Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Infer the new shape based on the resize policy.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p">Specifies the ResizeParameter with the resize policy.</param>
        /// <param name="nOldWidth">Specifies the old width.</param>
        /// <param name="nOldHeight">Specifies the old height.</param>
        /// <param name="nNewWidth">Specifies the new 'inferred' width.</param>
        /// <param name="nNewHeight">Specifies the new 'inferred' width.</param>
        public void InferNewSize(ResizeParameter p, int nOldWidth, int nOldHeight, out int nNewWidth, out int nNewHeight)
            int   height      = (int)p.height;
            int   width       = (int)p.width;
            float fOrigAspect = (float)nOldWidth / (float)nOldHeight;
            float fAspect     = (float)width / (float)height;

            switch (p.resize_mode)
            case ResizeParameter.ResizeMode.WARP:

            case ResizeParameter.ResizeMode.FIT_LARGE_SIZE_AND_PAD:

            case ResizeParameter.ResizeMode.FIT_SMALL_SIZE:
                if (fOrigAspect < fAspect)
                    height = (int)(width / fOrigAspect);
                    width = (int)(fOrigAspect * height);

                m_log.FAIL("Unknown resize mode '" + p.resize_mode.ToString() + "'!");

            nNewHeight = height;
            nNewWidth  = width;
        /** @copydoc LayerParameterBase::Copy */
        public override void Copy(LayerParameterBase src)
            TransformationParameter p = (TransformationParameter)src;

            m_bUseImageDbMean          = p.m_bUseImageDbMean;
            m_bForceColor              = p.m_bForceColor;
            m_bForceGray               = p.m_bForceGray;
            m_bMirror                  = p.m_bMirror;
            m_dfScale                  = p.m_dfScale;
            m_scaleOperator            = p.m_scaleOperator;
            m_nCropSize                = p.m_nCropSize;
            m_rgMeanValue              = Utility.Clone <double>(p.m_rgMeanValue);
            m_dfForcedPositiveRangeMax = p.m_dfForcedPositiveRangeMax;
            m_nRandomSeed              = p.m_nRandomSeed;
            m_strMeanFile              = p.m_strMeanFile;
            m_colorOrder               = p.m_colorOrder;

            m_resize         = (p.resize_param == null) ? null : p.resize_param.Clone();
            m_noise          = (p.noise_param == null) ? null : p.noise_param.Clone();
            m_distortion     = (p.distortion_param == null) ? null : p.distortion_param.Clone();
            m_expansion      = (p.expansion_param == null) ? null : p.expansion_param.Clone();
            m_emitConstraint = (p.emit_constraint == null) ? null : p.emit_constraint.Clone();

            if (p.mask_param != null)
                m_mask = p.mask_param.Clone();

            if (p.label_mapping != null)
                m_labelMapping = p.label_mapping.Clone();
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>获取图片的二进制数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="imagePath">图片保存路径</param>
        /// <param name="resizeParameter">图片尺寸调整参数</param>
        /// <param name="lastWriteTimeUtc">最后修改时间</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <byte[]> GetImageData(string imagePath, ResizeParameter resizeParameter, DateTime lastWriteTimeUtc)
                var key      = $"{imagePath}{resizeParameter.ToString()}{lastWriteTimeUtc.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")}";
                var cacheKey = $"Image:{ShaUtil.GetHex16StringSha1Hash(key)}";

                byte[] imageBytes;
                if (_option.EnableImageCache)
                    var imageCacheItem = await _imageCache.GetAsync(cacheKey);

                    if (imageCacheItem != null)
                var image = Image.FromFile(imagePath);
                Image resizeImage = null;
                if (resizeParameter.Mode == ResizeMode.Zoom)
                    resizeImage = ImageResize.ImageResizer.Zoom(image, resizeParameter);
                else if (resizeParameter.Mode == ResizeMode.Crop)
                    resizeImage = ImageResize.ImageResizer.Crop(image, resizeParameter);
                var imageFormat = ImageUtil.GetImageFormatByFormatName(resizeParameter.Format);
                imageBytes = ImageHelper.ImageCompressToBytes(resizeImage, resizeParameter.Quality, imageFormat);

                if (_option.EnableImageCache)
                    await _imageCache.SetAsync(cacheKey, new ImageCacheItem(imageBytes), new DistributedCacheEntryOptions()
                        SlidingExpiration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(_option.ImageCacheSlidingExpirationSeconds)
            catch (Exception ex)
                _logger.LogError("Resize图片出现错误,{0}", ex.Message);
        /// <summary>
        /// Setup the layer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="colBottom">Specifies the collection of bottom (input) Blobs.</param>
        /// <param name="colTop">Specifies the collection of top (output) Blobs.</param>
        public override void LayerSetUp(BlobCollection <T> colBottom, BlobCollection <T> colTop)
            m_log.CHECK_GT(m_param.detection_evaluate_param.num_classes, 1, "There must be at least one class!");
            m_nNumClasses = (int)m_param.detection_evaluate_param.num_classes;

            m_nBackgroundLabelId = (int)m_param.detection_evaluate_param.background_label_id;
            m_fOverlapThreshold  = m_param.detection_evaluate_param.overlap_threshold;
            m_log.CHECK_GT(m_fOverlapThreshold, 0.0f, "The overlap_threshold must be non-negative.");

            m_bEvaluateDifficultGt = m_param.detection_evaluate_param.evaulte_difficult_gt;

            if (File.Exists(m_param.detection_evaluate_param.name_size_file))
                using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(m_param.detection_evaluate_param.name_size_file))
                    string strLine = sr.ReadLine();

                    while (strLine != null)
                        string[] rgstr = strLine.Split(' ', ',');
                        if (rgstr.Length == 3 || rgstr.Length == 4)
                            int    nNameIdx = (rgstr.Length == 4) ? 1 : 0;
                            string strName  = rgstr[nNameIdx].Trim(',');
                            int    nHeight  = int.Parse(rgstr[nNameIdx + 1].Trim(','));
                            int    nWidth   = int.Parse(rgstr[nNameIdx + 2].Trim(','));

                            m_rgSizes.Add(new SizeF(nWidth, nHeight));

                        strLine = sr.ReadLine();

            m_nCount = 0;

            // If there is no name_size_provided, use normalized bbox to evaluate.
            m_bUseNormalizedBbox = (m_rgSizes.Count == 0) ? true : false;

            // Retrieve resize parameter if there is one provided.
            m_resizeParam = m_param.detection_evaluate_param.resize_param;
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// The ApplyResize method resizes the SimpleDatum containing an image to a newly resized image as specified by the resize parameter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sd">Specifies the SimpleDatum to resize - must contain a 3 channel image.</param>
        /// <param name="p">Specifies the resize parameter to apply.</param>
        /// <returns>The newly resized SimpleDatum is returned.</returns>
        public SimpleDatum ApplyResize(SimpleDatum sd, ResizeParameter p)
            if (p.width == sd.Width && p.height == sd.Height)

            Bitmap      bmp      = ImageData.GetImage(sd);
            Bitmap      bmpNew   = ImageTools.ResizeImage(bmp, (int)p.width, (int)p.height);
            SimpleDatum sdResize = ImageData.GetImageData(bmpNew, sd, false);
            SimpleDatum sdNew    = new SimpleDatum(sd);



        /// <summary>获取请求参数
        /// </summary>
        private ResizeParameter GetResizeParameter(IQueryCollection query)
            ResizeParameter resizeParameter = new ResizeParameter
                Format = GetQueryValue(query, "format", ImageUtil.DefaultFormatName),
                AutoRotate = bool.Parse(GetQueryValue(query, "autorotate", "false")),
                Quality = int.Parse(GetQueryValue(query, "q", "100")),
                Width = int.Parse(GetQueryValue(query, "w", "0")),
                Height = int.Parse(GetQueryValue(query, "h", "0")),
                Mode = GetQueryValue(query, "mode", ResizeMode.Zoom),
                CropX = int.Parse(GetQueryValue(query, "x", "0")),
                CropY = int.Parse(GetQueryValue(query, "y", "0"))

Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Update the BBox size based on the Resize policy.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p">Specifies the ResizeParameter with the resize policy.</param>
        /// <param name="nOldWidth">Specifies the old width.</param>
        /// <param name="nOldHeight">Specifies the old height.</param>
        /// <param name="bbox1">Specifies the BBox to update.</param>
        /// <returns>The update NormalizedBBox is returned.</returns>
        public NormalizedBBox UpdateBBoxByResizePolicy(ResizeParameter p, int nOldWidth, int nOldHeight, NormalizedBBox bbox1)
            NormalizedBBox bbox        = bbox1.Clone();
            float          fNewHeight  = p.height;
            float          fNewWidth   = p.width;
            float          fOrigAspect = (float)nOldWidth / (float)nOldHeight;
            float          fNewAspect  = fNewWidth / fNewHeight;

            float fxmin = bbox.xmin * nOldWidth;
            float fymin = bbox.ymin * nOldHeight;
            float fxmax = bbox.xmax * nOldWidth;
            float fymax = bbox.ymax * nOldHeight;
            float fPadding;

            switch (p.resize_mode)
            case ResizeParameter.ResizeMode.WARP:
                fxmin = (float)Math.Max(0.0, fxmin * fNewWidth / nOldWidth);
                fxmax = (float)Math.Min(fNewWidth, fxmax * fNewWidth / nOldWidth);
                fymin = (float)Math.Max(0.0, fymin * fNewHeight / nOldHeight);
                fymax = (float)Math.Min(fNewHeight, fymax * fNewHeight / nOldHeight);

            case ResizeParameter.ResizeMode.FIT_LARGE_SIZE_AND_PAD:
                if (fOrigAspect > fNewAspect)
                    fPadding = (fNewHeight - fNewWidth / fOrigAspect) / 2;
                    fxmin    = (float)Math.Max(0.0, fxmin * fNewWidth / nOldWidth);
                    fxmax    = (float)Math.Min(fNewWidth, fxmax * fNewWidth / nOldWidth);
                    fymin    = fymin * (fNewHeight - 2 * fPadding) / nOldHeight;
                    fymin    = fPadding + Math.Max(0, fymin);
                    fymax    = fymax * (fNewHeight - 2 * fPadding) / nOldHeight;
                    fymax    = fPadding + Math.Min(fNewHeight, fymax);
                    fPadding = (fNewWidth - fOrigAspect * fNewHeight) / 2;
                    fxmin    = fxmin * (fNewWidth - 2 * fPadding) / nOldWidth;
                    fxmin    = fPadding + Math.Max(0, fxmin);
                    fxmax    = fxmax * (fNewWidth - 2 * fPadding) / nOldWidth;
                    fxmax    = fPadding + Math.Min(fNewWidth, fxmax);
                    fymin    = (float)Math.Max(0.0, fymin * fNewHeight / nOldHeight);
                    fymax    = (float)Math.Min(fNewHeight, fymax * fNewHeight / nOldHeight);

            case ResizeParameter.ResizeMode.FIT_SMALL_SIZE:
                if (fOrigAspect < fNewAspect)
                    fNewHeight = fNewWidth / fOrigAspect;
                    fNewWidth = fOrigAspect * fNewHeight;

                fxmin = (float)Math.Max(0.0, fxmin * fNewWidth / nOldWidth);
                fxmax = (float)Math.Min(fNewWidth, fxmax * fNewWidth / nOldWidth);
                fymin = (float)Math.Max(0.0, fymin * fNewHeight / nOldHeight);
                fymax = (float)Math.Min(fNewHeight, fymax * fNewHeight / nOldHeight);

                m_log.FAIL("Unknown resize mode '" + p.resize_mode.ToString() + "'!");

            bbox.xmin = fxmin / fNewWidth;
            bbox.ymin = fymin / fNewHeight;
            bbox.xmax = fxmax / fNewWidth;
            bbox.ymax = fymax / fNewHeight;

        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the parameter from a RawProto.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rp">Specifies the RawProto to parse.</param>
        /// <returns>A new instance of the parameter is returned.</returns>
        public static TransformationParameter FromProto(RawProto rp)
            string strVal;
            TransformationParameter p = new TransformationParameter();

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("scale")) != null)
                p.scale = ParseDouble(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("scale_operator")) != null)
                if (strVal == SCALE_OPERATOR.MUL.ToString())
                    p.scale_operator = SCALE_OPERATOR.MUL;
                else if (strVal == SCALE_OPERATOR.POW.ToString())
                    p.scale_operator = SCALE_OPERATOR.POW;
                    p.scale_operator = SCALE_OPERATOR.NONE;
                p.scale_operator = null;

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("mirror")) != null)
                p.mirror = bool.Parse(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("crop_size")) != null)
                p.crop_size = uint.Parse(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("use_image_mean")) != null ||
                (strVal = rp.FindValue("use_imagedb_mean")) != null)
                p.use_imagedb_mean = bool.Parse(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("mean_file")) != null)
                p.use_imagedb_mean = true;

            p.mean_value = rp.FindArray <double>("mean_value");

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("force_color")) != null)
                p.force_color = bool.Parse(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("force_gray")) != null)
                p.force_gray = bool.Parse(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("force_positive_range_max")) != null)
                p.forced_positive_range_max = ParseDouble(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("mean_file")) != null)
                p.mean_file = strVal;

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("color_order")) != null)
                if (strVal == COLOR_ORDER.BGR.ToString())
                    p.color_order = COLOR_ORDER.BGR;
                    p.color_order = COLOR_ORDER.RGB;

            RawProto rpResize = rp.FindChild("resize_param");

            if (rpResize != null)
                p.resize_param = ResizeParameter.FromProto(rpResize);
                p.resize_param = null;

            RawProto rpNoise = rp.FindChild("noise_param");

            if (rpNoise != null)
                p.noise_param = NoiseParameter.FromProto(rpNoise);
                p.noise_param = null;

            RawProto rpDistort = rp.FindChild("distortion_param");

            if (rpDistort != null)
                p.distortion_param = DistortionParameter.FromProto(rpDistort);

            RawProto rpExpand = rp.FindChild("expansion_param");

            if (rpExpand != null)
                p.expansion_param = ExpansionParameter.FromProto(rpExpand);
                p.expansion_param = null;

            RawProto rpEmitCon = rp.FindChild("emit_constraint");

            if (rpEmitCon != null)
                p.emit_constraint = EmitConstraint.FromProto(rpEmitCon);
                p.emit_constraint = null;

            RawProto rpMask = rp.FindChild("mask_param");

            if (rpMask != null)
                p.mask_param = MaskParameter.FromProto(rpMask);

            RawProto rpLabelMapping = rp.FindChild("label_mapping");

            if (rpLabelMapping != null)
                p.label_mapping = DataLabelMappingParameter.FromProto(rpLabelMapping);

Esempio n. 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Setup the layer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="colBottom">Specifies the collection of bottom (input) Blobs.</param>
        /// <param name="colTop">Specifies the collection of top (output) Blobs.</param>
        public override void LayerSetUp(BlobCollection <T> colBottom, BlobCollection <T> colTop)
            m_log.CHECK_GT(m_param.detection_output_param.num_classes, 0, "There must be at least one class specified.");
            m_nNumClasses = (int)m_param.detection_output_param.num_classes;

            m_bShareLocations          = m_param.detection_output_param.share_location;
            m_nNumLocClasses           = (m_bShareLocations) ? 1 : m_nNumClasses;
            m_nBackgroundLabelId       = m_param.detection_output_param.background_label_id;
            m_codeType                 = m_param.detection_output_param.code_type;
            m_bVarianceEncodedInTarget = m_param.detection_output_param.variance_encoded_in_target;
            m_nKeepTopK                = m_param.detection_output_param.keep_top_k;
            m_fConfidenceThreshold     = m_param.detection_output_param.confidence_threshold.GetValueOrDefault(-float.MaxValue);

            // Parameters used in nms.
            m_fNmsThreshold = m_param.detection_output_param.nms_param.nms_threshold;
            m_log.CHECK_GE(m_fNmsThreshold, 0, "The nms_threshold must be non negative.");
            m_fEta = m_param.detection_output_param.nms_param.eta;
            m_log.CHECK_GT(m_fEta, 0, "The nms_param.eta must be > 0.");
            m_log.CHECK_LE(m_fEta, 1, "The nms_param.eta must be < 0.");

            m_nTopK = m_param.detection_output_param.nms_param.top_k.GetValueOrDefault(-1);

            m_strOutputDir = m_param.detection_output_param.save_output_param.output_directory;
            m_bNeedSave    = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_strOutputDir);
            if (m_bNeedSave && !Directory.Exists(m_strOutputDir))

            m_strOutputNamePrefix = m_param.detection_output_param.save_output_param.output_name_prefix;
            m_outputFormat        = m_param.detection_output_param.save_output_param.output_format;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_param.detection_output_param.save_output_param.label_map_file))
                string strLabelMapFile = m_param.detection_output_param.save_output_param.label_map_file;
                if (!File.Exists(strLabelMapFile))
                    // Ignore saving if there is no label map file.
                    m_log.WriteLine("WARNING: Could not find the label_map_file '" + strLabelMapFile + "'!");
                    m_bNeedSave = false;
                    LabelMap label_map;

                        RawProto proto = RawProto.FromFile(strLabelMapFile);
                        label_map = LabelMap.FromProto(proto);
                    catch (Exception excpt)
                        throw new Exception("Failed to read label map file!", excpt);

                        m_rgLabelToName = label_map.MapToName(m_log, true, false);
                    catch (Exception excpt)
                        throw new Exception("Failed to convert the label to name!", excpt);

                        m_rgLabelToDisplayName = label_map.MapToName(m_log, true, true);
                    catch (Exception excpt)
                        throw new Exception("Failed to convert the label to display name!", excpt);
                m_bNeedSave = false;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_param.detection_output_param.save_output_param.name_size_file))
                string strNameSizeFile = m_param.detection_output_param.save_output_param.name_size_file;
                if (!File.Exists(strNameSizeFile))
                    // Ignore saving if there is no name size file.
                    m_log.WriteLine("WARNING: Could not find the name_size_file '" + strNameSizeFile + "'!");
                    m_bNeedSave = false;
                    using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(strNameSizeFile))
                        string strName;
                        int    nHeight;
                        int    nWidth;

                        string strLine = sr.ReadLine();
                        while (strLine != null)
                            string[] rgstr = strLine.Split(' ');
                            if (rgstr.Length != 3 && rgstr.Length != 4)
                                throw new Exception("Invalid name_size_file format, expected 'name' 'height' 'width'");

                            int nNameIdx = (rgstr.Length == 4) ? 1 : 0;
                            strName = rgstr[nNameIdx].Trim(',');
                            nHeight = int.Parse(rgstr[nNameIdx + 1].Trim(','));
                            nWidth  = int.Parse(rgstr[nNameIdx + 2].Trim(','));

                            m_rgSizes.Add(new SizeF(nWidth, nHeight));

                            strLine = sr.ReadLine();

                    if (m_param.detection_output_param.save_output_param.num_test_image.HasValue)
                        m_nNumTestImage = (int)m_param.detection_output_param.save_output_param.num_test_image.Value;
                        m_nNumTestImage = m_rgstrNames.Count;

                    m_log.CHECK_LE(m_nNumTestImage, m_rgstrNames.Count, "The number of test images cannot exceed the number of names.");
                m_bNeedSave = false;

            if (m_param.detection_output_param.save_output_param.resize_param != null && m_param.detection_output_param.save_output_param.resize_param.Active)
                m_resizeParam = m_param.detection_output_param.save_output_param.resize_param;

            m_nNameCount = 0;

            m_bVisualize = m_param.detection_output_param.visualize;
            if (m_bVisualize)
                m_fVisualizeThreshold = m_param.detection_output_param.visualize_threshold.GetValueOrDefault(0.6f);
                m_transformer         = new DataTransformer <T>(m_cuda, m_log, m_param.transform_param, m_phase, 0, 0, 0);
                m_strSaveFile = m_param.detection_output_param.save_file;


            if (!m_bShareLocations)

Esempio n. 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the parameter from a RawProto.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rp">Specifies the RawProto to parse.</param>
        /// <returns>A new instance of the parameter is returned.</returns>
        public static TransformationParameter FromProto(RawProto rp)
            string strVal;
            TransformationParameter p = new TransformationParameter();

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("scale")) != null)
                p.scale = double.Parse(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("mirror")) != null)
                p.mirror = bool.Parse(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("crop_size")) != null)
                p.crop_size = uint.Parse(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("use_image_mean")) != null ||
                (strVal = rp.FindValue("use_imagedb_mean")) != null)
                p.use_imagedb_mean = bool.Parse(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("mean_file")) != null)
                p.use_imagedb_mean = true;

            p.mean_value = rp.FindArray <double>("mean_value");

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("force_color")) != null)
                p.force_color = bool.Parse(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("force_gray")) != null)
                p.force_gray = bool.Parse(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("force_positive_range_max")) != null)
                p.forced_positive_range_max = double.Parse(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("mean_file")) != null)
                p.mean_file = strVal;

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("color_order")) != null)
                if (strVal == COLOR_ORDER.BGR.ToString())
                    p.color_order = COLOR_ORDER.BGR;
                    p.color_order = COLOR_ORDER.RGB;

            RawProto rpResize = rp.FindChild("resize_param");

            p.resize_param = (rpResize != null) ? ResizeParameter.FromProto(rpResize) : null;

            RawProto rpNoise = rp.FindChild("noise_param");

            p.noise_param = (rpNoise != null) ? NoiseParameter.FromProto(rpNoise) : null;

            RawProto rpDistort = rp.FindChild("distortion_param");

            p.distortion_param = (rpDistort != null) ? DistortionParameter.FromProto(rpDistort) : null;

            RawProto rpExpand = rp.FindChild("expansion_param");

            p.expansion_param = (rpExpand != null) ? ExpansionParameter.FromProto(rpExpand) : null;

            RawProto rpEmitCon = rp.FindChild("emit_constraint");

            p.emit_constraint = (rpEmitCon != null) ? EmitConstraint.FromProto(rpEmitCon) : null;
