties rpcSourceProperties = new RestorePointCollectionSourceProperties(location: location, id: sourceVMId); var inputRpc = new RestorePointCollection(location, source: rpcSourceProperties, name: rpcName, tags: tags); RestorePointCollection restorePointCollection = m_CrpClient.RestorePointCollections.CreateOrUpdate(rgName, rpcName, inputRpc); return(restorePointCollection); }
public void CreateLocalRestorePointWithSecurityProfile() { string originalTestLocation = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("AZURE_VM_TEST_LOCATION"); using (MockContext context = MockContext.Start(this.GetType().FullName)) { string location = "southcentralus"; Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("AZURE_VM_TEST_LOCATION", location); EnsureClientsInitialized(context); var rgName = ComputeManagementTestUtilities.GenerateName(TestPrefix); ImageReference imageRef = new ImageReference(publisher: "MICROSOFTWINDOWSDESKTOP", offer: "WINDOWS-10", version: "latest", sku: "20H2-ENT-G2"); VirtualMachine inputVM; string storageAccountForDisks = TestUtilities.GenerateName(TestPrefix); string availabilitySetName = TestUtilities.GenerateName(TestPrefix); try { // PUT VM with SecurityType = TrustedLaunch VirtualMachine createdVM = CreateVM(rgName, availabilitySetName, storageAccountForDisks, imageRef, out inputVM, hasManagedDisks: true, vmSize: VirtualMachineSizeTypes.StandardD2sV3, securityType: "TrustedLaunch"); string rpcName = ComputeManagementTestUtilities.GenerateName("rpcClientTest"); string rpName = ComputeManagementTestUtilities.GenerateName("rpClientTest"); // Create Restore Point Collection string vmId = createdVM.Id; string vmSize = createdVM.HardwareProfile.VmSize; Dictionary <string, string> tags = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "testTag", "testTagValue" } }; RestorePointCollection createdRpc = CreateRpc(vmId, rpcName, rgName, location, tags); // Create Restore Point RestorePoint createdRP = CreateRestorePoint(rgName, rpcName, rpName, diskToExclude: null, sourceRestorePointId: null); // GET Disk Restore Point IPage <DiskRestorePoint> listDiskRestorePoint = m_CrpClient.DiskRestorePoint.ListByRestorePoint(rgName, rpcName, rpName); var getDrp = m_CrpClient.DiskRestorePoint.Get(rgName, rpcName, rpName, listDiskRestorePoint.First().Name); Assert.Equal("TrustedLaunch", getDrp.SecurityProfile.SecurityType); } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } finally { m_ResourcesClient.ResourceGroups.Delete(rgName); Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("AZURE_VM_TEST_LOCATION", originalTestLocation); } } }
// Verify that the two rpcs created by this test are in the GET restorePointCollections response. private void VerifyReturnedRpcs(IEnumerable <RestorePointCollection> rpcs, string rpcName1, string rpcName2, string remoteRcpName, string location, string remoteLocation, string sourceVMId, string sourceRpcId) { // two rpcs are returned because the RG has two rpcs RestorePointCollection rpc1 = rpcs.Where(rpc => rpc.Name == rpcName1).First(); VerifyRpc(rpc1, rpcName1, location, sourceVMId); RestorePointCollection rpc2 = rpcs.Where(rpc => rpc.Name == rpcName2).First(); VerifyRpc(rpc2, rpcName2, location, sourceVMId); RestorePointCollection rpc3 = rpcs.Where(rpc => rpc.Name == remoteRcpName).First(); VerifyRpc(rpc3, remoteRcpName, remoteLocation, sourceRpcId); }
// if verifying result of GET RPC with $expand=restorePoints, verify that the returned rpc contains the expected restore point private void VerifyRpc(RestorePointCollection rpc, string rpcName, string location, string sourceVmId, bool shouldRpcContainRestorePoints = false) { Assert.NotNull(rpc); Assert.Equal(rpcName, rpc.Name); Assert.Equal(location, rpc.Location, ignoreCase: true); Assert.NotNull(rpc.Id); Assert.Equal("Microsoft.Compute/restorePointCollections", rpc.Type); Assert.Equal(sourceVmId, rpc.Source.Id, ignoreCase: true); Assert.NotNull(rpc.Id); IDictionary <string, string> tagsOnRestorePoint = rpc.Tags; // RPC contains restore points only if request contains $expand=restorePoints if (shouldRpcContainRestorePoints) { Assert.NotNull(rpc.RestorePoints); Assert.Equal(1, rpc.RestorePoints.Count); } else { Assert.Null(rpc.RestorePoints); } }
public void CreateRpcAndRestorePoints() { using (MockContext context = MockContext.Start(this.GetType().FullName)) { EnsureClientsInitialized(context); string location = ComputeManagementTestUtilities.DefaultLocation; var rgName = ComputeManagementTestUtilities.GenerateName(TestPrefix); ImageReference imageRef = GetPlatformVMImage(useWindowsImage: true); VirtualMachine inputVM; string storageAccountForDisksName = TestUtilities.GenerateName(TestPrefix); string availabilitySetName = TestUtilities.GenerateName(TestPrefix); try { StorageAccount storageAccountForDisks = CreateStorageAccount(rgName, storageAccountForDisksName); // create the VM VirtualMachine createdVM = CreateVM(rgName, availabilitySetName, storageAccountForDisks, imageRef, out inputVM, (vm) => { vm.DiagnosticsProfile = GetManagedDiagnosticsProfile(); }, hasManagedDisks: true); DataDisk dataDisk = createdVM.StorageProfile.DataDisks[0]; string dataDiskId = dataDisk.ManagedDisk.Id; OSDisk osDisk = createdVM.StorageProfile.OsDisk; string rpName = ComputeManagementTestUtilities.GenerateName("rpClientTest"); string rpcName = ComputeManagementTestUtilities.GenerateName("rpc1ClientTest"); string rpcName2 = ComputeManagementTestUtilities.GenerateName("rpc2ClientTest"); string vmId = createdVM.Id; string vmSize = createdVM.HardwareProfile.VmSize; // create two RPCs Dictionary <string, string> tags = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "RG", "rg" }, { "testTag", "testTagValue" }, }; RestorePointCollection createdRpc = CreateRpc(createdVM.Id, rpcName, rgName, location, tags); VerifyRpc(createdRpc, rpcName, location, vmId); RestorePointCollection createdRpc2 = CreateRpc(createdVM.Id, rpcName2, rgName, location, tags); VerifyRpc(createdRpc2, rpcName2, location, vmId); // for PATCH RPC, only tags are allowed to be updated Dictionary <string, string> newTags = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "newTag", "newValue1" }, { "newtestTag", "newValue2" }, }; UpdateRpc(rgName, rpcName, createdRpc, newTags); // GET list of all rpc in the resource group. IEnumerable <RestorePointCollection> rpcs = ListRpcInResourceGroup(rgName); VerifyReturnedRpcs(rpcs, rpcName, rpcName2, location, vmId); // GET list of all rpc in subscription. rpcs = ListRpcInSubscription(); VerifyReturnedRpcs(rpcs, rpcName, rpcName2, location, vmId); // create RP in the RPC RestorePoint createdRP = CreateRestorePoint(rgName, rpcName, rpName, osDisk, diskToExclude: dataDiskId); VerifyRestorePointDetails(createdRP, rpName, osDisk, 1, excludeDiskId: dataDiskId, vmSize: vmSize); RestorePoint getRP = GetRP(rgName, rpcName, rpName); VerifyRestorePointDetails(createdRP, rpName, osDisk, 1, excludeDiskId: dataDiskId, vmSize: vmSize); // get RPC without $expand=restorePoints RestorePointCollection returnedRpc = GetRpc(rgName, rpcName); VerifyRpc(returnedRpc, rpcName, location, vmId); // get RPC with $expand=restorePoints returnedRpc = GetRpc(rgName, rpcName, RestorePointCollectionExpandOptions.RestorePoints); VerifyRpc(returnedRpc, rpcName, location, vmId, shouldRpcContainRestorePoints: true); // verify the restore point returned from GET RPC with $expand=restorePoints RestorePoint rpInRpc = returnedRpc.RestorePoints[0]; VerifyRestorePointDetails(rpInRpc, rpName, osDisk, 1, excludeDiskId: dataDiskId, vmSize: vmSize); // delete the restore point DeleteRP(rgName, rpcName, rpName); // GET of deleted restore point should return 404 not found try { GetRP(rgName, rpcName, rpName); Assert.False(true); } catch (CloudException ex) { Assert.True(ex.Response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound); } // delete the restore point collection DeleteRpc(rgName, rpcName); // GET of deleted RPC should return 404 not found try { GetRpc(rgName, rpcName); Assert.False(true); } catch (CloudException ex) { Assert.True(ex.Response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound); } } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } finally { m_ResourcesClient.ResourceGroups.Delete(rgName); } } }
/// <summary> /// The operation to create or update the restore point collection. Please /// refer to for more details. When updating a /// restore point collection, only tags may be modified. /// </summary> /// <param name='operations'> /// The operations group for this extension method. /// </param> /// <param name='resourceGroupName'> /// The name of the resource group. /// </param> /// <param name='restorePointCollectionName'> /// The name of the restore point collection. /// </param> /// <param name='parameters'> /// Parameters supplied to the Create or Update restore point collection /// operation. /// </param> /// <param name='cancellationToken'> /// The cancellation token. /// </param> public static async Task <RestorePointCollection> CreateOrUpdateAsync(this IRestorePointCollectionsOperations operations, string resourceGroupName, string restorePointCollectionName, RestorePointCollection parameters, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken)) { using (var _result = await operations.CreateOrUpdateWithHttpMessagesAsync(resourceGroupName, restorePointCollectionName, parameters, null, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false)) { return(_result.Body); } }
/// <summary> /// The operation to create or update the restore point collection. Please /// refer to for more details. When updating a /// restore point collection, only tags may be modified. /// </summary> /// <param name='operations'> /// The operations group for this extension method. /// </param> /// <param name='resourceGroupName'> /// The name of the resource group. /// </param> /// <param name='restorePointCollectionName'> /// The name of the restore point collection. /// </param> /// <param name='parameters'> /// Parameters supplied to the Create or Update restore point collection /// operation. /// </param> public static RestorePointCollection CreateOrUpdate(this IRestorePointCollectionsOperations operations, string resourceGroupName, string restorePointCollectionName, RestorePointCollection parameters) { return(operations.CreateOrUpdateAsync(resourceGroupName, restorePointCollectionName, parameters).GetAwaiter().GetResult()); }