public bool Run() { ReservationWindow sw = new ReservationWindow(); sw.DataContext = this; if (sw.ShowDialog() == true) { return(true); } return(false); }
private void Reservation(TOPModel top, DataGrid TOPsDataGrid) { ReservationWindow reservation = new ReservationWindow(); if (reservation.ShowDialog() == true) { top.Reserved = true; top.ReservationEnds = reservation.ReservationEndDate.SelectedDate.Value; UpdateTOP(top, TOPsDataGrid); return; } MessageBox.Show("TOP is not reserved!", "Info", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning); }
private void OpenNewReserve(object sender, EventArgs e) { _reservationViewModel = new ReservationViewModel(_service); _reservationViewModel.Canceled += (o, args) => { OpenMenu(_reservationWindow); }; _reservationViewModel.MessageApplication += ViewModel_MessageApplication; _reservationViewModel.Success += (o, args) => { OpenMenu(_reservationWindow); ShowMsgBox("Successfully sold"); }; _reservationWindow = new ReservationWindow { DataContext = _reservationViewModel }; _reservationWindow.Show(); _menuWindow.Close(); }
private void OnReservateButtonClicked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { DateTime start = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 9, 0, 0); DateTime end = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 17, 30, 0); #if DEBUG var isDebug = true; #else var isDebug = false; #endif if (isDebug || !isUserMode || (start.TimeOfDay <= DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay && DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay <= end.TimeOfDay)) { if (ReservationStatusPerDay.IsSelectedAlreadyOccupied()) { MessageBox.Show("이미 예약 되어 있습니다", "예약 불가", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning); } else { ReservationWindow window = new ReservationWindow(isUserMode); window.onReservationSuccess = (item) => { refresh(); if (item.classroom.Contains("과도관")) { MessageBox.Show("예약에 성공했습니다\n꼭 예약 종이에 도장을 받아가 주세요", "예약 성공", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information); } else { MessageBox.Show("예약에 성공했습니다", "예약 성공", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information); } }; window.ShowInTaskbar = false; window.ShowDialog(); } } else { MessageBox.Show("강의실 예약은 아침 9시 부터 오후 5시 반 까지만 가능합니다.", "예약 불가", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning); } }
public static bool AddReservation(AppointmentItem appointment) { ReservationWindow wnd = null; bool success = false; DisplayManager.ShowSplashScreen(); try { wnd = new ReservationWindow(appointment.Application.Session.CurrentUser.Name, "", appointment.Start, appointment.End, appointment.IsRecurring ? appointment.GetRecurrencePattern() : null); wnd.Loaded += (s, e) => { DisplayManager.HideSplashScreen(); }; } catch (System.Exception ex) { DisplayManager.HideSplashScreen(); LogManager.LogException(ex); DisplayManager.ShowErrorWindow("Failed to load MRBS Window", ex.Message); } if ((wnd != null) && (wnd.ShowDialog() == true)) { DisplayManager.ShowMessageWindow("Reserving Conference Room"); if (wnd.Request.Description == "") { string requestor = wnd.Request.Requestor; if (requestor.Contains(", ")) { requestor = requestor.Substring(0, requestor.IndexOf(", ")); } wnd.Request.Description = requestor; } try { DisplayManager.UpdateMessageScreen("Saving entry to MRBS..."); string mtg_id = Database.ReserveConferenceRoom(wnd.Request); UpdateOutlookAppointment(appointment, mtg_id, wnd.Request); success = true; DisplayManager.UpdateMessageScreen("Reservation was successful!"); Thread.Sleep(1200); } catch (System.Exception ex) { string msg = ex.Message; while (ex.InnerException != null) { ex = ex.InnerException; msg += "\n" + ex.Message; } LogManager.LogException(ex); DisplayManager.ShowErrorWindow("Error reserving conference room", msg); success = false; } finally { DisplayManager.HideMessageScreen(); } } return(success); }
public static bool ModifyReservation(AppointmentItem appointment) { ReservationWindow wnd = null; MeetingRequest existing_request = null; string mrbs_uid = appointment.UserProperties["MJ-MRBS-ID"].Value.ToString(); int mrbs_id = -1; string ical_uid = ""; string[] splits = mrbs_uid.Split(';'); bool success = false; if (splits.Length > 0) { int.TryParse(splits[0], out mrbs_id); } if (splits.Length > 1) { ical_uid = splits[1]; } DisplayManager.ShowSplashScreen(); DisplayManager.UpdateSplashScreen("Retrieving reservation from MRBS..."); try { existing_request = Database.GetRequestByEntry(mrbs_id, ical_uid, appointment.RecurrenceState == OlRecurrenceState.olApptMaster); } catch (KeyNotFoundException) { DisplayManager.HideSplashScreen(); if (DisplayManager.ShowQuestionWindow("Reservation not found in MRBS", "The reservation linked with this appointment could not be found in MRBS.", "Do you want to remove the link?") == true) { DisassociateAppointment(appointment); } return(false); } catch (System.Exception ex) { string msg = ex.Message; while (ex.InnerException != null) { ex = ex.InnerException; msg += "\n" + ex.Message; } LogManager.LogException(ex); DisplayManager.HideSplashScreen(); DisplayManager.ShowErrorWindow("Error reserving conference room", msg); return(false); } wnd = new ReservationWindow(existing_request, mrbs_id); wnd.Loaded += (s, e) => { DisplayManager.HideSplashScreen(); }; if (wnd.ShowDialog() == true) { bool roomChanged = existing_request.RoomId != wnd.Request.RoomId; bool timeChanged = (existing_request.Start != wnd.Request.Start) || (existing_request.End != wnd.Request.End); bool patternChanged = IsMRBSPatternDifferent(existing_request, wnd.Request); DisplayManager.ShowMessageWindow("Reserving Conference Room"); if (wnd.Request.Description == "") { string requestor = wnd.Request.Requestor; if (requestor.Contains(", ")) { requestor = requestor.Substring(0, requestor.IndexOf(", ")); } wnd.Request.Description = requestor; } try { DisplayManager.UpdateMessageScreen("Saving entry to MRBS..."); string mtg_id = ""; if (appointment.RecurrenceState == OlRecurrenceState.olApptMaster) { if (roomChanged || timeChanged || patternChanged) { Database.RemoveRepeatingEntry(mrbs_id, ical_uid); mtg_id = Database.ReserveConferenceRoom(wnd.Request); } else { mtg_id = Database.UpdateRepeat(mrbs_id, ical_uid, wnd.Request); } } else { mtg_id = Database.UpdateEntry(mrbs_id, ical_uid, wnd.Request); } UpdateOutlookAppointment(appointment, mtg_id, wnd.Request, patternChanged); success = true; DisplayManager.UpdateMessageScreen("Reservation was successful!"); Thread.Sleep(1200); } catch (System.Exception ex) { string msg = ex.Message; while (ex.InnerException != null) { ex = ex.InnerException; msg += "\n" + ex.Message; } LogManager.LogException(ex); DisplayManager.ShowErrorWindow("Error reserving conference room", msg); success = false; } finally { DisplayManager.HideMessageScreen(); } } return(success); }
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ReservationWindow win2 = new ReservationWindow(); win2.ShowDialog(); }