// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { timer = Camera.main.GetComponent <Timer>(); dm = GetComponent <DataManager>(); dm.savefile = savefile; ColorUtility.TryParseHtmlString("#0182FF", out maxColor); ColorUtility.TryParseHtmlString("#9A9A9A", out minColor); sim = new SimProfile(); grid.addTiles(resourceMap, sizeX, sizeY, sim); foreach (GameObject harbor in harbors) { harbor.GetComponent <HarborMaster>().grid = grid; harbor.GetComponent <HarborMaster>().sim = sim; // harbor.GetComponent<HarborMaster>().resourceMap = resourceMap; harbor.GetComponent <HarborMaster>().setStartValues(sim); } //InvokeRepeating("colorResourceGrid", 1f, 1f); StartCoroutine(colorResourceGrid(grid)); timer.startTimer(sim); // resourceMap.RefreshAllTiles(); //InvokeRepeating("colorTest", 0f, 1f); }
public void makeTiles() { grid = new ResourceGrid(); setResourceTileColors(); grid.addTiles(profile); //update the map in the profile with the newly created grid. Although that's just weird. //Let's see how it goes // profile.getComponent<ResourceTileMap>().map.GetComponent<MarineResourceBehavior>().grid = grid; colorResource(); }
public void makeTiles(Tilemap resourceMap, int sizeX, int sizeY, SimProfile sim) { this.sim = sim; grid.addTiles(resourceMap, sizeX, sizeY, sim); colorResource(); }