Esempio n. 1
        private void ApplyResizeSettings(ResizeSettings settings, GhostscriptSettings ghostscriptSettings)
            // Parse resize settings

            // - graphicsAlphaBits
            int graphicsAlphaBits = settings.GetValueOrDefault("graphicsbits", 0);

            if (!_validAlphaBitValues.Contains(graphicsAlphaBits))
                // Use default value
                graphicsAlphaBits = _validAlphaBitValues.Last();
            ghostscriptSettings.Add(GhostscriptArgument.GraphicsAlphaBits, graphicsAlphaBits);

            // - textAlphaBits
            int textAlphaBits = settings.GetValueOrDefault("textbits", 0);

            if (!_validAlphaBitValues.Contains(textAlphaBits))
                // Use default value
                textAlphaBits = _validAlphaBitValues.Last();
            ghostscriptSettings.Add(GhostscriptArgument.TextAlphaBits, textAlphaBits);

            ghostscriptSettings[GhostscriptArgument.GridFitTT]     = (settings.Get <bool>("gridfit") == true ? 2 : 0).ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo);
            ghostscriptSettings[GhostscriptArgument.AlignToPixels] = (settings.Get <bool>("subpixels") == true ? 1 : 0).ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo);
            if (settings.Get <bool>("printed", true) == false)
Esempio n. 2
        public override Bitmap DecodeStream(Stream s, ResizeSettings settings, string optionalPath)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(optionalPath))
                if (s.CanSeek)
                    //Check the header instead if no filename is present.
                    byte[] header = new byte[4];
                    s.Read(header, 0, 4);
                    bool isPdf = (header[0] == '%' && header[1] == 'P' && header[2] == 'D' && header[3] == 'F');
                    s.Seek(-4, SeekOrigin.Current); //Restore position.

                    if (!isPdf)
                    return(null); //It's not seekable, we can't check the header.
            else if (!SupportedExtensions.Contains(Path.GetExtension(optionalPath), StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                // Not a supported format

            // Do not allow decoding if Ghostscript there are issues with performing this decode
            IIssue[] issues = GetIssues().ToArray();
            if (issues.Length > 0)
                string message = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, issues.Select(x => x.Summary).ToArray());
                throw new InvalidOperationException(message);

            using (var pdf = PdfDocument.Load(s))
                // Extract the requested page number from resize settings, or default to first page
                int pageNumber = settings.GetValueOrDefault("page", 1);

                // Try to get the page number from PDF info. If not available, abort. This is caused by
                // requesting a page that does not exist.
                if (pageNumber < 1 || pageNumber > pdf.PageCount)

                // Calculate the output size based on the actual size of the page.
                var pageSize   = pdf.PageSizes[pageNumber - 1];
                var outputSize = GetOutputSize(settings, pageSize.Width, pageSize.Height);

                // Build the render flags from the provided settings.
                var flags = BuildFlags(settings);

                // Generate the PDF page.
                return((Bitmap)pdf.Render(pageNumber - 1, outputSize.Width, outputSize.Height, 96, 96, flags));
Esempio n. 3
        private void ApplyResizeSettings(ResizeSettings settings, GhostscriptSettings ghostscriptSettings)
            // Parse resize settings

            // - graphicsAlphaBits
            int graphicsAlphaBits = settings.GetValueOrDefault("graphicsbits", 0);
                // Use default value
                graphicsAlphaBits = _validAlphaBitValues.Last();
            ghostscriptSettings.Add(GhostscriptArgument.GraphicsAlphaBits, graphicsAlphaBits);

            // - textAlphaBits
            int textAlphaBits = settings.GetValueOrDefault("textbits", 0);
                // Use default value
                textAlphaBits = _validAlphaBitValues.Last();
            ghostscriptSettings.Add(GhostscriptArgument.TextAlphaBits, textAlphaBits);

            ghostscriptSettings[GhostscriptArgument.GridFitTT] = (settings.Get<bool>("gridfit") == true ? 2 : 0).ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo);
            ghostscriptSettings[GhostscriptArgument.AlignToPixels] = (settings.Get<bool>("subpixels") == true ? 1 : 0).ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo);
            if (settings.Get<bool>("printed",true) == false) ghostscriptSettings.Remove(GhostscriptArgument.Printed);
Esempio n. 4
        public override Bitmap DecodeStream(Stream s, ResizeSettings settings, string optionalPath)
                if (s.CanSeek) {
                    //Check the header instead if no filename is present.
                    byte[] header = new byte[4];
                    s.Read(header, 0, 4);
                    bool isPdf = (header[0] == '%' && header[1] == 'P' && header[2] == 'D' && header[3] == 'F');
                    s.Seek(-4, SeekOrigin.Current); //Restore position.

                    if (!isPdf) return null;
                } else {
                    return null; //It's not seekable, we can't check the header.
            } else if(!_supportedExtensions.Contains(Path.GetExtension(optionalPath), StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                // Not a supported format
                return null;

            // Do not allow decoding if Ghostscript there are issues with performing this decode
            IIssue[] issues = GetIssues().ToArray();
            if(issues.Length > 0)
                string message = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, issues.Select(x => x.Summary).ToArray());
                throw new InvalidOperationException(message);

            // Must write input stream to a temporary file for Ghostscript to process.
            FileInfo tempInputPathInfo = new FileInfo(Path.GetTempFileName());
                using(FileStream tempInputStream = tempInputPathInfo.Create())
                    StreamExtensions.CopyToStream(s, tempInputStream);

                // Get information about the PDF such as page count and media boxes
                // Although this creates a second trip to Ghostscript engine, it's not possible to generate a rendered image in exact
                // dimensions requested. Skipping this step will cause a rendered image, of some size, to be resized further.
                PdfInfo pdfInfo = GetPdfInfo(tempInputPathInfo.FullName);

                // Extract the requested page number from resize settings, or default to first page
                int pageNumber = settings.GetValueOrDefault("page", 1);

                // Try to get the page number from PDF info. If not available, abort. This is caused by
                // requesting a page that does not exist.
                PageInfo pageInfo = pdfInfo.Pages.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Number == pageNumber);
                if(pageInfo == null)
                    return null;

                // We only support media box (as opposed to clip, bleed, art, etc.) If this is not available, abort.
                if(pageInfo.MediaBox == null)
                    return null;

                // Get the output size of the generated bitmap by applying the resize settings and media box.
                Size outputSize = (pageInfo.Rotate == -90 || pageInfo.Rotate == 90) ?
                    GetOutputSize(settings, pageInfo.MediaBox.Height,pageInfo.MediaBox.Width)
                    : GetOutputSize(settings, pageInfo.MediaBox.Width, pageInfo.MediaBox.Height) ;

                // Create default Ghostscript settings and apply the resize settings.
                GhostscriptSettings ghostscriptSettings = new GhostscriptSettings
                                                              {GhostscriptArgument.OutputDevice, "pngalpha"},
                                                              {GhostscriptArgument.MaxBitmap, 24000000},
                                                              {GhostscriptArgument.RenderingThreads, 4},
                                                              {GhostscriptArgument.GridFitTT, 0},
                                                              {GhostscriptArgument.AlignToPixels, 0}, //Subpixel rendering depends on output device... perhaps testing would help determine if 1 would be better?
                                                              {GhostscriptArgument.FirstPage, pageNumber},
                                                              {GhostscriptArgument.LastPage, pageNumber},
                                                              {GhostscriptArgument.Height, outputSize.Height},
                                                              {GhostscriptArgument.Width, outputSize.Width}
                ApplyResizeSettings(settings, ghostscriptSettings);

                // Have Ghostscript process the input to a PNG file with transparency.
                // The PNG will be reloaded and further processed by the resizer pipeline.
                FileInfo tempOutputPathInfo = new FileInfo(Path.GetTempFileName());
                    // Add output file and input file. The input file must be the very last argument.
                    ghostscriptSettings.Add(GhostscriptArgument.OutputFile, tempOutputPathInfo.FullName);

                    // NOTE: Do not dispose of memory stream because it is used as the backing source for the loaded bitmap.
                    MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream((int)tempOutputPathInfo.Length);
                    using(FileStream fileStream = tempOutputPathInfo.Open(FileMode.Open))
                        StreamExtensions.CopyToStream(fileStream, memoryStream);

                    // Per ImagerResizer plugin example source code:
                    // NOTE: If the Bitmap class is used for decoding, read gdi-bugs.txt and make sure you set b.Tag to new BitmapTag(optionalPath,stream);
                    BitmapTag bitmapTag = new BitmapTag("ghostscript.png", memoryStream);
                    return new Bitmap(memoryStream) { Tag = bitmapTag };
                //    // Conversion failed
                //    return null; //or maybe we should show details? If it's a valid PDF?
Esempio n. 5
        public override Bitmap DecodeStream(Stream s, ResizeSettings settings, string optionalPath)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(optionalPath))
                if (s.CanSeek)
                    //Check the header instead if no filename is present.
                    byte[] header = new byte[4];
                    s.Read(header, 0, 4);
                    bool isPdf = (header[0] == '%' && header[1] == 'P' && header[2] == 'D' && header[3] == 'F');
                    s.Seek(-4, SeekOrigin.Current); //Restore position.

                    if (!isPdf)
                    return(null); //It's not seekable, we can't check the header.
            else if (!_supportedExtensions.Contains(Path.GetExtension(optionalPath), StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                // Not a supported format

            // Do not allow decoding if Ghostscript there are issues with performing this decode
            IIssue[] issues = GetIssues().ToArray();
            if (issues.Length > 0)
                string message = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, issues.Select(x => x.Summary).ToArray());
                throw new InvalidOperationException(message);

            // Must write input stream to a temporary file for Ghostscript to process.
            FileInfo tempInputPathInfo = new FileInfo(Path.GetTempFileName());

                using (FileStream tempInputStream = tempInputPathInfo.Create())
                    StreamExtensions.CopyToStream(s, tempInputStream);

                // Get information about the PDF such as page count and media boxes
                // Although this creates a second trip to Ghostscript engine, it's not possible to generate a rendered image in exact
                // dimensions requested. Skipping this step will cause a rendered image, of some size, to be resized further.
                PdfInfo pdfInfo = GetPdfInfo(tempInputPathInfo.FullName);

                // Extract the requested page number from resize settings, or default to first page
                int pageNumber = settings.GetValueOrDefault("page", 1);

                // Try to get the page number from PDF info. If not available, abort. This is caused by
                // requesting a page that does not exist.
                PageInfo pageInfo = pdfInfo.Pages.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Number == pageNumber);
                if (pageInfo == null)

                // We only support media box (as opposed to clip, bleed, art, etc.) If this is not available, abort.
                if (pageInfo.MediaBox == null)

                // Get the output size of the generated bitmap by applying the resize settings and media box.
                Size outputSize = (pageInfo.Rotate == -90 || pageInfo.Rotate == 90) ?
                                  GetOutputSize(settings, pageInfo.MediaBox.Height, pageInfo.MediaBox.Width)
                    : GetOutputSize(settings, pageInfo.MediaBox.Width, pageInfo.MediaBox.Height);

                // Create default Ghostscript settings and apply the resize settings.
                GhostscriptSettings ghostscriptSettings = new GhostscriptSettings
                    { GhostscriptArgument.OutputDevice, "pngalpha" },
                    { GhostscriptArgument.MaxBitmap, 24000000 },
                    { GhostscriptArgument.RenderingThreads, 4 },
                    { GhostscriptArgument.GridFitTT, 0 },
                    { GhostscriptArgument.AlignToPixels, 0 },                                         //Subpixel rendering depends on output device... perhaps testing would help determine if 1 would be better?
                    { GhostscriptArgument.FirstPage, pageNumber },
                    { GhostscriptArgument.LastPage, pageNumber },
                    { GhostscriptArgument.Height, outputSize.Height },
                    { GhostscriptArgument.Width, outputSize.Width }
                ApplyResizeSettings(settings, ghostscriptSettings);

                // Have Ghostscript process the input to a PNG file with transparency.
                // The PNG will be reloaded and further processed by the resizer pipeline.
                FileInfo tempOutputPathInfo = new FileInfo(Path.GetTempFileName());
                    // Add output file and input file. The input file must be the very last argument.
                    ghostscriptSettings.Add(GhostscriptArgument.OutputFile, tempOutputPathInfo.FullName);

                    // NOTE: Do not dispose of memory stream because it is used as the backing source for the loaded bitmap.
                    MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream((int)tempOutputPathInfo.Length);
                    using (FileStream fileStream = tempOutputPathInfo.Open(FileMode.Open))
                        StreamExtensions.CopyToStream(fileStream, memoryStream);

                    // Per ImagerResizer plugin example source code:
                    // NOTE: If the Bitmap class is used for decoding, read gdi-bugs.txt and make sure you set b.Tag to new BitmapTag(optionalPath,stream);
                    BitmapTag bitmapTag = new BitmapTag("ghostscript.png", memoryStream);
                    return(new Bitmap(memoryStream)
                        Tag = bitmapTag
                //    // Conversion failed
                //    return null; //or maybe we should show details? If it's a valid PDF?