Esempio n. 1
 public static async Task<Stream> GetResponseStreamAsync(string url,
     IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, string>> headers = null, RequestHttpMethod method = RequestHttpMethod.Get)
     if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(url))
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(url));
     //if its a post or there are no headers, use static httpclient
     // if there are headers and it's get, it's not threadsafe
     var cl = headers == null || method == RequestHttpMethod.Post ? httpClient : new HttpClient();
     switch (method)
         case RequestHttpMethod.Get:
             if (headers != null)
                 foreach (var header in headers)
                     cl.DefaultRequestHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation(header.Key, header.Value);
             return await cl.GetStreamAsync(url).ConfigureAwait(false);
         case RequestHttpMethod.Post:
             FormUrlEncodedContent formContent = null;
             if (headers != null)
                 formContent = new FormUrlEncodedContent(headers);
             var message = await cl.PostAsync(url, formContent).ConfigureAwait(false);
             return await message.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
             throw new NotImplementedException("That type of request is unsupported.");
Esempio n. 2
 public static async Task<Stream> GetResponseStreamAsync(string url,
     IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, string>> headers = null, RequestHttpMethod method = RequestHttpMethod.Get)
     if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(url))
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(url));
     var httpClient = new HttpClient();
     switch (method)
         case RequestHttpMethod.Get:
             if (headers != null)
                 foreach (var header in headers)
                     httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation(header.Key, header.Value);
             return await httpClient.GetStreamAsync(url);
         case RequestHttpMethod.Post:
             FormUrlEncodedContent formContent = null;
             if (headers != null)
                 formContent = new FormUrlEncodedContent(headers);
             var message = await httpClient.PostAsync(url, formContent);
             return await message.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync();
             throw new NotImplementedException("That type of request is unsupported.");
Esempio n. 3
 public static async Task <string> GetResponseStringAsync(string url,
                                                          IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, string> > headers = null,
                                                          RequestHttpMethod method = RequestHttpMethod.Get)
     using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(await GetResponseStreamAsync(url, headers, method))) {
         return(await streamReader.ReadToEndAsync());
Esempio n. 4
        public static async Task<string> GetResponseStringAsync(string url,
            IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, string>> headers = null,
            RequestHttpMethod method = RequestHttpMethod.Get)

            using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(await GetResponseStreamAsync(url, headers, method)))
                return await streamReader.ReadToEndAsync();
Esempio n. 5
        public static async Task <string> GetResponseStringAsync(string url,
                                                                 IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, string> > headers = null,
                                                                 RequestHttpMethod method = RequestHttpMethod.Get)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(url))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(url));
            var cl = new HttpClient();

            switch (method)
            case RequestHttpMethod.Get:
                if (headers != null)
                    foreach (var header in headers)
                        cl.DefaultRequestHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation(header.Key, header.Value);
                return(await cl.GetStringAsync(url).ConfigureAwait(false));

            case RequestHttpMethod.Post:
                FormUrlEncodedContent formContent = null;
                if (headers != null)
                    formContent = new FormUrlEncodedContent(headers);
                var message = await cl.PostAsync(url, formContent).ConfigureAwait(false);

                return(await message.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().ConfigureAwait(false));

                throw new NotImplementedException("That type of request is unsupported.");
Esempio n. 6
 /// <summary>
 ///     Sets the http method that we are goint to use
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="httpMethod">Can be any of HttpMethod.*.Method</param>
 public Request <T> SetHttpMethod(/*string*/ RequestHttpMethod httpMethod)
     _httpMethod = httpMethod.ToString();
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the hashcode of this Object
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>Hash code (int)</returns>
 public override int GetHashCode()
     // Credit:
     unchecked             // Overflow is fine, just wrap
         int hash = 41;
         // Suitable nullity checks etc, of course :)
         if (Id != null)
             hash = hash * 59 + Id.GetHashCode();
         if (LogMessageTypeId != null)
             hash = hash * 59 + LogMessageTypeId.GetHashCode();
         if (ApplicationName != null)
             hash = hash * 59 + ApplicationName.GetHashCode();
         if (ApplicationMethod != null)
             hash = hash * 59 + ApplicationMethod.GetHashCode();
         if (IpAddress != null)
             hash = hash * 59 + IpAddress.GetHashCode();
         if (LoginToken != null)
             hash = hash * 59 + LoginToken.GetHashCode();
         if (ShortMessage != null)
             hash = hash * 59 + ShortMessage.GetHashCode();
         if (RequestHttpMethod != null)
             hash = hash * 59 + RequestHttpMethod.GetHashCode();
         if (RequestUri != null)
             hash = hash * 59 + RequestUri.GetHashCode();
         if (RequestParams != null)
             hash = hash * 59 + RequestParams.GetHashCode();
         if (RequestBody != null)
             hash = hash * 59 + RequestBody.GetHashCode();
         if (StatusCode != null)
             hash = hash * 59 + StatusCode.GetHashCode();
         if (ResponseContent != null)
             hash = hash * 59 + ResponseContent.GetHashCode();
         if (FullMessage != null)
             hash = hash * 59 + FullMessage.GetHashCode();
         if (Exception != null)
             hash = hash * 59 + Exception.GetHashCode();
         if (Trace != null)
             hash = hash * 59 + Trace.GetHashCode();
         if (Logged != null)
             hash = hash * 59 + Logged.GetHashCode();
Esempio n. 8
        public static async Task OnMediaCreateRequest(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext e, E_RPWS_User user, WebPebbleProject proj)
            //Validate that the request method is indeed POST.
            RequestHttpMethod method = Program.FindRequestMethod(e);

            if (method !=
                await ThrowError(e, "Unknown method.", 2);

            //Read the JSON data from the stream.
            MediaCreateRequestBody request = Program.GetPostBodyJson <MediaCreateRequestBody>(e);

            if ( == null || request.sub_type == null || request.type == null)
                await ThrowError(e, "Missing one or more required values in the JSON payload.", 3);

            //Generate a unique ID
            string id = LibRpws.LibRpwsCore.GenerateRandomString(16);

            if ( == null)
       = new Dictionary <string, WebPebbleProjectAsset>();
            while (
                id = LibRpws.LibRpwsCore.GenerateRandomString(16);
            //Create the object to save to disk.
            var media = new WebPebbleProjectAsset();

            //Find types from URL.
            media.type      = request.type;
            media.innerType = request.sub_type;
            media.nickname  =;
          = id;
            if (request.filename == null)
                request.filename =;
            //Ensure directory is created.
            media.filename = "";
            //Append filename
            media.filename = WebPebbleProject.CreateSafeFilename(request.filename);
            //If this was a template, load it.
            if (request.template != null)
                //Try to find the template ID.
                if (templateMap.ContainsKey(request.template))
                    //Write this template to the location.
                    File.Copy(Program.config.media_dir + "Templates/" + templateMap[request.template], media.GetAbsolutePath(proj.projectId));
                    //Invalid template!
                    await ThrowError(e, "Invalid template name.", 6);

            //If this requested that we use appinfo.json, apply it.
            if (request.appInfoJson != null)
                SaveOutsideAppinfoJsonOnAsset(media, request.appInfoJson, proj);
  , media);
            //Write to user
            await Program.QuickWriteJsonToDoc(e, media);
Esempio n. 9
        public static async Task OnMediaRequest(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext e, E_RPWS_User user, WebPebbleProject proj)
            //Get the request method
            RequestHttpMethod method = Program.FindRequestMethod(e);

            //Get the params
            string[] urlParams = Program.GetUrlPathRequestFromInsideProject(e);
            string   id        = urlParams[0];

            //If the ID is create, pass this request to the creation.
            if (id == "create")
                await OnMediaCreateRequest(e, user, proj);

            //Try to find the asset. It's ok if it doesn't exist.
            WebPebbleProjectAsset media = null;

            if (
                media =[id];
            //Decide what to do.
            //If it doesn't exist.
            if (media == null)
                //Requesting a non-existing asset.
                await ThrowError(e, "This asset ID does not exist.", 1);

            //Handle object editing (POST).
            if (method ==
                //Get the payload.
                MediaRequestPostPayload payload = Program.GetPostBodyJson <MediaRequestPostPayload>(e);
                //If a value isn't null, apply it.
                if ( != null)
                    media.nickname =;
                if (payload.type != null)
                    RelocateAsset(ref media, (ref WebPebbleProjectAsset m) =>
                        m.type = (AssetType)payload.type;
                    }, proj);
                if (payload.sub_type != null)
                    RelocateAsset(ref media, (ref WebPebbleProjectAsset m) =>
                        m.innerType = (InnerAssetType)payload.sub_type;
                    }, proj);
                if (payload.filename != null)
                    RelocateAsset(ref media, (ref WebPebbleProjectAsset m) =>
                        m.filename = WebPebbleProject.CreateSafeFilename(payload.filename);
                    }, proj);
                if (payload.appinfoData != null)
                    //Modify the appinfo data and set it on the PebbleProject.
                    SaveOutsideAppinfoJsonOnAsset(media, payload.appinfoData, proj);
      [id] = media;
                await Program.QuickWriteJsonToDoc(e, media);

            //Handle object uploading.
            if (method == RequestHttpMethod.put)
                //Check the upload type in the query.
                FileUploadType uploadType = Enum.Parse <FileUploadType>(e.Request.Query["upload_method"]);
                Stream         source;
                int            length;
                if (uploadType == FileUploadType.Binary)
                    //Read body directly
                    length = (int)e.Request.ContentLength;
                    source = e.Request.Body;
                    //This is sent from the uploader in the interface.
                    //Get the file uploaded.
                    var f = e.Request.Form.Files["data"];
                    //Check if the file is valid.
                    if (f == null)
                        //No file uploaded.
                        await Program.QuickWriteJsonToDoc(e, new PutRequestReply
                            ok             = false,
                            size           = -1,
                            uploader_error = $"No file was uploaded."

                    source = f.OpenReadStream();
                    length = (int)f.Length;
                //Check if a file is too large.
                if (length > MAXIMUM_UPLOADED_SIZE)
                    //Yup. Stop.
                    await Program.QuickWriteJsonToDoc(e, new PutRequestReply
                        ok             = false,
                        size           = length,
                        uploader_error = $"Your file is too powerful! The maximum filesize is {MAXIMUM_UPLOADED_SIZE_NAME} ({MAXIMUM_UPLOADED_SIZE.ToString()} bytes)."
                //Remove an existing file if it exists.
                if (File.Exists(media.GetAbsolutePath(proj.projectId)))
                using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(media.GetAbsolutePath(proj.projectId), FileMode.CreateNew))
                    await source.CopyToAsync(fs);
                //Tell the user it is ok
                await Program.QuickWriteJsonToDoc(e, new PutRequestReply
                    ok             = true,
                    size           = length,
                    uploader_error = null

            //Handle object downloading
            if (method == RequestHttpMethod.get)
                //Check if the file has been created yet
                string path = media.GetAbsolutePath(proj.projectId);
                if (!File.Exists(path))
                    await ThrowError(e, "This asset exists, but has not been uploaded yet.", 4);

                //Get the MIME type from the query.
                if (!e.Request.Query.ContainsKey("mime"))
                    //Assume we are querying the information.
                    await Program.QuickWriteJsonToDoc(e, media);

                //Set content type.
                e.Response.ContentType = e.Request.Query["mime"];
                //Set no-cache headers
                e.Response.Headers.Add("Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate");
                //Just load the data and copy it to the output stream.
                using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open)) {
                    e.Response.ContentLength = fs.Length;
                    e.Response.StatusCode    = 200;
                    await fs.CopyToAsync(e.Response.Body);
            //Handle object deleting
            if (method == RequestHttpMethod.delete)
                //Delete the file if it exists.
                string path = media.GetAbsolutePath(proj.projectId);
                if (File.Exists(path))
                //Delete in appinfo.json.
                DeleteOutsideAppinfoJsonOnAsset(, proj);
                //Tell the user it is ok
                await WriteOkReply(e);

            await ThrowError(e, $"Invalid method for requesting media '{}'.", 5);