Esempio n. 1
 public static async Task <Models.RestResponse> invoke(object content, string url, RestMethod rest_method = RestMethod.Get, bool request_as_query = false, bool is_anonymous = false, ReturnFormat return_format = ReturnFormat.Json, bool should_serialize = true)
         Dictionary <RestParamType, object> request_content = new Dictionary <RestParamType, object>();
         RestParamType request_method = RestParamType.RequestBody;
         if (request_as_query)
             request_method = RestParamType.QueryString;
         request_content.Add(request_method, content);
         return(invoke(request_content, url, rest_method, is_anonymous, return_format, should_serialize).Result);
     catch (Exception ex)
         throw ex;
Esempio n. 2
 public RestParam(string Name, object Value, RestParamType Type = RestParamType.GetOrPost)
     this.Name  = Name;
     this.Value = Value;
     this.Type  = Type;
Esempio n. 3
        private static bool _fillRequestParameters(object content, RestRequest _request, RestParamType rest_param_type, bool serialize_content = false)
            string        _value_string      = string.Empty;
            ParameterType _supply_param_type = ParameterType.QueryString;

            switch (rest_param_type)
            case RestParamType.QueryString:
                _supply_param_type = ParameterType.QueryString;

            case RestParamType.RequestBody:
                _supply_param_type = ParameterType.RequestBody;

            case RestParamType.Header:
                _supply_param_type = ParameterType.HttpHeader;

            if (rest_param_type != RestParamType.QueryString) //If parameter type is query string, then we definitely don't serialize
                //You can send in a request body either serialized or not serialized
                if (serialize_content)
                    _supply_param_type = ParameterType.RequestBody;
                    _value_string      = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(content);
                    _request.AddParameter("data", _value_string, _supply_param_type);

            //If it is not a serialize content, then we proceed further
            if (content.IsDictionary())
                Dictionary <string, string> content_array = content as Dictionary <string, string>;
                foreach (var item in content_array)
                    _request.AddParameter(item.Key, item.Value, _supply_param_type);
            else if (content is string)
                _value_string = (string)content;
                _request.AddParameter("data", _value_string, _supply_param_type);
            else //If an object , then directly get to string.
                _value_string = content.ToString();
                _request.AddParameter("data", _value_string, _supply_param_type);

Esempio n. 4
        public static async Task <Models.RestResponse> invoke(Dictionary <RestParamType, object> content, string url, RestMethod rest_method = RestMethod.Get, bool is_anonymous = false, ReturnFormat return_format = ReturnFormat.Json, bool should_serialize = true)
            //var _url = _getBaseUrl(url);

            //var client = new RestClient(_url.base_url);
            var client = new RestClient();

            Models.RestResponse _result = new Models.RestResponse();

            Method _method = Method.GET;

            switch (rest_method)
            case RestMethod.Delete:
                _method = Method.DELETE;

            case RestMethod.Put:
                _method = Method.PUT;

            case RestMethod.Post:
                _method = Method.POST;
            //var _request = new RestRequest(_url.method_url, _method); //Each request can have only one method.
            var _request = new RestRequest(url, _method); //Each request can have only one method.

            //ADD HEADERS
            _request.AddHeader("Content-Type", @"application/json; charset=utf-8");
            if (!is_anonymous) //Need authorization to proceed. If authorization is not available, throw error
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(jwt))
                    throw new ArgumentException("Authorization String not found");                            //Remember you need to have a jwt value in session for processing.
                string _jwt = token_prefix ?? "";
                _jwt = _jwt + " " + jwt;
                _request.AddHeader("Authorization", _jwt); //If token prefix is null, then send in nothing.

            if (content == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Content cannot be empty");                  //If we don't have anything to post, just move on
            RestParamType request_type = RestParamType.QueryString;

            foreach (var item in content)
                request_type = rest_method == RestMethod.Get ? RestParamType.QueryString : item.Key; //For a Get method, it should only be sent as query because get methods cannot have a body.
                _fillRequestParameters(item.Value, _request, request_type, should_serialize);        //Sometimes, we just send in a dicitionary. sometimes we send in a object.

            DataFormat _rest_return_format = DataFormat.Json;

            switch (return_format)
            case ReturnFormat.Json:
                _rest_return_format = DataFormat.Json;

            case ReturnFormat.XML:
                _rest_return_format = DataFormat.Xml;

            case ReturnFormat.None:
                //_rest_return_format = DataFormat.None;
            _request.RequestFormat = _rest_return_format;
                //Below lines are required because sometimes it results in error during async methods.
                ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = true;
                ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol  = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;
                //var _response = await client.ExecuteAsync(_request);
                var _response = client.Execute(_request);
                _result.content          = _response.Content;
                _result.server_url       = _response.Server;
                _result.is_success       = _response.IsSuccessful;
                _result.status_code      = _response.StatusCode;
                _result.contents_raw     = _response.RawBytes;
                _result.content_encoding = _response.ContentEncoding;
                _result.content_length   = _response.ContentLength;
                _result.error_message    = _response.ErrorMessage;
                _result.exception        = _response.ErrorException;
                _result.response_uri     = _response.ResponseUri;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;