public SearchFormSettingsParameters ( [NameValue(AttributeNames.DEFAULTVALUE, "Title")] [Comments("Header field on the form")] string title, [Comments("The element type for a list item. Click the function button and use the configured GetType function. Use the Assembly qualified type name for the type argument.")] Type modelType, [Comments("Loading text may be useful.")] [NameValue(AttributeNames.DEFAULTVALUE, "Lodding ...")] string loadingIndicatorText, [Comments("XAML template name for the collection view item template.")] [Domain("HeaderTextDetailTemplate, TextDetailTemplate")] [NameValue(AttributeNames.DEFAULTVALUE, "HeaderTextDetailTemplate")] string itemTemplateName, [Comments("Placeholder text for the search bar.")] [NameValue(AttributeNames.DEFAULTVALUE, "Filter")] string filterPlaceholder, [Comments("Defines which fields of the model type which bind to the named template fields (e.g. Header, Text, Detail).")] List <ItemBindingParameters> bindings, [Comments("Define the sort order and number additional items to return on 'Pull to Refresh'.")] SortCollectionParameters sortCollection, [Comments("Defines the fields to search against - may be different from the displayed template fields.")] SearchFilterGroupParameters searchFilterGroup, [Comments("Defines a filter to find a selected item on a subsequent form e.g. to edit the selected item.")] ItemFilterGroupParameters itemFilterGroup, [Comments("Defines API URL for the list data. May specify model and data types if we use the URL for multiple types.")] RequestDetailsParameters requestDetails ) { Title = title; ModelType = modelType; LoadingIndicatorText = loadingIndicatorText; ItemTemplateName = itemTemplateName; FilterPlaceholder = filterPlaceholder; Bindings = bindings.ToDictionary(cvib => cvib.Name); SortCollection = sortCollection; SearchFilterGroup = searchFilterGroup; ItemFilterGroup = itemFilterGroup; RequestDetails = requestDetails; }
public ListFormSettingsParameters ( [NameValue(AttributeNames.DEFAULTVALUE, "Title")] [Comments("Header field on the form")] string title, [Comments("The element type for a list item. Click the function button and use the configured GetType function. Use the Assembly qualified type name for the type argument.")] Type modelType, [Comments("Loading text may be useful.")] [NameValue(AttributeNames.DEFAULTVALUE, "Loading ...")] string loadingIndicatorText, [Comments("XAML template name for the collection view item template.")] [Domain("HeaderTextDetailTemplate, TextDetailTemplate")] [NameValue(AttributeNames.DEFAULTVALUE, "HeaderTextDetailTemplate")] string itemTemplateName, [Comments("Defines which of the model type fields bind to the named template fields (e.g. Header, Text, Detail).")] List <ItemBindingParameters> bindings, [Comments("Defines the LINQ query for retrieving the list.")] SelectorLambdaOperatorParameters fieldsSelector, [Comments("Defines API URL for the list data. May specify model and data types if we use the URL for multiple types.")] RequestDetailsParameters requestDetails ) { Title = title; ModelType = modelType; LoadingIndicatorText = loadingIndicatorText; ItemTemplateName = itemTemplateName; Bindings = bindings.ToDictionary(b => b.Name); FieldsSelector = fieldsSelector; RequestDetails = requestDetails; }