Esempio n. 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="EstablishUdpResponse"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="udpPort">The port to use for UDP communication.</param>
 /// <param name="request">The handled <see cref="EstablishUdpRequest"/>.</param>
 internal EstablishUdpResponse(int udpPort, RequestPacket request) : base(request)
     UdpPort = udpPort;
        /// <summary>
        /// Central function for sending a request and reading the response.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private ResponsePacket SendRequest(
            RequestPacket request)
            LogCentral.Current.LogDebug(string.Format("Sending the following message to SpamAssassin:"));

            using (Socket spamAssassinSocket = new Socket(
                       AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp)
                // Firewall: allow incoming and outgoing requests
                // iptables -A INPUT -j ACCEPT
                // iptables -A OUTPUT -j ACCEPT
                spamAssassinSocket.Connect(serverName, serverPort);

                byte[] messageBuffer =



                int    received;
                string receivedMessage = string.Empty;
                    byte[] receiveBuffer = new byte[1024];

                    // spamd -D --listen --allowed-ips= --allow-tell
                    received = spamAssassinSocket.Receive(receiveBuffer);
                            "Received {0} bytes from SpamAssassin.", received));

                    receivedMessage += Encoding.ASCII.GetString(
                }while (received > 0);

                    if (spamAssassinSocket.Connected)
                catch (System.Exception ex)
                    System.Console.WriteLine("Error !");

                if (request.Command != SpamAssassinCommands.Skip &&
                        "The received message does not start with 'SPAMD'.");

                ResponsePacket response = new ResponsePacket(

        /// <summary>
        /// Central function for sending a request and reading the response
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private ResponsePacket SendRequest(RequestPacket request)
            using (var spamAssassinSocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp))
                spamAssassinSocket.Connect(ServerName, ServerPort);

                var messageBuffer = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(request.RawPacket);


                int received;
                var receivedMessage = string.Empty;
                    var receiveBuffer = new byte[1024];
                    received = spamAssassinSocket.Receive(receiveBuffer);

                    receivedMessage += Encoding.ASCII.GetString(receiveBuffer, 0, received);
                while (received > 0);


                if (request.Command != SpamAssassinCommands.Skip && !receivedMessage.StartsWith("SPAMD", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    //TODO: Something

                return new ResponsePacket(this, request, receivedMessage.Trim());
Esempio n. 4
 public CalculationResponse(int Result, RequestPacket request)
     : base(request)
     this.Result = Result;
Esempio n. 5
 public void SyncTicks()
     ServerTick = Environment.TickCount;
        public override void Handle(LoginSession session, PacketReader packet)
            HandleCommon(session, packet);

Esempio n. 7
 public override byte[] EncodeReturnValue(object returnValue, object[] parameters, RequestPacket response, RpcMethodMetadata metdata)
Esempio n. 8
        private async Task HandleRequest(string json, ILogger logger)
            var startTimestamp = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();
            var request        = RequestPacket.Parse(json);

            if (logger.IsEnabled(LogLevel.Debug))
                LogRequest(json, logger, LogLevel.Debug);

            var response = request.Reply();

                if (!request.Command.StartsWith("/"))
                    request.Command = $"/{request.Command}";
                // hand off request to next layer
                if (_endpointHandlers.TryGetValue(request.Command, out var handler))
                    var result = await handler.Value.Handle(request);

                    response.Body = result;
                throw new NotSupportedException($"Command '{request.Command}' is not supported.");
            catch (Exception e)
                if (e is AggregateException aggregateEx)
                    e = aggregateEx.Flatten().InnerException;

                // updating the response object here so that the ResponseStream
                // prints the latest state when being closed
                response.Success = false;
                response.Message = JsonConvert.ToString(e.ToString(), '"', StringEscapeHandling.Default);
                // response gets logged when Debug or more detailed log level is enabled
                // or when we have unsuccessful response (exception)
                if (logger.IsEnabled(LogLevel.Debug) || !response.Success)
                    // if logging is at Debug level, request would have already been logged
                    // however not for higher log levels, so we want to explicitly log the request too
                    if (!logger.IsEnabled(LogLevel.Debug))
                        LogRequest(json, logger, LogLevel.Warning);

                    var currentTimestamp = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();
                    var elapsed          = new TimeSpan((long)(TimestampToTicks * (currentTimestamp - startTimestamp)));

                    LogResponse(response.ToString(), logger, response.Success, elapsed);

                // actually write it
Esempio n. 9
 public ResponsePacket OnPeerCoordination(RequestPacket requestPacket)
     throw new System.NotImplementedException();
Esempio n. 10
 public override Task <object> Handle(RequestPacket context)
 public PlayerResponsePacket(string ResponseJson, RequestPacket request)
     : base(request)
     Response = ResponseJson;
Esempio n. 12
        public ResponsePacket OnRouteTableQuery(RequestPacket requestPacket)
            // Get RouteTableQuery_req packet params
            int    connectionId = requestPacket.Id;
            string srcPort      = requestPacket.SrcPort;
            string dstPort      = requestPacket.DstPort;
            int    slotsNumber  = requestPacket.SlotsNumber;

            RequestPacket.Est est = requestPacket.Establish;

            if (est == RequestPacket.Est.Teardown)
                LOG.Info($"Received RC::RouteTableQuery_req(Teardown, connectionId = {connectionId}, srcPort = {srcPort}," +
                         $" dstPort = {dstPort}, slotsNumber = {slotsNumber})");

                // The best idea will be to store the actual responses in a table / dict and when the Teardown RouteTableQuery
                // arrives, we just match connectionId, srcPort, dstPort, slotsNumber and if they are the same, just return
                // the same ResponsePacket.
                // e.g. instead of just returning ResponsePacket, do this:
                // ResponsePacket responsePacket = new ResponsePacket.Builder().<blablabla>.Build();
                // _responsePackets[requestPacket] = responsePacket;
                // return responsePacket;
                // and then when the Teardown comes, just do:
                LOG.Info($"Sending RC::RouteTableQuery_res(Teardown, connectionId = {connectionId})");
                var teardownResponsePacket = _responsePackets[GetUniqueRcId(connectionId, srcPort, dstPort, slotsNumber)].Dequeue();
                if (teardownResponsePacket == null)
                    LOG.Error("Could not find such connection");
                    return(new ResponsePacket.Builder().SetRes(ResponsePacket.ResponseType.Refused).Build());

                _connections.RemoveAll(connection => connectionId == connection.Id);


            LOG.Info($"Received RC::RouteTableQuery_req(connectionId = {connectionId}, srcPort = {srcPort}," +
                     $" dstPort = {dstPort}, slotsNumber = {slotsNumber})");

            // Set dstZone depending on destination domain
            string secondDomainPortPattern = "3xx";
            string dstZone;

            if (Checkers.PortMatches(secondDomainPortPattern, dstPort) > -1) // TODO: Check for matches value
                dstZone = "012,021";
                LOG.Trace($"Destination port belongs to other zone. Possible leaving ports: {dstZone}");
                dstZone = dstPort;
                LOG.Trace($"Destination port belongs to the same zone. Leaving port: {dstZone}");

            string gateway = GetBestGateway(srcPort, dstPort) ?? "0";

            (int, int)slots = (0, 0);
            // Check whether we don't already have a registered connection with given connectionId
            if (!_connections.Exists(connection => connection.Id == connectionId))
                    slots = CreateSlots(gateway, slotsNumber);
                catch (Exception e)
                    return(new ResponsePacket.Builder()

                _connections.Add(new Connection(connectionId, slots));
                LOG.Trace($"Allocated slots {slots} for new connection with id {connectionId}");
                slots = _connections.Find(connection => connection.Id == connectionId).Slots;
                LOG.Trace($"There is already registered connection with id {connectionId}. Allocated slots: {slots}");

            ResponsePacket responsePacket = new ResponsePacket.Builder()

            RequestPacket requestPacketWhenTeardown = requestPacket;

            requestPacketWhenTeardown.Establish = RequestPacket.Est.Teardown;
            string uniqueRcId = GetUniqueRcId(connectionId, srcPort, dstPort, slotsNumber);

            if (_responsePackets.ContainsKey(uniqueRcId))
                LOG.Trace($"_responsePacketsTable contains key: {uniqueRcId}");
                _responsePackets[uniqueRcId] = new Queue <ResponsePacket>();

            LOG.Info($"Sending RC::RouteTableQuery_res" + $"(connectionId = {connectionId}, gateway = {gateway}," +
                     $" slots = {slots.ToString()}, dstZone = {dstZone})");

Esempio n. 13
 public ResponsePacket OnNetworkTopology(RequestPacket requestPacket)
     throw new System.NotImplementedException();
Esempio n. 14
        public ResponsePacket OnConnectionRequest(RequestPacket requestPacket)
            int    id  = requestPacket.Id;
            string src = requestPacket.SrcPort;
            string dst = requestPacket.DstPort;
            int    sl  = requestPacket.SlotsNumber;

            RequestPacket.Est est = requestPacket.Establish;

            LOG.Info($"Received CC::ConnectionRequest_req(id = {id}, src = {src}, dst = {dst}, sl = {sl}, teardown = {est})");

            LOG.Info($"Send RC::RouteTableQuery_req(id = {id}, src = {src}, dst = {dst}, sl = {sl}, teardown = {est})");
            ResponsePacket routeTableQueryResponse = _rcRouteTableQueryClient.Get(new RequestPacket.Builder()

            if (routeTableQueryResponse.Res == ResponsePacket.ResponseType.ResourcesProblem)
                LOG.Info("Received RC::RouteTableQuery_res(res = ResourcesProblem)");
                LOG.Info("Send ConnectionRequest_res(res = ResourcesProblem)");
                return(new ResponsePacket.Builder()

            int    rtqrId      = routeTableQueryResponse.Id;
            string rtqrGateway = routeTableQueryResponse.Gateway;

            (int, int)rtqrSlots = routeTableQueryResponse.Slots;
            string dstZone      = routeTableQueryResponse.DstZone;
            string gatewayOrEnd = rtqrGateway;

            LOG.Info($"Received RC::RouteTableQuery_res(id = {rtqrId}, gateway = {rtqrGateway}, slots = {rtqrSlots}, dstZone = {dstZone})");

            if (dst != rtqrGateway)
                string allocDealloc = est == RequestPacket.Est.Establish ? "allocate" : "deallocate";
                LOG.Info($"Send LRM::LinkConnectionRequest_req(slots = {rtqrSlots}, {allocDealloc}, who = CC)");
                ResponsePacket linkConnectionRequestResponse = _lrmLinkConnectionRequestClients[rtqrGateway].Get(
                    new RequestPacket.Builder()

                if (linkConnectionRequestResponse.Res == ResponsePacket.ResponseType.Refused)
                    LOG.Info("Received LRM::LinkConnectionRequest_res(res = Refused)");
                    LOG.Info("Send CC::ConnectionRequest_res(res = Refused)");
                    return(new ResponsePacket.Builder()

                gatewayOrEnd = linkConnectionRequestResponse.End;

                LOG.Info($"Received LRM::LinkConnectionRequest_res(end = {gatewayOrEnd})");
                ResponsePacket.ResponseType resp;
                if (est == RequestPacket.Est.Teardown)
                    LOG.Debug("Dst == Gateway, LRM will be handled by the layers above");
                    LOG.Info($"Delete FIB row [inPort = {src}, slots = ({rtqrSlots.Item1}, {rtqrSlots.Item2}), outPort = {rtqrGateway}]");
                    ResponsePacket deleteFibResponseDst = _nnFibInsertClient.Get(new ManagementPacket.Builder()
                                                                                 .SetCommandData($"{src} {rtqrSlots.Item1} {rtqrSlots.Item2} {rtqrGateway}")
                    resp = deleteFibResponseDst.Res;
                    LOG.Debug("Dst == Gateway, LRM will be handled by the layers above");
                    LOG.Info($"Insert FIB row [inPort = {src}, slots = ({rtqrSlots.Item1}, {rtqrSlots.Item2}), outPort = {rtqrGateway}]");
                    ResponsePacket insertFibResponseDst = _nnFibInsertClient.Get(new ManagementPacket.Builder()
                                                                                 .SetCommandData($"{src} {rtqrSlots.Item1} {rtqrSlots.Item2} {rtqrGateway}")
                    resp = insertFibResponseDst.Res;

                if (resp == ResponsePacket.ResponseType.Ok)
                    LOG.Info($"Send CC::PeerCoordination_res(OK, slots = {rtqrSlots})");
                    return(new ResponsePacket.Builder().SetRes(ResponsePacket.ResponseType.Ok).SetSlots(rtqrSlots)

            // gateway == dstZone && dstZone != dst -- TODO Not implemented

            ResponsePacket.ResponseType res;

            if (est == RequestPacket.Est.Teardown)
                LOG.Info($"Delete FIB row [inPort = {src}, slots = ({rtqrSlots.Item1}, {rtqrSlots.Item2}), outPort = {rtqrGateway}]");
                ResponsePacket deleteFibResponse = _nnFibInsertClient.Get(new ManagementPacket.Builder()
                                                                          .SetCommandData($"{src} {rtqrSlots.Item1} {rtqrSlots.Item2} {rtqrGateway}")
                res = deleteFibResponse.Res;
                LOG.Info($"Insert FIB row [inPort = {src}, slots = ({rtqrSlots.Item1}, {rtqrSlots.Item2}), outPort = {rtqrGateway}]");
                ResponsePacket insertFibResponse = _nnFibInsertClient.Get(new ManagementPacket.Builder()
                                                                          .SetCommandData($"{src} {rtqrSlots.Item1} {rtqrSlots.Item2} {rtqrGateway}")
                res = insertFibResponse.Res;

            if (res == ResponsePacket.ResponseType.Ok)
                LOG.Info($"Send CC::PeerCoordination_req(id = {id}, src = {gatewayOrEnd}, dst = {dst}, slots = {rtqrSlots}, teardown = {est})");

                ResponsePacket peerCoordinationResponse = _ccPeerCoordinationClients[GetCcName(gatewayOrEnd)].Get(
                    new RequestPacket.Builder()
                LOG.Info($"Received CC::PeerCoordination_res(res = {ResponsePacket.ResponseTypeToString(peerCoordinationResponse.Res)})");

                if (peerCoordinationResponse.Res == ResponsePacket.ResponseType.Ok)
                    LOG.Info($"Send CC::ConnectionRequest_res(res = OK, nextZonePort = NULL, slots = {rtqrSlots})");
                    return(new ResponsePacket.Builder()

                // else
                LOG.Info($"Send CC::ConnectionRequest_res(res = Refused, nextZonePort = NULL, slots = {rtqrSlots})");
                return(new ResponsePacket.Builder()

            LOG.Info("Send CC::ConnectionRequest_res(res = Refused)");
            // else
            return(new ResponsePacket.Builder()
Esempio n. 15
 public override byte[] EncodeMethodParameters(object[] parameters, RequestPacket request, RpcMethodMetadata metdata)
Esempio n. 16
 private void UnregisterAssembly(RequestPacket requestPacket, HttpListenerResponse response)
     //Not Implemented
Esempio n. 17
 public abstract Task <object> Handle(RequestPacket packet);
Esempio n. 18
        public ResponsePacket OnCallRequestReceived(RequestPacket requestPacket)
            // Get ConnectionRequest_req packet params
            GenericPacket.PacketType type = requestPacket.Type;
            string srcName     = requestPacket.SrcName;
            string dstName     = requestPacket.DstName;
            int    slotsNumber = requestPacket.SlotsNumber;

            LOG.Info($"Received NCC::CallRequest_req" + $"(srcName = {srcName}, dstName = {dstName}, slotsNumber = {slotsNumber})");
            // < C A L L   A D M I S S I O N   C O N T R O L >
            LOG.Info("Call Admission Control");
            // P O L I C Y
            // Randomize chance of rejecting ConnectionRequest_req by Policy component
            int chanceToRejectRequestInPolicy = _rnd.Next(0, 100);

            if (chanceToRejectRequestInPolicy > 5)
                LOG.Info("ConnectionRequest meets conditions of Policy component");
                return(new Builder()
            // D I R E C T O R Y
            // Find srcName and dstName ports in clientPortAliases dictionary
            string srcPort = null;
            string dstPort = null;

            foreach (string clientPortName in _clientPortAliases.Keys)
                if (clientPortName == srcName)
                    srcPort = _clientPortAliases[clientPortName];
                if (clientPortName == dstName)
                    dstPort = _clientPortAliases[clientPortName];

            // If Directory couldn't find dstPort send NCC::CallRequest_res(res=No client);
            if (dstPort == null)
                LOG.Info($"Directory could not find port for user {dstName}");
                LOG.Info($"NCC::CallRequest_res(res = {ResponseTypeToString(ResponseType.NoClient)})");
                return(new Builder()
            LOG.Info($"Directory found port: {dstPort} for client: {dstName}");
            LOG.Info($"Call Admission Control ended succesfully");
            // </ C A L L   A D M I S S I O N   C O N T R O L >

            //TODO [ASON] Ask dstClient if he wants to connect with srcClient

            // If CAC is passed, create a connection
            int connectionId = int.Parse($"{_domain[1]}{_connectionCounter++}{srcPort}{dstPort}");

            LOG.Trace($"connectionId: {connectionId}");
            Connection newConnection = new Connection(connectionId, srcName, srcPort, dstName, dstPort, slotsNumber);

            // Output active connections
            LOG.Info("Active Connections: ");
            foreach (Connection con in _connections)

            // Check if dstPort is from NCC's domain or outside the domain
            string dstDomain     = GetDomainFromPort(dstPort);
            bool   outsideDomain = dstDomain != _domain;

            ResponseType res; //aux var for storing OneShotClients responses

            if (outsideDomain)
                // Inter domain connections only

                // Ask second domain NCC
                // Send NCC::CallCoordination(srcName, dstName, sl)
                LOG.Info("Send NCC::CallCoordination_req" +
                         $"(srcName = {newConnection.SrcName}, dstName = {newConnection.DstName}, sl = {newConnection.SlotsNumber})");
                ResponsePacket nccCallCoordinationResponse = _nccCallCoordinationClient.Get(new RequestPacket.Builder()
                res = nccCallCoordinationResponse.Res;
                LOG.Info($"Received NCC::CallCoordination_res(res = {res})");
                // If second domain NCC refused the call we should also refuse it
                if (res != ResponseType.Ok)
                    LOG.Info($"Second domain refused the call");
                    LOG.Info($"Send NCC::CallRequest_res(res = {ResponseTypeToString(ResponseType.AuthProblem)})");
                    return(new Builder()
            // Order domain CC to set a Connection
            // Send CC:ConnectionRequest(id, src, dst, sl)
            LOG.Info("Send CC:ConnectionRequest_req" +
                     $"(id = {connectionId}, src = {newConnection.SrcPortAlias}, dst = {newConnection.DstPortAlias}, sl = {newConnection.SlotsNumber})");
            RequestPacket ccConnectionRequestPacket = new RequestPacket.Builder()
            ResponsePacket connectionRequestResponse = _ccConnectionRequestClient.Get(ccConnectionRequestPacket);

            LOG.Info($"Received CC:ConnectionRequest_res(res = {connectionRequestResponse.Res})");
            res             = connectionRequestResponse.Res;
            (int, int)slots = connectionRequestResponse.Slots;
            // Check domain CC response
            switch (res)
            case ResponseType.Ok:
                _ccConnectionRequests[newConnection.Id] = ccConnectionRequestPacket;
                LOG.Info($"Send NCC::CallRequest_res(res = OK, id = {newConnection.Id}, slots = {slots})");
                return(new Builder()

            case ResponseType.ResourcesProblem:
                LOG.Info("Send NCC:CallRequest_res(res = ResourcesProblem)");
                return(new Builder()

                LOG.Info("Send NCC::CallRequest_res(res = Network Problem)");
                return(new Builder()
            public ResponsePacket(SpamAssassinProtocolBase owner, RequestPacket associatedRequestPackage, string rawPacket)
                : base(owner)
                RawPacket = rawPacket;
                AssociatedRequestPackage = associatedRequestPackage;

Esempio n. 20
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ResponsePacket"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="packet">The <see cref="RequestPacket"/> that is being handled.</param>
 public ResponsePacket(RequestPacket packet)
     ID = packet.ID;
 public Task <ResponsePacket> Request(RequestPacket packet, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
     return(_connection.Request(packet, cancellationToken));