public override Response Stream(Uri url, HttpMethod method, Func<HttpWebResponse, bool, Response> responseBuilderCallback, Stream contents, int bufferSize, long maxReadLength, Dictionary<string, string> headers, Dictionary<string, string> queryStringParameters, RequestSettings settings, Action<long> progressUpdated)
            if (settings == null)
                settings = new JsonRequestSettings();

            return base.Stream(url, method, responseBuilderCallback, contents, bufferSize, maxReadLength, headers, queryStringParameters, settings, progressUpdated);
Esempio n. 2
        public static void Exec(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("*** GetDocList ***");
            Console.WriteLine("--- START ---");

            string username = args[1];
            string password = args[2];

            GDataCredentials credentials = new GDataCredentials(username, password);
            RequestSettings settings = new RequestSettings("GDocBackup", credentials);
            settings.AutoPaging = true;
            settings.PageSize = 100;
            DocumentsRequest request = new DocumentsRequest(settings);

            Feed<Document> feed = request.GetEverything();
            List<Document> docs = new List<Document>();
            foreach (Document entry in feed.Entries)

            StreamWriter outFile = new StreamWriter("doclist.txt", false);
            StreamWriter outFile2 = new StreamWriter("doclistdetails.txt", false);
            foreach (Document doc in docs)
                string s = doc.Title + "\t" + doc.ResourceId;
                foreach (string pf in doc.ParentFolders)
                    outFile2.WriteLine("\t\t\t" + pf);

            Console.WriteLine("--- END ---");
Esempio n. 3
        public static void ExportDocList(string outFolder, string username, string password)
            GDataCredentials credentials = new GDataCredentials(username, password);
            RequestSettings settings = new RequestSettings("GDocBackup", credentials);
            settings.AutoPaging = true;
            settings.PageSize = 100;
            DocumentsRequest request = new DocumentsRequest(settings);

            Feed<Document> feed = request.GetEverything();
            List<Document> docs = new List<Document>();
            foreach (Document entry in feed.Entries)

            using (StreamWriter outFile = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(outFolder, "doclist.txt"), false),
                outFile2 = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(outFolder, "doclistdetails.txt"), false))
                foreach (Document doc in docs)
                    string s = doc.Title + "\t" + doc.ResourceId;
                    foreach (string pf in doc.ParentFolders)
                        outFile2.WriteLine("\t\t\t" + pf);
        public override Response Execute(Uri url, HttpMethod method, Func<HttpWebResponse, bool, Response> responseBuilderCallback, string body, Dictionary<string, string> headers, Dictionary<string, string> queryStringParameters, RequestSettings settings)
            if (settings == null)
                settings = new JsonRequestSettings();

            return base.Execute(url, method, responseBuilderCallback, body, headers, queryStringParameters, settings);
 public GoogleContactsRepository(AbstractContactsConfiguration credentials)
     _settings = new RequestSettings(credentials.ApplicationName, credentials.Username, credentials.Password)
                         AutoPaging = true
        public Model.Webhook GetWebhook(string resourceGroupName, string automationAccountName, string name)
            Requires.Argument("ResourceGroupName", resourceGroupName).NotNull();
            Requires.Argument("AutomationAccountName", automationAccountName).NotNull();
            using (var request = new RequestSettings(this.automationManagementClient))
                    var webhook =
                        this.automationManagementClient.Webhooks.Get(resourceGroupName, automationAccountName, name)
                    if (webhook == null)
                        throw new ResourceNotFoundException(
                            string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resources.WebhookNotFound, name));

                    return new Model.Webhook(resourceGroupName, automationAccountName, webhook);
                catch (CloudException cloudException)
                    if (cloudException.Response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound)
                        throw new ResourceNotFoundException(
                            string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resources.WebhookNotFound, name));

Esempio n. 7
        public bool Extract(NetworkCredential credential, out MailContactList list)
            bool result = false;
            list = new MailContactList();

                var rs = new RequestSettings("eStream-AspNetDating", credential.UserName, credential.Password)
                             {AutoPaging = true};

                var cr = new ContactsRequest(rs);

                Feed<Contact> f = cr.GetContacts();
                foreach (Contact e in f.Entries)
                    foreach (var email in e.Emails)
                        var mailContact = new MailContact {Email = email.Address, Name = e.Title};
                result = true;
            catch (Exception ex)

            return result;
        public void Test()
            RequestSettings settings = new RequestSettings("yourApp");
            settings.PageSize = 50000;
            settings.AutoPaging = true;
            PicasaRequest pr = new PicasaRequest(settings);
            pr.Service = GetPicasaService();
            Feed<Photo> feed = pr.GetPhotos();
            int cnt = 0;

            Photo x = null;

            foreach (Photo p in feed.Entries)
                if (p.Title.ToLower() == "2005-12-16Kovalev_Zachet.avi".ToLower())
                    x = p;
            var longTime = (DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1))).TotalMilliseconds;

            x.Timestamp = Convert.ToUInt64(longTime);


Esempio n. 9
 public GridBindingSettings(IGrid grid)
     this.grid = grid;
     Custom = new RequestSettings();
     Edit = new RequestSettings();
     Show = new RequestSettings();
     Delete = new RequestSettings();
		private ContactsRequest GetGoogleRequest() {
			if (_googleContactRequest == null) {
				RequestSettings rs = new RequestSettings("Avega.ContactSynchronizer", GoogleAuthentication.Username, GoogleAuthentication.Password);
				rs.AutoPaging = true;
				_googleContactRequest = new ContactsRequest(rs);
			return _googleContactRequest;
Esempio n. 11
 public GContact(RequestSettings rs, IContact other)
     //System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Creating a new Google contact for " + other.ToString() + " in memory");
     _rs = rs;
     _item = new Google.Contacts.Contact();
     _item.AtomEntry = new Google.GData.Contacts.ContactEntry();
Esempio n. 12
        public string Get()
            RequestSettings settings = new RequestSettings("YOUR_APPLICATION_NAME");
            // Add authorization token.
            // ...
            ContactsRequest cr = new ContactsRequest(settings);

            return "ok";
 private bool Authenticate(string user, string pass)
     _user = user;
     _pass = pass;
     _rs = new RequestSettings("GContactSync", _user, _pass);
     // AutoPaging results in automatic paging in order to retrieve all contacts
     _rs.AutoPaging = true;
     return true;
        public DirectoryInfo GetConfigurationContent(string resourceGroupName, string automationAccountName, string configurationName, bool? isDraft, string outputFolder, bool overwriteExistingFile)
            using (var request = new RequestSettings(this.automationManagementClient))
                if (isDraft != null)
                    throw new NotImplementedException(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resources.ConfigurationDraftMode));

                    var configuration = this.automationManagementClient.Configurations.GetContent(resourceGroupName, automationAccountName, configurationName);
                    if (configuration == null)
                        throw new ResourceNotFoundException(typeof(ConfigurationContent),
                            string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resources.ConfigurationContentNotFound, configurationName));

                    string outputFolderFullPath = this.GetCurrentDirectory();

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(outputFolder))
                        outputFolderFullPath = this.ValidateAndGetFullPath(outputFolder);

                    var slot = (isDraft == null) ? Constants.Published : Constants.Draft;

                    const string FileExtension = ".ps1";

                    var outputFilePath = outputFolderFullPath + "\\" + configurationName + FileExtension;

                    // file exists and overwrite Not specified
                    if (File.Exists(outputFilePath) && !overwriteExistingFile)
                        throw new ArgumentException(
                                string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resources.ConfigurationAlreadyExists, outputFilePath));

                    // Write to the file
                    this.WriteFile(outputFilePath, configuration.Content);

                    return new DirectoryInfo(configurationName + FileExtension);
                catch (CloudException cloudException)
                    if (cloudException.Response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound)
                        throw new ResourceNotFoundException(typeof(ConfigurationContent),
                            string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resources.ConfigurationContentNotFound, configurationName));

Esempio n. 15
        /// <summary>
        /// constructs a new ProfilesManager and authenticate using 2-Legged OAuth
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="consumerKey">Domain's consumer key</param>
        /// <param name="consumerSecret">Domain's consumer secret</param>
        /// <param name="adminEmail">Domain administrator's email</param>
        public ProfilesManager(String consumerKey, String consumerSecret, String adminEmail) {
            String admin = adminEmail.Substring(0, adminEmail.IndexOf('@'));
            this.domain = adminEmail.Substring(adminEmail.IndexOf('@') + 1);

            RequestSettings settings =
                new RequestSettings("GoogleInc-UnshareProfilesSample-1", consumerKey,
                                    consumerSecret, admin, this.domain);
            settings.AutoPaging = true;
   = new ContactsRequest(settings);

            this.BatchSize = 100;
        public void AddSite()
            RequestSettings settings = new RequestSettings("NETUnittests", this.userName, this.passWord);
            WebmasterToolsRequest f = new WebmasterToolsRequest(settings);

            Sites site = new Sites();
            site.AtomEntry = new AtomEntry();
            site.AtomEntry.Content.Src = "";
            site.AtomEntry.Content.Type = "text/plain";
            Sites newSite = f.AddSite(site);

Esempio n. 17
 public ActionResult Delete(string id)
     var webRequestManager = new HttpWebRequestManager();
     var url = Constants.ServerApi + "Users/" + id ;
     var requestConfig = new RequestSettings
         Method = HttpMethod.Delete,
     var headers = ServiceHelper.AddHeaders("application/json");
     var response = webRequestManager.GetResponse(url, requestConfig, headers, null, null);
     var result = JsonConvert.Deserialize<User>(response);
     return RedirectToAction("Index");
Esempio n. 18
 public ActionResult Index()
     var webRequestManager = new HttpWebRequestManager();
     var url = Constants.ServerApi + "Users";
     var requestConfig = new RequestSettings
         Method = HttpMethod.Get,
     var headers = ServiceHelper.AddHeaders("application/json");
     var response = webRequestManager.GetResponse(url, requestConfig, headers, null, null);
     var result = JsonConvert.Deserialize<List<User>>(response);
     return View(result);
Esempio n. 19
        public void TestWebmasterToolsKeywordsRequest()
            Tracing.TraceMsg("Entering Webmaster Tools Keywords RequestTest");

            RequestSettings settings = new RequestSettings("NETUnittests", this.userName, this.passWord);
            WebmasterToolsRequest f = new WebmasterToolsRequest(settings);

            Feed<Keywords> keywords = f.GetKeywords("http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Eexample%2Ecom%2F");
            foreach (Keywords keyword in keywords.Entries)
                Assert.IsTrue(keyword.AtomEntry != null, "There should be an atomentry");
Esempio n. 20
        public void TestWebmasterToolsCrawlIssuesRequest()
            Tracing.TraceMsg("Entering Webmaster Tools Crawl Issues RequestTest");

            RequestSettings settings = new RequestSettings("NETUnittests", this.userName, this.passWord);
            WebmasterToolsRequest f = new WebmasterToolsRequest(settings);

            Feed<CrawlIssues> crawlIssues = f.GetCrawlIssues("http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Eexample%2Ecom%2F");
            foreach (CrawlIssues crawlIssue in crawlIssues.Entries)
                Assert.IsTrue(crawlIssue.AtomEntry != null, "There should be an atomentry");
        public Model.Webhook CreateWebhook(
            string resourceGroupName,
            string automationAccountName,
            string name,
            string runbookName,
            bool isEnabled,
            DateTimeOffset expiryTime,
            Hashtable runbookParameters)
            Requires.Argument("ResourceGroupName", resourceGroupName).NotNull();
            Requires.Argument("AutomationAccountName", automationAccountName).NotNull();
            using (var request = new RequestSettings(this.automationManagementClient))
                var rbAssociationProperty = new RunbookAssociationProperty { Name = runbookName };
                var createOrUpdateProperties = new WebhookCreateOrUpdateProperties
                                                       IsEnabled = isEnabled,
                                                       ExpiryTime = expiryTime,
                                                       Runbook = rbAssociationProperty,
                                                       Uri =
                if (runbookParameters != null)
                    createOrUpdateProperties.Parameters =
                            .ToDictionary(kvp => (string)kvp.Key, kvp => (string)kvp.Value);

                var webhookCreateOrUpdateParameters = new WebhookCreateOrUpdateParameters(

                var webhook =

                return new Model.Webhook(
Esempio n. 22
        private void GetDocListExec()
            WriteMessage("*** GetDocList ***");
            WriteMessage("--- START ---");

                string username = tbUserName.Text; ;
                string password = tbPassword.Text;

                GDataCredentials credentials = new GDataCredentials(username, password);
                RequestSettings settings = new RequestSettings("GDocBackup", credentials);
                settings.AutoPaging = true;
                settings.PageSize = 100;
                DocumentsRequest request = new DocumentsRequest(settings);

                Feed<Document> feed = request.GetEverything();
                List<Document> docs = new List<Document>();
                foreach (Document entry in feed.Entries)

                StreamWriter outFile = new StreamWriter("doclist.txt", false);
                StreamWriter outFile2 = new StreamWriter("doclistdetails.txt", false);

                WriteMessage("Exporting document list. Please wait...");

                foreach (Document doc in docs)
                    string s = doc.Title + "\t" + doc.ResourceId;
                    foreach (string pf in doc.ParentFolders)
                        outFile2.WriteLine("\t\t\t" + pf);

                WriteMessage("Created file: doclist.txt");
                WriteMessage("Created file: doclistdetails.txt");

            catch (Exception ex)
                WriteMessage("EXCEPTION: " + ex.ToString());

            WriteMessage("--- END ---");
Esempio n. 23
 public ActionResult Create(User user)
     var webRequestManager = new HttpWebRequestManager();
     var json = JsonConvert.Serialize(user);
     var url = Constants.ServerApi + "Users";
     var requestConfig = new RequestSettings
         Method = HttpMethod.Post,
     var headers = ServiceHelper.AddHeaders("application/json");
     var response = webRequestManager.GetResponse(url, requestConfig, headers, null, json);
     var result = JsonConvert.Deserialize<User>(response);
     return RedirectToAction("Index");
     //return View();
 private List<Survey> GetSurveyListRequest(RequestSettings parameters)
         const string endPoint = "/surveys/get_survey_list";
         var o = MakeApiRequest(endPoint, parameters);
         List<JsonDeserializeGetSurveyList> rawSurveys = o["surveys"].ToObject<List<JsonDeserializeGetSurveyList>>();
         List<Survey> surveys = rawSurveys.Select(x => x.ToSurvey()).ToList();
         return surveys;
     catch (Exception e)
         throw new SurveyMonkeyException("Error communicating with endpoint", e);
Esempio n. 25
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var email = inputReader.GetInput("Enter your email: ");
            var password = inputReader.GetPassword("Your Password: "******"linq2ga", email, password);
            var request = new AnalyticsRequest(settings);

            messenger.Send("Please wait. Loading your Accounts... ");
            var accounts = request.GetAccounts();
            foreach (var account in accounts.Entries)

            inputReader.GetInput("... press enter to continue ...");
Esempio n. 26
        public Form1()

            GoogleClientLogin loginDialog = new GoogleClientLogin(new DocumentsService("GoogleDocumentsSample"), "*****@*****.**");
            if (loginDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                RequestSettings settings = new RequestSettings("GoogleDocumentsSample", loginDialog.Credentials);
                settings.AutoPaging = true;
                settings.PageSize = 100;
                if (settings != null)
                    this.request = new DocumentsRequest(settings);
                    this.Text = "Successfully logged in";

                    Feed<Document> feed = this.request.GetEverything();
                    // this takes care of paging the results in
                    foreach (Document entry in feed.Entries)

                    TreeNode noFolder = null;
                    noFolder = new TreeNode("Items with no folder");
                    noFolder.SelectedImageIndex = 0;
                    noFolder.ImageIndex = 0;

                    foreach (Document entry in all)
                        // let's add those with no parents for the toplevel
                        if (entry.ParentFolders.Count == 0)
                            if (entry.Type != Document.DocumentType.Folder)
                                AddToTreeView(noFolder.Nodes, entry);
                                TreeNode n = AddToTreeView(this.documentsView.Nodes, entry);
                                AddAllChildren(n.Nodes, entry);

Esempio n. 27
        /// <summary>
        /// Send authorized queries to a Request-based library
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="service"></param>
        private static void RunContactsSample(OAuth2Parameters parameters) {
            try {
                RequestSettings settings = new RequestSettings(applicationName, parameters);
                ContactsRequest cr = new ContactsRequest(settings);

                Feed<Contact> f = cr.GetContacts();
                foreach (Contact c in f.Entries) {
            } catch (AppsException a) {
                Console.WriteLine("A Google Apps error occurred.");
                Console.WriteLine("Error code: {0}", a.ErrorCode);
                Console.WriteLine("Invalid input: {0}", a.InvalidInput);
                Console.WriteLine("Reason: {0}", a.Reason);
Esempio n. 28
        public override bool Execute()
            GDataCredentials credentials = GetDataCredentials();
            RequestSettings settings = new RequestSettings("", credentials);
            settings.AutoPaging = true;
            settings.PageSize = 100;

            DocumentsRequest request = new DocumentsRequest(settings);
            Feed<Document> feed = request.GetFolders();

            List<ITaskItem> outputs = new List<ITaskItem>();

            // this takes care of paging the results in
            List<Document> entries = feed.Entries.ToList();
            IDictionary<string, Document> documentDictionary = entries.ToDictionary(item => item.Self);


            foreach (Document entry in entries)
                if (_Cancelled)
                    return false;

                List<PathMapping> paths = GetPaths(entry, documentDictionary).ToList();

                //handle each path, as we may allow multiple locations for a collection
                foreach (PathMapping path in paths)
                    if (Pattern == null || PatternExpression.IsMatch(path.TitlePath))
                        Log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.High, "Matched \"{0}\"", path.TitlePath);
                        outputs.Add(BuildFolder(entry, path));
                        Log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.Low, "Skipped \"{0}\"", path.TitlePath);

            Folders = outputs.ToArray();
            return true;
        public Model.DscConfiguration GetConfiguration(
            string resourceGroupName,
            string automationAccountName,
            string configurationName)
            using (var request = new RequestSettings(this.automationManagementClient))
                Requires.Argument("ResourceGroupName", resourceGroupName).NotNull();
                Requires.Argument("AutomationAccountName", automationAccountName).NotNull();
                Requires.Argument("ConfigurationName", configurationName).NotNull();

                var configuration =

                return new Model.DscConfiguration(resourceGroupName, automationAccountName, configuration);
Esempio n. 30
    protected void btnContacts_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //Provide Login Information
        ViewState["hello"] = txtPassword.Text;
        RequestSettings rsLoginInfo = new RequestSettings("", txtEmail.Text, txtPassword.Text);
        rsLoginInfo.AutoPaging = true;

        // Fetch contacts and dislay them in ListBox
        ContactsRequest cRequest = new ContactsRequest(rsLoginInfo);
        Feed<Contact> feedContacts = cRequest.GetContacts();
        foreach (Contact gmailAddresses in feedContacts.Entries)

            foreach (EMail emailId in gmailAddresses.Emails)
                RadListBoxItem item = new RadListBoxItem();
                item.Text = emailId.Address;
Esempio n. 31
 internal HttpCallProxy(RequestSettings settings, EndpointConfig config)
     _settings       = settings;
     _endpointConfig = config;
        private HttpRequestMessage BuildHttpRequestMessage <T>(string method, string path, List <KeyValuePair <string, object> > urlParams, object requestParams, string payloadKey, RequestSettings requestSettings) where T : ApiResponse
                //insert url arguments into template
                foreach (var arg in urlParams)
                    path = path.Replace(":" + arg.Key, Helpers.Stringify(arg.Value));
                //add querystring for GET requests

                if (method == "GET")
                    var requestArguments = Helpers.ExtractQueryStringValuesFromObject(requestParams);
                    if (requestArguments.Count > 0)
                        var queryString = String.Join("&", requestArguments.Select(Helpers.QueryStringArgument));
                        path += "?" + queryString;

            var httpMethod = new HttpMethod(method);

            var requestMessage = new HttpRequestMessage(httpMethod, new Uri(_baseUrl, path));

            requestMessage.Headers.Add("User-Agent", "gocardless-dotnet/2.15.0");
            requestMessage.Headers.Add("GoCardless-Version", "2015-07-06");
            requestMessage.Headers.Add("GoCardless-Client-Version", "2.15.0");
            requestMessage.Headers.Add("GoCardless-Client-Library", "gocardless-dotnet");
            requestMessage.Headers.Authorization =
                new System.Net.Http.Headers.AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", _accessToken);

                //add request body for non-GETs
                if (method != "GET")
                    if (requestParams != null)
                        var settings = new Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings
                            Formatting        = Formatting.Indented,
                            NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore
                        var serializer = JsonSerializer.Create(settings);

                        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                        using (var sw = new StringWriter(sb))
                            var jo = new JObject();
                            using (var jsonTextWriter = new LinuxLineEndingJsonTextWriter(sw))
                                serializer.Serialize(jsonTextWriter, requestParams);
                                jo[payloadKey] = JToken.Parse(sb.ToString());
                            requestMessage.Content = new StringContent(jo.ToString(Formatting.Indented), Encoding.UTF8,

            var hasIdempotencyKey = requestParams as IHasIdempotencyKey;

            if (hasIdempotencyKey != null)
                hasIdempotencyKey.IdempotencyKey = hasIdempotencyKey.IdempotencyKey ?? Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                requestMessage.Headers.TryAddWithoutValidation("Idempotency-Key", hasIdempotencyKey.IdempotencyKey);

            if (requestSettings != null)
                foreach (var header in requestSettings.Headers)
                    if (requestMessage.Headers.Contains(header.Key))

                    requestMessage.Headers.Add(header.Key, header.Value);

Esempio n. 33
 public TestGETRequest(RequestSettings settings)
     : base(settings)
Esempio n. 34
 /// <summary>
 /// default constructor for a YouTubeRequest
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="settings"></param>
 public ContactsRequest(RequestSettings settings)
     : base(settings)
     this.Service = new ContactsService(settings.Application);
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a [cursor-paginated](#api-usage-cursor-pagination) list of
        /// your payments.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request">An optional `PaymentListRequest` representing the query parameters for this list request.</param>
        /// <param name="customiseRequestMessage">An optional `RequestSettings` allowing you to configure the request</param>
        /// <returns>A set of payment resources</returns>
        public Task <PaymentListResponse> ListAsync(PaymentListRequest request = null, RequestSettings customiseRequestMessage = null)
            request = request ?? new PaymentListRequest();

            var urlParams = new List <KeyValuePair <string, object> >

            return(_goCardlessClient.ExecuteAsync <PaymentListResponse>(HttpMethod.Get, "/payments", urlParams, request, null, null, customiseRequestMessage));
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a lazily enumerated list of payments.
        /// This acts like the #list method, but paginates for you automatically.
        /// </summary>
        public IEnumerable <Task <IReadOnlyList <Payment> > > AllAsync(PaymentListRequest request = null, RequestSettings customiseRequestMessage = null)
            request = request ?? new PaymentListRequest();

            return(new TaskEnumerable <IReadOnlyList <Payment>, string>(async after =>
                request.After = after;
                var list = await this.ListAsync(request, customiseRequestMessage);
                return Tuple.Create(list.Payments, list.Meta?.Cursors?.After);
Esempio n. 37
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves the details of a tax rate.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="identity">The unique identifier created by the jurisdiction, tax type and version</param>
        /// <param name="request">An optional `TaxRateGetRequest` representing the query parameters for this get request.</param>
        /// <param name="customiseRequestMessage">An optional `RequestSettings` allowing you to configure the request</param>
        /// <returns>A single tax rate resource</returns>
        public Task <TaxRateResponse> GetAsync(string identity, TaxRateGetRequest request = null, RequestSettings customiseRequestMessage = null)
            request = request ?? new TaxRateGetRequest();
            if (identity == null)
                throw new ArgumentException(nameof(identity));

            var urlParams = new List <KeyValuePair <string, object> >
                new KeyValuePair <string, object>("identity", identity),

            return(_goCardlessClient.ExecuteAsync <TaxRateResponse>("GET", "/tax_rates/:identity", urlParams, request, null, null, customiseRequestMessage));
Esempio n. 38
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a [cursor-paginated](#api-usage-cursor-pagination) list of
        /// all tax rates.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request">An optional `TaxRateListRequest` representing the query parameters for this list request.</param>
        /// <param name="customiseRequestMessage">An optional `RequestSettings` allowing you to configure the request</param>
        /// <returns>A set of tax rate resources</returns>
        public Task <TaxRateListResponse> ListAsync(TaxRateListRequest request = null, RequestSettings customiseRequestMessage = null)
            request = request ?? new TaxRateListRequest();

            var urlParams = new List <KeyValuePair <string, object> >

            return(_goCardlessClient.ExecuteAsync <TaxRateListResponse>("GET", "/tax_rates", urlParams, request, null, null, customiseRequestMessage));
Esempio n. 39
        private T ExecuteRESTRequest <T>(CloudIdentity identity, Uri absoluteUri, HttpMethod method, object body, Dictionary <string, string> queryStringParameter, Dictionary <string, string> headers, bool isRetry, RequestSettings requestSettings,
                                         Func <Uri, HttpMethod, string, Dictionary <string, string>, Dictionary <string, string>, RequestSettings, T> callback) where T : Response
            identity = GetDefaultIdentity(identity);

            if (requestSettings == null)
                requestSettings = BuildDefaultRequestSettings();

            if (headers == null)
                headers = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            headers["X-Auth-Token"] = IdentityProvider.GetToken(identity, isRetry).Id;

            string bodyStr = null;

            if (body != null)
                if (body is JObject)
                    bodyStr = body.ToString();
                else if (body is string)
                    bodyStr = body as string;
                    bodyStr = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(body, new JsonSerializerSettings {
                        NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(requestSettings.UserAgent))
                requestSettings.UserAgent = GetUserAgentHeaderValue();

            var response = callback(absoluteUri, method, bodyStr, headers, queryStringParameter, requestSettings);

            // on errors try again 1 time.
            if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized)
                if (!isRetry)
                    return(ExecuteRESTRequest <T>(identity, absoluteUri, method, body, queryStringParameter, headers, true, requestSettings, callback));


Esempio n. 40
 protected Response ExecuteRESTRequest(CloudIdentity identity, Uri absoluteUri, HttpMethod method, Func <HttpWebResponse, bool, Response> buildResponseCallback, object body = null, Dictionary <string, string> queryStringParameter = null, Dictionary <string, string> headers = null, bool isRetry = false, RequestSettings settings = null)
     return(ExecuteRESTRequest <Response>(identity, absoluteUri, method, body, queryStringParameter, headers, isRetry, settings,
                                          (uri, requestMethod, requestBody, requestHeaders, requestQueryParams, requestSettings) => RestService.Execute(uri, requestMethod, buildResponseCallback, requestBody, requestHeaders, requestQueryParams, requestSettings)));
Esempio n. 41
        protected Response StreamRESTRequest(CloudIdentity identity, Uri absoluteUri, HttpMethod method, Stream stream, int chunkSize, long maxReadLength = 0, Dictionary <string, string> queryStringParameter = null, Dictionary <string, string> headers = null, bool isRetry = false, RequestSettings requestSettings = null, Action <long> progressUpdated = null)
            identity = GetDefaultIdentity(identity);

            if (requestSettings == null)
                requestSettings = BuildDefaultRequestSettings();

            requestSettings.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(14400000); // Need to pass this in.

            if (headers == null)
                headers = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            headers["X-Auth-Token"] = IdentityProvider.GetToken(identity, isRetry).Id;

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(requestSettings.UserAgent))
                requestSettings.UserAgent = GetUserAgentHeaderValue();

            var response = RestService.Stream(absoluteUri, method, stream, chunkSize, maxReadLength, headers, queryStringParameter, requestSettings, progressUpdated);

            // on errors try again 1 time.
            if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized)
                if (!isRetry)
                    return(StreamRESTRequest(identity, absoluteUri, method, stream, chunkSize, maxReadLength, queryStringParameter, headers, isRetry, requestSettings, progressUpdated));


Esempio n. 42
 private async Task <Response> GetRequestSettings()
     return(Response.AsJson(await RequestSettings.GetSettingsAsync()));
Esempio n. 43
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new creditor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A single creditor resource</returns>
        public Task <CreditorResponse> CreateAsync(CreditorCreateRequest request = null, RequestSettings customiseRequestMessage = null)
            request = request ?? new CreditorCreateRequest();

            var urlParams = new List <KeyValuePair <string, object> >

            return(_goCardlessClient.ExecuteAsync <CreditorResponse>("POST", "/creditors", urlParams, request, id => GetAsync(id, null, customiseRequestMessage), "creditors", customiseRequestMessage));
Esempio n. 44
 public GetMyTopicsServerRequest(RequestSettings requestSettings)
     : base(requestSettings)
        /// <summary>
        /// <a name="retry_failed"></a>Retries a failed payment if the
        /// underlying mandate is active. You will receive a
        /// `resubmission_requested` webhook, but after that retrying the
        /// payment follows the same process as its initial creation, so you
        /// will receive a `submitted` webhook, followed by a `confirmed` or
        /// `failed` event. Any metadata supplied to this endpoint will be
        /// stored against the payment submission event it causes.
        /// This will return a `retry_failed` error if the payment has not
        /// failed.
        /// Payments can be retried up to 3 times.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="identity">Unique identifier, beginning with "PM".</param>
        /// <param name="request">An optional `PaymentRetryRequest` representing the body for this retry request.</param>
        /// <param name="customiseRequestMessage">An optional `RequestSettings` allowing you to configure the request</param>
        /// <returns>A single payment resource</returns>
        public Task <PaymentResponse> RetryAsync(string identity, PaymentRetryRequest request = null, RequestSettings customiseRequestMessage = null)
            request = request ?? new PaymentRetryRequest();
            if (identity == null)
                throw new ArgumentException(nameof(identity));

            var urlParams = new List <KeyValuePair <string, object> >
                new KeyValuePair <string, object>("identity", identity),

            return(_goCardlessClient.ExecuteAsync <PaymentResponse>(HttpMethod.Post, "/payments/:identity/actions/retry", urlParams, request, null, "data", customiseRequestMessage));
Esempio n. 46
        public override List <EContact> GetContacts(string pCodeForAccessToken)
            List <EContact> vListOfContacts = new List <EContact>();
            EContact        vEContact       = null;
            string          vParameters     = string.Empty;

            byte[] vByteArray          = null;
            Stream vPostStream         = null;
            string vResponseFromServer = string.Empty;

                // Get access token
                HttpWebRequest webRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(LocalConstants.GetGoogleTokenUrl);      //
                webRequest.Method = "POST";

                vParameters = string.Format("code={0}&client_id={1}&client_secret={2}&redirect_uri={3}&grant_type=authorization_code",
                                            pCodeForAccessToken, LocalConstants.GetClientID, LocalConstants.GetGoogleClientSecret, LocalConstants.GetRedirectUrl);

                vByteArray               = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(vParameters);
                webRequest.ContentType   = LocalConstants.GetRequestContentType;
                webRequest.ContentLength = vByteArray.Length;

                vPostStream = webRequest.GetRequestStream();
                vPostStream.Write(vByteArray, 0, vByteArray.Length);

                WebResponse response = webRequest.GetResponse();
                vPostStream = response.GetResponseStream();
                StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(vPostStream);
                vResponseFromServer = reader.ReadToEnd();

                dynamic vToken = JObject.Parse(vResponseFromServer);

                OAuth2Parameters oAuthparameters = new OAuth2Parameters()
                    Scope        = LocalConstants.GetGoogleScopeContactsUrl,
                    AccessToken  = vToken.access_token,
                    RefreshToken = vToken.refresh_token

                RequestSettings vSettings        = new RequestSettings(string.Format("<var>{0}</var>", LocalConstants.GetGoogleAuthApplication), oAuthparameters);
                ContactsRequest vContactsRequest = new ContactsRequest(vSettings);

                ContactsQuery vContactsQuery = new ContactsQuery(ContactsQuery.CreateContactsUri("default"));
                vContactsQuery.NumberToRetrieve = 5000;

                Feed <Contact> feed = vContactsRequest.Get <Contact>(vContactsQuery);

                if (feed != null && feed.Entries != null)
                    foreach (Contact contact in feed.Entries)
                        foreach (EMail email in contact.Emails)
                            vEContact          = new EContact();
                            vEContact.FullName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(contact.Title) ? email.Address : contact.Title;
                            vEContact.Email    = email.Address;
            catch (Exception vException)
                throw vException;

        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a PDF mandate and returns its temporary URL.
        /// Customer and bank account details can be left blank (for a blank
        /// mandate), provided manually, or inferred from the ID of an existing
        /// [mandate](#core-endpoints-mandates).
        /// By default, we'll generate PDF mandates in English.
        /// To generate a PDF mandate in another language, set the
        /// `Accept-Language` header when creating the PDF mandate to the
        /// relevant [ISO
        /// 639-1](
        /// language code supported for the scheme.
        /// | Scheme           | Supported languages
        ///                         |
        /// | :--------------- |
        /// :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// |
        /// | ACH              | English (`en`)
        ///                         |
        /// | Autogiro         | English (`en`), Swedish (`sv`)
        ///                         |
        /// | Bacs             | English (`en`)
        ///                         |
        /// | BECS             | English (`en`)
        ///                         |
        /// | BECS NZ          | English (`en`)
        ///                         |
        /// | Betalingsservice | Danish (`da`), English (`en`)
        ///                         |
        /// | PAD              | English (`en`)
        ///                         |
        /// | SEPA Core        | Danish (`da`), Dutch (`nl`), English (`en`),
        /// French (`fr`), German (`de`), Italian (`it`), Portuguese (`pt`),
        /// Spanish (`es`), Swedish (`sv`) |
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request">An optional `MandatePdfCreateRequest` representing the body for this create request.</param>
        /// <param name="customiseRequestMessage">An optional `RequestSettings` allowing you to configure the request</param>
        /// <returns>A single mandate pdf resource</returns>
        public Task <MandatePdfResponse> CreateAsync(MandatePdfCreateRequest request = null, RequestSettings customiseRequestMessage = null)
            request = request ?? new MandatePdfCreateRequest();

            var urlParams = new List <KeyValuePair <string, object> >

            return(_goCardlessClient.ExecuteAsync <MandatePdfResponse>("POST", "/mandate_pdfs", urlParams, request, null, "mandate_pdfs", customiseRequestMessage));
Esempio n. 48
            public TestStateMachine(RequestSettings settings)
                Event(() => Register, x =>
                    x.CorrelateBy(p => p.MemberNumber, p => p.Message.MemberNumber);
                    x.SelectId(context => NewId.NextGuid());

                Request(() => ValidateAddress, x => x.ValidateAddressRequestId, settings);
                Request(() => ValidateName, x => x.ValidateNameRequestId, cfg =>
                    cfg.SchedulingServiceAddress = settings.SchedulingServiceAddress;
                    cfg.Timeout = settings.Timeout;

                          .Then(context =>
                    Console.WriteLine("Registration received: {0}", context.Data.MemberNumber);

                    Console.WriteLine("TestState ID: {0}", context.Instance.CorrelationId);

                    context.Instance.Name         = context.Data.Name;
                    context.Instance.Address      = context.Data.Address;
                    context.Instance.MemberNumber = context.Data.MemberNumber;
                          .Request(ValidateAddress, x => ValidateAddress.Settings.ServiceAddress, x => x.Init <ValidateAddress>(x.Instance))

                       .ThenAsync(async context =>
                    await Console.Out.WriteLineAsync("Request Completed!");

                    context.Instance.Address = context.Data.Address;
                       .Request(ValidateName, context => context.Init <ValidateName>(context.Instance))
                       .ThenAsync(async context => await Console.Out.WriteLineAsync("Request Faulted"))
                       .ThenAsync(async context => await Console.Out.WriteLineAsync("Request timed out"))

                       .ThenAsync(async context =>
                    await Console.Out.WriteLineAsync("Request Completed!");

                    context.Instance.Name = context.Data.Name;
                       .PublishAsync(context => context.Init <MemberRegistered>(context.Instance))
                       .ThenAsync(async context => await Console.Out.WriteLineAsync("Request Faulted"))
                       .ThenAsync(async context => await Console.Out.WriteLineAsync("Request timed out"))
Esempio n. 49
        public void OAuth2LeggedModelContactsBatchInsertTest()
            const int numberOfInserts = 37;

            Tracing.TraceMsg("Entering OAuth2LeggedModelContactsBatchInsertTest");

            RequestSettings rs = new RequestSettings(this.ApplicationName, this.oAuthConsumerKey, this.oAuthConsumerSecret,
                                                     this.oAuthUser, this.oAuthDomain);


            rs.AutoPaging = true;

            ContactsRequest cr = new ContactsRequest(rs);

            Feed <Contact> f = cr.GetContacts();

            int originalCount = f.TotalResults;

            PhoneNumber    p        = null;
            List <Contact> inserted = new List <Contact>();

            if (f != null)
                Assert.IsTrue(f.Entries != null, "the contacts needs entries");

                for (int i = 0; i < numberOfInserts; i++)
                    Contact entry = new Contact();
                    entry.AtomEntry            = ObjectModelHelper.CreateContactEntry(i);
                    entry.PrimaryEmail.Address = "joe" + i.ToString() + "";
                    p = entry.PrimaryPhonenumber;
                    inserted.Add(cr.Insert(f, entry));

            List <Contact> list = new List <Contact>();

            f = cr.GetContacts();
            foreach (Contact e in f.Entries)

            if (inserted.Count > 0)
                int iVer = numberOfInserts;
                // let's find those guys
                for (int i = 0; i < inserted.Count; i++)
                    Contact test = inserted[i];
                    foreach (Contact e in list)
                        if (e.Id == test.Id)
                            // verify we got the phonenumber back....
                            Assert.IsTrue(e.PrimaryPhonenumber != null, "They should have a primary phonenumber");
                            Assert.AreEqual(e.PrimaryPhonenumber.Value, p.Value, "They should be identical");

                Assert.IsTrue(iVer == 0, "The new entries should all be part of the feed now, " + iVer + " left over");

            // now delete them again
            ContactsTestSuite.DeleteList(inserted, cr, new Uri(f.AtomFeed.Batch));

            // now make sure they are gone
            if (inserted.Count > 0)
                f = cr.GetContacts();
                Assert.IsTrue(f.TotalResults == originalCount, "The count should be correct as well");
                foreach (Contact e in f.Entries)
                    // let's find those guys, we should not find ANY
                    for (int i = 0; i < inserted.Count; i++)
                        Contact test = inserted[i] as Contact;
                        Assert.IsTrue(e.Id != test.Id, "The new entries should all be deleted now");
Esempio n. 50
 public GoogleAdapter(string UserName, string Password, Logger logger)
     rs          = new RequestSettings(AppName, UserName, Password);
     this.logger = logger;
Esempio n. 51
        private IList <IContact> GetContacts(int pageNumber, int pageSize, ISelection selection)
            IList <IContact> result = new List <IContact>();
            RequestSettings  rs     = new RequestSettings(applicationName, token.ToString());

            rs.AutoPaging = true;
            ContactsRequest cr = new ContactsRequest(rs);

            Feed <Google.Contacts.Contact> contacts = cr.GetContacts();
            int i = 1;

            if (pageNumber > 0)
                foreach (Google.Contacts.Contact e in contacts.Entries)
                    if (i < (pageNumber * pageSize) - (pageSize - 1))
                    if (i > (pageNumber * pageSize))

                    GetContact(i++, result, e);

                this.totalCount = contacts.TotalResults;
            else if (selection != null)
                foreach (Google.Contacts.Contact e in contacts.Entries)
                    if (!selection.SelectedAll && !selection.SelectedIndexs.Exists(delegate(int record) { if (record == i)
                                                                                                          return(false); }))
                    if (selection.SelectedAll && selection.SelectedIndexs.Exists(delegate(int record) { if (record == i)
                                                                                                        return(false); }))
                    if (e.PrimaryEmail == null)

                    Contact contact = new Contact();
                    contact.Index     = i;
                    contact.FirstName = e.Title;
                    contact.Email     = e.PrimaryEmail.Address;
                foreach (Google.Contacts.Contact e in contacts.Entries)
                    GetContact(i++, result, e);

                this.totalCount = contacts.TotalResults;

Esempio n. 52
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs a bank details lookup. As part of the lookup, a modulus
        /// check and
        /// reachability check are performed.
        /// If your request returns an [error](#api-usage-errors) or the
        /// `available_debit_schemes`
        /// attribute is an empty array, you will not be able to collect
        /// payments from the
        /// specified bank account. GoCardless may be able to collect payments
        /// from an account
        /// even if no `bic` is returned.
        /// Bank account details may be supplied using [local
        /// details](#appendix-local-bank-details) or an IBAN.
        /// _Note:_ Usage of this endpoint is monitored. If your organisation
        /// relies on GoCardless for
        /// modulus or reachability checking but not for payment collection,
        /// please get in touch.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request">An optional `BankDetailsLookupCreateRequest` representing the body for this create request.</param>
        /// <param name="customiseRequestMessage">An optional `RequestSettings` allowing you to configure the request</param>
        /// <returns>A single bank details lookup resource</returns>
        public Task <BankDetailsLookupResponse> CreateAsync(BankDetailsLookupCreateRequest request = null, RequestSettings customiseRequestMessage = null)
            request = request ?? new BankDetailsLookupCreateRequest();

            var urlParams = new List <KeyValuePair <string, object> >

            return(_goCardlessClient.ExecuteAsync <BankDetailsLookupResponse>("POST", "/bank_details_lookups", urlParams, request, null, "bank_details_lookups", customiseRequestMessage));
Esempio n. 53
        /// <summary>
        /// Declares a request that is sent by the state machine to a service, and the associated response, fault, and
        /// timeout handling. The property is initialized with the fully built Request. The request must be declared before
        /// it is used in the state/event declaration statements.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TRequest">The request type</typeparam>
        /// <typeparam name="TResponse">The response type</typeparam>
        /// <typeparam name="TResponse2">The alternate response type</typeparam>
        /// <param name="propertyExpression">The request property on the state machine</param>
        /// <param name="requestIdExpression">The property where the requestId is stored</param>
        /// <param name="settings">The request settings (which can be read from configuration, etc.)</param>
        protected void Request <TRequest, TResponse, TResponse2>(Expression <Func <Request <TInstance, TRequest, TResponse, TResponse2> > > propertyExpression,
                                                                 Expression <Func <TInstance, Guid?> > requestIdExpression, RequestSettings settings)
            where TRequest : class
            where TResponse : class
            where TResponse2 : class
            var property = propertyExpression.GetPropertyInfo();

            var request = new StateMachineRequest <TInstance, TRequest, TResponse, TResponse2>(property.Name, requestIdExpression, settings);

            InitializeRequest(this, property, request);

            Event(propertyExpression, x => x.Completed, x => x.CorrelateBy(requestIdExpression, context => context.RequestId));
            Event(propertyExpression, x => x.Completed2, x => x.CorrelateBy(requestIdExpression, context => context.RequestId));
            Event(propertyExpression, x => x.Faulted, x => x.CorrelateBy(requestIdExpression, context => context.RequestId));
            Event(propertyExpression, x => x.TimeoutExpired, x => x.CorrelateBy(requestIdExpression, context => context.Message.RequestId));

            State(propertyExpression, x => x.Pending);

                When(request.TimeoutExpired, request.EventFilter)
Esempio n. 54
 public Request(RequestSettings settings)
     : base(settings)
Esempio n. 55
        public SoftwareUpdateConfiguration CreateSoftwareUpdateConfiguration(string resourceGroupName, string automationAccountName, SoftwareUpdateConfiguration configuration)
            using (var request = new RequestSettings(this.automationManagementClient))
                var updateConfig = configuration.UpdateConfiguration;
                IList <Sdk.AzureQueryProperties> azureQueries = null;
                if (updateConfig != null && updateConfig.Targets != null && updateConfig.Targets.AzureQueries != null)
                    azureQueries = new List <Sdk.AzureQueryProperties>();

                    foreach (var query in updateConfig.Targets.AzureQueries)
                        var tags = new Dictionary <string, IList <string> >();
                        if (query.TagSettings != null && query.TagSettings.Tags != null)
                            foreach (var tag in query.TagSettings.Tags)
                                tags.Add(tag.Key, tag.Value);

                        var azureQueryProperty = new Sdk.AzureQueryProperties
                            Locations   = query.Locations,
                            Scope       = query.Scope,
                            TagSettings = new Sdk.TagSettingsProperties
                                Tags           = tags,
                                FilterOperator = query.TagSettings == null? Sdk.TagOperators.Any : (Sdk.TagOperators)query.TagSettings.FilterOperator

                IList <Sdk.NonAzureQueryProperties> nonAzureQueries = null;
                if (updateConfig != null && updateConfig.Targets != null && updateConfig.Targets.NonAzureQueries != null)
                    nonAzureQueries = new List <Sdk.NonAzureQueryProperties>();
                    foreach (var query in updateConfig.Targets.NonAzureQueries)
                        var nonAzureQueryProperty = new Sdk.NonAzureQueryProperties
                            FunctionAlias = query.FunctionAlias,
                            WorkspaceId   = query.WorkspaceResourceId

                var sucParameters = new Sdk.SoftwareUpdateConfiguration()
                    ScheduleInfo = new Sdk.ScheduleProperties()
                        StartTime        = configuration.ScheduleConfiguration.StartTime.ToUniversalTime(),
                        ExpiryTime       = configuration.ScheduleConfiguration.ExpiryTime.ToUniversalTime(),
                        Frequency        = configuration.ScheduleConfiguration.Frequency.ToString(),
                        Interval         = configuration.ScheduleConfiguration.Interval,
                        IsEnabled        = configuration.ScheduleConfiguration.IsEnabled,
                        TimeZone         = configuration.ScheduleConfiguration.TimeZone,
                        AdvancedSchedule = configuration.ScheduleConfiguration.GetAdvancedSchedule()
                    UpdateConfiguration = new Sdk.UpdateConfiguration()
                        OperatingSystem = updateConfig.OperatingSystem == OperatingSystemType.Windows ?
                                          Sdk.OperatingSystemType.Windows : Sdk.OperatingSystemType.Linux,
                        Windows = updateConfig.OperatingSystem == OperatingSystemType.Linux ? null : new Sdk.WindowsProperties()
                            IncludedUpdateClassifications = updateConfig.Windows != null && updateConfig.Windows.IncludedUpdateClassifications != null
                                ? string.Join(",", updateConfig.Windows.IncludedUpdateClassifications.Select(c => c.ToString()))
                                : null,
                            ExcludedKbNumbers = updateConfig.Windows != null ? updateConfig.Windows.ExcludedKbNumbers : null,
                            RebootSetting     = updateConfig.Windows != null?updateConfig.Windows.rebootSetting.ToString() : RebootSetting.IfRequired.ToString(),
                        Linux = updateConfig.OperatingSystem == OperatingSystemType.Windows ? null : new Sdk.LinuxProperties()
                            IncludedPackageClassifications = updateConfig.Linux != null && updateConfig.Linux.IncludedPackageClassifications != null
                                ? string.Join(",", updateConfig.Linux.IncludedPackageClassifications.Select(c => c.ToString()))
                                : null,
                            ExcludedPackageNameMasks = updateConfig.Linux != null ? updateConfig.Linux.ExcludedPackageNameMasks : null,
                            RebootSetting            = updateConfig.Windows != null?updateConfig.Windows.rebootSetting.ToString() : RebootSetting.IfRequired.ToString(),
                        Duration              = updateConfig.Duration,
                        AzureVirtualMachines  = updateConfig.AzureVirtualMachines,
                        NonAzureComputerNames = updateConfig.NonAzureComputers,
                        Targets = updateConfig.Targets == null
                        ? null
                        : new Sdk.TargetProperties
                            AzureQueries    = azureQueries,
                            NonAzureQueries = nonAzureQueries
                    Tasks = configuration.Tasks == null ? null : new Sdk.SoftwareUpdateConfigurationTasks
                        PreTask = configuration.Tasks.PreTask == null ? null : new Sdk.TaskProperties {
                            Source = configuration.Tasks.PreTask.source, Parameters = configuration.Tasks.PreTask.parameters
                        PostTask = configuration.Tasks.PostTask == null ? null : new Sdk.TaskProperties {
                            Source = configuration.Tasks.PostTask.source, Parameters = configuration.Tasks.PostTask.parameters

                var suc = this.automationManagementClient.SoftwareUpdateConfigurations.Create(resourceGroupName, automationAccountName, configuration.Name, sucParameters);
                return(new SoftwareUpdateConfiguration(resourceGroupName, automationAccountName, suc));
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a lazily enumerated list of mandate import entries.
        /// This acts like the #list method, but paginates for you automatically.
        /// </summary>
        public IEnumerable <MandateImportEntry> All(MandateImportEntryListRequest request = null, RequestSettings customiseRequestMessage = null)
            request = request ?? new MandateImportEntryListRequest();

            string cursor = null;

                request.After = cursor;

                var result = Task.Run(() => ListAsync(request, customiseRequestMessage)).Result;
                foreach (var item in result.MandateImportEntries)
                    yield return(item);
                cursor = result.Meta?.Cursors?.After;
            } while (cursor != null);
        /// <summary>
        /// For an existing [mandate import](#core-endpoints-mandate-imports),
        /// this endpoint can
        /// be used to add individual mandates to be imported into GoCardless.
        /// You can add no more than 30,000 rows to a single mandate import.
        /// If you attempt to go over this limit, the API will return a
        /// `record_limit_exceeded` error.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request">An optional `MandateImportEntryCreateRequest` representing the body for this create request.</param>
        /// <param name="customiseRequestMessage">An optional `RequestSettings` allowing you to configure the request</param>
        /// <returns>A single mandate import entry resource</returns>
        public Task <MandateImportEntryResponse> CreateAsync(MandateImportEntryCreateRequest request = null, RequestSettings customiseRequestMessage = null)
            request = request ?? new MandateImportEntryCreateRequest();

            var urlParams = new List <KeyValuePair <string, object> >

            return(_goCardlessClient.ExecuteAsync <MandateImportEntryResponse>(HttpMethod.Post, "/mandate_import_entries", urlParams, request, null, "mandate_import_entries", customiseRequestMessage));
Esempio n. 58
 public SubscribersManager(RequestSettings restRequestSettings)
     _RESTRequestSettings = restRequestSettings;
     _Timer = new Timer(TimerProc, null, 1, Timeout.Infinite);
Esempio n. 59
 protected Response ExecuteRESTRequest(CloudIdentity identity, Uri absoluteUri, HttpMethod method, object body = null, Dictionary <string, string> queryStringParameter = null, Dictionary <string, string> headers = null, bool isRetry = false, RequestSettings settings = null)
     return(ExecuteRESTRequest <Response>(identity, absoluteUri, method, body, queryStringParameter, headers, isRetry, settings, RestService.Execute));
Esempio n. 60
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates a creditor object. Supports all of the fields supported when
        /// creating a creditor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="identity">Unique identifier, beginning with "CR".</param>
        /// <returns>A single creditor resource</returns>
        public Task <CreditorResponse> UpdateAsync(string identity, CreditorUpdateRequest request = null, RequestSettings customiseRequestMessage = null)
            request = request ?? new CreditorUpdateRequest();
            if (identity == null)
                throw new ArgumentException(nameof(identity));

            var urlParams = new List <KeyValuePair <string, object> >
                new KeyValuePair <string, object>("identity", identity),

            return(_goCardlessClient.ExecuteAsync <CreditorResponse>("PUT", "/creditors/:identity", urlParams, request, null, "creditors", customiseRequestMessage));