protected override void ProcessRecord()
            string nameArrayAsString = (Name == null || !Name.Any() || string.Equals(Name[0], "*") || Name[0] == null) ? "all" : string.Join(", ", Name);

            WriteDebug(String.Format("reading repository: {0}. Calling Read() API now", nameArrayAsString));
            List <PSRepositoryInfo> items = RepositorySettings.Read(Name, out string[] errorList);

            // handle non-terminating errors
            foreach (string error in errorList)
                WriteError(new ErrorRecord(
                               new PSInvalidOperationException(error),

            foreach (PSRepositoryInfo repo in items)
    public IEnumerable <CompletionResult> CompleteArgument(
        string commandName,
        string parameterName,
        string wordToComplete,
        CommandAst commandAst,
        IDictionary fakeBoundParameters)
        List <PSRepositoryInfo> listOfRepositories = RepositorySettings.Read(null, out string[] _);

        wordToComplete = Utils.TrimQuotes(wordToComplete);
        var wordToCompletePattern = WildcardPattern.Get(
            pattern: string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(wordToComplete) ? "*" : wordToComplete + "*",
            options: WildcardOptions.IgnoreCase);

        foreach (PSRepositoryInfo repo in listOfRepositories)
            string repoName = repo.Name;
            if (wordToCompletePattern.IsMatch(repoName))
                yield return(new CompletionResult(Utils.QuoteName(repoName)));
Esempio n. 3
        // This method calls iterates through repositories (by priority order) to search for the pkgs to install
        private List <PSResourceInfo> ProcessRepositories(
            string[] repository,
            bool trustRepository,
            PSCredential credential,
            bool skipDependencyCheck)
            var listOfRepositories = RepositorySettings.Read(repository, out string[] _);
            var yesToAll           = false;
            var noToAll            = false;

            var findHelper = new FindHelper(_cancellationToken, _cmdletPassedIn);
            List <PSResourceInfo> allPkgsInstalled = new List <PSResourceInfo>();

            foreach (var repo in listOfRepositories)
                // If no more packages to install, then return
                if (!_pkgNamesToInstall.Any())

                string repoName = repo.Name;
                _cmdletPassedIn.WriteVerbose(string.Format("Attempting to search for packages in '{0}'", repoName));

                // Source is only trusted if it's set at the repository level to be trusted, -TrustRepository flag is true, -Force flag is true
                // OR the user issues trust interactively via console.
                var sourceTrusted = true;
                if (repo.Trusted == false && !trustRepository && !_force)
                    _cmdletPassedIn.WriteVerbose("Checking if untrusted repository should be used");

                    if (!(yesToAll || noToAll))
                        // Prompt for installation of package from untrusted repository
                        var message = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, MsgInstallUntrustedPackage, repoName);
                        sourceTrusted = _cmdletPassedIn.ShouldContinue(message, MsgRepositoryNotTrusted, true, ref yesToAll, ref noToAll);

                if (!sourceTrusted && !yesToAll)

                _cmdletPassedIn.WriteVerbose("Untrusted repository accepted as trusted source.");

                // If it can't find the pkg in one repository, it'll look for it in the next repo in the list
                var isLocalRepo = repo.Url.AbsoluteUri.StartsWith(Uri.UriSchemeFile + Uri.SchemeDelimiter, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

                // Finds parent packages and dependencies
                IEnumerable <PSResourceInfo> pkgsFromRepoToInstall = findHelper.FindByResourceName(
                    name: _pkgNamesToInstall.ToArray(),
                    type: ResourceType.None,
                    version: _versionRange != null ? _versionRange.OriginalString : null,
                    prerelease: _prerelease,
                    tag: null,
                    repository: new string[] { repoName },
                    credential: credential,
                    includeDependencies: !skipDependencyCheck);

                if (!pkgsFromRepoToInstall.Any())
                    _cmdletPassedIn.WriteVerbose(string.Format("None of the specified resources were found in the '{0}' repository.", repoName));
                    // Check in the next repository

                // Select the first package from each name group, which is guaranteed to be the latest version.
                // We should only have one version returned for each package name
                // e.g.:
                // PackageA (version 1.0)
                // PackageB (version 2.0)
                // PackageC (version 1.0)
                pkgsFromRepoToInstall = pkgsFromRepoToInstall.GroupBy(
                    m => new { m.Name }).Select(
                    group => group.First()).ToList();

                // Check to see if the pkgs (including dependencies) are already installed (ie the pkg is installed and the version satisfies the version range provided via param)
                if (!_reinstall)
                    pkgsFromRepoToInstall = FilterByInstalledPkgs(pkgsFromRepoToInstall);

                if (!pkgsFromRepoToInstall.Any())

                List <PSResourceInfo> pkgsInstalled = InstallPackage(

                foreach (PSResourceInfo pkg in pkgsInstalled)
                    _pkgNamesToInstall.RemoveAll(x => x.Equals(pkg.Name, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));


            // At this only package names left were those which could not be found in registered repositories
            foreach (string pkgName in _pkgNamesToInstall)
                var message = String.Format("Package '{0}' with requested version range {1} could not be installed as it was not found in any registered repositories",
                var ex = new ArgumentException(message);
                var ResourceNotFoundError = new ErrorRecord(ex, "ResourceNotFoundError", ErrorCategory.ObjectNotFound, null);

        protected override void ProcessRecord()
            string    moduleManifestOrScriptPath;
            FileInfo  moduleFileInfo;
            Hashtable parsedMetadataHash = new Hashtable(StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);

            // _path has been resolved, literal path does not need to be resolved
            _path = string.IsNullOrEmpty(_path) ? _literalPath : _path;
            // Returns the name of the file or the name of the directory, depending on path
            var  pkgFileOrDir = new DirectoryInfo(_path);
            bool isScript     = _path.EndsWith(".ps1", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            // TODO: think about including the repository the resource is being published to
            if (!ShouldProcess(string.Format("Publish resource '{0}' from the machine.", _path)))
                WriteDebug("ShouldProcess is set to false.");

            if (isScript)
                // Get the .psd1 file or .ps1 file
                moduleManifestOrScriptPath = pkgFileOrDir.FullName;
                moduleFileInfo             = new FileInfo(moduleManifestOrScriptPath);

                // Check that script metadata is valid
                // ParseScriptMetadata will write non-terminating error if it's unsucessful in parsing
                parsedMetadataHash = ParseScriptMetadata(moduleFileInfo);

                var message = string.Empty;
                // Check that the value is valid input
                // If it does not contain 'Version' or the Version empty or whitespace, write error
                if (!parsedMetadataHash.ContainsKey("Version") || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(parsedMetadataHash["Version"].ToString()))
                    message = "No version was provided in the script metadata. Script metadata must specify a version, author and description.";
                    var ex = new ArgumentException(message);
                    var InvalidScriptMetadata = new ErrorRecord(ex, "InvalidScriptMetadata", ErrorCategory.InvalidData, null);

                if (!parsedMetadataHash.ContainsKey("Author") || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(parsedMetadataHash["Author"].ToString()))
                    message = "No author was provided in the script metadata. Script metadata must specify a version, author and description.";
                    var ex = new ArgumentException(message);
                    var InvalidScriptMetadata = new ErrorRecord(ex, "InvalidScriptMetadata", ErrorCategory.InvalidData, null);

                if (!parsedMetadataHash.ContainsKey("Description") || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(parsedMetadataHash["Description"].ToString()))
                    message = "No description was provided in the script metadata. Script metadata must specify a version, author and description.";
                    var ex = new ArgumentException(message);
                    var InvalidScriptMetadata = new ErrorRecord(ex, "InvalidScriptMetadata", ErrorCategory.InvalidData, null);


                // remove '.ps1' extension from file name
                _pkgName = pkgFileOrDir.Name.Remove(pkgFileOrDir.Name.Length - 4);
                _pkgName = pkgFileOrDir.Name;
                moduleManifestOrScriptPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(_path, _pkgName + ".psd1");
                moduleFileInfo             = new FileInfo(moduleManifestOrScriptPath);

                // Validate that there's a module manifest
                if (!File.Exists(moduleManifestOrScriptPath))
                    var message = String.Format("No file with a .psd1 extension was found in {0}.  Please specify a path to a valid modulemanifest.", moduleManifestOrScriptPath);
                    var ex      = new ArgumentException(message);
                    var moduleManifestNotFound = new ErrorRecord(ex, "moduleManifestNotFound", ErrorCategory.ObjectNotFound, null);


                // validate that the module manifest has correct data
                if (!IsValidModuleManifest(moduleManifestOrScriptPath))

            // Create a temp folder to push the nupkg to and delete it later
            string outputDir = System.IO.Path.Combine(System.IO.Path.GetTempPath(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString());

            if (!Directory.Exists(outputDir))
                catch (Exception e) {
                    var ex = new ArgumentException(e.Message);
                    var ErrorCreatingTempDir = new ErrorRecord(ex, "ErrorCreatingTempDir", ErrorCategory.InvalidData, null);


                Hashtable dependencies;

                // Create a nuspec
                // Right now parsedMetadataHash will be empty for modules and will contain metadata for scripts
                string nuspec = string.Empty;
                    nuspec = CreateNuspec(outputDir, moduleFileInfo, out dependencies, parsedMetadataHash);
                catch {
                    var message = "Nuspec creation failed.";
                    var ex      = new ArgumentException(message);
                    var nuspecCreationFailed = new ErrorRecord(ex, "NuspecCreationFailed", ErrorCategory.ObjectNotFound, null);


                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(nuspec))
                    // nuspec creation failed.
                    WriteDebug("Nuspec creation failed.");

                // Find repository
                PSRepositoryInfo repository = RepositorySettings.Read(new[] { Repository }, out string[] errorList).FirstOrDefault();
                if (repository == null)
                    var message            = String.Format("The resource repository '{0}' is not a registered. Please run 'Register-PSResourceRepository' in order to publish to this repository.", Repository);
                    var ex                 = new ArgumentException(message);
                    var repositoryNotFound = new ErrorRecord(ex, "repositoryNotFound", ErrorCategory.ObjectNotFound, null);


                string repositoryUrl = repository.Url.AbsoluteUri;

                // Check if dependencies already exist within the repo if:
                // 1) the resource to publish has dependencies and
                // 2) the -SkipDependenciesCheck flag is not passed in
                if (dependencies != null && !SkipDependenciesCheck)
                    // If error gets thrown, exit process record
                    if (!CheckDependenciesExist(dependencies, repositoryUrl))

                if (isScript)
                    // copy the script file to the temp directory
                    File.Copy(_path, System.IO.Path.Combine(outputDir, _pkgName + ".ps1"), true);
                    // Create subdirectory structure in temp folder
                    foreach (string dir in System.IO.Directory.GetDirectories(_path, "*", System.IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories))
                        var dirName = dir.Substring(_path.Length).Trim(_PathSeparators);
                        System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(System.IO.Path.Combine(outputDir, dirName));

                    // Copy files over to temp folder
                    foreach (string fileNamePath in System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(_path, "*", System.IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories))
                        var fileName = fileNamePath.Substring(_path.Length).Trim(_PathSeparators);

                        // The user may have a .nuspec defined in the module directory
                        // If that's the case, we will not use that file and use the .nuspec that is generated via PSGet
                        // The .nuspec that is already in in the output directory is the one that was generated via the CreateNuspec method
                        var newFilePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(outputDir, fileName);
                        if (!File.Exists(newFilePath))
                            System.IO.File.Copy(fileNamePath, newFilePath);

                var outputNupkgDir = System.IO.Path.Combine(outputDir, "nupkg");

                // pack into a nupkg
                    if (!PackNupkg(outputDir, outputNupkgDir, nuspec))
                catch (Exception e)
                    var message = string.Format("Error packing into .nupkg: '{0}'.", e.Message);
                    var ex      = new ArgumentException(message);
                    var ErrorPackingIntoNupkg = new ErrorRecord(ex, "ErrorPackingIntoNupkg", ErrorCategory.NotSpecified, null);

                    // exit process record

                PushNupkg(outputNupkgDir, repositoryUrl);
            finally {
                WriteDebug(string.Format("Deleting temporary directory '{0}'", outputDir));
                Directory.Delete(outputDir, recursive: true);
Esempio n. 5
        // This method calls iterates through repositories (by priority order) to search for the pkgs to install
        public void ProcessRepositories(string[] packageNames, string[] repository, bool trustRepository, PSCredential credential)
            var           listOfRepositories           = RepositorySettings.Read(repository, out string[] _);
            List <string> packagesToInstall            = packageNames.ToList();
            var           yesToAll                     = false;
            var           noToAll                      = false;
            var           repositoryIsNotTrusted       = "Untrusted repository";
            var           queryInstallUntrustedPackage = "You are installing the modules from an untrusted repository. If you trust this repository, change its Trusted value by running the Set-PSResourceRepository cmdlet. Are you sure you want to install the PSresource from '{0}' ?";

            foreach (var repo in listOfRepositories)
                // If no more packages to install, then return
                if (!packagesToInstall.Any())

                var    sourceTrusted = false;
                string repoName      = repo.Name;
                _cmdletPassedIn.WriteDebug(string.Format("Attempting to search for packages in '{0}'", repoName));

                // Source is only trusted if it's set at the repository level to be trusted, -TrustRepository flag is true, -Force flag is true
                // OR the user issues trust interactively via console.
                if (repo.Trusted == false && !trustRepository && !_force)
                    _cmdletPassedIn.WriteDebug("Checking if untrusted repository should be used");

                    if (!(yesToAll || noToAll))
                        // Prompt for installation of package from untrusted repository
                        var message = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, queryInstallUntrustedPackage, repoName);
                        sourceTrusted = _cmdletPassedIn.ShouldContinue(message, repositoryIsNotTrusted, true, ref yesToAll, ref noToAll);
                    sourceTrusted = true;

                if (sourceTrusted || yesToAll)
                    _cmdletPassedIn.WriteDebug("Untrusted repository accepted as trusted source.");

                    // If it can't find the pkg in one repository, it'll look for it in the next repo in the list
                    var isLocalRepo = repo.Url.AbsoluteUri.StartsWith(Uri.UriSchemeFile + Uri.SchemeDelimiter, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

                    var findHelper = new FindHelper(_cancellationToken, _cmdletPassedIn);
                    // Finds parent packages and dependencies
                    IEnumerable <PSResourceInfo> pkgsFromRepoToInstall = findHelper.FindByResourceName(
                        name: packageNames,
                        type: ResourceType.None,
                        version: _versionRange != null ? _versionRange.OriginalString : null,
                        prerelease: _prerelease,
                        tag: null,
                        repository: new string[] { repoName },
                        credential: credential,
                        includeDependencies: true);

                    foreach (PSResourceInfo a in pkgsFromRepoToInstall)
                        var test = a;

                    // Select the first package from each name group, which is guaranteed to be the latest version.
                    // We should only have one version returned for each package name
                    // e.g.:
                    // PackageA (version 1.0)
                    // PackageB (version 2.0)
                    // PackageC (version 1.0)
                    pkgsFromRepoToInstall = pkgsFromRepoToInstall.GroupBy(
                        m => new { m.Name }).Select(
                        group => group.First()).ToList();

                    if (!pkgsFromRepoToInstall.Any())
                        _cmdletPassedIn.WriteVerbose(string.Format("None of the specified resources were found in the '{0}' repository.", repoName));
                        // Check in the next repository

                    // Check to see if the pkgs (including dependencies) are already installed (ie the pkg is installed and the version satisfies the version range provided via param)
                    if (!_reinstall)
                        // Removes all of the names that are already installed from the list of names to search for
                        pkgsFromRepoToInstall = FilterByInstalledPkgs(pkgsFromRepoToInstall);

                    if (!pkgsFromRepoToInstall.Any())

                    List <string> pkgsInstalled = InstallPackage(pkgsFromRepoToInstall, repoName, repo.Url.AbsoluteUri, credential, isLocalRepo);

                    foreach (string name in pkgsInstalled)
Esempio n. 6
        public IEnumerable <PSResourceInfo> FindByResourceName(
            string[] name,
            ResourceType type,
            string version,
            SwitchParameter prerelease,
            string[] tag,
            string[] repository,
            PSCredential credential,
            SwitchParameter includeDependencies)
            _type                = type;
            _version             = version;
            _prerelease          = prerelease;
            _tag                 = tag;
            _credential          = credential;
            _includeDependencies = includeDependencies;

            Dbg.Assert(name.Length != 0, "Name length cannot be 0");

            _pkgsLeftToFind = name.ToList();

            List <PSRepositoryInfo> repositoriesToSearch;

                repositoriesToSearch = RepositorySettings.Read(repository, out string[] errorList);

                foreach (string error in errorList)
                    _cmdletPassedIn.WriteError(new ErrorRecord(
                                                   new PSInvalidOperationException(error),
            catch (Exception e)
                _cmdletPassedIn.ThrowTerminatingError(new ErrorRecord(
                                                          new PSInvalidOperationException(e.Message),
                yield break;

            // loop through repositoriesToSearch and if PSGallery add it to list with same priority as PSGallery repo
            for (int i = 0; i < repositoriesToSearch.Count; i++)
                if (String.Equals(repositoriesToSearch[i].Name, _psGalleryRepoName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    // for PowerShellGallery, Module and Script resources have different endpoints so separate repositories have to be registered
                    // with those endpoints in order for the NuGet APIs to search across both in the case where name includes '*'

                    // detect if Script repository needs to be added and/or Module repository needs to be skipped
                    Uri psGalleryScriptsUrl           = new Uri("");
                    PSRepositoryInfo psGalleryScripts = new PSRepositoryInfo(_psGalleryScriptsRepoName, psGalleryScriptsUrl, repositoriesToSearch[i].Priority, false);
                    if (_type == ResourceType.None)
                        _cmdletPassedIn.WriteDebug("Null Type provided, so add PSGalleryScripts repository");
                        repositoriesToSearch.Insert(i + 1, psGalleryScripts);
                    else if (_type != ResourceType.None && _type == ResourceType.Script)
                        _cmdletPassedIn.WriteDebug("Type Script provided, so add PSGalleryScripts and remove PSGallery (Modules only)");
                        repositoriesToSearch.Insert(i + 1, psGalleryScripts);
                        repositoriesToSearch.RemoveAt(i); // remove PSGallery

            for (int i = 0; i < repositoriesToSearch.Count && _pkgsLeftToFind.Any(); i++)
                _cmdletPassedIn.WriteDebug(string.Format("Searching in repository {0}", repositoriesToSearch[i].Name));
                foreach (var pkg in SearchFromRepository(
                             repositoryName: repositoriesToSearch[i].Name,
                             repositoryUrl: repositoriesToSearch[i].Url))
                    yield return(pkg);
Esempio n. 7
        public List <PSResourceInfo> FindByResourceName(
            string[] name,
            ResourceType type,
            string version,
            SwitchParameter prerelease,
            string[] tag,
            string[] repository,
            PSCredential credential,
            SwitchParameter includeDependencies)
            _type                = type;
            _version             = version;
            _prerelease          = prerelease;
            _tag                 = tag;
            _credential          = credential;
            _includeDependencies = includeDependencies;

            List <PSResourceInfo> foundPackages = new List <PSResourceInfo>();

            if (name.Length == 0)

            _pkgsLeftToFind = name.ToList();

            // Error out if repository array of names to be searched contains wildcards.
            if (repository != null)
                repository = Utils.ProcessNameWildcards(repository, out string[] errorMsgs, out _repositoryNameContainsWildcard);
                foreach (string error in errorMsgs)
                    _cmdletPassedIn.WriteError(new ErrorRecord(
                                                   new PSInvalidOperationException(error),

            // Get repositories to search.
            List <PSRepositoryInfo> repositoriesToSearch;

                repositoriesToSearch = RepositorySettings.Read(repository, out string[] errorList);
                foreach (string error in errorList)
                    _cmdletPassedIn.WriteError(new ErrorRecord(
                                                   new PSInvalidOperationException(error),
            catch (Exception e)
                _cmdletPassedIn.ThrowTerminatingError(new ErrorRecord(
                                                          new PSInvalidOperationException(e.Message),


            // Loop through repositoriesToSearch and if PSGallery or PoshTestGallery add its Scripts endpoint repo
            // to list with same priority as PSGallery repo.
            // This special casing is done to handle PSGallery and PoshTestGallery having 2 endpoints currently for different resources.
            for (int i = 0; i < repositoriesToSearch.Count; i++)
                if (String.Equals(repositoriesToSearch[i].Uri.AbsoluteUri, _psGalleryUri, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    // special case: for PowerShellGallery, Module and Script resources have different endpoints so separate repositories have to be registered
                    // with those endpoints in order for the NuGet APIs to search across both in the case where name includes '*'

                    // detect if Script repository needs to be added and/or Module repository needs to be skipped
                    Uri psGalleryScriptsUri           = new Uri("");
                    PSRepositoryInfo psGalleryScripts = new PSRepositoryInfo(_psGalleryScriptsRepoName, psGalleryScriptsUri, repositoriesToSearch[i].Priority, trusted: false, credentialInfo: null);
                    if (_type == ResourceType.None)
                        _cmdletPassedIn.WriteVerbose("Null Type provided, so add PSGalleryScripts repository");
                        repositoriesToSearch.Insert(i + 1, psGalleryScripts);
                    else if (_type != ResourceType.None && _type == ResourceType.Script)
                        _cmdletPassedIn.WriteVerbose("Type Script provided, so add PSGalleryScripts and remove PSGallery (Modules only) from search consideration");
                        repositoriesToSearch.Insert(i + 1, psGalleryScripts);
                        repositoriesToSearch.RemoveAt(i); // remove PSGallery
                else if (String.Equals(repositoriesToSearch[i].Uri.AbsoluteUri, _poshTestGalleryUri, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    // special case: for PoshTestGallery, Module and Script resources have different endpoints so separate repositories have to be registered
                    // with those endpoints in order for the NuGet APIs to search across both in the case where name includes '*'

                    // detect if Script repository needs to be added and/or Module repository needs to be skipped
                    Uri poshTestGalleryScriptsUri           = new Uri("");
                    PSRepositoryInfo poshTestGalleryScripts = new PSRepositoryInfo(_poshTestGalleryScriptsRepoName, poshTestGalleryScriptsUri, repositoriesToSearch[i].Priority, trusted: false, credentialInfo: null);
                    if (_type == ResourceType.None)
                        _cmdletPassedIn.WriteVerbose("Null Type provided, so add PoshTestGalleryScripts repository");
                        repositoriesToSearch.Insert(i + 1, poshTestGalleryScripts);
                    else if (_type != ResourceType.None && _type == ResourceType.Script)
                        _cmdletPassedIn.WriteVerbose("Type Script provided, so add PoshTestGalleryScripts and remove PoshTestGallery (Modules only) from search consideration");
                        repositoriesToSearch.Insert(i + 1, poshTestGalleryScripts);
                        repositoriesToSearch.RemoveAt(i); // remove PoshTestGallery

            for (int i = 0; i < repositoriesToSearch.Count && _pkgsLeftToFind.Any(); i++)
                _cmdletPassedIn.WriteVerbose(string.Format("Searching in repository {0}", repositoriesToSearch[i].Name));
                foreach (var pkg in SearchFromRepository(
                             repositoryName: repositoriesToSearch[i].Name,
                             repositoryUri: repositoriesToSearch[i].Uri,
                             repositoryCredentialInfo: repositoriesToSearch[i].CredentialInfo))
