Esempio n. 1
 public WebScraper(ProxyCfg proxy, YtCollectCfg collectCfg, ISimpleFileStore logStore)
     Proxy      = proxy;
     CollectCfg = collectCfg;
     LogStore   = logStore;
     Clients    = new ResourceCycle <HttpClient, ProxyConnectionCfg>(proxy.DirectAndProxies(), p => Task.FromResult(CreateHttpClient(p)));
Esempio n. 2
 public YtWeb(ProxyCfg proxy, YtCollectCfg collectCfg, ISimpleFileStore logStore)
     Proxy      = proxy;
     CollectCfg = collectCfg;
     LogStore   = logStore;
     Clients    = new(proxy.DirectAndProxies(), p => Task.FromResult(p.CreateHttpClient()));
Esempio n. 3
        protected override void Build()
            // Load Material
            ModelMat = CreateModelMat();

            // Get GameObjects
            Prefab      = PrefabUtils.CopyPrefab(BaseItem);
   = NamePrefix + Name;
            Prefab.transform.localScale = Scale;

            GameObject child = Prefab.FindChild("model_pogofruit");

            child.transform.localScale = ModelScale;

            Object.Destroy(Prefab.GetComponent <BoxCollider>());

            // Load Components
            SphereCollider col    = Prefab.AddComponent <SphereCollider>();
            MeshFilter     filter = Prefab.GetComponent <MeshFilter>();
            Rigidbody      body   = Prefab.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
            Vacuumable     vac    = Prefab.GetComponent <Vacuumable>();
            Identifiable   iden   = Prefab.GetComponent <Identifiable>();

            ResourceCycle cycle = IsPlantable ? Prefab.GetComponent <ResourceCycle>() : null;

            MeshFilter   model  = child.GetComponent <MeshFilter>();
            MeshRenderer render = child.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>();

            // Setup Components
            col.radius        = ModelScale.x;
            filter.sharedMesh = Mesh;
            body.mass         = Mass;
            vac.size          = Size;
             = ID;

            if (IsPlantable)
                if (cycle != null)
                    cycle.unripeGameHours    = UnripeGameHours;
                    cycle.ripeGameHours      = RipeGameHours;
                    cycle.edibleGameHours    = EdibleGameHours;
                    cycle.rottenGameHours    = RottenGameHours;
                    cycle.rottenMat          = RottenMat ? RottenMat : cycle.rottenMat;
                    cycle.vacuumableWhenRipe = VacuumableWhenRipe;
                Object.Destroy(Prefab.GetComponent <ResourceCycle>());

            model.sharedMesh      = Mesh;
            render.sharedMaterial = ModelMat;
Esempio n. 4
        //+ METHODS
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override void Build(GameObject prefab)
            //? In case of questions, tofu keeps the model object as 'model_pogofruit'
            GameObject model = prefab.FindChild("model_pogofruit");

            model.transform.localScale = * ModelScale;

            // Manages Collisions
            if (ApplyCollider != null)
                ApplyCollider.Invoke(prefab, this);
                Object.Destroy(prefab.GetComponent <BoxCollider>());
                SphereCollider col = prefab.AddComponent <SphereCollider>();
                col.radius = ModelScale;

            // Loading components
            MeshFilter   filter = prefab.GetComponent <MeshFilter>();
            Rigidbody    body   = prefab.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
            Vacuumable   vac    = prefab.GetComponent <Vacuumable>();
            Identifiable iden   = prefab.GetComponent <Identifiable>();

            ResourceCycle cycle = prefab.GetComponent <ResourceCycle>();

            MeshFilter   mFilter = model.GetComponent <MeshFilter>();
            MeshRenderer render  = model.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>();

            // Setting up components
            filter.sharedMesh = Mesh;
            body.mass         = Mass;
            vac.size          = VacSize;
             = ID;

            cycle.unripeGameHours    = UnripeGameHours;
            cycle.ripeGameHours      = RipeGameHours;
            cycle.edibleGameHours    = EdibleGameHours;
            cycle.rottenGameHours    = RottenGameHours;
            cycle.rottenMat          = RottenMat ?? cycle.rottenMat;
            cycle.vacuumableWhenRipe = VacWhenRipe;

            mFilter.sharedMesh    = Mesh;
            render.sharedMaterial = ModelMat;
Esempio n. 5
        int _lastUsedBrowserIdx; // re-use the same browser proxies across different calls to recs and extra

        public async Task <IReadOnlyCollection <RecsAndExtra> > GetRecsAndExtra(IReadOnlyCollection <string> videos, ILogger log)
            var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            log = log.ForContext("Module", nameof(ChromeScraper));
            var proxies = ProxyCfg.DirectAndProxies().Take(2)
                          .ToArray(); // only use the first fallback (datacenter proxies). residential is too expensive for the volume of data we are loading.
            var parallel             = CollectCfg.ChromeParallel;
            var videosPerBrowserPool = videos.Count / CollectCfg.ChromeParallel;

            var res = await videos.Batch(videosPerBrowserPool).WithIndex().BlockFunc(async batch => {
                var(b, i)                = batch;
                var requests             = new ConcurrentBag <(Request req, bool aborted)>();
                await using var browsers = new ResourceCycle <Browser, ProxyConnectionCfg>(proxies, p => CreateBrowser(log, p), _lastUsedBrowserIdx);

                async Task <Page> Page(Browser browser, ProxyConnectionCfg proxy)
                    var page = await browser.NewPageAsync(); // create page inside retry loop. some transient errors seems to be caused by state in the page
                    if (proxy.Creds != null)
                        await page.AuthenticateAsync(proxy.Creds.AsCreds()); // workaround for chrome not supporting password proxies
                    await page.SetCookieAsync();                             // clears cookies
                    await ConfigureRequests(page, (req, aborted) => requests.Add((req, aborted)));

                return(await b.BlockFunc(async v => {
                    //var context = await browser.CreateIncognitoBrowserContextAsync(); // opening windows is more reliable than tabs in practice
                    var videoAttempt = 0;
                    var videoLog = log.ForContext("Video", v);

                    while (true)
                        var(browser, proxy) = await browsers.Get();
                        var lastAttempt = videoAttempt >= CollectCfg.ChromeAttempts;
                        videoLog.Debug("loading video {Video}. Proxy={Proxy}", v, proxy?.Url == null ? "Direct" : proxy.Url);
                        using var page = await Page(browser, proxy);
                        try {
                            var(video, notOkResponse) = await GetVideo(page, v, videoLog);
                            if (notOkResponse != null)
                                if (notOkResponse.Status == HttpStatusCode.TooManyRequests)
                                    await browsers.NextResource(browser);
                                    _lastUsedBrowserIdx = browsers.Idx;
                                    videoAttempt = 0;
                                    videoLog.Information("ChromeScraper - error response ({Status}) loading {Video}: using next proxy", notOkResponse.Status, v);
                                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Not OK response ({notOkResponse.Status})");

                            if (video == null)

                            videoLog.Debug("ChromeScraper - finished loading video {Video} with {Comments} comments and {Recommendations} recs in {Duration}",
                                           v, video.Extra.Comments?.Length ?? 0, video.Recs?.Length ?? 0, sw.Elapsed.HumanizeShort());
                            return video;
                        catch (Exception ex) {
                            videoLog.Warning(ex, "ChromeScraper - failed to load video {Video} from {Url} (attempt {Attempt}): {Error}", v, page.Url, videoAttempt,
                            if (lastAttempt)
                }, parallel: 1, progressUpdate: p => log.Debug("ChromeScraper - browser pool {Pool} progress {Complete}/{Total}",
                                                               i, p.CompletedTotal, b.Count)));
            }, parallel);

            log.Information("ChromeScraper - finished loading all {Videos} videos in {Duration}", videos.Count, sw.HumanizeShort());