Esempio n. 1
 private async void LoadData()
     IsLoading = true;
     this.Repository = await RestaurantContextFactory.GetRestaurantContextAsync();
     IsLoading = false;
Esempio n. 2
        private async void LoadData()
            //this.Repository = new RestaurantContext();
            //await this.Repository.InitializeContextAsync();

            this.Repository = await RestaurantContextFactory.GetRestaurantContextAsync();

 public static async Task<RestaurantContext> GetRestaurantContextAsync()
     if(_restaurantContext == null)
         _restaurantContext = new RestaurantContext();
         await _restaurantContext.InitializeContextAsync();
     return _restaurantContext;
Esempio n. 4
 private async void LoadData()
     IsLoading = !IsDataLoaded();
         Repository = await RestaurantContextFactory.GetRestaurantContextAsync();
         IsLoading = false;
Esempio n. 5
 public RestaurantAppService(RestaurantContext context, IMapper mapper)
     _context = context ?? throw new System.ArgumentNullException(nameof(context));
     _mapper  = mapper ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(mapper));
Esempio n. 6
 public async Task UpdateAsync(Dish dish)
     using var ctx         = new RestaurantContext();
     ctx.Entry(dish).State = EntityState.Modified;
     await ctx.SaveChangesAsync();
Esempio n. 7
 public async Task <Dish> ReadAsync(Guid id)
     using var ctx = new RestaurantContext();
     return(await ctx.Dishes.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Id == id));
Esempio n. 8
 public void Create(Dish dish)
     using var ctx = new RestaurantContext();
Esempio n. 9
 public List <Dish> List()
     using var ctx = new RestaurantContext();
Esempio n. 10
        public void SeatCustomer(DateTime when, int reservationId, List <byte> tables, int waiterId)
            var availableSeats = AvailableSeatingByDateTime(when.Date, when.TimeOfDay);

            using (var context = new RestaurantContext())
                List <string> errors = new List <string>();
                // Rule checking:
                // - Reservation must be in Booked status
                // - Table must be available - typically a direct check on the table, but proxied based on the mocked time here
                // - Table must be big enough for the # of customers
                var reservation = context.Reservations.Find(reservationId);
                if (reservation == null)
                    errors.Add("The specified reservation does not exist");
                else if (reservation.ReservationStatus != Reservation.Booked)
                    errors.Add("The reservation's status is not valid for seating. Only booked reservations can be seated.");
                var capacity = 0;
                foreach (var tableNumber in tables)
                    if (!availableSeats.Exists(x => x.Table == tableNumber))
                        errors.Add("Table " + tableNumber + " is currently not available");
                        capacity += availableSeats.Single(x => x.Table == tableNumber).Seating;
                if (capacity < reservation.NumberInParty)
                    errors.Add("Insufficient seating capacity for number of customers. Alternate tables must be used.");
                if (errors.Count > 0)
                    throw new BusinessRuleException("Unable to seat customer", errors);
                // 1) Create a blank bill with assigned waiter
                Bill seatedCustomer = new Bill()
                    BillDate      = when,
                    NumberInParty = reservation.NumberInParty,
                    WaiterID      = waiterId,
                    ReservationID = reservation.ReservationID
                // 2) Add the tables for the reservation and change the reservation's status to arrived
                foreach (var tableNumber in tables)
                    reservation.Tables.Add(context.Tables.Single(x => x.TableNumber == tableNumber));
                reservation.ReservationStatus = Reservation.Arrived;
                var updatable = context.Entry(context.Reservations.Attach(reservation));
                updatable.Property(x => x.ReservationStatus).IsModified = true;
                // 3) Save changes - All of the modifications to the context are processed as a transaction
            //string message = String.Format("Not yet implemented. Need to seat reservation {0} for waiter {1} at tables {2}", reservationId, waiterId, string.Join(", ", tables));
            //throw new NotImplementedException(message);
 public HomeController()
     dbContext = new RestaurantContext();
 public MenuRepository()
     ctx = new RestaurantContext();
Esempio n. 13
 private async void LoadData()
     this.Repository = new RestaurantContext();
     await this.Repository.InitializeContextAsync();
Esempio n. 14
 private async void LoadData()
     this.Repository = await RestaurantContextFactory.GetRestaurantContextAsync();
 public GroupRepository(RestaurantContext context)
     : base(context)
Esempio n. 16
 public RestaurantRepository(RestaurantContext context)
     _context = context;
        public void Run(RestaurantContext db)

            List <Restaurant> restaurants = db.Restaurants.ToList();

            if (!restaurants.Any())
                Console.WriteLine("No restaurants");

            Console.WriteLine("Listing all restaurants:");

            foreach (var toPrint in restaurants)
                Console.WriteLine($"{toPrint.Name} - {toPrint.Address}");

            Console.WriteLine("\nEnter address of restaurant to view:");
            string     input      = Console.ReadLine();
            Restaurant restaurant = db.Restaurants.Find(input);

            if (restaurant == null)
                Console.WriteLine("The address you typed did not match any existing restaurants...");

            Console.WriteLine($"Showing menu for {restaurant.Name}:");

            List <Dish> dishes = db.Dishes.Where(d => d.RestaurantAddress == restaurant.Address).ToList();

            if (dishes.Any())
                foreach (var dish in dishes)
                    Console.WriteLine($"{dish.Name} price: {dish.Price} dkk");

            List <Review> reviews = db.Reviews.Where(r => r.RestaurantAddress == restaurant.Address).ToList();
            List <int>    scores  = new List <int>();

            if (reviews.Any())
                foreach (var review in reviews)
                Console.WriteLine($"Avg. Score: {scores.Average()}");
                Console.WriteLine("No reviews for this restaurant");
Esempio n. 18
 public BanController(RestaurantContext context)
     _context = context;
Esempio n. 19
 public EmployeeRepository(RestaurantContext context)
     _context = context;
 public BaseController(RestaurantContext dbContext)
     _dbContext = dbContext;
Esempio n. 21
 public DishDataAccessObject()
     _context = new RestaurantContext();
Esempio n. 22
 public async Task <List <Dish> > ListAsync()
     using var ctx = new RestaurantContext();
     return(await ctx.Dishes.ToListAsync());
Esempio n. 23
 public ExtraRepository(RestaurantContext context) : base(context)
Esempio n. 24
 public Dish Read(Guid id)
     using var ctx = new RestaurantContext();
     return(ctx.Dishes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == id));
 public ClientRecordDataAccessObject()
     _context = new RestaurantContext();
Esempio n. 26
 public void Update(Dish dish)
     using var ctx         = new RestaurantContext();
     ctx.Entry(dish).State = EntityState.Modified;
 public MealDishRepository(RestaurantContext dbContext)
     DbContext = dbContext;
Esempio n. 28
 public void SeatCustomer(DateTime when, int reservationId, List<byte> tables, int waiterId)
     var availableSeats = AvailableSeatingByDateTime(when.Date, when.TimeOfDay);
     using (var context = new RestaurantContext())
         List<string> errors = new List<string>();
         // Rule checking:
         // - Reservation must be in Booked status
         // - Table must be available - typically a direct check on the table, but proxied based on the mocked time here
         // - Table must be big enough for the # of customers
         var reservation = context.Reservations.Find(reservationId);
         if (reservation == null)
             errors.Add("The specified reservation does not exist");
         else if (reservation != null && reservation.ReservationStatus != Reservation.Booked)
             errors.Add("The reservation's status is not valid for seating. Only booked reservations can be seated.");
         var capacity = 0;
         foreach (var tableNumber in tables)
             if (!availableSeats.Exists(x => x.Table == tableNumber))
                 errors.Add("Table " + tableNumber + " is currently not available");
                 capacity += availableSeats.Single(x => x.Table == tableNumber).Seating;
         if (capacity < reservation.NumberInParty)
             errors.Add("Insufficient seating capacity for number of customers. Alternate tables must be used.");
         if (errors.Count > 0)
             throw new BusinessRuleException("Unable to seat customer", errors);
         // 1) Create a blank bill with assigned waiter
         Bill seatedCustomer = new Bill()
             BillDate = when,
             NumberInParty = reservation.NumberInParty,
             WaiterID = waiterId,
             ReservationID = reservation.ReservationID
         // 2) Add the tables for the reservation and change the reservation's status to arrived
         foreach (var tableNumber in tables)
             reservation.Tables.Add(context.Tables.Single(x => x.TableNumber == tableNumber));
         reservation.ReservationStatus = Reservation.Arrived;
         var updatable = context.Entry(context.Reservations.Attach(reservation));
         updatable.Property(x => x.ReservationStatus).IsModified = true;
         // 3) Save changes
     //string message = String.Format("Not yet implemented. Need to seat reservation {0} for waiter {1} at tables {2}", reservationId, waiterId, string.Join(", ", tables));
     //throw new NotImplementedException(message);
 public List <Title> List()
     using var ctx = new RestaurantContext();
 public StaffTitleDataAccessObject()
     _context = new RestaurantContext();
 public void Create(Title title)
     using var ctx = new RestaurantContext();
Esempio n. 32
 public HomeController(RestaurantContext context)
     _context = context;
Esempio n. 33
 public GestionRestaurantController(RestaurantContext context)
     this.restService = new RestaurantService(context);
Esempio n. 34
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds the adress to a restaurant
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="restaurant"></param>
 /// <param name="adress"></param>
 public void AddAdress(Restaurant restaurant, Adress adress)
     using var dbContext = new RestaurantContext();
     dbContext.Restaurants.Find(restaurant.ID).Adress = adress;
Esempio n. 35
 public ChiTietDatBanController(RestaurantContext context)
     _context = context;
Esempio n. 36
 public DishRepository(RestaurantContext restaurantContext) : base(restaurantContext)
Esempio n. 37
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new restaurant repository given a suitable restaurant data source.
        /// Creates the backing database if it doesn't exist.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The EF Core restaurant database context</param>
        public RestaurantRepository(RestaurantContext context)

            _context = context ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(context));
Esempio n. 38
 public CategoryRepository(RestaurantContext context)
     : base(context)
 public EmployeeController(RestaurantContext context)
     _context = context;
Esempio n. 40
        public List <SeatingSummary> SeatingByDateTime(DateTime date, TimeSpan time)
            using (var context = new RestaurantContext())
                // Step 1 - Get the table info along with any walk-in bills and reservation bills for the specific time slot
                var step1 = from data in context.Tables
                            select new
                    Table   = data.TableNumber,
                    Seating = data.Capacity,
                    // This sub-query gets the bills for walk-in customers
                    Bills = from billing in data.Bills
                            billing.BillDate.Year == date.Year &&
                            billing.BillDate.Month == date.Month &&
                            billing.BillDate.Day == date.Day
                            //The following won't work EF to Entities - it will return this exception:
                            //"The specified type member 'TimeofDay' is not supported..."
                            //&& billing.BillDate.TimeOfDay <= time
                            && DbFunctions.CreateTime(billing.BillDate.Hour, billing.BillDate.Minute, billing.BillDate.Second) <= time &&
                            (!billing.OrderPaid.HasValue || billing.OrderPaid.Value >= time)
                            //                          && (!billing.PaidStatus || billing.OrderPaid >= time)
                            select billing,
                    // This sub-query gets the bills for reservations
                    Reservations = from booking in data.Reservations
                                   from billing in booking.Bills
                                   billing.BillDate.Year == date.Year &&
                                   billing.BillDate.Month == date.Month &&
                                   billing.BillDate.Day == date.Day &&
                                   DbFunctions.CreateTime(billing.BillDate.Hour, billing.BillDate.Minute, billing.BillDate.Second) <= time &&
                                   (!billing.OrderPaid.HasValue || billing.OrderPaid.Value >= time)
                                   //                          && (!billing.PaidStatus || billing.OrderPaid >= time)
                                   select billing

                // Step 2 - Union the walk-in bills and the reservation bills while extracting the relevant bill info
                // .ToList() helps resolve the "Types in Union or Concat are constructed incompatibly" error
                var step2 = from data in step1.ToList() // .ToList() forces the first result set to be in memory
                            select new
                    Table         = data.Table,
                    Seating       = data.Seating,
                    CommonBilling = from info in data.Bills.Union(data.Reservations)
                                    select new             // info
                        BillID      = info.BillID,
                        BillTotal   = info.Items.Sum(bi => bi.Quantity * bi.SalePrice),
                        Waiter      = info.Waiter.FirstName,
                        Reservation = info.Reservation

                // Step 3 - Get just the first CommonBilling item
                //         (presumes no overlaps can occur - i.e., two groups at the same table at the same time)
                var step3 = from data in step2.ToList()
                            select new
                    Table   = data.Table,
                    Seating = data.Seating,
                    Taken   = data.CommonBilling.Count() > 0,
                    // .FirstOrDefault() is effectively "flattening" my collection of 1 item into a
                    // single object whose properties I can get in step 4 using the dot (.) operator
                    CommonBilling = data.CommonBilling.FirstOrDefault()

                // Step 4 - Build our intended seating summary info
                var step4 = from data in step3
                            select new SeatingSummary()
                    Table   = data.Table,
                    Seating = data.Seating,
                    Taken   = data.Taken,
                    // use a ternary expression to conditionally get the bill id (if it exists)
                    BillID = data.Taken ?                          // if(data.Taken)
                             data.CommonBilling.BillID             // value to use if true
                                       :                           // else
                             (int?)null,                           // value to use if false
                    //Note: going back to step 2 to be more selective of my Billing Information
                    BillTotal = data.Taken ?
                                data.CommonBilling.BillTotal : (decimal?)null,
                    Waiter          = data.Taken ? data.CommonBilling.Waiter : (string)null,
                    ReservationName = data.Taken ?
                                      (data.CommonBilling.Reservation != null ?
                                       data.CommonBilling.Reservation.CustomerName : (string)null)
                                : (string)null
 public TableRepository()
     ctx = new RestaurantContext();