Esempio n. 1
        public HomePage()
            //Always initialize components before doing anything if you want to avoid a LOT of nullpointerexception
            BindingContext  = this;
            ReservedJourney = new List <Journey>();
            ProposedJourney = new List <Journey>();
            //We bind the collection view's properties to their respective watching lists
            ReservedView.SetBinding(CollectionView.ItemsSourceProperty, nameof(ReservedJourney));
            ProposedView.SetBinding(CollectionView.ItemsSourceProperty, nameof(ProposedJourney));
            ReservedView.ItemsSource = ReservedJourney;
            ProposedView.ItemsSource = ProposedJourney;
            //We check if the user is authentified. If so we set the connection button to disconnect, and change the method associated to the button's action
            if (InfoExchanger.IsAuthentified)
                this.Client               = InfoExchanger.User;
                ConnectionButton.Text     = "Se Déconnecter";
                ConnectionButton.Clicked -= GoToLoginPage;
                ConnectionButton.Clicked += Disconnect;

            //We display the journey if there is some to display
Esempio n. 2
        private void Button_Click_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) //search button
            //foreach (ReservedView item in db.Reserves.Where(r=>r.MatchDate.ToShortDateString())
            //  ReservedView rest = dgReserv.SelectedItem as ReservedView;
            //  Reserve r = new Reserve();
            foreach (ReservedView rest in dgReserv.Items)
                string starttime = rest.Stime;
                string endtime   = rest.Etime;
                string date      = rest.MatchDate.ToShortDateString();
                //   MessageBox.Show(starttime + " " + endtime + " " + sname);
                if (rest != null)
                    if (dpSearch.Text == rest.MatchDate.Date.ToShortDateString())
                        //   dgReserv.Items.Remove(sname);
                        // MessageBox.Show(date);
                        foreach (Reserve item in db.Reserves.OrderByDescending(o => o.ReserervAcsessDate).ToList())
                            var obj = new ReservedView
                                Id               = item.Id,
                                Stadium          = item.Stadium.Name,
                                Stime            = item.STime,
                                Etime            = item.Etime,
                                ReservAcsesstime = item.ReserervAcsessDate.Value,
                                Price            = ((decimal)item.Price).ToString("#.##"),
                                Costumer         = item.Costumer.FullName,
                                Phone            = item.Costumer.Phone.ToString(),
                                MatchDate        = item.MatchDate.Value.Date

                //  var selects = dgReserv.SelectedItems;
                //if(selects != null)
                //    dgReserv.SelectedItems.Remove(selects);
                //for (int i = dgReserv.SelectedItems.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                //    dgReserv.SelectedItems.Remove()
            //        foreach (var item in db.Reserves.ToList())
            //   // MessageBox.Show(item.MatchDate.ToString());
            //  // clickRow= dgReserv.Visibility=false;

            //foreach (DataGridViewRow item in others.ToList())
            //    dgvStocks.Rows[item.Index].Visible = false;
Esempio n. 3
        private void txtHours_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e)
            ReservedView rest = dpSeach.DataContext as ReservedView;

            if (rest != null)
                // = db.Reserves.Where(r => r.STime == txtHours.Text).ToList();
Esempio n. 4
        private void btnSearch_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            ReservedView rest = dpSeach.DataContext as ReservedView;

            if (rest != null)
                // = db.Reserves.Where(r => r.ReserervAcsessDate.Value.Date == dpSeach.SelectedDate.Value.Date).ToList();
Esempio n. 5
        private void dgReserv_SelectedCellsChanged(object sender, SelectedCellsChangedEventArgs e)     //datagrid click edende secilenleri doldurmaq
            ReservedView rest = dgReserv.CurrentItem as ReservedView;

            clickRow = rest.Id;
            //  MessageBox.Show(clickRow.ToString());
            if (rest != null)
                reserve           = db.Reserves.Find(rest.Id);
                cmbStadium.Text   = reserve.Stadium.Name;
                cmbTest.Text      = reserve.STime;
                cmbETimeTest.Text = reserve.Etime;
                txtCostumers.Text = reserve.Costumer.FullName;
                txtPhone.Text     = reserve.Costumer.Phone.ToString();
                dpMatchDate.Text  = reserve.MatchDate.Value.ToShortDateString();
Esempio n. 6
        private void Button_Click_6(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)//UPDATE
            lblError.Text = "";
            string stadium  = cmbStadium.Text;
            string stime    = cmbTest.Text;
            string etime    = cmbETimeTest.Text;
            string costumer = txtCostumers.Text;
            string phone    = txtPhone.Text;
            string price    = tbPrice.Text;

            if (cmbStadium.Text == string.Empty || stime == string.Empty || etime == string.Empty || costumer == string.Empty)
                lblError.Text = "Butun xanalari doldurun";
            if (!int.TryParse(phone, out int Phone))
                lblError.Text = "Sayı düzgün yazın";
            if (!decimal.TryParse(price.Split('-')[0], out decimal Price))
                lblError.Text = "Sayı düzgün yazın";

            ReservedView rest = dgReserv.CurrentItem as ReservedView;

            Reserve res = db.Reserves.Find(clickRow);

            if (rest != null)
                res.StadiumId          = Convert.ToInt32(cmbStadium.Text.Split('-')[0]);
                res.STime              = cmbTest.Text;
                res.Etime              = cmbETimeTest.Text;
                res.ReserervAcsessDate = DateTime.Now;
                res.Costumer.FullName  = txtCostumers.Text;
                res.Costumer.Phone     = Convert.ToInt32(phone);
                res.Price              = Convert.ToDecimal(price.Split('-')[0]);
                res.MatchDate          = dpMatchDate.SelectedDate.Value.Date;
                FillDgreserved();    //datagridi yeniden doldurmaq
Esempio n. 7
 private void FillDataGrid()
     foreach (Reserve item in db.Reserves.OrderByDescending(o => o.ReserervAcsessDate).ToList())
         var obj = new ReservedView
             Id               = item.Id,
             Stadium          = item.Stadium.Name,
             Stime            = item.STime,
             Etime            = item.Etime,
             ReservAcsesstime = item.ReserervAcsessDate.Value,
             Price            = ((decimal)item.Price).ToString("#.##"),
             Costumer         = item.Costumer.FullName,
             Phone            = item.Costumer.Phone.ToString()
Esempio n. 8
 private void FillDgreserved()//datagridi doldurmaq
     foreach (Reserve item in db.Reserves.OrderByDescending(o => o.ReserervAcsessDate).ToList())
         var obj = new ReservedView
             Id               = item.Id,
             Stadium          = item.Stadium.Name,
             Stime            = item.STime,
             Etime            = item.Etime,
             ReservAcsesstime = item.ReserervAcsessDate.Value,
             Price            = ((decimal)item.Price).ToString("#.##"),
             Costumer         = item.Costumer.FullName,
             Phone            = item.Costumer.Phone.ToString(),
             MatchDate        = item.MatchDate.Value.Date