Esempio n. 1
        // Use GenerateRandomDeviceId to generate a random device id only once per device,
        // store it and reuse later on subsequent logins.
        // Calling Vault.Open(username, password, Vault.GenerateRandomDeviceId(), ui) is
        // not a good idea. See bellow.
        public static Vault Open(string username, string password, string deviceId, Ui ui)
            var clientInfo = new ClientInfo(username: username,
                                            password: password,
                                            deviceId: deviceId);
            using var transport = new RestTransport();

            return Open(clientInfo, ui, transport);
Esempio n. 2
 // The main entry point. Use this function to open the vault in the CLI/API mode. In
 // this mode the login is fully non-interactive even with 2FA enabled. Bitwarden servers
 // don't use 2FA in this mode and permit to bypass it. There's no captcha in this mode
 // either. If the browser mode is triggering a captcha, this mode should be used instead.
 // This mode requires a different type of credentials that could be found in the vault
 // settings: the client ID and the client secret.
 // The device ID should be unique to each installation, but it should not be new on
 // every run. A new random device ID should be generated with GenerateRandomDeviceId
 // on the first run and reused later on.
 public static Vault Open(ClientInfoCliApi clientInfo, string baseUrl = null)
     using var transport = new RestTransport();
     return(new Vault(Client.OpenVaultCliApi(clientId: clientInfo.ClientId,
                                             clientSecret: clientInfo.ClientSecret,
                                             password: clientInfo.Password,
                                             deviceId: clientInfo.DeviceId,
                                             baseUrl: baseUrl,
                                             transport: transport)));
Esempio n. 3
 // This version allows custom base URL. baseUrl could be set to null or "" for a default value.
 public static Vault Open(string username,
                          string password,
                          string deviceId,
                          string baseUrl,
                          IUi ui,
                          ISecureStorage storage)
     using var transport = new RestTransport();
     return(new Vault(Client.OpenVault(username, password, deviceId, baseUrl, ui, storage, transport)));
Esempio n. 4
 // This version allows custom base URL. baseUrl could be set to null or "" for the default value.
 public static Vault Open(ClientInfoBrowser clientInfo, string baseUrl, IUi ui, ISecureStorage storage)
     using var transport = new RestTransport();
     return(new Vault(Client.OpenVaultBrowser(username: clientInfo.Username,
                                              password: clientInfo.Password,
                                              deviceId: clientInfo.DeviceId,
                                              baseUrl: baseUrl,
                                              ui: ui,
                                              storage: storage,
                                              transport: transport)));
 // This is for asserting inside a request like this:
 // InRequest(
 //     rest => rest.Get(url),                    // <- perform a rest call
 //     "<html><head>...",                        // <- respond with this content
 //     req => Assert.Equal(url, req.RequestUri)  // <- verify that the request is as expected
 // );
 internal static void InRequest(Action <RestClient> restCall,
                                string responseContent,
                                IRequestSigner signer,
                                IReadOnlyDictionary <string, string> defaultHeaders,
                                IReadOnlyDictionary <string, string> defaultCookies,
                                Action <HttpRequestMessage> assertRequest)
     using var transport = new RestTransport(request =>
         return(RespondWith(responseContent, NoHeaders)(request));
     restCall(new RestClient(transport, "", signer, defaultHeaders, defaultCookies));
Esempio n. 6
        // Valid domains are:,,
        public static Session LogIn(string username,
                                    string password,
                                    string accountKey,
                                    string uuid,
                                    string domain,
                                    IUi ui,
                                    ISecureStorage storage)
            var transport = new RestTransport();

                return(LogIn(new ClientInfo(username, password, accountKey, uuid, domain), ui, storage, transport));
            catch (Exception)
Esempio n. 7
        // The deviceId should be generated via Vault.GenerateRandomDeviceId on the first call and reused
        // later on for the same device. This allows to bypass the email verification on every connection and
        // prevents the pollution of the server side list of known devices.
        public static Vault Open(string username,
                                 string password,
                                 string deviceId,
                                 string deviceName,
                                 IUi ui,
                                 ISqliteProvider sqliteProvider)
            // Download the database.
            using var transport = new RestTransport();
            var db = Client.OpenVaultDb(username: username,
                                        password: password,
                                        deviceId: deviceId,
                                        deviceName: deviceName,
                                        ui: ui,
                                        transport: transport);

            // Parse the database, extract and decrypt all the account information.
            var accounts = Parser.ParseAccounts(db, password, sqliteProvider);

            return(new Vault(accounts));
Esempio n. 8
 public static Vault Open(string username, string password, ClientInfo clientInfo, IUi ui)
     using var transport = new RestTransport();
     return(new Vault(Client.OpenVault(username, password, clientInfo, ui, transport)));
Esempio n. 9
 public static Vault Open(string username, string accountPassword, string vaultPassword)
     using var restTransport = new RestTransport();
     using var boshTransport = new WebSocketBoshTransport();
     return(Open(username, accountPassword, vaultPassword, restTransport, boshTransport));
Esempio n. 10
 public static Vault Open(string username, string password, Ui ui, ISecureStorage storage)
     using var transport = new RestTransport();
     return(Open(username, password, ui, storage, transport));
Esempio n. 11
 public static Vault Open(string username, string password, string deviceId, Ui ui)
     using var transport = new RestTransport();
     return(Open(username, password, deviceId, ui, transport));
Esempio n. 12
 public static Vault Open(string oauthToken, string[] recoveryWords)
     using var transport = new RestTransport();
     return(Open(oauthToken, recoveryWords, transport));