Esempio n. 1
        public FhirResponse GetResponse(ResourceFormat? acceptFormat)
            bool needsFormatParam = UseFormatParameter && acceptFormat.HasValue;

            var location = new RestUrl(_location);

                location.AddParam(HttpUtil.RESTPARAM_FORMAT, ContentType.BuildFormatParam(acceptFormat.Value));

            var request = createRequest(location.ToString(), _method);

            if(acceptFormat != null && !UseFormatParameter)
                request.Accept = ContentType.BuildContentType(acceptFormat.Value, forBundle: false);

            if (_body != null)
                request.ContentType = _contentType;
                if(_contentLocation != null) request.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.ContentLocation] = _contentLocation;

            if(_categoryHeader != null) request.Headers[HttpUtil.CATEGORY] = _categoryHeader;

            FhirResponse result = null;

            // Make sure the HttpResponse gets disposed!
            using (HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponseNoEx())
                result = FhirResponse.FromHttpWebResponse(response);

            return result;
Esempio n. 2
 public static string GetContentType(Type type, ResourceFormat format) 
     if (typeof(Resource).IsAssignableFrom(type) || type == typeof(ResourceEntry))
         switch (format)
             case ResourceFormat.Json: return JsonResource;
             case ResourceFormat.Xml: return XmlResource;
             default: return XmlResource;
     else if (type == typeof(Bundle))
         switch (format)
             case ResourceFormat.Json: return JsonBundle;
             case ResourceFormat.Xml: return XmlBundle;
             default: return XmlBundle;
     else if (type == typeof(TagList))
         switch (format)
             case ResourceFormat.Json: return JsonTagList;
             case ResourceFormat.Xml: return XmlTagList;
             default: return XmlTagList;
         return "application/octet-stream";
Esempio n. 3
        public void SetBody(TagList tagList, ResourceFormat format)
            if (tagList == null) throw Error.ArgumentNull("tagList");

            _body = format == ResourceFormat.Xml ?
                FhirSerializer.SerializeTagListToXmlBytes(tagList) :

            _contentType = ContentType.BuildContentType(format, forBundle: false);
Esempio n. 4
        public void SetBody(Bundle bundle, ResourceFormat format)
            if (bundle == null) throw Error.ArgumentNull("bundle");

            _body = format == ResourceFormat.Xml ?
                FhirSerializer.SerializeBundleToXmlBytes(bundle, summary: false) :
                FhirSerializer.SerializeBundleToJsonBytes(bundle, summary: false);

            _contentType = ContentType.BuildContentType(format, forBundle: true);
Esempio n. 5
        public static string BuildContentType(ResourceFormat format, bool forBundle)
            string contentType;

            if (format == ResourceFormat.Json)
                contentType = JSON_CONTENT_HEADER;
            else if (format == ResourceFormat.Xml)
                contentType = XML_CONTENT_HEADER;
                throw new ArgumentException("Cannot determine content type for data format " + format);

            return contentType + ";charset=" + Encoding.UTF8.WebName;
        public static HttpResponseMessage ToHttpResponseMessage(this OperationOutcome outcome, ResourceFormat target, HttpRequestMessage request)
            byte[] data = null;
            if (target == ResourceFormat.Xml)
                data = FhirSerializer.SerializeResourceToXmlBytes((OperationOutcome)outcome);
            else if (target == ResourceFormat.Json)
                data = FhirSerializer.SerializeResourceToJsonBytes((OperationOutcome)outcome);

            HttpResponseMessage response = new HttpResponseMessage();
            //setResponseHeaders(response, target);
            response.Content = new ByteArrayContent(data);
            setContentHeaders(response, target);

            return response;
Esempio n. 7
        public void SetBody(Resource resource, ResourceFormat format)
            if (resource == null) throw Error.ArgumentNull("resource");

            if (resource is Binary)
                var bin = (Binary)resource;
                _body = bin.Content;
                _contentType = bin.ContentType;
                _body = format == ResourceFormat.Xml ?
                    FhirSerializer.SerializeResourceToXmlBytes(resource, summary: false) :
                    FhirSerializer.SerializeResourceToJsonBytes(resource, summary: false);

                _contentType = ContentType.BuildContentType(format, forBundle: false);
        public static HttpWebRequest ToHttpRequest(this Bundle.BundleEntryComponent entry, 
            Prefer bodyPreference, ResourceFormat format, bool useFormatParameter, out byte[] body)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", entry.Request.Method, entry.Request.Url);

            var interaction = entry.Request;
            body = null;

            if (entry.Resource != null && !(interaction.Method == Bundle.HTTPVerb.POST || interaction.Method == Bundle.HTTPVerb.PUT))
                throw Error.InvalidOperation("Cannot have a body on an Http " + interaction.Method.ToString());

            var location = new RestUrl(interaction.Url);

            if (useFormatParameter)
                location.AddParam(HttpUtil.RESTPARAM_FORMAT, Hl7.Fhir.Rest.ContentType.BuildFormatParam(format));

            var request = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(location.Uri);
            request.Method = interaction.Method.ToString();
            setAgent(request, ".NET FhirClient for FHIR " + Model.ModelInfo.Version);

            if (!useFormatParameter)
                request.Accept = Hl7.Fhir.Rest.ContentType.BuildContentType(format, forBundle: false);

            if (interaction.IfMatch != null) request.Headers["If-Match"] = interaction.IfMatch;
            if (interaction.IfNoneMatch != null) request.Headers["If-None-Match"] = interaction.IfNoneMatch;
            if (interaction.IfModifiedSince != null) request.Headers["If-Modified-Since"] = interaction.IfModifiedSince.Value.UtcDateTime.ToString();
            if (interaction.IfModifiedSince != null) request.IfModifiedSince = interaction.IfModifiedSince.Value.UtcDateTime;
            if (interaction.IfNoneExist != null) request.Headers["If-None-Exist"] = interaction.IfNoneExist;

            if (interaction.Method == Bundle.HTTPVerb.POST || interaction.Method == Bundle.HTTPVerb.PUT)
                if (bodyPreference == Prefer.ReturnMinimal)
                    request.Headers["Prefer"] = bodyPreference == Prefer.ReturnMinimal ? "return=minimal" : "return=representation";

            if (entry.Resource != null) setBodyAndContentType(request, entry.Resource, format, out body);

            return request;
        protected void cmdSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ResourceFormat newFormat = new ResourceFormat();

            newFormat.formatId = String.IsNullOrEmpty(hidFormatId.Value) ? 0 : int.Parse(hidFormatId.Value);
   = txtFormatName.Text;
   = chkActive.Checked;

            HttpWebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(dashboardUrlBase + "resourceformat/") as HttpWebRequest;
            request.ContentType = "text/json";
            request.Method = "PUT";
                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))
                    string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(newFormat);

                var httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ApplicationException(ex.ToString());

            divFormats.Visible = true;
            divAddEdit.Visible = false;

            string url = dashboardUrlBase + "resourceformat";
            WebClient client = new WebClient();
            List<ResourceFormat> result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<ResourceFormat>>(client.DownloadString(url));
            gvResourceFormat.DataSource = result;

Esempio n. 10
        private DepthStencilView DoCreateDepthStencilView(uint mipIndex, ResourceFormat format)
                (PermittedBindings & GPUBindings.DepthStencilTarget) == GPUBindings.DepthStencilTarget,
                "Can not create a depth stencil view to a texture that wasn't created with the " + GPUBindings.DepthStencilTarget + " binding."
            DepthStencilViewHandle outViewHandle;

            if (IsArrayTexture)

            return(new DepthStencilView(outViewHandle, this, mipIndex));
Esempio n. 11
        private static Bundle tryParseBundle(ResourceFormat format, string data)
            Bundle importedBundle = null;
            //ErrorList errors = new ErrorList();
            if (format == ResourceFormat.Xml)
                importedBundle = FhirParser.ParseBundleFromXml(data);
            if (format == ResourceFormat.Json)
                importedBundle = FhirParser.ParseBundleFromJson(data);

            //if (errors.Count == 0)
                return importedBundle;
            //    return null;
Esempio n. 12
        public static bool LoadFromResource(DivinityLocaleFile fileData, Resource resource, ResourceFormat resourceFormat, bool sort = true)
                if (resourceFormat == ResourceFormat.LSB)
                    var rootNode = resource.Regions.First().Value;
                    foreach (var entry in rootNode.Children)
                        foreach (var node in entry.Value)
                            DivinityLocaleEntry localeEntry = LoadFromNode(node, resourceFormat);
                            localeEntry.Parent = fileData;

                if (resourceFormat == ResourceFormat.LSJ || resourceFormat == ResourceFormat.LSX)
                    var rootNode = resource.Regions.First().Value;

                    var stringNodes = new List <Node>();

                    foreach (var nodeList in rootNode.Children)
                        var nodes = FindTranslatedStringsInNodeList(nodeList);

                    foreach (var node in stringNodes)
                        DivinityLocaleEntry localeEntry = LoadFromNode(node, resourceFormat);
                        localeEntry.Parent = fileData;

                if (sort)
                    fileData.Entries = fileData.Entries.OrderBy(e => e.Key).ToList();

            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Here().Error($"Error loading from resource: {ex.ToString()}");
        private Uri tryCreatePatient(FhirClient client, ResourceFormat formatIn, string id = null)
            client.PreferredFormat = formatIn;
            ResourceEntry<Patient> created = null;

            Patient demopat = DemoData.GetDemoPatient();

            if (id == null)
                HttpTests.AssertSuccess(client, () => created = client.Create<Patient>(demopat));
                HttpTests.AssertSuccess(client, () => created = client.Create<Patient>(demopat, id));

                var ep = new RestUrl(client.Endpoint);
                if (!ep.IsEndpointFor(created.Id))
                    TestResult.Fail("Location of created resource is not located within server endpoint");

                var rl = new ResourceIdentity(created.Id);
                if (rl.Id != id)
                    TestResult.Fail("Server refused to honor client-assigned id");
            // Create bevat geen response content meer. Terecht verwijderd?:
            // EK: Niet helemaal, er is weliswaar geen data meer gereturned, maar de headers (id, versie, modified) worden
            // nog wel geupdate

            return created.SelfLink;
Esempio n. 14
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="FhirClient"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="baseAddress">The address of the FHIR server to communicate with.</param>
 /// <param name="format">The format to communicate with the FHIR server.</param>
 /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">Returned if the format specified is invalid.</exception>
 public FhirClient(Uri baseAddress, ResourceFormat format)
     : this(new HttpClient {
     BaseAddress = baseAddress
 }, format)
Esempio n. 15
 public FormatAttribute(ResourceFormat format)
     this.format = format;
Esempio n. 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds the <see cref="GeometryCache"/> with all the models that have previously been added with <see cref="AddModel"/>.
        /// This method may only be called once per GeometryCacheBuilder.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A new <see cref="GeometryCache"/> containing 'baked' resource data for all the loaded models and an
        /// "instance pool", allowing model instances to be created and loaded in to the <see cref="Scene"/>.</returns>
        public unsafe GeometryCache Build()
            lock (instanceMutationLock) {
                if (isBuilt)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Cache has already been built!");

                FieldInfo[] vertexComponents = typeof(TVertex).GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
                if (vertexComponents.Length > VertexShader.MAX_VS_INPUT_BINDINGS)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Vertex type '" + typeof(TVertex).Name + "' has too many components. Maximum " +
                                                        "permissible is " + VertexShader.MAX_VS_INPUT_BINDINGS + ", but the vertex type has " + vertexComponents.Length + " fields.");
                else if (vertexComponents.Length == 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Vertex type '" + typeof(TVertex).Name + "' has no components. Please choose a type with " +
                                                        "at least one field.");

                if (vertexCounts.Count == 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Can not build empty geometry cache: Please add at least one model first!");

                if (modelNames.AnyDuplicates())
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("No two models should have the same name.");
                if (GeometryCache.CheckForModelNameClashes(modelNames))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("One or more model names added to this builder have already been used in other active geometry caches.");

                IVertexBuffer[]  vertexComponentBuffers   = new IVertexBuffer[vertexComponents.Length];
                string[]         vertexComponentSemantics = new string[vertexComponents.Length];
                ResourceFormat[] vertexComponentFormats   = new ResourceFormat[vertexComponents.Length];

                for (int i = 0; i < vertexComponents.Length; ++i)
                    FieldInfo component = vertexComponents[i];
                    if (!component.FieldType.IsBlittable())
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid vertex component type: '" + component.FieldType.Name + "'.");
                    if (!component.HasCustomAttribute <VertexComponentAttribute>())
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Every field on given vertex type (" + typeof(TVertex).Name + ") must be annoted with " +
                                                            "a " + typeof(VertexComponentAttribute).Name + "!");

                    typeof(GeometryCacheBuilder <TVertex>)
                    .GetMethod("FillComponentBuffer", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)                             // TODO replace with nameof() operator when C#6 is released
                    .Invoke(this, new object[] { component, i, vertexComponentBuffers, vertexComponentSemantics, vertexComponentFormats });

                IndexBuffer indexBuffer = BufferFactory.NewIndexBuffer().WithInitialData(indices.ToArray()).WithUsage(ResourceUsage.Immutable);

                Assure.Equal(vertexCounts.Count, indexCounts.Count);
                AlignedAllocation <uint> componentStartPointsAlloc = AlignedAllocation <uint> .AllocArray(
                    (uint)vertexCounts.Count + 1U                      // Extra one so we can set the last value to one-past-the-end (performance improvement later on)

                AlignedAllocation <uint> indexStartPointsAlloc = AlignedAllocation <uint> .AllocArray(
                    (uint)vertexCounts.Count + 1U                      // Extra one so we can set the last value to one-past-the-end (performance improvement later on)

                uint *componentStartPtr = (uint *)componentStartPointsAlloc.AlignedPointer;
                uint *indexStartPtr     = (uint *)indexStartPointsAlloc.AlignedPointer;
                uint  vbCounter         = 0U;
                uint  ibCounter         = 0U;
                for (int i = 0; i < vertexCounts.Count; ++i)
                    componentStartPtr[i] = vbCounter;
                    indexStartPtr[i]     = ibCounter;
                    vbCounter           += vertexCounts[i];
                    ibCounter           += indexCounts[i];

                // Set the last two elements of each start-point array to one-past-the-last, so we don't have to test
                // for being the 'last' count later on
                componentStartPtr[vertexCounts.Count] = (uint)vertices.Count;
                indexStartPtr[vertexCounts.Count]     = (uint)indices.Count;

                Dictionary <string, ModelHandle> modelNameToHandleMap = new Dictionary <string, ModelHandle>();
                for (uint i = 0U; i < modelNames.Count; ++i)
                    modelNameToHandleMap.Add(modelNames[(int)i], new ModelHandle(cacheID, i));

                isBuilt = true;

                return(new GeometryCache(
Esempio n. 17
        public void ConvertResources(string inputDir, string outputDir, ResourceFormat inputFormat, ResourceFormat outputFormat, int outputVersion = -1)
            this.progressUpdate("Enumerating files ...", 0, 1);
            var paths = new List <string>();

            EnumerateFiles(paths, inputDir, inputDir, "." + inputFormat.ToString().ToLower());

            this.progressUpdate("Converting resources ...", 0, 1);
            for (var i = 0; i < paths.Count; i++)
                var path    = paths[i];
                var inPath  = inputDir + "/" + path;
                var outPath = outputDir + "/" + Path.ChangeExtension(path, outputFormat.ToString().ToLower());
                var dirName = Path.GetDirectoryName(outPath);
                if (!Directory.Exists(dirName))

                this.progressUpdate("Converting: " + inPath, i, paths.Count);
                var resource = LoadResource(inPath, inputFormat);
                SaveResource(resource, outPath, outputFormat, outputVersion);
Esempio n. 18
        private TreelistView.Node MakeFragmentNode(PixelModification mod)
            bool uintTex  = (texture.format.compType == FormatComponentType.UInt);
            bool sintTex  = (texture.format.compType == FormatComponentType.SInt);
            bool floatTex = (!uintTex && !sintTex);

            bool depth = false;

            if (texture.format.compType == FormatComponentType.Depth ||
                (texture.format.special && texture.format.specialFormat == SpecialFormat.D24S8) ||
                (texture.format.special && texture.format.specialFormat == SpecialFormat.D32S8) ||
                (texture.format.special && texture.format.specialFormat == SpecialFormat.S8))
                depth = true;

            TreelistView.Node node = null;

            if (mod.uavWrite)
                string name = "Potential UAV/Copy write";

                string preModVal  = "Tex Before\n\n" + ModificationValueString(mod.preMod, texture.format, depth);
                string postModVal = "Tex After\n\n" + ModificationValueString(mod.postMod, texture.format, depth);

                if (mod.preMod.col.value.u[0] == mod.postMod.col.value.u[0] &&
                    mod.preMod.col.value.u[1] == mod.postMod.col.value.u[1] &&
                    mod.preMod.col.value.u[2] == mod.postMod.col.value.u[2] &&
                    mod.preMod.col.value.u[3] == mod.postMod.col.value.u[3])
                    name += "\nNo change in tex value";

                node = new TreelistView.Node(new object[] { name, preModVal, "", postModVal, "" });
                string name = String.Format("Primitive {0}\n", mod.primitiveID);

                if (mod.shaderDiscarded)
                    name += FailureString(mod);

                ResourceFormat fmt = new ResourceFormat(floatTex ? FormatComponentType.Float : texture.format.compType, 4, 4);

                string shadOutVal = "Shader Out\n\n" + ModificationValueString(mod.shaderOut, fmt, depth);
                string postModVal = "Tex After\n\n" + ModificationValueString(mod.postMod, texture.format, depth);

                if (!mod.EventPassed() && hideFailedEventsToolStripMenuItem.Checked)

                node = new TreelistView.Node(new object[] { name, shadOutVal, "", postModVal, "" });

                if (mod.shaderDiscarded)
                    node.DefaultBackColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 235, 235);

            node.Tag = new EventTag(mod.eventID, mod.uavWrite ? uint.MaxValue : mod.primitiveID);

            if (floatTex || depth)
                node.IndexedBackColor[2] = ModificationValueColor(mod.shaderOut, depth);
                node.IndexedBackColor[4] = ModificationValueColor(mod.postMod, depth);

Esempio n. 19
        private void resourceBulkConvertBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ResourceFormat inputFormat = ResourceFormat.LSX;

            switch (resourceInputFormatCb.SelectedIndex)
            case 0:
                inputFormat = ResourceFormat.LSX;

            case 1:
                inputFormat = ResourceFormat.LSB;

            case 2:
                inputFormat = ResourceFormat.LSF;

            ResourceFormat outputFormat  = ResourceFormat.LSF;
            int            outputVersion = -1;

            switch (resourceOutputFormatCb.SelectedIndex)
            case 0:
                outputFormat = ResourceFormat.LSX;

            case 1:
                outputFormat = ResourceFormat.LSB;

            case 2:
                outputFormat = ResourceFormat.LSF;
                if (GetGame() == DivGame.DOS2)
                    outputVersion = (int)FileVersion.VerExtendedNodes;
                    outputVersion = (int)FileVersion.VerChunkedCompress;

                resourceConvertBtn.Enabled = false;
                var utils = new ResourceUtils();
                utils.progressUpdate += this.ResourceProgressUpdate;
                utils.ConvertResources(resourceInputDir.Text, resourceOutputDir.Text, inputFormat, outputFormat, outputVersion);
                MessageBox.Show("Resources converted successfully.");
            catch (Exception exc)
                MessageBox.Show("Internal error!\r\n\r\n" + exc.ToString(), "Conversion Failed", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                resourceProgressLabel.Text       = "";
                resourceConversionProgress.Value = 0;
                resourceConvertBtn.Enabled       = true;
        public static HttpWebRequest ToHttpRequest(this Bundle.EntryComponent entry, Uri baseUrl,
                                                   Prefer bodyPreference, ResourceFormat format, bool useFormatParameter, bool CompressRequestBody, out byte[] body)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", entry.Request.Method, entry.Request.Url);

            var interaction = entry.Request;

            body = null;

            if (entry.Resource != null && !(interaction.Method == Bundle.HTTPVerb.POST || interaction.Method == Bundle.HTTPVerb.PUT))
                throw Error.InvalidOperation("Cannot have a body on an Http " + interaction.Method.ToString());

            // Create an absolute uri when the interaction.Url is relative.
            var uri = new Uri(interaction.Url, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);

            if (!uri.IsAbsoluteUri)
                uri = HttpUtil.MakeAbsoluteToBase(uri, baseUrl);
            var location = new RestUrl(uri);

            if (useFormatParameter)
                location.AddParam(HttpUtil.RESTPARAM_FORMAT, Hl7.Fhir.Rest.ContentType.BuildFormatParam(format));

            var request = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(location.Uri);

            request.Method = interaction.Method.ToString();
            setAgent(request, ".NET FhirClient for FHIR " + Model.ModelInfo.Version);

            if (!useFormatParameter)
                request.Accept = Hl7.Fhir.Rest.ContentType.BuildContentType(format, forBundle: false);

            if (interaction.IfMatch != null)
                request.Headers["If-Match"] = interaction.IfMatch;
            if (interaction.IfNoneMatch != null)
                request.Headers["If-None-Match"] = interaction.IfNoneMatch;
            if (interaction.IfModifiedSince != null)
                request.Headers["If-Modified-Since"] = interaction.IfModifiedSince.Value.UtcDateTime.ToString();
            if (interaction.IfModifiedSince != null)
                request.IfModifiedSince = interaction.IfModifiedSince.Value.UtcDateTime;
            if (interaction.IfNoneExist != null)
                request.Headers["If-None-Exist"] = interaction.IfNoneExist;

            if (interaction.Method == Bundle.HTTPVerb.POST || interaction.Method == Bundle.HTTPVerb.PUT)
                request.Headers["Prefer"] = bodyPreference == Prefer.ReturnMinimal ? "return=minimal" : "return=representation";

            if (entry.Resource != null)
                bool searchUsingPost =
                    interaction.Method == Bundle.HTTPVerb.POST &&
                    (entry.HasAnnotation <TransactionBuilder.InteractionType>() &&
                     entry.Annotation <TransactionBuilder.InteractionType>() == TransactionBuilder.InteractionType.Search) &&
                    entry.Resource is Parameters;

                setBodyAndContentType(request, entry.Resource, format, CompressRequestBody, searchUsingPost, out body);
            // PCL doesn't support setting the length (and in this case will be empty anyway)
                request.ContentLength = 0;
Esempio n. 21
        private string ModificationValueString(ModificationValue val, ResourceFormat fmt, bool depth)
            string s = "";

            bool uintTex  = (fmt.compType == FormatComponentType.UInt);
            bool sintTex  = (fmt.compType == FormatComponentType.SInt);
            int  numComps = (int)(fmt.compCount);

            if (!depth)
                if (uintTex)
                    for (int i = 0; i < numComps; i++)
                        s += colourLetterPrefix[i] + val.col.value.u[i].ToString() + "\n";
                else if (sintTex)
                    for (int i = 0; i < numComps; i++)
                        s += colourLetterPrefix[i] + val.col.value.i[i].ToString() + "\n";
                    for (int i = 0; i < numComps; i++)
                        s += colourLetterPrefix[i] + Formatter.Format(val.col.value.f[i]) + "\n";

            if (val.depth >= 0.0f)
                s += "\nD: " + Formatter.Format(val.depth);
            else if (val.depth < -1.5f)
                s += "\nD: ?";
                s += "\nD: -";

            if (val.stencil >= 0)
                s += String.Format("\nS: 0x{0:X2}", val.stencil);
            else if (val.stencil == -2)
                s += "\nS: ?";
                s += "\nS: -";

        private static void setBodyAndContentType(HttpWebRequest request, Resource data, ResourceFormat format, bool CompressRequestBody, bool searchUsingPost, out byte[] body)
            if (data == null)
                throw Error.ArgumentNull(nameof(data));

            if (data is Binary)
                var bin = (Binary)data;
                body = bin.Content;
                // This is done by the caller after the OnBeforeRequest is called so that other properties
                // can be set before the content is committed
                // request.WriteBody(CompressRequestBody, bin.Content);
                request.ContentType = bin.ContentType;
            else if (searchUsingPost)
                IDictionary <string, string> bodyParameters = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                foreach (Parameters.ParameterComponent parameter in ((Parameters)data).Parameter)
                    bodyParameters.Add(parameter.Name, parameter.Value.ToString());
                if (bodyParameters.Count > 0)
                    FormUrlEncodedContent content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(bodyParameters);
                    body = content.ReadAsByteArrayAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult();
                    body = null;

                request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
                body = format == ResourceFormat.Xml ?
                       new FhirXmlSerializer().SerializeToBytes(data, summary: Fhir.Rest.SummaryType.False) :
                       new FhirJsonSerializer().SerializeToBytes(data, summary: Fhir.Rest.SummaryType.False);

                // This is done by the caller after the OnBeforeRequest is called so that other properties
                // can be set before the content is committed
                // request.WriteBody(CompressRequestBody, body);
                request.ContentType = Hl7.Fhir.Rest.ContentType.BuildContentType(format, forBundle: false);
Esempio n. 23
        private void ImportResourceData()
            string         file_name              = cmd.InputPath();
            ResourceFormat format                 = cmd.GetEnum("format", ResourceFormat.resx);
            string         schema_name            = cmd.GetValue("schema-name") ?? SchemaName.dbo;
            string         table_name             = cmd.GetValue("table-name");
            string         name_column            = cmd.GetValue("name-column") ?? "name";
            string         value_column           = cmd.GetValue("value-column") ?? name_column;
            string         order_column           = cmd.GetValue("order-column");
            bool           trim_name              = cmd.Has("trim-name");
            bool           trim_value             = cmd.Has("trim-value");
            bool           deleteRowNotInResource = cmd.Has("delete-rows-not-in-resource-file");

            if (file_name == null)
                cerr.WriteLine($"file name is not defined, use option /in:file_name");

            if (!File.Exists(file_name))
                cerr.WriteLine($"file doesn't exist: \"{file_name}\"");

            if (tname == null)
                if (table_name == null)
                    cerr.WriteLine($"/table-name is not defined");

                if (dname == null)
                    cerr.WriteLine($"required to select a database");

                tname = new TableName(dname, schema_name, table_name);
                if (!tname.Exists())
                    cerr.WriteLine($"table-name doesn't exist: {tname}");

            DataTable dt = new TableReader(tname)
                CaseSensitive = true,

            if (!ValidateColumn <string>(dt, name_column, "name-column", required: true))
            if (!ValidateColumn <string>(dt, value_column, "value-column", required: true))
            if (!ValidateColumn <int>(dt, order_column, "order-column", required: false))

            cout.WriteLine($"{dt.Rows.Count} of entries on \"{file_name}\"");

            ResourceTableWriter  writer  = new ResourceTableWriter(file_name, tname, name_column, value_column, order_column);
            List <ResourceEntry> entries = writer.Differ(format, dt, trim_name, trim_value);

            foreach (var entry in entries)
                switch (entry.Action)
                case DataRowAction.Add:
                    cout.WriteLine($"new entry: \"{entry.Name}\", \"{entry.NewValue}\"");

                case DataRowAction.Change:
                    cout.WriteLine($"update entry: \"{entry.Name}\", \"{entry.OldValue}\" -> \"{entry.NewValue}\"");

                case DataRowAction.Delete:
                    cout.WriteLine($"delete entry: \"{entry.Name}\"");

            if (entries.Count > 0)
                cout.WriteLine($"{entries.Count} of entries were changed");
                cout.WriteLine($"no entry is changed");

            if (entries.Count == 0)

            bool commit = cmd.Has("submit-changes");

            if (!commit)

            cout.WriteLine($"starting to save changes into table \"{tname}\"");
                writer.SubmitChanges(entries, deleteRowNotInResource);
                cout.WriteLine($"completed to save on table \"{tname}\" from \"{file_name}\"");
            catch (Exception ex)
                cerr.WriteLine($"failed to save in \"{tname}\" , {ex.AllMessages()}");
        private static void SetUpAndValidate(CommandLineArguments args)
            string[] batchActions =

            string[] packageActions =

            string[] graphicsActions =

            LogLevel = CommandLineArguments.GetLogLevelByString(args.LogLevel);
            CommandLineLogger.LogDebug($"Using log level: {LogLevel}");

            Game = CommandLineArguments.GetGameByString(args.Game);
            CommandLineLogger.LogDebug($"Using game: {Game}");

            if (batchActions.Any(args.Action.Contains))
                if (args.InputFormat == null || args.OutputFormat == null)
                    if (args.InputFormat == null && args.Action != "extract-packages")
                        CommandLineLogger.LogFatal("Cannot perform batch action without --input-format and --output-format arguments", 1);

                InputFormat = CommandLineArguments.GetResourceFormatByString(args.InputFormat);
                CommandLineLogger.LogDebug($"Using input format: {InputFormat}");

                if (args.Action != "extract-packages")
                    OutputFormat = CommandLineArguments.GetResourceFormatByString(args.OutputFormat);
                    CommandLineLogger.LogDebug($"Using output format: {OutputFormat}");

            if (packageActions.Any(args.Action.Contains))
                PackageVersion = CommandLineArguments.GetPackageVersion(args.PackageVersion);
                CommandLineLogger.LogDebug($"Using package version: {PackageVersion}");

            if (graphicsActions.Any(args.Action.Contains))
                GR2Options = CommandLineArguments.GetGR2Options(args.Options);
                CommandLineLogger.LogDebug($"Using graphics options: {GR2Options}");

                if (GR2Options["conform"])
                    ConformPath = TryToValidatePath(args.ConformPath);

            SourcePath      = TryToValidatePath(args.Source);
            DestinationPath = TryToValidatePath(args.Destination);
Esempio n. 25
        public async Task <bool> IsFormatSupportedAsync(string contentType)
            ResourceFormat resourceFormat = ContentType.GetResourceFormatFromContentType(contentType);

            return(await IsFormatSupportedAsync(resourceFormat));
Esempio n. 26
        public static HttpResponseMessage ToHttpResponseMessage(this OperationOutcome outcome, ResourceFormat target, HttpRequestMessage request)
            byte[] data = null;
            if (target == ResourceFormat.Xml)
                FhirXmlSerializer serializer = new FhirXmlSerializer();
                data = serializer.SerializeToBytes(outcome);
            else if (target == ResourceFormat.Json)
                FhirJsonSerializer serializer = new FhirJsonSerializer();
                data = serializer.SerializeToBytes(outcome);
            HttpResponseMessage response = new HttpResponseMessage
                Content = new ByteArrayContent(data)

            setContentHeaders(response, target);

Esempio n. 27
 public static string BuildFormatParam(ResourceFormat format)
     if (format == ResourceFormat.Json)
         return FORMAT_PARAM_JSON;
     else if (format == ResourceFormat.Xml)
         return FORMAT_PARAM_XML;
         throw new ArgumentException("Cannot determine content type for data format " + format);
        private static void setBodyAndContentType(HttpWebRequest request, Resource data, ResourceFormat format, bool CompressRequestBody, out byte[] body)
            if (data == null)
                throw Error.ArgumentNull(nameof(data));

            if (data is Binary)
                var bin = (Binary)data;
                body = bin.Content;
                // This is done by the caller after the OnBeforeRequest is called so that other properties
                // can be set before the content is committed
                // request.WriteBody(CompressRequestBody, bin.Content);
                request.ContentType = bin.ContentType;
                body = format == ResourceFormat.Xml ?
                       new FhirXmlSerializer().SerializeToBytes(data, summary: Fhir.Rest.SummaryType.False) :
                       new FhirJsonSerializer().SerializeToBytes(data, summary: Fhir.Rest.SummaryType.False);

                // This is done by the caller after the OnBeforeRequest is called so that other properties
                // can be set before the content is committed
                // request.WriteBody(CompressRequestBody, body);
                request.ContentType = Hl7.Fhir.Rest.ContentType.BuildContentType(format, forBundle: false);
        public static HttpResponseMessage ToHttpResponseMessage(this OperationOutcome outcome, ResourceFormat target, HttpRequestMessage request)
            byte[] data = null;
            if (target == ResourceFormat.Xml)
                data = FhirSerializer.SerializeResourceToXmlBytes((OperationOutcome)outcome);
            else if (target == ResourceFormat.Json)
                data = FhirSerializer.SerializeResourceToJsonBytes((OperationOutcome)outcome);

            HttpResponseMessage response = new HttpResponseMessage();

            //setResponseHeaders(response, target);
            response.Content = new ByteArrayContent(data);
            setContentHeaders(response, target);

Esempio n. 30
        public FhirResponse GetResponse(ResourceFormat? acceptFormat)
			bool needsFormatParam = UseFormatParameter && acceptFormat.HasValue;

            var location = new RestUrl(_location);

                location.AddParam(HttpUtil.RESTPARAM_FORMAT, ContentType.BuildFormatParam(acceptFormat.Value));

			System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", _method, location.Uri.OriginalString);

            var request = createRequest(location.Uri, _method);

            if(acceptFormat != null && !UseFormatParameter)
                request.Accept = ContentType.BuildContentType(acceptFormat.Value, forBundle: false);

            if (_body != null)
                request.ContentType = _contentType;
                if(_contentLocation != null) request.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.ContentLocation] = _contentLocation;

            if(_categoryHeader != null) request.Headers[HttpUtil.CATEGORY] = _categoryHeader;

            FhirResponse fhirResponse = null;

            request.Timeout = Timeout;

            // Make sure the HttpResponse gets disposed!
            if (_beforeRequest != null) _beforeRequest(request, _body);
            using (HttpWebResponse webResponse = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponseNoEx())
                fhirResponse = FhirResponse.FromHttpWebResponse(webResponse);
                if (_afterRequest != null) _afterRequest(webResponse, fhirResponse);

            return fhirResponse;
Esempio n. 31
        public static void AssertResourceResponseConformsTo(FhirClient client, ResourceFormat format)

            var type = client.LastResponseDetails.ContentType;
            if (ContentType.GetResourceFormatFromContentType(type) != format)
                TestResult.Fail(String.Format("{0} is not acceptable when expecting {1}", type, format.ToString()));
 private static void setContentHeaders(HttpResponseMessage response, ResourceFormat format)
     response.Content.Headers.ContentType = FhirMediaType.GetMediaTypeHeaderValue(typeof(Resource), format);
Esempio n. 33
 public static HttpResponseMessage ToHttpResponseMessage(this OperationOutcome outcome, ResourceFormat target, HttpRequestMessage request)
     return(ToHttpResponseMessage(outcome, target));
Esempio n. 34
        internal static void LoadFromResource(string locale, string assemblyPrefix, Type typeFromAssembly, string resourceFileName, ResourceFormat resourceFormat, out Dictionary <string, string> strings, out Dictionary <string, ErrorResource> errorResources)
            var assembly = typeFromAssembly.Assembly;

            // This is being done because the filename of the manifest is case sensitive e.g. given zh-CN it was returning English
            if (locale.Equals("zh-CN"))
                locale = "zh-cn";
            else if (locale.Equals("zh-TW"))
                locale = "zh-tw";
            else if (locale.Equals("ko-KR"))
                locale = "ko-kr";

            using (var res = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(assemblyPrefix + locale.Replace("-", "_") + "." + resourceFileName))
                if (res == null)
                    if (locale == FallbackLocale)
                        throw new InvalidProgramException(string.Format("[StringResources] Resources not found for locale '{0}' and failed to find fallback", locale));

                    // Load the default ones (recursive, but not infinite due to check above)
                    LoadFromResource(FallbackLocale, assemblyPrefix, typeFromAssembly, resourceFileName, resourceFormat, out strings, out errorResources);
                    var loadedStrings = XDocument.Load(res).Descendants(XName.Get("data"));
                    strings        = new Dictionary <string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                    errorResources = new Dictionary <string, ErrorResource>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

                    if (resourceFormat == ResourceFormat.Pares)
                        foreach (var item in loadedStrings)
                            string type;
                            if (item.TryGetNonEmptyAttributeValue("type", out type) && type == ErrorResource.XmlType)
                                errorResources[item.Attribute("name").Value] = ErrorResource.Parse(item);
                                strings[item.Attribute("name").Value] = item.Element("value").Value;
                    else if (resourceFormat == ResourceFormat.Resw)
                        var separatedResourceKeys = new Dictionary <string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                        foreach (var item in loadedStrings)
                            var itemName = item.Attribute("name").Value;
                            if (itemName.StartsWith(ErrorResource.ReswErrorResourcePrefix, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                                separatedResourceKeys[itemName] = item.Element("value").Value;
                                strings[itemName] = item.Element("value").Value;
                        errorResources = PostProcessErrorResources(separatedResourceKeys);
                        Contracts.Assert(false, "Unknown Resource Format");
        public static HttpWebRequest ToHttpRequest(this Bundle.EntryComponent entry,
                                                   Prefer bodyPreference, ResourceFormat format, bool useFormatParameter, bool CompressRequestBody, out byte[] body)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", entry.Request.Method, entry.Request.Url);

            var interaction = entry.Request;

            body = null;

            if (entry.Resource != null && !(interaction.Method == Bundle.HTTPVerb.POST || interaction.Method == Bundle.HTTPVerb.PUT))
                throw Error.InvalidOperation("Cannot have a body on an Http " + interaction.Method.ToString());

            var location = new RestUrl(interaction.Url);

            if (useFormatParameter)
                location.AddParam(HttpUtil.RESTPARAM_FORMAT, Hl7.Fhir.Rest.ContentType.BuildFormatParam(format));

            var request = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(location.Uri);

            request.Method = interaction.Method.ToString();
            setAgent(request, ".NET FhirClient for FHIR " + Model.ModelInfo.Version);

            if (!useFormatParameter)
                request.Accept = Hl7.Fhir.Rest.ContentType.BuildContentType(format, forBundle: false);

            if (interaction.IfMatch != null)
                request.Headers["If-Match"] = interaction.IfMatch;
            if (interaction.IfNoneMatch != null)
                request.Headers["If-None-Match"] = interaction.IfNoneMatch;
            if (interaction.IfModifiedSince != null)
                request.IfModifiedSince = interaction.IfModifiedSince.Value.UtcDateTime;
            if (interaction.IfModifiedSince != null)
                request.Headers["If-Modified-Since"] = interaction.IfModifiedSince.Value.UtcDateTime.ToString();
            if (interaction.IfNoneExist != null)
                request.Headers["If-None-Exist"] = interaction.IfNoneExist;

            if (interaction.Method == Bundle.HTTPVerb.POST || interaction.Method == Bundle.HTTPVerb.PUT)
                request.Headers["Prefer"] = bodyPreference == Prefer.ReturnMinimal ? "return=minimal" : "return=representation";

            if (entry.Resource != null)
                setBodyAndContentType(request, entry.Resource, format, CompressRequestBody, out body);
            // PCL doesn't support setting the length (and in this case will be empty anyway)
                request.ContentLength = 0;
Esempio n. 36
 private static void SetContentHeaders(HttpResponseMessage response, ResourceFormat format)
     response.Content.Headers.ContentType = FhirMediaType.GetMediaTypeHeaderValue(typeof(Resource), format);
Esempio n. 37
		public async Task<WebResponse> GetResponseAsync(ResourceFormat? acceptFormat)
			bool needsFormatParam = UseFormatParameter && acceptFormat.HasValue;

			var location = new RestUrl(_location);

			if (needsFormatParam)
				location.AddParam(HttpUtil.RESTPARAM_FORMAT, ContentType.BuildFormatParam(acceptFormat.Value));

			System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("(async) {0}: {1}", _method, location.ToString());

			HttpWebRequest request = createRequest(location.Uri, _method);

			if (acceptFormat != null && !UseFormatParameter)
				request.Accept = ContentType.BuildContentType(acceptFormat.Value, forBundle: false);

			if (_categoryHeader != null) 
				request.Headers[HttpUtil.CATEGORY] = _categoryHeader;

			if (_body != null)
				request.ContentType = _contentType;
				if (_contentLocation != null) 
					request.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.ContentLocation] = _contentLocation;
				await request.WriteBodyAsync(_body);

			// Make sure the caller disposes the HttpResponse gets disposed...
            if (_beforeRequest != null) _beforeRequest(request);
            var webResponse = await request.GetResponseAsync(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(Timeout));
            if (_afterRequest != null) _afterRequest(webResponse, null);

            return response;
        private static void setContentAndContentType(HttpRequestMessage request, byte[] data, string contentType, ResourceFormat format)
            if (data == null)
                throw Error.ArgumentNull(nameof(data));

            request.Content = new ByteArrayContent(data);

            if (contentType == null)
                contentType = ContentType.BuildContentType(format, forBundle: false);

            request.Content.Headers.ContentType = MediaTypeHeaderValue.Parse(contentType);
Esempio n. 39
        private static void setBodyAndContentType(HttpWebRequest request, Resource data, ResourceFormat format, bool CompressRequestBody, out byte[] body)
            if (data == null)
                throw Error.ArgumentNull("data");

            if (data is Binary)
                var bin = (Binary)data;
                body = bin.Content;
                request.WriteBody(CompressRequestBody, bin.Content);
                request.ContentType = bin.ContentType;
                body = format == ResourceFormat.Xml ?
                       FhirSerializer.SerializeToXmlBytes(data, summary: Fhir.Rest.SummaryType.False) :
                       FhirSerializer.SerializeToJsonBytes(data, summary: Fhir.Rest.SummaryType.False);

                request.WriteBody(CompressRequestBody, body);
                request.ContentType = Hl7.Fhir.Rest.ContentType.BuildContentType(format, forBundle: false);
Esempio n. 40
 public Resource(ResourceFormat format, string path)
     Format     = format;
     TargetPath = path;
Esempio n. 41
        private static void BatchConvertResource(string sourcePath, string destinationPath, ResourceFormat inputFormat, ResourceFormat outputFormat, FileVersion fileVersion)
                CommandLineLogger.LogDebug($"Using destination extension: {outputFormat}");

                ResourceUtils resourceUtils = new ResourceUtils();
                resourceUtils.ConvertResources(sourcePath, destinationPath, inputFormat, outputFormat, fileVersion);

                CommandLineLogger.LogInfo($"Wrote resources to: {destinationPath}");
            catch (Exception e)
                CommandLineLogger.LogFatal($"Failed to batch convert resources: {e.Message}", 2);
Esempio n. 42
        static public FormatElement[] ParseFormatString(string formatString, UInt64 maxLen, bool tightPacking, out string errors)
            var elems = new List <FormatElement>();

            var formatReader = new StringReader(formatString);

            // regex doesn't account for trailing or preceeding whitespace, or comments

            var regExpr = @"^(row_major\s+)?" + // row_major matrix
                          @"(" +
                          @"uintten|unormten" +
                          @"|unormh|unormb" +
                          @"|snormh|snormb" +
                          @"|bool" +                            // bool is stored as 4-byte int
                          @"|byte|short|int" +                  // signed ints
                          @"|ubyte|ushort|uint" +               // unsigned ints
                          @"|xbyte|xshort|xint" +               // hex ints
                          @"|half|float|double" +               // float types
                          @"|vec|uvec|ivec" +                   // OpenGL vector types
                          @"|mat|umat|imat" +                   // OpenGL matrix types
                          @")" +
                          @"([1-9])?" +                         // might be a vector
                          @"(x[1-9])?" +                        // or a matrix
                          @"(\s+[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*)?" +     // get identifier name
                          @"(\[[0-9]+\])?" +                    // optional array dimension
                          @"(\s*:\s*[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*)?" + // optional semantic

            Regex regParser = new Regex(regExpr, RegexOptions.Compiled);

            bool success = true;

            errors = "";

            var text = formatReader.ReadToEnd();

            text = text.Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "");

            Regex c_comments = new Regex(@"/\*[^*]*\*+(?:[^*/][^*]*\*+)*/", RegexOptions.Compiled);

            text = c_comments.Replace(text, "");

            Regex cpp_comments = new Regex(@"//.*", RegexOptions.Compiled);

            text = cpp_comments.Replace(text, "");

            uint offset = 0;

            // get each line and parse it to determine the format the user wanted
            foreach (var l in text.Split(';'))
                var line = l;
                line = line.Trim();

                if (line.Length == 0)

                var match = regParser.Match(line);

                if (!match.Success)
                    errors  = "Couldn't parse line:\n" + line;
                    success = false;

                var  basetype  = match.Groups[2].Value;
                bool row_major = match.Groups[1].Success;
                var  vectorDim = match.Groups[3].Success ? match.Groups[3].Value : "1";
                var  matrixDim = match.Groups[4].Success ? match.Groups[4].Value.Substring(1) : "1";
                var  name      = match.Groups[5].Success ? match.Groups[5].Value.Trim() : "data";
                var  arrayDim  = match.Groups[6].Success ? match.Groups[6].Value.Trim() : "[1]";
                arrayDim = arrayDim.Substring(1, arrayDim.Length - 2);

                if (match.Groups[4].Success)
                    var a = vectorDim;
                    vectorDim = matrixDim;
                    matrixDim = a;

                ResourceFormat fmt = new ResourceFormat(FormatComponentType.None, 0, 0);

                bool hex = false;

                FormatComponentType type = FormatComponentType.Float;
                uint count       = 0;
                uint arrayCount  = 1;
                uint matrixCount = 0;
                uint width       = 0;

                // check for square matrix declarations like 'mat4' and 'mat3'
                if (basetype == "mat" && !match.Groups[4].Success)
                    matrixDim = vectorDim;

                // calculate format
                    if (!uint.TryParse(vectorDim, out count))
                        errors  = "Invalid vector dimension on line:\n" + line;
                        success = false;
                    if (!uint.TryParse(arrayDim, out arrayCount))
                        arrayCount = 1;
                    arrayCount = Math.Max(0, arrayCount);
                    if (!uint.TryParse(matrixDim, out matrixCount))
                        errors  = "Invalid matrix second dimension on line:\n" + line;
                        success = false;

                    if (basetype == "bool")
                        type  = FormatComponentType.UInt;
                        width = 4;
                    else if (basetype == "byte")
                        type  = FormatComponentType.SInt;
                        width = 1;
                    else if (basetype == "ubyte" || basetype == "xbyte")
                        type  = FormatComponentType.UInt;
                        width = 1;
                    else if (basetype == "short")
                        type  = FormatComponentType.SInt;
                        width = 2;
                    else if (basetype == "ushort" || basetype == "xshort")
                        type  = FormatComponentType.UInt;
                        width = 2;
                    else if (basetype == "int" || basetype == "ivec" || basetype == "imat")
                        type  = FormatComponentType.SInt;
                        width = 4;
                    else if (basetype == "uint" || basetype == "xint" || basetype == "uvec" || basetype == "umat")
                        type  = FormatComponentType.UInt;
                        width = 4;
                    else if (basetype == "half")
                        type  = FormatComponentType.Float;
                        width = 2;
                    else if (basetype == "float" || basetype == "vec" || basetype == "mat")
                        type  = FormatComponentType.Float;
                        width = 4;
                    else if (basetype == "double")
                        type  = FormatComponentType.Double;
                        width = 8;
                    else if (basetype == "unormh")
                        type  = FormatComponentType.UNorm;
                        width = 2;
                    else if (basetype == "unormb")
                        type  = FormatComponentType.UNorm;
                        width = 1;
                    else if (basetype == "snormh")
                        type  = FormatComponentType.SNorm;
                        width = 2;
                    else if (basetype == "snormb")
                        type  = FormatComponentType.SNorm;
                        width = 1;
                    else if (basetype == "uintten")
                        fmt               = new ResourceFormat(FormatComponentType.UInt, 4 * count, 1);
                        fmt.special       = true;
                        fmt.specialFormat = SpecialFormat.R10G10B10A2;
                    else if (basetype == "unormten")
                        fmt               = new ResourceFormat(FormatComponentType.UNorm, 4 * count, 1);
                        fmt.special       = true;
                        fmt.specialFormat = SpecialFormat.R10G10B10A2;
                        errors  = "Unrecognised basic type on line:\n" + line;
                        success = false;

                if (basetype == "xint" || basetype == "xshort" || basetype == "xbyte")
                    hex = true;

                if (fmt.compType == FormatComponentType.None)
                    fmt = new ResourceFormat(type, count, width);

                if (arrayCount == 1)
                    FormatElement elem = new FormatElement(name, 0, offset, false, 1, row_major, matrixCount, fmt, hex);

                    uint advance = elem.ByteSize;

                    if (!tightPacking)
                        // cbuffer packing always works in floats
                        advance = (advance + 3U) & (~3U);

                        // cbuffer packing doesn't allow elements to cross float4 boundaries, nudge up if this was the case
                        if (offset / 16 != (offset + elem.ByteSize - 1) / 16)
                            elem.offset = offset = (offset + 0xFU) & (~0xFU);


                    offset += advance;
                    // when cbuffer packing, arrays are always aligned at float4 boundary
                    if (!tightPacking)
                        if (offset % 16 != 0)
                            offset = (offset + 0xFU) & (~0xFU);

                    for (uint a = 0; a < arrayCount; a++)
                        FormatElement elem = new FormatElement(String.Format("{0}[{1}]", name, a), 0, offset, false, 1, row_major, matrixCount, fmt, hex);


                        uint advance = elem.ByteSize;

                        // cbuffer packing each array element is always float4 aligned
                        if (!tightPacking)
                            advance = (advance + 0xFU) & (~0xFU);

                        offset += advance;

            if (!success || elems.Count == 0)

                var fmt = new ResourceFormat(FormatComponentType.UInt, 4, 4);

                if (maxLen > 0 && maxLen < 16)
                    fmt.compCount = 1;
                if (maxLen > 0 && maxLen < 4)
                    fmt.compByteWidth = 1;

                elems.Add(new FormatElement("data", 0, 0, false, 1, false, 1, fmt, true));

Esempio n. 43
        public static HttpResponseMessage ToHttpResponseMessage(this OperationOutcome outcome, ResourceFormat target)
            // TODO: Remove this method is seems to not be in use.
            byte[] data = null;
            if (target == ResourceFormat.Xml)
                FhirXmlSerializer serializer = new FhirXmlSerializer();
                data = serializer.SerializeToBytes(outcome);
            else if (target == ResourceFormat.Json)
                FhirJsonSerializer serializer = new FhirJsonSerializer();
                data = serializer.SerializeToBytes(outcome);
            HttpResponseMessage response = new HttpResponseMessage
                Content = new ByteArrayContent(data)

            SetContentHeaders(response, target);

Esempio n. 44
 public FormatElement(string Name, int buf, uint offs, bool pi, int ir, bool rowMat, uint matDim, ResourceFormat f, bool h)
     name         = Name;
     buffer       = buf;
     offset       = offs;
     format       = f;
     perinstance  = pi;
     instancerate = ir;
     rowmajor     = rowMat;
     matrixdim    = matDim;
     hex          = h;
     systemValue  = SystemAttribute.None;
Esempio n. 45
        public void ConvertResources(string inputDir, string outputDir, ResourceFormat inputFormat, ResourceFormat outputFormat, FileVersion outputVersion = 0x0)
            this.progressUpdate("Enumerating files ...", 0, 1);
            var paths = new List <string>();

            EnumerateFiles(paths, inputDir, inputDir, "." + inputFormat.ToString().ToLower());

            this.progressUpdate("Converting resources ...", 0, 1);
            for (var i = 0; i < paths.Count; i++)
                var path    = paths[i];
                var inPath  = inputDir + "/" + path;
                var outPath = outputDir + "/" + Path.ChangeExtension(path, outputFormat.ToString().ToLower());


                this.progressUpdate("Converting: " + inPath, i, paths.Count);
                var resource = LoadResource(inPath, inputFormat);
                SaveResource(resource, outPath, outputFormat, outputVersion);
        private static void setBodyAndContentType(HttpWebRequest request, Resource data, ResourceFormat format, out byte[] body)
            if (data == null) throw Error.ArgumentNull("data");

            if (data is Binary)
                var bin = (Binary)data;
                body = bin.Content;
                request.ContentType = bin.ContentType;
                body = format == ResourceFormat.Xml ?
                    FhirSerializer.SerializeToXmlBytes(data, summary: false) :
                    FhirSerializer.SerializeToJsonBytes(data, summary: false);

                request.ContentType = Hl7.Fhir.Rest.ContentType.BuildContentType(format, forBundle: false);
        private GeometryInputLayout CreateInputLayout(VertexShader shader)
            uint numInputBindings = (uint)shader.InputBindings.Length;
            List <KeyValuePair <VertexInputBinding, IVertexBuffer> > inputLayoutComponentBuffers = new List <KeyValuePair <VertexInputBinding, IVertexBuffer> >();

            // +3 because the instance matrix is split in to four row vectors
            InputElementDesc[] inputElements = new InputElementDesc[numInputBindings + 3];

            for (int i = 0; i < numInputBindings; ++i)
                VertexInputBinding curVIB = shader.InputBindings[i];
                if (curVIB == shader.InstanceDataBinding)

                string semantic             = curVIB.Identifier;
                int    componentBufferIndex = Array.IndexOf(vertexComponentSemantics, semantic);
                if (componentBufferIndex < 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Can not bind " + this + " to vertex shader with semantics " +
                                                        shader.InputBindings.Select(srb => srb.Identifier).ToStringOfContents() + ", " +
                                                        "semantic '" + semantic + "' is not provided in this cache!");

                IVertexBuffer  bufferForCurSemantic = vertexComponentBuffers[componentBufferIndex];
                ResourceFormat formatForCurSemantic = vertexComponentFormats[componentBufferIndex];

                inputLayoutComponentBuffers.Add(new KeyValuePair <VertexInputBinding, IVertexBuffer>(curVIB, bufferForCurSemantic));
                inputElements[i] = new InputElementDesc(

            // Add the instance data slot
            uint semanticIndex = 0U;

            for (uint i = numInputBindings - 1U; i < numInputBindings + 3U; ++i)
                inputElements[i] = new InputElementDesc(

            InputLayoutHandle outInputLayoutPtr;

            NativeCallResult createInputLayoutResult = InteropUtils.CallNative(NativeMethods.ShaderManager_CreateInputLayout,

            if (!createInputLayoutResult.Success)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Given shader could not be bound to this cache, " +
                                                    "this is likely because one or more semantics/bindings are incorrect. Details: " + createInputLayoutResult.FailureMessage);

            Logger.Debug("Successfully created input layout for " + shader + " and " + this + ": " + inputElements.ToStringOfContents());

            return(new GeometryInputLayout(outInputLayoutPtr, inputLayoutComponentBuffers.ToArray(), shader, this));
Esempio n. 48
 public static MediaTypeHeaderValue GetMediaTypeHeaderValue(Type type, ResourceFormat format)
     string mediatype = FhirMediaType.GetContentType(type, format);
     MediaTypeHeaderValue header = new MediaTypeHeaderValue(mediatype);
     header.CharSet = Encoding.UTF8.WebName;
     return header;