private string TryGetJson(string nextPageUrl = "") { RestDataSource restDataSource = (RestDataSource)DataSource; RestConnection connection = restDataSource.Connection; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Url)) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"URL was null / empty in TryGetJsonDoc for data source {DataSource.Name}"); } string?rawJson; try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nextPageUrl)) { rawJson = Client.DownloadString(nextPageUrl); } else { if (restDataSource.Connection.Authorization == HttpAuthorization.OAuth2) { Dictionary <string, string> tokenPostDict = new(); foreach (KeyValue keyVal in connection.TokenBody !) { tokenPostDict[keyVal.Key !] = keyVal.Value !;
private async Task <Operation> WaitForLongRunningOperation(Guid operationId, int interavalInSec = 5, int maxTimeInSeconds = 60, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken)) { OperationsHttpClient operationsClient = RestConnection.GetClient <OperationsHttpClient>(); DateTime expiration = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(maxTimeInSeconds); int checkCount = 0; while (true) { Logger.Log(LogLevel.Info, $" Checking status ({checkCount++})... "); Operation operation = await operationsClient.GetOperation(operationId, cancellationToken); if (!operation.Completed) { Logger.Log(LogLevel.Info, $" Pausing {interavalInSec} seconds..."); await Task.Delay(interavalInSec * 1000); if (DateTime.Now > expiration) { Logger.Log(LogLevel.Error, $"Operation did not complete in {maxTimeInSeconds} seconds."); } } else { return(operation); } } }
private string GetReportProjectUrl(string projectUrl) { string baseUrl = RestConnection.GetBaseUrl(); string projectId = new UrlHelper().GetFirstId(projectUrl); string url = $"{baseUrl}/#projects/id:{projectId}"; return(url); }
public ClassroomBuildingViewModel(RestConnection restConnection) { this.restConnection = restConnection; this.editorFactory = new DataFormEditorFactory <ClassroomBuildingEditor>(); Items = new ObservableCollection <ClassroomBuilding>(); QueryCommand = new DelegateCommand(QueryOp); AddCommand = new DelegateCommand(AddOp); EditCommand = new DelegateCommand(EditOp); DeleteCommand = new DelegateCommand(DeleteOp); }
public void Initialize() { connectedServers = new List <Server>(); eventQueue = new LinkedList <string>(); dc = new DiscordClient(); dc.Log.Message += onRequestLog; dc.MessageReceived += onMessageReceived; dc.ServerAvailable += (s, e) => { dc.Log.Info("Manager", "Connected to server " + e.Server.Id, null); connectedServers.Add(e.Server); }; try { dc.Log.Info("Manager", "Attempting to load configuration file", null); cfg = Configuration.loadConfig("IW4MAdmin.Discord.cfg"); } catch (ConfigException e) { dc.Log.Info("Manager", "No usable configuration found", e); cfg = Configuration.createConfig(); try { Configuration.saveConfig(cfg); dc.Log.Info("Manager", "Saved new bot configuration", null); } catch (ConfigException ce) { dc.Log.Error("Manager", "Could not save new configuration file", ce); dc.Log.Error(ce.Message, ce); } } dc.UsingCommands(c => { c.PrefixChar = cfg.CommandPrefix; c.HelpMode = HelpMode.Public; }) .UsingPermissionLevels((u, c) => { return((int)PermissionHelper.getPermissions(u, c)); }) .UsingModules(); dc.Log.Info("Manager", "Adding command modules", null); dc.AddModule <IW4MAdminModule>("IW4MAdmin", ModuleFilter.None); dc.Log.Info("Manager", "Initializing connection to IW4MAdmin API", null); rc = RestConnection.Initialize(new Uri(cfg.IW4MAdminURI + ':' + cfg.IW4MAdminPort + "/api/events")); try { Task.Run(queryAPI); dc.ExecuteAndWait(Connect); } catch (Exception e) { dc.Log.Error("Manager", "Could not connect!", e); } }
private string GetReportVersionUrl(string versionUrl, bool isComponent) { string baseUrl = RestConnection.GetBaseUrl(); string versionId = new UrlHelper().GetLastId(versionUrl); string url = $"{baseUrl}/#versions/id:{versionId}"; if (!isComponent) { url += "/view:bom"; } return(url); }
public void Setup(RestConnection restConnection) { RestConnection = restConnection; // Create required dataservices CodeLocationDataService = new CodeLocationResponseService(RestConnection); ScanSummariesDataService = new ScanSummariesResponseService(RestConnection); DeployBdioDataService = new DeployBdioResponseService(RestConnection); ProjectDataService = new ProjectResponseService(RestConnection); PolicyDataService = new PolicyResponseService(RestConnection); RiskReportDataService = new RiskReportResponseService(RestConnection); ScanStatusDataService = new ScanStatusDataService(RestConnection, Convert.ToInt64(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Convert.ToDouble(HubScanTimeout)).TotalMilliseconds)); }
/// <summary> /// Register a new user in the system. At minimum the email address, the full name and the password is required at registration. /// If the system is configured not to require user activation after registration the function also logs in the user just registered. /// However if activation is required the <see cref="ActivationRequiredException" /> exeption will be thrown with the following message /// "Activation needed, please confirm your account by clicking the link you received by email" but the user will be registered. /// It meens that the user registration happened but the system cannot be used unless clicking the activation link. /// /// Send POST request to APIROOT/users/register /// </summary> /// <param name="register">Registration parameters</param> /// <exception cref="ActivationRequiredException">This exception indicates that the registration succeeded but activation is required before using the system</exception> /// <exception cref="WebException">This exception will be thrown in case of service side registration error. Please refer to the HTTP error code for more information</exception> public void Register(Register register) { var response = RestConnection.Post("users/register", JsonSerializer.Serialize(register)); var registrationResult = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <RegistrationResult>(response); if (registrationResult.NeedsActivation) { throw new ActivationRequiredException( "Activation needed, please confirm your account by clicking the link you received by email"); } _isLoggedIn = true; }
public String VerificarExistencia(Entity entidade) { string json = null; var User = (User)entidade; var body = User; json = new RestConnection().PostRequest("verifyEmail", body); var definition = new { response = "" }; var resObj = JsonConvert.DeserializeAnonymousType(json, definition); return(resObj.response); }
static void Main() { var restConnection = new RestConnection(); var tvdbConnection = new TvdbConnection(restConnection); var tmdbConnection = new TmdbConnection(restConnection, TestConstants.TMDbApiKey); var imageHelper = new ImageHelper(restConnection); var connectionManager = new ConnectionManager(new Timer(), new LocalServerDiscovery(), restConnection, new MyPlexConnection(restConnection), new TvdbCache(tvdbConnection), new TmdbCache(tmdbConnection), new NowPlaying(imageHelper)); Task.Factory.StartNew(async() => { ((INotifyCollectionChanged)connectionManager.NowPlaying.VideosNowPlaying).CollectionChanged += async(s, e) => { foreach (var video in connectionManager.NowPlaying.VideosNowPlaying.ToList()) { Console.WriteLine("Loading external data for: " + video.Title); await connectionManager.PopulateFromExternalSourcesAsync(video, false); WriteVideo(video); var role = video.Roles.FirstOrDefault(); if (role != null) { await connectionManager.PopulateFromExternalSourcesAsync(role, false); Console.WriteLine(role.Tag + " starred in " + role.CastCredits.Count); if (role.CastCredits.Any()) { Console.WriteLine(" " + role.CastCredits[0].Title + " (" + role.CastCredits[0].Role + ") " + role.CastCredits[0].ReleaseDate.Year); } } } }; Console.WriteLine("Connecting to MyPlex..."); await connectionManager.ConnectToMyPlexAsync(TestConstants.MyPlexUserName, TestConstants.MyPlexPassword); Console.WriteLine("Connecting..."); await connectionManager.ConnectAsync(); Console.WriteLine("Waiting for videos..."); }); Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit"); Console.ReadKey(); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new MainController and displays the initial form. /// </summary> public MainController() { // Configure connection with the account server _connection = new RestConnection(); _connection.OnRegisterAccountResponse += OnAccountRegistrationResponse; _connection.OnLoginAccountResponse += OnAccountLoginResponse; // Configure connection with the asset server assetController = new AssetDownloadController(Config.GetConfig().AssetsUrl); assetController.OnUpdatingFinished += OnUpdatingFinished; // Start for updates, go from there assetController.RunAsync(); }
public ScanStatusDataService(RestConnection restConnection, long timeoutInMilliseconds) : base(restConnection) { projectDataService = new ProjectResponseService(restConnection); projectVersionDataService = new ProjectVersionResponseService(restConnection); codeLocationDataService = new CodeLocationResponseService(restConnection); scanSummaryDataService = new ScanSummariesResponseService(restConnection); long timeout = timeoutInMilliseconds; if (timeoutInMilliseconds <= 0) { timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT; } this.timeoutInMilliseconds = timeout; }
public List <Entity> Salvar(Entity entidade) { string json = null; Profile Profile = (Profile)entidade; string endpoint = "profile"; json = new RestConnection().PostRequest(endpoint, Profile); Profile objList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Profile>(json); var objReturn = new List <Entity>(); objReturn.Add(objList); return(objReturn); }
public List <Entity> Excluir(Entity entidade) { string json = null; Address Address = (Address)entidade; string endpoint = "address/" + Address.Id; json = new RestConnection().DeleteRequest(endpoint, Address); Address objList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Address>(json); var objReturn = new List <Entity>(); objReturn.Add(objList); return(objReturn); }
public List <Entity> Excluir(Entity entidade) { string json = null; var User = (User)entidade; string endpoint = "user/" + User.Id; json = new RestConnection().DeleteRequest(endpoint, entidade); User objList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <User>(json); var objReturn = new List <Entity>(); objReturn.Add(objList); return(objReturn); }
static void Main() { var restConnection = new RestConnection(); var tvdbConnection = new TvdbConnection(restConnection); var tmdbConnection = new TmdbConnection(restConnection, TestConstants.TMDbApiKey); var imageHelper = new ImageHelper(restConnection); var connectionManager = new ConnectionManager(new Timer(), new LocalServerDiscovery(), restConnection, new MyPlexConnection(restConnection), new TvdbCache(tvdbConnection), new TmdbCache(tmdbConnection), new NowPlaying(imageHelper)); Task.Factory.StartNew(async () => { ((INotifyCollectionChanged)connectionManager.NowPlaying.VideosNowPlaying).CollectionChanged += async (s, e) => { foreach (var video in connectionManager.NowPlaying.VideosNowPlaying.ToList()) { Console.WriteLine("Loading external data for: " + video.Title); await connectionManager.PopulateFromExternalSourcesAsync(video, false); WriteVideo(video); var role = video.Roles.FirstOrDefault(); if (role != null) { await connectionManager.PopulateFromExternalSourcesAsync(role, false); Console.WriteLine(role.Tag + " starred in " + role.CastCredits.Count); if (role.CastCredits.Any()) Console.WriteLine(" " + role.CastCredits[0].Title + " (" + role.CastCredits[0].Role + ") " + role.CastCredits[0].ReleaseDate.Year); } } }; Console.WriteLine("Connecting to MyPlex..."); await connectionManager.ConnectToMyPlexAsync(TestConstants.MyPlexUserName, TestConstants.MyPlexPassword); Console.WriteLine("Connecting..."); await connectionManager.ConnectAsync(); Console.WriteLine("Waiting for videos..."); }); Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit"); Console.ReadKey(); }
public List <Entity> Consultar(Entity entidade) { Profile Profile = (Profile)entidade; string endpoint = "profile/"; string json = null; endpoint = endpoint + entidade.Id; json = new RestConnection().GetRequest(endpoint); Profile objList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Profile>(json); var objReturn = new List <Entity>(); objReturn.Add(objList); return(objReturn); }
public void Setup(RestConnection restConnection) { RestConnection = restConnection; // Create required dataservices CodeLocationDataService = new CodeLocationResponseService(RestConnection); ScanSummariesDataService = new ScanSummariesResponseService(RestConnection); DeployBdioDataService = new DeployBdioResponseService(RestConnection); ProjectDataService = new ProjectResponseService(RestConnection); PolicyDataService = new PolicyResponseService(RestConnection); RiskReportDataService = new RiskReportResponseService(RestConnection); ScanStatusDataService = new ScanStatusDataService(RestConnection, Convert.ToInt64(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Convert.ToDouble(HubScanTimeout)).TotalMilliseconds)); // Set helper properties BdioPropertyHelper bdioPropertyHelper = new BdioPropertyHelper(); BdioId = bdioPropertyHelper.CreateBdioId(HubProjectName, HubVersionName); }
public List <Entity> Alterar(Entity entidade) { string json = null; Address Address = (Address)entidade; string endpoint = "address"; var Body = new Address { Id = Address.Id, Name = Address.Name }; json = new RestConnection().PutRequest(endpoint, Body); Address objList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Address>(json); var objReturn = new List <Entity>(); objReturn.Add(objList); return(objReturn); }
public List <Entity> Salvar(Entity entidade) { string json = null; var User = (User)entidade; var body = User; var resObj = VerificarExistencia(User); User objList; var objReturn = new List <Entity>(); if (resObj == "inativo") { json = new RestConnection().PutRequest("reactivateUser", body); objList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <User>(json); objReturn.Add(objList); return(objReturn); } if (User.FlgAdmin) { json = new RestConnection().PostRequest("admin", body); objList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <User>(json); objReturn.Add(objList); return(objReturn); } string endpoint = "user"; json = new RestConnection().PostRequest(endpoint, body); objList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <User>(json); objReturn.Add(objList); return(objReturn); }
public List <Entity> VerificarNick(Entity entidade) { Profile Profile = (Profile)entidade; string endpoint = "profile/get-by-nick/" + Profile.NickName; string json = null; var objReturn = new List <Entity>(); try { json = new RestConnection().GetRequest(endpoint); Profile objList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Profile>(json); objReturn.Add(objList); } catch (Exception) { return(objReturn); } return(objReturn); }
public List <Entity> Alterar(Entity entidade) { string json = null; var User = (User)entidade; string endpoint = "user"; var Body = new User { Id = User.Id, Password = User.NewPassword }; json = new RestConnection().PutRequest(endpoint, Body); User objList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <User>(json); var objReturn = new List <Entity>(); objReturn.Add(objList); return(objReturn); }
public List <Entity> Consultar(Entity entidade) { string json = null; var User = (User)entidade; string endpoint = "login"; var Body = new User { Email = User.Email, Password = User.Password }; json = new RestConnection().PostRequest(endpoint, Body); User objList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <User>(json); var objReturn = new List <Entity>(); objReturn.Add(objList); return(objReturn); }
public List <Entity> Salvar(Entity entidade) { string json = null; Address Address = (Address)entidade; string endpoint = "address"; var objReturn = new List <Entity>(); try { json = new RestConnection().PostRequest(endpoint, Address); Address objList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Address>(json); objReturn.Add(objList); return(objReturn); } catch (Exception) { return(objReturn); } }
public List <Entity> Consultar(Entity entidade) { Address Address = (Address)entidade; string endpoint = "address/"; string json = null; endpoint = endpoint + Address.ProfileId; json = new RestConnection().GetRequest(endpoint); List <Address> objList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <Address> >(json); List <Entity> objReturn = new List <Entity>(); foreach (var item in objList) { objReturn.Add(item); } return(objReturn); }
public static IServiceCollection AddDependencyInjectionServiceModule(this IServiceCollection services, ConnectionStrings connectionStrings, HashIdConfiguration setting, RestConnection restConnection) { services.AddDbContext(connectionStrings.ContosoRetailDWConnection); services.AddIdentityContext(connectionStrings.DonVoIdentityJwtBearerConnection); services.AddSystemAuditContext(connectionStrings.DonVoSystemAuditConnection); HashHelper.Initialize(setting); // Injection All Services enter here. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- services.AddTransient <IAccountService, AccountService>(); services.AddTransient <ICustomerService, CustomerService>(); services.AddTransient <IAccountingService, AccountingService>(); services.AddTransient <IEmployeeService, EmployeeService>(); services.AddTransient <IPromotionService, PromotionService>(); services.AddTransient <ICurrencyService, CurrencyService>(); services.AddTransient <IStoreService, StoreService>(); services.AddTransient <IMachineService, MachineService>(); services.AddTransient <IOutageService, OutageService>(); services.AddTransient <IChannelService, ChannelService>(); services.AddTransient <IEntityService, EntityService>(); services.AddTransient <IScenarioService, ScenarioService>(); services.AddTransient <IProductService, ProductService>(); services.AddTransient <IProductCategoryService, ProductCategoryService>(); services.AddTransient <IProductSubcategoryService, ProductSubcategoryService>(); services.AddTransient <ISearchService, SearchService>(); services.AddTransient <ISystemAuditRepository, SystemAuditRepository>(); services.AddTransient <ISystemAuditService, SystemAuditService>(); services.AddDataAnalysisService(restConnection.DataAnalysisUrl); services.AddMachineLearningService(); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- return(services); }
protected override void OnActivated(EventArgs e) { bool b = RestConnection.GetRestConnection().TestConnectionAsync(); if (!b) { if (MessageBox.Show("Application Server not found", "Internal Server Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error) == MessageBoxResult.OK) { Current.Shutdown(); } } base.OnActivated(e); IMenuRegistryProvider registryProvider = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance <IMenuRegistryProvider>(); registryProvider.InitializeMenu(); IApplicationController controller = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance <IApplicationController>(); controller.InitializeApplication(); }
public ClassroomMonitorViewModel(RestConnection restConnection, ISystemConfig config) { this.restConnection = restConnection; /* * Dictionary<string, string> parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>(); * JObject jo = this.restConnection.Get("api/ClassRoomInfoMaint/GetAllClassRooms", parameters); * * if (jo.Value<bool>("success")) * { * JArray ja = jo.Value<JArray>("data"); * if (null != ja) * { * Collection<ClassRoom> classrooms = ja.ToObject<Collection<ClassRoom>>(); * jo = this.restConnection.Post("api/TerminalInfo/QueryLastTerminalInfos", classrooms); * if (jo.Value<bool>("success")) * { * ja = jo.Value<JArray>("data"); * if (null != ja) * { * Collection<TerminalInfo> terminalInfos = ja.ToObject<Collection<TerminalInfo>>(); * foreach (var terminalInfo in terminalInfos) * { * ClassRoom classroom = classrooms.Where(p => p.TerminalId.Equals(terminalInfo.TerminalId)).FirstOrDefault(); * if (null != classroom) * { * terminalInfo.Name = classroom.ClassroomBuilding.BuildingName + "_" + classroom.RoomNum; * } * } * TerminalInfos = new ObservableCollection<TerminalInfo>(terminalInfos); * } * } * } * * } */ TerminalInfos = new ObservableCollection <TerminalInfo>(); refreshTerminalInfos(); }
internal async Task <TeamProject> GetOrCreateProjectAsync() { ProjectHttpClient projectClient = RestConnection.GetClient <ProjectHttpClient>(); Logger.Log(LogLevel.Info, "Retreiving project info from Azure DevOps/TFS..."); TeamProject project = null; try { project = await projectClient.GetProject(Settings.Project); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Log(ex, $"Failed to get Azure DevOps/TFS project '{Settings.Project}'."); } if (project == null) { project = await CreateProject(Settings.Project, $"{Settings.ProcessTemplate} project for Jira migration", Settings.ProcessTemplate); } return(project); }
public ClassroomTreeViewModel(RestConnection restConnection, ISystemConfig config) { this.restConnection = restConnection; systemConfig = config; Dictionary <string, string> parameters = new Dictionary <string, string>(); parameters.Add("_dc", "1502368547501"); parameters.Add("sWhere", "{}"); parameters.Add("page", "1"); parameters.Add("start", "0"); parameters.Add("limit", "10"); JObject jo = this.restConnection.Get("api/ClassroomBuilding/QueryClassroomBuildingsIncludeClassRooms", parameters); if (jo.Value <bool>("success")) { JArray ja = jo.Value <JArray>("data"); if (null != ja) { ClassroomBuildings = new ObservableCollection <ClassroomBuilding>(ja.ToObject <Collection <ClassroomBuilding> >()); foreach (var classroomBuilding in ClassroomBuildings) { //初始化全部教学楼选中 classroomBuilding.IsChecked = true; classroomBuilding.PropertyChanged += new PropertyChangedEventHandler(ClassroomBuildingCheckedChange); foreach (var classroom in classroomBuilding.ClassRooms) { //初始化全部教室选中 classroom.IsChecked = true; classroom.Name = classroomBuilding.BuildingName + "_" + classroom.RoomNum; classroom.ClassroomBuilding = classroomBuilding; classroom.PropertyChanged += new PropertyChangedEventHandler(ClassroomCheckedChange); } } } } }
public List <Entity> VerificarNome(Entity entidade) { Address Address = (Address)entidade; string endpoint = "address/"; var objReturn = new List <Entity>(); /// something ? color1 = red & color2 = blue string json = null; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Address.Name)) { endpoint = endpoint + Address.ProfileId + "?name=" + Address.Name; } try { json = new RestConnection().GetRequest(endpoint); Address objList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Address>(json); objReturn.Add(objList); } catch (Exception) { return(objReturn); } return(objReturn); }
/// <summary> /// Retrieves the account details /// </summary> public static Account Details() { RestConnection<Account> conn = new RestConnection<Account>(); Account account = conn.InvokeGet("account"); return account; }
/// <summary> /// Generates a new API Token /// </summary> public static string NewToken() { RestConnection<string> conn = new RestConnection<string>(); string token = conn.InvokeGet("new_token"); return token; }