/// <summary> /// Initialise a new instance of <see cref="Response"/> from a response. /// </summary> /// <param name="response">The response to use.</param> public Response(Response response) { errorMessages = response.errorMessages; requestIdentifier = response.requestIdentifier; result = response.result; Timestamp = response.Timestamp; }
public IHttpActionResult UnSubscribe(GCMSubscriptionModel model) { var result = new ResponseResult(Constants.InvalidCommand); var command = model.AsUnSubscribeCommand(); if (command.IsValid()) { result = Publisher.Publish(command) ? new ResponseResult<ResponseResult>(new ResponseResult()) : new ResponseResult(Constants.CommandPublishFailed); } return result.IsSuccess ? this.Accepted(result) : this.NotAcceptable(result); }
private async Task AssertInvoices(ResponseResult <string, ResultErrorCode> sendInvoicesResults) { TestFixture.AssertResponse(sendInvoicesResults); Thread.Sleep(2000); var transactionId = sendInvoicesResults.SuccessResult; var transactionStatus = await NavClient.GetTransactionStatusAsync(transactionId); TestFixture.AssertResponse(transactionStatus); var invoiceStatuses = transactionStatus.SuccessResult.InvoiceStatuses; foreach (var status in invoiceStatuses) { var value = status.Value; Assert.AreEqual(value.Status, InvoiceState.Done); } var validationResults = invoiceStatuses.SelectMany(s => s.Value.ValidationResults); Assert.IsEmpty(validationResults); }
public ResponseResult UpdateProcess(ProcessEntity entity) { var result = ResponseResult.Default(); try { var wfService = new WorkflowService(); var processEntity = wfService.GetProcessByVersion(entity.ProcessGUID, entity.Version); processEntity.ProcessName = entity.ProcessName; processEntity.XmlFileName = entity.XmlFileName; processEntity.AppType = entity.AppType; processEntity.Description = entity.Description; wfService.UpdateProcess(processEntity); result = ResponseResult.Success(); } catch (System.Exception ex) { result = ResponseResult.Error(string.Format("更新流程记录失败,错误:{0}", ex.Message)); } return(result); }
/// <summary> /// 登录接口 /// </summary> /// <param name="LoginName"></param> /// <param name="Password"></param> /// <param name="IP"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string Login([FromForm] LoginFrom fromData) { var model = _BaseServer.Login(fromData); Func <ResponseResult> funcAction = () => { var responseModel = new ResponseResult(); Result result = new Result(); if (model != null) { responseModel.Token = BaseService.Insert(model, HttpContext); result.IsSuccessful = true; result.ReasonDescription = "登录成功!"; } else { result.ReasonDescription = "用户名或密码错误!"; } responseModel.Content = result; return(responseModel); }; return(ActionResponseGetString(funcAction)); }
public ResponseResult SearchUser(string key) { try { var list = DataService.SearchUser(key); var result = (from p in list select new { ID = p.UserId, Login = p.Login, Name = p.Name }).ToList(); return(ResponseResult.GetSuccessObject(result)); //return result; } catch (Exception ex) { CustomUtility.HandleException(ex); return(ResponseResult.GetErrorObject()); } }
public async override Task <IResponseResult> AddAsync(UserDto model) { if (model == null) { return(ResponseResult.GetRepositoryActionResult(status: HttpStatusCode.NoContent, message: HttpStatusCode.NoContent.ToString())); } var isExist = await _unitOfWork.Repository.IsExists(q => (q.UserName == model.UserName || q.Email == model.Email || (q.PhoneNumber == model.PhoneNumber && (model.PhoneNumber != "" && model.PhoneNumber != null))) && q.IsDeleted != true); if (isExist) { return(ResponseResult.GetRepositoryActionResult(status: HttpStatusCode.NotAcceptable, message: HttpStatusCode.NotAcceptable.ToString())); } var data = await _unitOfWork.Repository.FindAsync(q => q != null); model.Id = data == null ? 1000 : (1000 + data.Count()); model.SecurityStamp = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); var user = Mapper.Map <AspNetUsers>(model); _unitOfWork.Repository.Add(user); await _unitOfWork.SaveChanges(); return(ResponseResult.GetRepositoryActionResult(model, status: HttpStatusCode.Created, message: HttpStatusCode.Created.ToString())); }
private async Task<ResponseResult> upload(string file,string dst) { ResponseResult r=new ResponseResult(); try { r = CHFSApi.CHFSApi.Exist(file, dst + "/"); if (r.code != 404) { // MessageBox.Show(file + "已存在!"); r.code = 500; return r; } r = await CHFSApi.CHFSApi.Upload(file, dst); return r; } catch { r.code = 500; return r; } }
public ResponseResult RunProcess([FromBody] WfAppRunner runner) { var result = ResponseResult.Default(); var wfService = new WorkflowService(); try { var wfResult = wfService.RunProcessApp(runner); if (wfResult.Status == WfExecutedStatus.Success) { result = ResponseResult.Success(wfResult.Message); } else { result = ResponseResult.Error(wfResult.Message); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { result = ResponseResult.Error(ex.Message); } return(result); }
public HttpResponseMessage Get(string size, string id) { using (var picturesService = new PicturesService()) { FileStream fileStream = null; HttpResponseMessage result ; string rootPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/data/pics"); PicSize picSize = (PicSize)Enum.Parse(typeof(PicSize), size); using (picturesService.GetImageStream(rootPath, picSize,id, out fileStream)) { if (fileStream.CanRead) { int length = (int)fileStream.Length; byte[] buffer = new byte[length]; fileStream.Read(buffer, 0, length); result = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK); result.Content = new ByteArrayContent(buffer); result.Content.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("image/png"); return result; } else { var content = new ResponseResult<string> { Errors = new List<string>() { "Image not found" }, Result = null, Succeed = true }; result = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.NotFound); result.Content = new ObjectContent<ResponseResult<string>>(content, new JsonMediaTypeFormatter()); return result; } } } }
public ResponseResult CheckJobOrder(string jobno) { response = new ResponseResult(); try { ProcParam procPara = new ProcParam(3) { ProcedureName = "SCANNER_MAT_CHK_PACK.CHK_JOB_ORDER" }; procPara.AddParamReturn(0, "ReturnValue", OracleDbType.Varchar2, 30); procPara.AddParamInput(1, "strJOB_NO", jobno); procPara.AddParamOutput(2, "RESULTMSG", OracleDbType.Varchar2, 255); GlobalDB.Instance.DataAc.ExecuteNonQuery(procPara); if (GlobalDB.Instance.DataAc.LastException != null) { throw GlobalDB.Instance.DataAc.LastException; } var returnValue = (OracleString)procPara.ReturnValue(0); var resultMsg = (OracleString)procPara.ReturnValue(2); response.Message = resultMsg.ToString(); response.Data = returnValue.ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { response.Status = false; response.Message = ex.Message; response.Data = string.Empty; } return(response); }
private async Task <ResponseResult <T> > GettingStandardResponse <T>(HttpResponseMessage response) { var res = new ResponseResult <T>(); if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { res.StatusCode = 200; res.Status = "Success"; res.Message = "Call success"; var settings = new JsonSerializerSettings { NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore, MissingMemberHandling = MissingMemberHandling.Ignore }; var responseContent = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); res.Data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <T>(responseContent, settings); } else if (response.StatusCode >= System.Net.HttpStatusCode.BadRequest && response.StatusCode < System.Net.HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError) { res.StatusCode = 400; res.Status = "BadRequest"; res.Data = default(T); var badResponseContent = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); res.Message = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <BadRequestResponseResult>(badResponseContent).Message; } else if (response.StatusCode >= System.Net.HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError) { res.StatusCode = 500; res.Status = "InternalServerError"; res.Data = default(T); //res.Message = response.ReasonPhrase; res.Message = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); } return(res); }
public ResponseResult TaskBind(string taskName, string routeName, string loginName, string shipName) { var result = ResponseResult.Default(); TaskService taskService = new TaskService(); try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(routeName)) { return(ResponseResult.Error("路径不能为空")); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(taskName)) { return(ResponseResult.Error("任务名称不能为空")); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(loginName)) { return(ResponseResult.Error("登录名称不能为空")); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(shipName)) { } if (taskService.RouteChange(taskName, routeName, loginName, shipName)) { return(ResponseResult.Success("绑定成功")); } else { return(ResponseResult.Error("绑定失败")); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { result = ResponseResult.Error(ex.Message); } return(result); }
public ResponseResult SaveRole(Roles r) { String msg = " "; try { var roleId = DataService.SaveRole(r, DateTime.UtcNow, SessionManager.CurrentUser.UserId); if (r.Id > 0) { msg = "Role Updated Successfully"; } if (r.Id == 0) { msg = "Role added Successfully"; } return(ResponseResult.GetSuccessObject(new { RoleId = roleId }, msg)); //return (new //{ // data = new // { // RoleId = roleId // }, // success = true, // error = msg //}); } catch (Exception ex) { CustomUtility.HandleException(ex); return(ResponseResult.GetErrorObject()); } }
public async Task <ServiceResponse <ProductDto_ToReturn> > NewProduct(ProductDto_ToCreate newProduct) { string errorMessage = ""; if (newProduct.Price == 0) { errorMessage += "Please enter price field"; return(ResponseResult.Failure <ProductDto_ToReturn>(errorMessage)); } if (newProduct.ProductGroupId == 0) { errorMessage += "Please enter product group id field"; return(ResponseResult.Failure <ProductDto_ToReturn>(errorMessage)); } var checkProduct = await _dbContext.Products.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Name == newProduct.Name); if (checkProduct == null) { var product = new mProduct { Name = newProduct.Name, Price = newProduct.Price, CreatedDate = Now(), IsActive = true, ProductGroupId = newProduct.ProductGroupId, }; _dbContext.Products.Add(product); await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync(); return(ResponseResult.Success(_mapper.Map <ProductDto_ToReturn>(product))); } else { return(ResponseResult.Failure <ProductDto_ToReturn>("There is already a product group with the same name.")); } }
public ResponseResult MakeABooking(int id, [FromBody] int NumberOfRooms) { ResponseResult responseResult = new ResponseResult(); Status statusObject = new Status(); responseResult.StatusObject = statusObject; try { int loop; HotelBooking obj = new HotelBooking(); for (loop = 0; loop < DataValues.Count; loop++) { if (DataValues[loop].Id == id) { DataValues[loop].NumberOfAvailableRooms = DataValues[loop].NumberOfAvailableRooms - NumberOfRooms; break; } } if (loop == DataValues.Count) { throw new Exception("Hotel not Found"); } responseResult.StatusObject.actionStatus = "Success"; responseResult.StatusObject.Code = 200; responseResult.StatusObject.responseMessage = "Booking Made Successfully"; responseResult.hotelObject = DataValues[loop]; return(responseResult); } catch (Exception e) { responseResult.StatusObject.actionStatus = "Failure"; responseResult.StatusObject.Code = 404; responseResult.StatusObject.responseMessage = "Booking Failed as Hotel not Found"; responseResult.hotelObject = null; return(responseResult); } }
public ActionResult Index([FromForm] LoginRequest login) { if (_session.GetString("name") != null && !Request.IsAjaxRequest()) { return(GoToDefualt()); } ResponseResult responseResult = new ResponseResult(true, null); if (login.name == null || login.password == null) { responseResult = new ResponseResult(false, "用户名和密码不能为空"); return(Json(responseResult)); } AccountDto userDto = AccountBusiness.GetAccountByName(login.name); if (userDto == null) { responseResult = new ResponseResult(false, "用户名不正确"); return(Json(responseResult)); } string saltPassword = LoginHelper.GetSaltPassword(login.password, userDto.Salt); if (userDto.Name != login.name || userDto.Password != saltPassword) { responseResult = new ResponseResult(false, "密码不正确"); return(Json(responseResult)); } LoginHelper.Login(new LoginModel { name = login.name, password = login.password, rolename = userDto.RoleId.ToString() }, _session); responseResult = new ResponseResult(true, "/App/Index"); return(Json(responseResult)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Post(ArticleDto articleDto) { bool isNew = articleDto.Id <= 0 ? true : false; if (articleDto.State == ArticleState.Published && !articleDto.PublishTime.HasValue) { articleDto.PublishTime = DateTime.Now; } var id = await _articleService.AddOrUpdateArticle(articleDto); Task.Run( async() => { var article = await _articleService.GetArticle(id); var indexConfig = new LuceneIndexable <ArticleDto, int>( article, article.Id, new LuceneIndexBehavior <ArticleDto>() .Include(new Expression <Func <ArticleDto, object> >[] { a => a.Id, a => a.CreateDate, a => a.CreateDate, a => a.LastModifyDate, a => a.Summary, a => a.Title, a => a.ArticleContentHtml }) .ForMember(a => a.ArticleContentHtml, html => html == null ? null : html.NoHTML(), a => true) .ForMember(a => a.Id, null, id => true) ); if (isNew) { _searchEngine.LuceneIndexer.Add(indexConfig); } else { _searchEngine.LuceneIndexer.Update(indexConfig); } } ); var result = new ResponseResult <int>(id); return(Ok(result)); }
public async Task <ServiceResponse <ProductDTO> > Add(ProductAddDTO addProduct) { // User must be presented to perform this method if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(GetUserId())) { throw new UnauthorizedAccessException("User must be presented to perform this method"); } var productGroup = await _dbContext.ProductGroup.FindAsync(addProduct.GroupId); if (productGroup is null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Product Group is not Exist"); } // Add Products Product product = _mapper.Map <Product>(addProduct); product.Group = productGroup; product.CreatedByUserId = Guid.Parse(GetUserId()); product.CreatedDate = Now(); product.Status = true; await _dbContext.Product.AddAsync(product); await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync(); // Mapping var dto = _mapper.Map <ProductDTO>(product); // Add User Detail dto.CreatedByUserID = Guid.Parse(GetUserId()); dto.CreatedByUserName = GetUsername(); // Return result return(ResponseResult.Success <ProductDTO>(dto)); }
public JsonResult PublishedForFarmerbyTime(int pageIndex, int pageSize, int type, string orderfield) { using (ResponseResult <List <PublishedModel> > result = new ResponseResult <List <PublishedModel> >()) { pageIndex = pageIndex == 0 ? 1 : pageIndex; long TotalNums = 0; if (type != 0) { if (_commonRepository.CheckTypeid <T_SYS_DICTIONARY>(s => s.Code == type && s.ParentCode == 100200)) { //获取发布列表 List <PublishedModel> list = repository.GetRequirementListByTime(type, orderfield, pageIndex, pageSize, out TotalNums); if (list != null) { result.Entity = list; } result.IsSuccess = true; } else { result.IsSuccess = false; result.Message = String.Format("{0} - " + ResponeString.ParmetersInvalidMessage, type.ToString()); } } else { result.IsSuccess = false; result.Message = ResponeString.AddressError; } result.TotalNums = TotalNums; result.PageIndex = pageIndex; result.PageSize = pageSize; return(Json(result)); } }
/// <summary> /// post a status with location info /// </summary> /// <param name="txt">content of the status, less than 140 characters.</param> /// <param name="lat">latitude from -90.0 to 90.0 default is 0.0</param> /// <param name="log">longitude from -180.0 to 180.0, default is 0.0 </param> /// <returns>void</returns> public void Share(string txt, float lat, float log) { Task task; List <HttpParameter> config = new List <HttpParameter> () { new HttpParameter("oauth_consumer_key", appKey), new HttpParameter("oauth_version", "2.a"), new HttpParameter("format", "json"), new HttpParameter("content", txt), new HttpParameter("clientip", ""), new HttpParameter("longitude", lat), new HttpParameter("latitude", log) }; // Debug.Log("access_token=" + accessToken); // Debug.Log("Shareopenid=" + openID); task.commandType = T_ADD; task.requestMethod = RequestMethod.Post; task.parameters = config; //check if accesstoken expired if (!oauth.VerifierAccessToken()) { ResponseResult result = new ResponseResult(); result.platformType = PlatformType.PLATFORM_TENCENTWEIBO; result.returnType = ReturnType.RETURNTYPE_OAUTH_FAILED; result.commandType = task.commandType; result.description = "invalid accessToken"; lock (resultList) { resultList.Add(result); } } else { Debug.Log("oauth.AccessToken----" + oauth.AccessToken); SendCommand(task); } }
public ResponseResult SavePermission(PermissionsWithRoleID p) { String msg = " "; try { var permId = DataService.SavePermission(p, DateTime.UtcNow, SessionManager.CurrentUser.UserId); if (p.Id > 0) { msg = "Permission Updated Successfully"; } if (p.Id == 0) { msg = "Permission Added Successfully"; } return(ResponseResult.GetSuccessObject(new { PermssionId = permId }, msg)); //return (new //{ // data = new // { // PermssionId = permId // }, // success = true, // error = msg //}); } catch (Exception ex) { CustomUtility.HandleException(ex); return(ResponseResult.GetErrorObject()); } }
/// <summary> /// 初始化时生成下拉框 /// </summary> /// <param name="inparams"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ResponseResult getAllCmbOnLoad(Dictionary <string, string> inparams) { ResponseResult Result = null; string sysflag; if (!inparams.Keys.Contains("sysflag") || !inparams.Keys.Contains("sysuid")) { Result = new ResponseResult(ResState.ParamsImperfect, "缺少参数", null); return(Result); } try { if (inparams["sysflag"] == "") { Result = new ResponseResult(ResState.ParamsImperfect, "系统标识错误", null); return(Result); } sysflag = inparams["sysflag"]; //调用方法取得下拉框数据表格 DataTable[] dtArr = GetAllCmb(sysflag); int Total = dtArr.Length; ResList res = new ResList(); res.page = 0; res.size = 0; res.total = Total; res.records = dtArr; res.isallresults = 0; Result = new ResponseResult(ResState.Success, "", res); } catch (Exception ex) { Result = new ResponseResult(ResState.OperationFailed, ex.Message, ""); } return(Result); }
public JsonResult UpdateRole([FromForm] WXQ.InOutPutEntites.Input.SystemManage.Role.UpdateRoleInput model) { ResponseResult result = new ResponseResult(); UpdateRoleInputModelValidation validator = new UpdateRoleInputModelValidation(); ValidationResult vr = validator.Validate(model); if (!vr.IsValid) { result.Code = ResponseResultMessageDefine.ParaError; result.Errors = vr.Errors.Select(e => e.ErrorMessage).ToList(); } else { int userId = WebApi.Common.HelpOp.UserOp.GetUserId(this.User); WXQ.BusinessCore.systemmanage.RoleOp op = new WXQ.BusinessCore.systemmanage.RoleOp(userId); WXQ.Enties.Role r = new WXQ.Enties.Role { RoleId = model.RoleId, AddDateTime = DateTime.Now, AddUser = userId.ToString(), Description = model.Description, RoleName = model.RoleName }; bool rv = op.UpdateRole(r); if (!rv) { result.Code = ResponseResultMessageDefine.OpLost; result.Errors.Add(ResponseResultMessageDefine.OpLostMessage); } } return(Json(result)); }
public ActionResult LogIn(long phone, string password) { try { UserLogInRequestVM userLogInRequestVMObj = new UserLogInRequestVM() { Phone = phone, Password = password }; object res = _apiRequestObj.HttpPostRequest(userLogInRequestVMObj, "api/Security/UserLogin"); string response = res.ToString(); ResponseResult responseResultObj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ResponseResult>(response); if (responseResultObj.MessageCode == "Y") { UserLogInInfoVM userInfo = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <UserLogInInfoVM>(responseResultObj.Content.ToString()); //SessionInitialize(userInfo); SessionInitialize(userInfo); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } else { TempData["msgAlert"] = "NotAuthorized"; TempData["msgAlertDetails"] = responseResultObj.SystemMessage.ToString(); //Session["LogInUserInfo"] = null; return(RedirectToAction("LogIn")); } } catch (Exception ex) { TempData["msgAlert"] = "N"; TempData["systemErrorMsg"] = ex.Message; TempData["msgAlertDetails"] = "Sorry, something wrong. Please wait and try after a few minutes."; return(RedirectToAction("LogIn")); } }
public ResponseResult Run() { var runner = _appRunner; var result = ResponseResult.Default(); try { string amount = string.Empty; IWorkflowService wfService = new WorkflowService(); //var wfResult = wfService.CreateRunner(runner) // .Run(); var wfResult = wfService.CreateRunner(runner.UserID, runner.UserName) .UseApp(runner.AppInstanceID, runner.AppName, runner.AppInstanceCode) .UseProcess(runner.ProcessGUID, runner.Version) //.NextStep(runner.NextActivityPerformers) //.NextStepInt(NextPerformerIntTypeEnum.Single) .IfCondition(runner.Conditions) .Subscribe(EventFireTypeEnum.OnActivityExecuting, (delegateContext, delegateService) => { if (delegateContext.ActivityCode == "Task1") { delegateService.SaveVariable(ProcessVariableTypeEnum.Process, "name", "book-task1"); delegateService.SaveVariable(ProcessVariableTypeEnum.Process, "amount", "50"); } return(true); }) .Run(); result = ResponseResult.Success(wfResult.Message); } catch (System.Exception ex) { result = ResponseResult.Error(ex.Message); } return(result); }
public async Task <ResponseResult> Add() { // 同步添加文档 solr.Add( new PostDoc() { Id = 30001, Name = "This SolrNet Name", Title = "This SolrNet Title", Excerpt = "This SolrNet Excerpt", Content = "This SolrNet Content 30001", PostDate = DateTime.Now } ); // 异步添加文档 await solr.AddAsync( new PostDoc() { Id = 30002, Name = "This SolrNet Name", Title = "This SolrNet Title", Excerpt = "This SolrNet Excerpt", Content = "This SolrNet Content 30002", PostDate = DateTime.Now } ); ResponseHeader responseHeader = await solr.CommitAsync(); ResponseResult response = new ResponseResult(); if (responseHeader.Status == 0) { response.Status = ResponseStatus.SUCCEED; } return(response); }
public async Task <ResponseResult <ProductOrderEntity> > SyncOrder2() { var result = ResponseResult <ProductOrderEntity> .Default(); using (IDbSession session = SessionFactory.CreateSession()) { try { session.BeginTrans(); var entity = ProductOrderService.SyncOrder(session.Connection, session.Transaction); session.Commit(); //发布消息主题 var wfResult = PublishProductOrderCreateMessage(entity); if (wfResult.Status == 1) { result = ResponseResult <ProductOrderEntity> .Success(entity, string.Format("同步订单数据状态:{0}", wfResult.Status)); } else { session.Rollback(); result = ResponseResult <ProductOrderEntity> .Error( string.Format("订单消息启动流程失败失败, 错误:{0}", wfResult.Message) ); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { session.Rollback(); result = ResponseResult <ProductOrderEntity> .Error( string.Format("同步订单{0}失败, 错误:{1}", "ProductOrder", ex.Message) ); } } return(result); }
public ResponseResult ReverseProcess(WfAppRunner runner) { IWorkflowService wfService = new WorkflowService(); IDbConnection conn = SessionFactory.CreateConnection(); IDbTransaction trans = null; try { trans = conn.BeginTransaction(); var result = wfService.ReverseProcess(conn, runner, trans); if (result.Status == WfExecutedStatus.Success) { trans.Commit(); return(ResponseResult.Success()); } else { trans.Rollback(); return(ResponseResult.Error(result.Message)); } } catch (WorkflowException w) { trans.Rollback(); return(ResponseResult.Error(w.Message)); } finally { trans.Dispose(); if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Close(); } } }
public ResponseResult StartProcess([FromBody] WfAppRunner starter) { IWorkflowService wfService = new WorkflowService(); IDbConnection conn = SessionFactory.CreateConnection(); IDbTransaction trans = null; try { trans = conn.BeginTransaction(); WfExecutedResult result = wfService.StartProcess(conn, starter, trans); trans.Commit(); int newProcessInstanceID = result.ProcessInstanceIDStarted; if (result.Status == WfExecutedStatus.Success) { return(ResponseResult.Success()); } else { return(ResponseResult.Error(result.Message)); } } catch (WorkflowException w) { trans.Rollback(); return(ResponseResult.Error(w.Message)); } finally { trans.Dispose(); if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Close(); } } }
//Delete public static ResponseResult Delete(PeminjamanViewModel entity) { ResponseResult result = new ResponseResult(); try { using (var db = new XContext()) { x_peminjaman peminjaman = db.x_peminjaman .Where(o => o.id == entity.Id) .FirstOrDefault(); if (peminjaman != null) { peminjaman.deleted_by = 1; peminjaman.deleted_on = DateTime.Now; peminjaman.is_delete = true; db.SaveChanges(); result.Entity = entity; } else { result.Success = false; result.Message = "Data Not Found ! "; } } } catch (Exception ex) { result.Success = false; result.Message = ex.Message; } return(result); }
public ResponseResult <string> delBook([FromQuery] string token, int id) { claim = (JwtClaim)_accessor.HttpContext.Items["user"]; try { if (id == 0) { return(ResponseResult <string> .Error("参数异常")); } var b = SystemService.delBook(id, connstr); if (b) { return(ResponseResult <string> .Success("操作成功", "操作成功")); } else { return(ResponseResult <string> .Success("操作失败", "操作失败")); } } catch (Exception ex) { return(ResponseResult <string> .Error("系统异常")); } }
public void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext context) { //POST PUT 方法进行模型校验 string method = context.HttpContext.Request.Method; if ((method == "POST" || method == "PUT") && !context.ModelState.IsValid) { //BindAttribute特性对JSON数据无效 IList <ParameterDescriptor> parameterDescriptors = context.ActionDescriptor.Parameters; //获取BindAttribute ParameterDescriptor parameterDescriptor = parameterDescriptors.Where(item => item.BindingInfo.PropertyFilterProvider is BindAttribute).SingleOrDefault(); BindAttribute bindAttribute = parameterDescriptor.BindingInfo.PropertyFilterProvider as BindAttribute; string message = context.ModelState.ToErrorMessageByBindAttribute(bindAttribute); if (message != string.Empty) { ResponseResult responseResult = CommonFactory.CreateResponseResult; context.Result = new JsonResult(responseResult.Failed(message)); return; } } }
/// <summary> /// ニコニコ動画にログインする。 /// </summary> /// <param name="userId">メールアドレス</param> /// <param name="password">パスワード</param> /// <returns></returns> public static ResponseResult Login(string userId, string password) { ResponseResult result = null; // 参考サイト:http://qiita.com/katabamisan/items/8028584b2b6224ce0c92 string content = "mail=" + userId + "&password="******"POST"; request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; request.ContentLength = contentBytes.Length; using (Stream stream = request.GetRequestStream()) { stream.Write(contentBytes, 0, contentBytes.Length); } HttpWebResponse response = null; try { response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse(); } catch(WebException ex) { if(ex.Status == WebExceptionStatus.ProtocolError) { return new ResponseResult(Constants.Result.ProtocolError, null); } return null; } catch(Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); return null; } finally { if(response != null) { Constants.Result r; if(response.ResponseUri.AbsoluteUri.Contains("cant_login")) { r = Constants.Result.Failed; } else { r = Constants.Result.Success; } result = new ResponseResult(r, request.CookieContainer); response.Close(); } } return result; }
/** * * method "POST" or "GET" * url * auth 可选 */ public ResponseResult sendRequest(String method, String url, String auth,String reqParams) { //Console.WriteLine("begin send" + reqParams); ResponseResult result = new ResponseResult(); HttpWebRequest myReq = null; HttpWebResponse response = null; try { myReq = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url); myReq.Method = method; myReq.Accept = "text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */*"; myReq.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; myReq.Headers.Add("Charset", "UTF-8"); if ( !String.IsNullOrEmpty(auth) ) { myReq.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic " + auth); } if (method == "POST") { byte[] bs = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(reqParams); myReq.ContentLength = bs.Length; using (Stream reqStream = myReq.GetRequestStream()) { reqStream.Write(bs, 0, bs.Length); reqStream.Close(); } } // Console.WriteLine("begin responese"); response = (HttpWebResponse)myReq.GetResponse(); HttpStatusCode statusCode = response.StatusCode; result.responseCode = statusCode; // Console.WriteLine("prepare"); if (Equals(response.StatusCode, HttpStatusCode.OK)) { //Console.WriteLine("enter"); using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream(), System.Text.Encoding.UTF8)) { result.responseContent = reader.ReadToEnd(); // Console.WriteLine(result.responseContent); } result.setErrorObject(); } //Console.WriteLine("end"); //Console.WriteLine("response = " + response.Headers + " contet=" + result.responseContent + " status=" + response.StatusCode); //Console.WriteLine("remaining = " + remaining); // Console.WriteLine("code = " + result.error.errcode); if (statusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK) { String limitQuota = response.GetResponseHeader(RATE_LIMIT_QUOTA); String limitRemaining = response.GetResponseHeader(RATE_LIMIT_Remaining); String limitReset = response.GetResponseHeader(RATE_LIMIT_Reset); result.setRateLimit(limitQuota, limitRemaining, limitReset); //Console.WriteLine("send success "); } else if (statusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound) { Debug.Print("error is 404"); } else if (statusCode == HttpStatusCode.Forbidden) { Debug.Print("error is 403"); } else if (statusCode == HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) { Debug.Print("error is 401"); } else if (statusCode == HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError) { Debug.Print("error is 500"); } else { Debug.Print("error is " + statusCode.ToString()); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { String errorMsg = ex.Message; Debug.Print(errorMsg); } finally { if (response != null) { response.Close(); } if(myReq != null) { myReq.Abort(); } } //Console.WriteLine("sssssssssssssss======="+result.responseCode); return result; }