public void SavePreferences(float value) { GD.Print("SAVED"); ResourceSaver.Save(ApplicationPreferences.ResourcePath, ApplicationPreferences); ResourceSaver.Save(ViewPreferences.ResourcePath, ViewPreferences); ResourceSaver.Save(AppearancePreferences.ResourcePath, AppearancePreferences); }
private TileSet buildTileSet(int num) { string cached_path = $"user://Cache/{GDWorld.KWorld.WorldDirectoryName}/Tileset{num}.res"; if (new File().FileExists(cached_path)) { return(ResourceLoader.Load <TileSet>(cached_path)); } var texture = GDWorld.KWorld.getWorldTexture($"Tilesets/Tileset{num}.png"); switch (texture) { case Texture t: // Preprocess the texture if no alpha channel TileSet new_tileset = makeTileset(t.HasAlpha() ? t : preprocessTilesetTexture(t), true); ensureDirExists($"user://Cache/{GDWorld.KWorld.WorldDirectoryName}"); ResourceSaver.Save(cached_path, new_tileset, ResourceSaver.SaverFlags.Compress); return(new_tileset); case TileSet ts: return(ts); default: return(null); } }
// Call this in any level-optimizing procedure (level load screen, post-download processing, special button). public static void compileInternalTileset(KnyttWorld world, bool recompile) { ensureDirExists($"user://Cache/{world.WorldDirectoryName}"); for (int num = 0; num < 256; num++) { string tileset_path = $"Tilesets/Tileset{num}.png"; if (!world.worldFileExists(tileset_path)) { continue; } string cached_path = $"user://Cache/{world.WorldDirectoryName}/Tileset{num}.res"; if (!recompile && new File().FileExists(cached_path)) { continue; } var texture = world.getWorldTexture(tileset_path); if (texture is Texture t) { t = preprocessTilesetTexture(t); ResourceSaver.Save(cached_path, makeTileset(t, true), ResourceSaver.SaverFlags.Compress); } } }
public void OnConvexShapeSaveOK(string path) { var sphere = _gen.GetNode <Icosphere>("IcosphereInstance"); var shape = sphere.Mesh.CreateConvexShape(); ResourceSaver.Save(path, shape); }
// Create "user://tilesets" directory and call this function at start to compile default tilesets public static void compileTileset() { for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { GD.Print($"Compiling tileset #{i}"); var texture = loadInternalTexture($"res://knytt/data/Tilesets/Tileset{i}.png"); var tileset = makeTileset(texture, true); GD.PrintErr(ResourceSaver.Save($"user://tilesets/Tileset{i}.png.res", tileset, ResourceSaver.SaverFlags.Compress)); } }
public void SaveLevel(string pPath) { PackedScene savedLevel = new PackedScene(); CurrentLevel = GetTree().GetRoot().GetNode("Editor/ViewportContainer/Viewport/CurrentLevel") as Level; SetOwners(CurrentLevel); GD.Print("[Editor] - Setting Owners..."); savedLevel.Pack(CurrentLevel); // Packs the level into a scene. ResourceSaver.Save(pPath, savedLevel); // Save the PackedScene GD.Print("[Editor] Level Saved."); }
// returns location of Dino stats save public string GetDinoSaveLocation(Enums.Dinos dinoType) { string dinoNameNoSpaces = EnumUtils.GetDinoName(dinoType).Replace(" ", string.Empty); string userSaveLocation = $"user://{dinoNameNoSpaces}StatsSave.tres"; // make a savefile in the user:// location if none exists yet if (!ResourceLoader.Exists(userSaveLocation)) { string projectStatsLocation = $"res://src/combat/dinos/stats/{dinoNameNoSpaces}.tres"; ResourceSaver.Save(userSaveLocation, ResourceLoader.Load <DinoInfoResource>(projectStatsLocation, null, true)); } return(userSaveLocation); }
public void _OnInventoryChanged(GenericInventory inventory) { // GD.Print("Save inven: ", inventory.Items[0]; // SaveManager.SaveInventory(inventory); GD.Print("inventory: ", inventory.Items); // var x = new List<GenericItem>(); // x.Add(inventory.Items[0].itemReference); Error err = ResourceSaver.Save("user://inventory.tres", inventory, ResourceSaver.SaverFlags.BundleResources); // Error err = (Error)GetTree().Root.GetNode("/root/ResSaver").Call("save_inventory", inventory); if (err != Error.Ok) { GD.Print("Save error"); } // GenericItem item = (GenericItem)ResourceLoader.Load("user://inventory.tres"); // GD.Print(; }
public override void _Ready() { Instance = this; // load player stats; make a new one if none exists from the pre-existing one in the project string statsSaveLocation = "user://PlayerStatsSave.tres"; string projectStatsLocation = "res://src/resources/PlayerStats.tres"; if (!ResourceLoader.Exists(statsSaveLocation)) { ResourceSaver.Save(statsSaveLocation, ResourceLoader.Load <PlayerStatsResource>(projectStatsLocation)); } statsResource = ResourceLoader.Load <PlayerStatsResource>("user://PlayerStatsSave.tres", null, true); dinosUnlocked = statsResource.dinosUnlocked; genesFound = statsResource.genesFound; }
protected sealed override Error Import() { SceneContext = GetContext(); if (UsedExtension is not null) { typeof(SceneImportExtension <SceneBase, Context>) .GetProperty(nameof(SceneImportExtension <SceneBase, Context> .SceneContext)) ! .SetValue(UsedExtension, SceneContext); } ulong buildedSceneId; try { SceneBase sceneNode = BuildScene(); buildedSceneId = sceneNode.GetInstanceId(); UsedExtension?.OnSceneBuilt(sceneNode); } catch (Exception error) { GD.PushError(error.Message); return(Error.Bug); } SceneBase buildedScene = (GD.InstanceFromId(buildedSceneId) as SceneBase) !; foreach (Node child in buildedScene.GetChildren()) { SetOwnerRecursive(child, buildedScene); } var packedScene = new PackedScene(); packedScene.TakeOverPath(ImportContext.SavePath); if (packedScene.Pack(buildedScene) != Error.Ok) { return(Error.Failed); } return(ResourceSaver.Save($"{ImportContext.SavePath}.{GetSaveExtension()}", packedScene)); }
public override void _Ready() { _sprite = (Sprite)GetNode("Sprite"); var texture = _sprite.Texture; var texwidth = texture.GetWidth() / Tilesize.x; var texheight = texture.GetHeight() / Tilesize.y; TileSet tileSet = new TileSet(); for (int x = 0; x < texwidth; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < texheight; y++) { var region = new Rect2(x * Tilesize.y, y * Tilesize.y, Tilesize.x, Tilesize.y); var id = x + y * 10; tileSet.CreateTile(id); tileSet.TileSetTexture(id, texture); tileSet.TileSetRegion(id, region); } } ResourceSaver.Save("res://terrain/terrain_tiles.tres", tileSet); }
public override void _Ready() { sprite = (Sprite)GetNode("Sprite"); texture = sprite.Texture; var width = texture.GetWidth() / TileWidth; var height = texture.GetHeight() / TileHeight; var ts = new TileSet(); for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { var region = new Rect2(x * TileWidth, y * TileHeight, TileWidth, TileHeight); var id = x + y * 10; ts.CreateTile(id); ts.TileSetTexture(id, texture); ts.TileSetRegion(id, region); ResourceSaver.Save("res://terrain/terrain_tiles.tres", ts); } } base._Ready(); }
// Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time. public override void _Ready() { Vector2 tileSize = new Vector2(128, 128); Sprite sprite = (Sprite)GetNode("Sprite"); Texture texture = sprite.Texture; float txWidth = texture.GetWidth() / tileSize.x; float txheight = texture.GetHeight() / tileSize.y; TileSet ts = new TileSet(); for (int x = 0; x <= txWidth; x++) { for (int y = 0; y <= txheight; y++) { Rect2 region = new Rect2(x * tileSize.x, y * tileSize.y, tileSize.x, tileSize.y); int id = x + y * 10; ts.CreateTile(id); ts.TileSetTexture(id, texture); ts.TileSetRegion(id, region); } } ResourceSaver.Save("res://terrain/terrain_tiles.tres", ts); }
public bool DebugInput(Crawler crawler, InputEvent ev) { if (ev.IsActionPressed("quicksave", false)) { temp = crawler.Model.SaveToDictionary(); PackedScene packed = new PackedScene(); packed.Pack(crawler.Model); ResourceSaver.Save("res://dump.tscn", packed); return(true); } if (ev.IsActionPressed("quickload", false)) { // Delete the old stuff. { View old = crawler.GetNode <View>("View"); crawler.RemoveChild(old); old.QueueFree(); Model oldd = crawler.Model; crawler.RemoveChild(oldd); oldd.QueueFree(); } // Add the new stuff. { // PackedScene modelScene = GD.Load<PackedScene>("res://dump.tscn"); PackedScene modelScene = GD.Load <PackedScene>((string)temp["Filename"]); Model model = (Model)modelScene.Instance(); model.Name = "Model"; crawler.AddChild(model); PackedScene viewScene = GD.Load <PackedScene>("res://Crawler/View/View.tscn"); View view = (View)viewScene.Instance(); view.Name = "View"; crawler.AddChild(view); view.ConnectToModel(model); LoadedGenerator gen = new LoadedGenerator(temp); gen.Generate(crawler.Model); } return(true); } if (ev is InputEventKey eventKey && eventKey.Pressed && !eventKey.IsEcho()) { if (eventKey.Scancode == (int)KeyList.F1) { crawler.View.impatientMode = !crawler.View.impatientMode; string thing = (crawler.View.impatientMode ? "on" : "off"); crawler.View.GetNode <RichTextLabel>("UILayer/MessageLog").AppendBbcode($"\n * Impatient mode {thing}!"); return(true); } if (eventKey.Scancode == (int)KeyList.F9) { Node2D map = (Node2D)crawler.Model.FindNode("Map"); map.Visible = !map.Visible; return(true); } // this makes people very confused. also its a hack anyways. // if (eventKey.Scancode == (int)KeyList.F11) // { // GetTree().ChangeScene("res://Crawler/Crawler.tscn"); // return true; // } if (eventKey.Scancode == (int)KeyList.Quoteleft) { Control debugLog = crawler.View.GetNode <Control>("UILayer/DebugLog"); debugLog.Visible = !debugLog.Visible; return(true); } } return(false); }
public void OnMeshSaveOK(string path) { var sphere = _gen.GetNode <Icosphere>("IcosphereInstance"); ResourceSaver.Save(path, sphere.Mesh); }
public void SaveViewPreferences(bool visible) { GD.Print("SAVED"); ResourceSaver.Save(ViewPreferences.ResourcePath, ViewPreferences); }
public void SaveResource() { string saveLocation = DinoInfo.Instance.GetDinoSaveLocation(dinoType); ResourceSaver.Save(saveLocation, this); }
public void SaveResource() { ResourceSaver.Save("user://PlayerStatsSave.tres", this); }