private static void CheckRequestFitsType(Type iBizType, RequestedInOut requestedInOut,
                                                 ServiceBuilderLookup serviceBaseInfo)
            //with async transactions the methods can be a mix of sync or async, so we mask to just check the non-async part
            var flagsMask = requestedInOut.HasFlag(RequestedInOut.OptionalAsync)
                ? RequestedInOut.NonAsyncFlagsMask
                : RequestedInOut.AllFlagsMask;

            if ((requestedInOut & flagsMask) == (serviceBaseInfo.TypeOfService & flagsMask))

            if (requestedInOut.HasFlag(RequestedInOut.InOrInOut))
                if (!serviceBaseInfo.TypeOfService.HasFlag(RequestedInOut.In))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("The action with interface of " + iBizType.Name +
                                                        " does not have an input, but you called it with a method that needs an input.");

                //otherwise InOrInOut passes this test

            //Else it is another error
            throw new InvalidOperationException(
                          (string)"Your call of {0} needed '{1}' but the Business class had a different setup of '{2}'",
                          (object)iBizType.Name, (object)requestedInOut, (object)serviceBaseInfo.TypeOfService));
        private static BizInfo LocalDecodeIBizType(Type iBizType, RequestedInOut requestedInOut)
            if (!iBizType.IsInterface)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(
                          "The provided generic type for this action must be an interface, but was " + iBizType.Name + ".");
            var actionInterface = iBizType.GetInterfaces().FirstOrDefault();

            if (actionInterface == null || !actionInterface.IsGenericType)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(
                          "The interface must inherit from one of the IGenericActions interfaces.");
            var genericInterfacePart = actionInterface.GetGenericTypeDefinition();

            if (!ServiceBuilderLookup.ServiceLookup.ContainsKey(genericInterfacePart))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("The inherited interface '" + iBizType.Name +
                                                    "' was not one of the possible IGenericAction interfaces.");

            var serviceBaseInfo = ServiceBuilderLookup.ServiceLookup[genericInterfacePart];

            //now check things before we proceed
            CheckRequestFitsType(iBizType, requestedInOut, serviceBaseInfo);

            return(new BizInfo(iBizType, actionInterface, serviceBaseInfo));
 /// <summary>
 /// This decodes the iBizType by looking at the in/out types and sets up the data
 /// to be able to call the business method with the right setup.
 /// It checking that the iBizType matches the requested In, Out, Async rules provided
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="iBizType">Must be an interface linked to the class holding the business logic</param>
 /// <param name="requestedInOut">The details of how the developer has called the method. Used for checking.</param>
 /// <param name="turnOffCaching"></param>
 public BizDecoder(Type iBizType, RequestedInOut requestedInOut, bool turnOffCaching)
     BizInfo = turnOffCaching
         ? LocalDecodeIBizType(iBizType, requestedInOut)
         : BizDecoderCache.GetOrAdd(FormCacheKey(iBizType, requestedInOut),
                                    type => LocalDecodeIBizType(iBizType, requestedInOut));
        //private helpers

        private static string FormCacheKey(Type bizType, RequestedInOut requestedInOut)
            return(bizType.FullName + "RequestedInOut=" + (byte)requestedInOut);
 public ServiceBuilderLookup(Type serviceHandleType, RequestedInOut typeOfService, bool requiresSaveChanges)
     ServiceHandleType   = serviceHandleType;
     TypeOfService       = typeOfService;
     RequiresSaveChanges = requiresSaveChanges;