Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        ///     returns a string of information about the exception and the
        ///     the nested exceptions, if any.
        /// </summary>
        public override string ToString()
            string msg, tmsg;

            // Format the basic exception information
            msg = getExceptionString("LdapReferralException");

            // Add failed referral information
            if ((object)failedReferral != null)
                tmsg = ResourcesHandler.getMessage("FAILED_REFERRAL",
                                                   new object[] { "LdapReferralException", failedReferral });
                // If found no string from resource file, use a default string
                if (tmsg.ToUpper().Equals("SERVER_MSG".ToUpper()))
                    tmsg = "LdapReferralException: Failed Referral: " + failedReferral;
                msg = msg + '\n' + tmsg;

            // Add referral information, display all the referrals in the list
            if (referrals != null)
                for (var i = 0; i < referrals.Length; i++)
                    tmsg = ResourcesHandler.getMessage("REFERRAL_ITEM",
                                                       new object[] { "LdapReferralException", referrals[i] });
                    // If found no string from resource file, use a default string
                    if (tmsg.ToUpper().Equals("SERVER_MSG".ToUpper()))
                        tmsg = "LdapReferralException: Referral: " + referrals[i];
                    msg = msg + '\n' + tmsg;
Esempio n. 2
 /// <summary> Returns a string representing the specified result code in the default
 /// locale.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="code"> The result code for which a message is to be returned.
 /// </param>
 /// <returns> The message corresponding to the specified result code, or
 /// or null if the message is not available for the default locale.
 /// </returns>
 public static System.String resultCodeToString(int code)
Esempio n. 3
 /// <summary> Returns a string representing the result code in the default
 /// locale.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns> The message for the result code in the LdapException object.
 /// </returns>
 public virtual System.String resultCodeToString()
Esempio n. 4
        public void LoadPolicies_ResponsePoliciesData_IfAddressAndTableNameExists()
            var result = ResourcesHandler.Load <Policy>(AddressValues.POLICIES, TableNameValues.POLICIES);

Esempio n. 5
        public void LoadClients_ResponseClientsData_IfAddressAndTableNameExists()
            var result = ResourcesHandler.Load <Client>(AddressValues.CLIENTS, TableNameValues.CLIENTS);

Esempio n. 6
 public void Load_NullReferenceException_IfTableNameNotExists()
     Assert.Throws <NullReferenceException>(() => ResourcesHandler.Load <Client>(AddressValues.CLIENTS, TABLE_NAME_NOT_EXIST));
     Assert.Throws <NullReferenceException>(() => ResourcesHandler.Load <Policy>(AddressValues.POLICIES, TABLE_NAME_NOT_EXIST));
Esempio n. 7
 public void Load_WebException_IfAddressNotExists()
     Assert.Throws <WebException>(() => ResourcesHandler.Load <Client>(ADDRESS_NOT_EXIST, TABLE_NAME_NOT_EXIST));
     Assert.Throws <WebException>(() => ResourcesHandler.Load <Policy>(ADDRESS_NOT_EXIST, TABLE_NAME_NOT_EXIST));
Esempio n. 8
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     resourceHandler = transform.parent.GetComponent <ResourcesHandler>();
     researchHandler = FindObjectOfType <ResearchHandler>();
 public void GetResultString_when_unknown_error_code_returns_unknown_message()
     Assert.Contains("unknown", ResourcesHandler.GetResultString(int.MaxValue).ToLower());
 public void GetResultString_when_known_error_code_returns_message()
     Assert.Equal(ResultCodeMessages.GetResultCode("1"), ResourcesHandler.GetResultString(1));
Esempio n. 11
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------
    //	Initialize
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------
    public void Initialize(GameController _gameControllerRef, Transform tf_world, RoomData _roomData)
        gameControllerRef    = _gameControllerRef;
        MyRoomData           = _roomData; = MyRoomData.RoomKey;

        GameUtils.ParentAndReset(this.gameObject, tf_world);
        this.transform.localPosition = PosGlobal; // Position me!

        // Initialize channels!
        gateChannels = new GateChannel[5];
        for (int i = 0; i < gateChannels.Length; i++)
            gateChannels[i] = new GateChannel(this, i);

        // Instantiate my props!
        RoomData         rd  = MyRoomData;
        ResourcesHandler rh  = ResourcesHandler.Instance;
        int numProgressGates = 0; // for deteriming their indexes.
        int numVeils         = 0; // for determining their indexes.

        foreach (PropData propData in rd.allPropDatas)
            System.Type pt = propData.GetType();
            if (false)
            // Enemies
            else if (pt == typeof(DweebData))
                Dweeb newProp = Instantiate(rh.Dweeb).GetComponent <Dweeb>();
                newProp.Initialize(this, propData as DweebData);
            // Grounds
            else if (pt == typeof(CrateData))
                Crate newProp = Instantiate(rh.Crate).GetComponent <Crate>();
                newProp.Initialize(this, propData as CrateData);
            else if (pt == typeof(DispGroundData))
                DispGround newProp = Instantiate(rh.DispGround).GetComponent <DispGround>();
                newProp.Initialize(this, propData as DispGroundData);
            else if (pt == typeof(GateData))
                Gate newProp = Instantiate(rh.Gate).GetComponent <Gate>();
                newProp.Initialize(this, propData as GateData);
            else if (pt == typeof(ToggleGroundData))
                ToggleGround newProp = Instantiate(rh.ToggleGround).GetComponent <ToggleGround>();
                newProp.Initialize(this, propData as ToggleGroundData);
            else if (pt == typeof(PlatformData))
                Platform newProp = Instantiate(rh.Platform).GetComponent <Platform>();
                newProp.Initialize(this, propData as PlatformData);
            else if (pt == typeof(GroundData))
                Ground newProp = Instantiate(rh.Ground).GetComponent <Ground>();
                newProp.Initialize(this, propData as GroundData);
            // Everything else!
            else if (pt == typeof(BatteryData))
                Battery newProp = Instantiate(rh.Battery).GetComponent <Battery>();
                newProp.Initialize(this, propData as BatteryData);
            else if (pt == typeof(BuzzsawData))
                Buzzsaw newProp = Instantiate(rh.Buzzsaw).GetComponent <Buzzsaw>();
                newProp.Initialize(this, propData as BuzzsawData);
            else if (pt == typeof(CharBarrelData))
                CharBarrel newProp = Instantiate(rh.CharBarrel).GetComponent <CharBarrel>();
                newProp.Initialize(this, propData as CharBarrelData, charBarrels.Count);
            else if (pt == typeof(CharUnlockOrbData))
                CharUnlockOrb newProp = Instantiate(rh.CharUnlockOrb).GetComponent <CharUnlockOrb>();
                newProp.Initialize(this, propData as CharUnlockOrbData);
            else if (pt == typeof(CameraBoundsData))
                CameraBounds newProp = Instantiate(rh.CameraBounds).GetComponent <CameraBounds>();
                newProp.Initialize(this, propData as CameraBoundsData);
            else if (pt == typeof(GateButtonData))
                GateButton newProp = Instantiate(rh.GateButton).GetComponent <GateButton>();
                newProp.Initialize(this, propData as GateButtonData);
            else if (pt == typeof(GemData))
                Gem newProp = Instantiate(rh.Gem).GetComponent <Gem>();
                newProp.Initialize(this, propData as GemData, gems.Count);
            else if (pt == typeof(InfoSignData))
                InfoSign newProp = Instantiate(rh.InfoSign).GetComponent <InfoSign>();
                newProp.Initialize(this, propData as InfoSignData);
            else if (pt == typeof(LaserData))
                Laser newProp = Instantiate(rh.Laser).GetComponent <Laser>();
                newProp.Initialize(this, propData as LaserData);
            else if (pt == typeof(LiftData))
                Lift newProp = Instantiate(rh.Lift).GetComponent <Lift>();
                newProp.Initialize(this, propData as LiftData);
            else if (pt == typeof(PlayerStartData))
                PlayerStart newProp = Instantiate(rh.PlayerStart).GetComponent <PlayerStart>();
                newProp.Initialize(this, propData as PlayerStartData);
            else if (pt == typeof(ProgressGateData))
                ProgressGate newProp = Instantiate(rh.ProgressGate).GetComponent <ProgressGate>();
                newProp.Initialize(this, propData as ProgressGateData, numProgressGates++);
            else if (pt == typeof(RoomDoorData))
                RoomDoor newProp = Instantiate(rh.RoomDoor).GetComponent <RoomDoor>();
                newProp.Initialize(this, propData as RoomDoorData);
            else if (pt == typeof(SnackData))
                Snack newProp = Instantiate(rh.Snack).GetComponent <Snack>();
                newProp.Initialize(this, propData as SnackData, snacks.Count);
            else if (pt == typeof(SpikesData))
                Spikes newProp = Instantiate(rh.Spikes).GetComponent <Spikes>();
                newProp.Initialize(this, propData as SpikesData);
            else if (pt == typeof(TurretData))
                Turret newProp = Instantiate(rh.Turret).GetComponent <Turret>();
                newProp.Initialize(this, propData as TurretData);
            else if (pt == typeof(VeilData))
                Veil newProp = Instantiate(rh.Veil).GetComponent <Veil>();
                newProp.Initialize(this, propData as VeilData, numVeils++);
                Debug.LogWarning("PropData not recognized: " + propData);


        // For development, add bounds so we don't fall out of unconnected rooms!
Esempio n. 12
 /// <summary> Returns a string representing the specified error code in the
 /// specified locale.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="code">    The result code for which a message is to be
 /// returned.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="locale">  The locale in which to render the message.
 /// </param>
 /// <returns> A message corresponding to the result code in the
 /// specified locale, or null if the message is not available
 /// for the requested locale.
 /// </returns>
 public static string resultCodeToString(int code, CultureInfo locale)
     return(ResourcesHandler.getResultString(code, locale));
Esempio n. 13
 /// <summary> Returns a string representing the result code in the
 /// specified locale.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="locale">The locale in which to render the error message.
 /// </param>
 /// <returns> A message corresponding to the result code in the
 /// specified locale, or null if the message is not available
 /// for the requested locale.
 /// </returns>
 public virtual string resultCodeToString(CultureInfo locale)
     return(ResourcesHandler.getResultString(resultCode, locale));
Esempio n. 14
 public void StartView()
     resourcesHandler = sceneHandler.currentColony.GetComponent <ResourcesHandler>();
Esempio n. 15
 /// <summary> Returns a string representing the result code in the
 /// specified locale.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="locale">The locale in which to render the error message.
 /// </param>
 /// <returns> A message corresponding to the result code in the
 /// specified locale, or null if the message is not available
 /// for the requested locale.
 /// </returns>
 public virtual System.String resultCodeToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo locale)
     return(ResourcesHandler.getResultString(resultCode, locale));
Esempio n. 16
 public void Load_ArgumentNullException_IfAnyParametersIsNullOrEmpty(string address, string tableName)
     Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => ResourcesHandler.Load <Client>(address, tableName));
     Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => ResourcesHandler.Load <Policy>(address, tableName));
Esempio n. 17
 /// <summary> Returns a string representing the specified error code in the
 /// specified locale.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="code">    The result code for which a message is to be
 /// returned.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="locale">  The locale in which to render the message.
 /// </param>
 /// <returns> A message corresponding to the result code in the
 /// specified locale, or null if the message is not available
 /// for the requested locale.
 /// </returns>
 public static System.String resultCodeToString(int code, System.Globalization.CultureInfo locale)
     return(ResourcesHandler.getResultString(code, locale));
Esempio n. 18
 void Start()
     resourcesHandler = GetComponent <ResourcesHandler>();
     Load(Resources.Energy, 100);