protected override void OnItemDrag(ItemDragEventArgs e) { RepositoryNode item = e.Item as RepositoryNode; if (((item != null) && (item.Repository != null)) && item.Repository.IsQueryable) { base.SelectedNode = item; base.DoDragDrop(new RepositoryDragData(item.Repository), DragDropEffects.Link | DragDropEffects.Copy); } else { BaseNode node = e.Item as BaseNode; if ((node != null) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.DragText)) { base.SelectedNode = node; RepositoryNode queryableRespositoryParent = this.GetQueryableRespositoryParent(node); if (queryableRespositoryParent != null) { DragRepository = queryableRespositoryParent.Repository; } try { base.DoDragDrop(node.DragText, DragDropEffects.Move | DragDropEffects.Copy | DragDropEffects.Scroll); } finally { DragRepository = null; } } } base.OnItemDrag(e); }
internal void Edit(RepositoryNode node) { if (RepositoryDialogManager.Show(node.Repository, false)) { this.UpdateRepositoryNode(node); } }
private void loadTree() { this.treeView1.Nodes.Clear(); TreeNode root = this.treeView1.Nodes.Add("Repositorios", "Repositorios", 0, 1); try { foreach (RepositoryInfo repository in OfficeApplication.OfficeApplicationProxy.getRepositories()) { RepositoryNode repositoryNode = new RepositoryNode(repository); root.Nodes.Add(repositoryNode); foreach (CategoryInfo category in OfficeApplication.OfficeApplicationProxy.getCategories( { CategoryNode categoryNode = new CategoryNode(category, repository); repositoryNode.Nodes.Add(categoryNode); if (category.childs > 0) { TreeNode dummyNode = new DummyNode(); categoryNode.Nodes.Add(dummyNode); } } } } catch (Exception e) { OfficeApplication.WriteError(e); } if (this.treeView1.Nodes.Count > 0) { this.treeView1.Nodes[0].Expand(); } }
public void CompileTemplates(RepositoryNode repository) { var compilerParams = new CompilerParameters { GenerateInMemory = true, TreatWarningsAsErrors = false, GenerateExecutable = false, CompilerOptions = "/optimize" }; compilerParams.ReferencedAssemblies.AddRange(new[] { "System.dll", "mscorlib.dll", "System.Core.dll", Assembly.GetEntryAssembly()?.Location, typeof(ProtoContractAttribute).Assembly.Location }); var provider = new CSharpCodeProvider(); var usingList = string.Join("", DefaultNamespaces.Select(u => $"using {u}; ")); var codes = repository.GetFiles().Select(template => usingList + template).ToArray(); var compile = provider.CompileAssemblyFromSource(compilerParams, codes); if (compile.Errors.HasErrors) { // TODO: conveniently display on form var text = compile.Errors.Cast <CompilerError>().Aggregate("Compile error: ", (current, ce) => current + ("rn" + ce)); throw new Exception(text); } _assembly = compile.CompiledAssembly; }
public void LoadTemplate(RepositoryNode source) { _source = source; templateEditor.Text = source.Content; ParentTab.Text = _source.Name; }
public void LoadProtocol(RepositoryNode repository) { if (repository.Type == EntryType.Protocol) { CompileTemplates(repository); ParseAssembly(); } }
private static void CreateXML(List <TreeNode> nodeHierarchyElements) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName)) { MessageBox.Show("Please select the newly created xml file"); return; } RepositoryUtility utility = new RepositoryUtility(); RepositoryNode nodeInfo = utility.ReadData(fileName); if (nodeInfo == null) { nodeInfo = new RepositoryNode(); } List <UIControl> controlNodeColl = nodeInfo.ChildNodes; bool isChildAdded = false; foreach (var nodeElement in nodeHierarchyElements) { UIControl control = new UIControl(); //Add Technology and ApplicationType control.ApplicationType = ApplicationTypes.Windows; control.TechnologyType = TechnologyTypes.White; var aeNode = (AutomationElementTreeNode)nodeElement.Tag; var currentNodeAE = aeNode.AutomationElement.Current; //Set display name to XML SetDisplayName(control, currentNodeAE); //Set Search Properties to XML SetSearchProperties(control, currentNodeAE); int index = -1; // if (FindControl(controlNodeColl, control, out index)) { //if control already eist in the file , index is the postion of the control controlNodeColl = controlNodeColl[index].ChildNodes; } else { // if control not exist then adding childern controlNodeColl = AddChild(controlNodeColl, control); isChildAdded = true; } } if (!isChildAdded) { DialogResult d = MessageBox.Show("Element already existing ...", "Duplicate Element !!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); if (d == DialogResult.OK) { return; } } utility.WriteData(nodeInfo, fileName); MessageBox.Show("Element added successfully... \n\nFile Name: " + fileName, "Success !!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); }
private void DataContextGenerationError(DataContextInfo dcInfo) { base.BeginInvoke(delegate { RepositoryNode node = this.GetAllRepositoryNodes(true).FirstOrDefault <RepositoryNode>(db => db.Repository == dcInfo.Repository); if (node != null) { node.ShowErrorIfUninitialized(dcInfo.Error); } }); }
protected override void OnAfterCollapse(TreeViewEventArgs e) { RepositoryNode node = e.Node as RepositoryNode; if (node != null) { node.ExpandOnUpdate = false; } base.OnAfterCollapse(e); }
public void RepositoryNode() { TestingConfiguration config = new TestingConfiguration(); config.Load("repository-node"); RepositoryNode node = config.RepositoryNodes["css-path"]; Assert.IsNotNull(node); Assert.AreEqual(Path.Combine(config.Location, "css"), node.RelativePath); }
// TODO: a racing condition occurs here when new packets are arrived while we are in the process of applying protocol, // leading to new packet events appearing on top of the table public async void ApplyProtocol(RepositoryNode protocol) { eventsTable.Rows.Clear(); _eventIndex = 1; await Task.Factory.StartNew(() => ApplyProtocolThreaded(protocol)); if (_templateParser != null) { UpdateUI(); ToggleEventsView(); } }
private void ApplyProtocolThreaded(RepositoryNode protocol) { try { _templateParser = new TemplateParser(); _templateParser.LoadProtocol(protocol); _connectionInfo.ParseEvents(_templateParser); } catch (Exception e) { _templateParser = null; MessageBox.Show(e.Message, "Error applying protocol", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
public static ImportNode FilesToTree(string[] files, RepositoryNode target) { var tree = new ImportNode(target.Name, target.Name, EntryType.Folder); foreach (var file in files) { var newNode = PathToTree(file, target); tree.SubNodes.Add(newNode); tree.TotalConflicts += newNode.TotalConflicts; } return(tree); }
private void OpenToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OpenFileDialog openFile = new OpenFileDialog(); openFile.Filter = "XML File Only |*.XML"; if (openFile.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { selectedFileName = openFile.FileName; MessageBox.Show("File loaded: " + selectedFileName); } RepositoryUtility utility = new RepositoryUtility(); RepositoryNode nodeInfo = utility.ReadData(OpenFileLocation); AutomationElementTreeControl aetc = new AutomationElementTreeControl(); aetc.FileName = OpenFileLocation; }
internal void Delete(RepositoryNode node) { if (node.Repository.Persist) { node.Repository.Persist = false; node.Repository.SaveToDisk(); } base.Nodes.Remove(node); node.Dispose(); RepositoryArgs args = new RepositoryArgs { Repository = node.Repository }; this.OnRepositoryDeleted(args); this.UpdateAllNodeText(); }
private void CreateTemplateEditorTab(RepositoryNode repositoryNode) { var newTab = new TabPage($"{repositoryNode.Name}"); var newControl = new TemplateEditorControl() { Dock = DockStyle.Fill, ParentForm = this, ParentTab = newTab }; newTab.Controls.Add(newControl); newTab.Tag = repositoryNode; tabControl.TabPages.Add(newTab); tabControl.SelectTab(newTab); newControl.LoadTemplate(repositoryNode); }
private void OnCreateProtocolMenuClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (configView.SelectedNode != null && configView.SelectedNode.Tag is ApplicationNode appNode) { var newProtocol = new RepositoryNode(EntryType.Protocol); var newNode = new TreeNode("New Protocol", 0, 0) { Tag = newProtocol }; appNode.Protocols.Add(newProtocol); configView.SelectedNode.Nodes.Add(newNode); configView.SelectedNode = newNode; configView.LabelEdit = true; configView.SelectedNode.BeginEdit(); } }
private static void CreateXML_Old(List <TreeNode> parents) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName)) { MessageBox.Show("Please select the newly created xml file"); return; } RepositoryUtility utility = new RepositoryUtility(); RepositoryNode nodeInfo = utility.ReadData(fileName); if (nodeInfo == null) { nodeInfo = new RepositoryNode(); } List <UIControl> childList = nodeInfo.ChildNodes; bool isChildAdded = false; foreach (var node in parents) { UIControl control = new UIControl(); control.ApplicationType = ApplicationTypes.Windows; control.TechnologyType = TechnologyTypes.White; var aeNode = (AutomationElementTreeNode)node.Tag; var ElementInfo = aeNode.AutomationElement.Current; control.Name = ElementInfo.Name; SetSearchProperties(control, ElementInfo); int index = -1; if (FindControl(childList, control, out index)) { childList = childList[index].ChildNodes; } else { childList = AddChild(childList, control); isChildAdded = true; } } if (!isChildAdded) { MessageBox.Show("Element already existing ..."); } utility.WriteData(nodeInfo, fileName); }
public static ImportNode PathToTree(string path, RepositoryNode target = null) { var attributes = File.GetAttributes(path); var filename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path); var tree = new ImportNode() { Path = path, Name = filename }; if (attributes.HasFlag(FileAttributes.Directory)) { tree.Type = EntryType.Folder; RepositoryNode folderNode = null; target?.TryGetFolder(filename, out folderNode); foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(path)) { var newNode = PathToTree(file, folderNode); tree.SubNodes.Add(newNode); if (newNode.FileExistsInConfig) { tree.TotalConflicts++; } } } else { tree.Type = EntryType.Template; RepositoryNode fileNode = null; target?.TryGetFile(filename, out fileNode); if (fileNode != null) { tree.FileExistsInConfig = true; tree.TotalConflicts++; } } return(tree); }
private TreeNode RepositoryToTreeNodes(RepositoryNode repository) { var node = new TreeNode(repository.Name, repository.IconIndex, repository.IconIndex) { Tag = repository }; foreach (var childRepository in repository.Items) { node.Nodes.Add(RepositoryToTreeNodes(childRepository)); } if (repository.NodeOpened) { node.Expand(); } return(node); }
private void addCategoryToRepository(RepositoryNode repository) { try { foreach (CategoryInfo category in OfficeApplication.OfficeApplicationProxy.getCategories( { CategoryNode categoryNode = new CategoryNode(category, repository.Repository); repository.Nodes.Add(categoryNode); if (category.childs > 0) { TreeNode dummyNode = new DummyNode(); categoryNode.Nodes.Add(dummyNode); } } } catch { } }
public void EmptyRelation() { this.Explorer.AddRepository(this.Repository); var domain = this.Repository.Domain; domain.Name = "MyDomain"; var relationType = domain.AddDeclaredRelationType(Guid.NewGuid(), Guid.NewGuid(), Guid.NewGuid()); relationType.SendChangedEvent(); domain.SendChangedEvent(); Assert.AreEqual(1, RepositoryNode.FindByTagType(typeof(RelationTypeTag)).Length); var relationNode = RepositoryNode.FindByTagType(typeof(RelationTypeTag))[0]; Assert.AreEqual(relationType.Id.ToString(), relationNode.Target.Text); Assert.AreEqual(new RelationTypeTag(this.Repository, relationType), relationNode.Target.Tag); }
protected override void OnAfterExpand(TreeViewEventArgs e) { TreeNode nodeAt = base.GetNodeAt(this._lastMousePos); if (nodeAt == e.Node) { base.SelectedNode = e.Node; } RepositoryNode node2 = nodeAt as RepositoryNode; if (node2 != null) { node2.ExpandOnUpdate = true; } base.OnAfterExpand(e); if (e.Node is BaseNode) { ((BaseNode)e.Node).OnAfterExpand(); } }
public Repository GetCurrentRepository(bool queryableOnly) { TreeNode selectedNode = base.SelectedNode; while (!(selectedNode is RepositoryNode)) { if (selectedNode == null) { return(null); } selectedNode = selectedNode.Parent; } RepositoryNode node2 = selectedNode as RepositoryNode; if (queryableOnly && ((node2 == null) || !node2.Repository.IsQueryable)) { return(null); } return(node2.Repository); }
private static void CreateXML(List <TreeNode> parents) { var fileName = @"C:\Temp\ObjectRepo.xml"; UIControl control; RepositoryUtility utility = new RepositoryUtility(); RepositoryNode nodeInfo = utility.ReadData(fileName); if (nodeInfo == null) { nodeInfo = new RepositoryNode(); } List <UIControl> childList = nodeInfo.ChildNodes; bool isChildAdded = false; foreach (var node in parents) { control = new UIControl(); control.ApplicationType = ApplicationTypes.Windows; control.TechnologyType = TechnologyTypes.White; var aeNode = (AutomationElementTreeNode)node.Tag; var ElementInfo = aeNode.AutomationElement.Current; control.Name = ElementInfo.Name; checkEmptyElement(control, ElementInfo); int index = -1; if (FindControl(childList, control, out index)) { childList = childList[index].ChildNodes; } else { childList = AddChild(childList, control); isChildAdded = true; } } if (!isChildAdded) { MessageBox.Show("Element already existing ..."); } utility.WriteData(nodeInfo, fileName); }
private void ImportTreeToConfig(ImportNode tree, RepositoryNode target, OverwriteAction action) { foreach (var entry in tree.SubNodes) { if (entry.Type == EntryType.Folder) { if (!target.TryGetFolder(entry.Name, out var folderNode)) { folderNode = target.AddItem(EntryType.Folder, entry.Name); } ImportTreeToConfig(entry, folderNode, action); } else if (entry.Type == EntryType.Template) { if (target.TryGetFile(entry.Name, out var fileNode)) { switch (action) { case OverwriteAction.OverwriteAll: fileNode.Content = File.ReadAllText(entry.Path); break; case OverwriteAction.SkipAll: break; case OverwriteAction.PromptEvery: // TODO: prompt user for file overwriting break; } } else { target.AddItem(EntryType.Template, entry.Name, File.ReadAllText(entry.Path)); } } } }
private void OpenToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OpenFileDialog openFile = new OpenFileDialog(); openFile.Filter = "XML File Only |*.XML"; if (openFile.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { selectedFileName = openFile.FileName; MessageBox.Show("File loaded: " + selectedFileName, "Success!!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } RepositoryUtility utility = new RepositoryUtility(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(OpenFileLocation)) { RepositoryNode nodeInfo = utility.ReadData(OpenFileLocation); AutomationElementTreeControl aetc = new AutomationElementTreeControl(); aetc.FileName = OpenFileLocation; this.Text = "Visual UI Automation Verify : Client Side Provider - File Name : " + OpenFileLocation; } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(OpenFileLocation)) { this.Text = "Visual UI Automation Verify : Client Side Provider"; } }
public static string CreateOrUpdatePhysicalInstanceForFile <TImporter>(Guid fileId, string filePath, string agencyId, PhysicalInstance existingPhysicalInstance) where TImporter : IDataImporter, new() { var logger = LogManager.GetLogger("Curation"); logger.Debug("File import: " + fileId); IDataImporter importer = new TImporter(); var client = RepositoryHelper.GetClient(); PhysicalInstance physicalInstance = existingPhysicalInstance; // For PhysicalInstances that do not exist yet, create from scratch. if (physicalInstance == null) { // Extract metadata. ResourcePackage rp = importer.Import(filePath, agencyId); logger.Debug("Imported metadata from data file."); if (rp.PhysicalInstances.Count == 0) { logger.Debug("No dataset could be extracted from SPSS"); return(string.Empty); } physicalInstance = rp.PhysicalInstances[0]; physicalInstance.Identifier = fileId; } else { // If there is an existing PhysicalInstance, update it from the data file. var updateCommand = new UpdatePhysicalInstanceFromFile(); updateCommand.DataImporters = new List <IDataImporter>(); updateCommand.DataImporters.Add(new SpssImporter()); updateCommand.DataImporters.Add(new StataImporter()); updateCommand.DataImporters.Add(new SasImporter()); updateCommand.DataImporters.Add(new RDataImporter()); updateCommand.DataImporters.Add(new CsvImporter()); var context = new Algenta.Colectica.ViewModel.Commands.VersionableCommandContext(); // Update the PhysicalInstance from the data file. var repoNode = new RepositoryNode(client, null); var repoItemNode = new RepositoryItemNode(existingPhysicalInstance.GetMetadata(), repoNode, client); context.Node = repoItemNode; context.Item = physicalInstance; try { updateCommand.Execute(context); physicalInstance.Version++; foreach (var item in updateCommand.Result.ModifiedItems) { item.Version++; } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error("Problem updating PhysicalInstance.", ex); return("Problem updating PhysicalInstance. " + ex.Message); } } // Calculate summary statistics, for both new and updated files. try { logger.Debug("Calculating summary statistics"); var calculator = new PhysicalInstanceSummaryStatisticComputer(); SummaryStatisticsOptions options = new SummaryStatisticsOptions() { CalculateQuartiles = true }; var stats = calculator.ComputeStatistics(importer, filePath, physicalInstance, physicalInstance.FileStructure.CaseQuantity, options, (percent, message) => { }); logger.Debug("Done calculating summary statistics"); if (stats != null) { physicalInstance.Statistics.Clear(); foreach (VariableStatistic stat in stats) { physicalInstance.Statistics.Add(stat); } } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error("Problem calculating summary statistics.", ex); return("Problem calculating summary statistics. " + ex.Message); } // Register all items that were created with the repository. DirtyItemGatherer visitor = new DirtyItemGatherer(false, true); physicalInstance.Accept(visitor); logger.Debug("Setting agency IDs"); // The static default agency id is not thread safe, so set it explicitly here foreach (var item in visitor.DirtyItems) { item.AgencyId = agencyId; } logger.Debug("Done setting agency IDs"); logger.Debug("Registering items with the repository"); var repoOptions = new Algenta.Colectica.Model.Repository.CommitOptions(); repoOptions.NamedOptions.Add("RegisterOrReplace"); client.RegisterItems(visitor.DirtyItems, repoOptions); logger.Debug("Done registering items with the repository"); logger.Debug("Done with CreatePhysicalInstanceForFile"); return(string.Empty); }
private void openXML(List <TreeNode> nodeHierarchyElements) { List <string> controlNames = new List <string>(); foreach (var nodeElement in nodeHierarchyElements) { controlNames.Add(((AutomationElementTreeNode)nodeElement.Tag).AutomationElement.Current.Name); } var query = controlNames.GroupBy(x => x).Where(g => g.Count() > 1).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, y => y.Count()); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName)) { MessageBox.Show("Please select the newly created xml file"); return; } RepositoryUtility utility = new RepositoryUtility(); RepositoryNode nodeInfo = (utility.ReadData(fileName) == null) ? new RepositoryNode() : utility.ReadData(fileName); List <UIControl> controlNodeColl = nodeInfo.ChildNodes; bool isChildAdded = false; UIControl control = null; List <string> nameList = new List <string>(); int inc = 0; int i = 0; XDocument doc = null; foreach (var nodeElement in nodeHierarchyElements) { control = ConstructUIControlFromXMLNode(control, nodeElement); int index = -1; nameList.Add(control.Name); if (FindControl(controlNodeColl, control, out index, nameList)) { //if control already eist in the file , index is the postion of the control controlNodeColl = controlNodeColl[index].ChildNodes; int maxNumber = 0; doc = new XDocument(); try { doc = XDocument.Load(fileName); var count = doc.Descendants().Elements("ControlNode").Where(x => x.Attribute("DisplayName").Value.StartsWith(control.Name)); if (count.Count() > 0) { maxNumber = count.Count() + inc++; } } catch { if (controlNames.Where(r => r.Equals(control.Name)).Count() > 1) { maxNumber = i++; } } control.Name = control.Name + (maxNumber > 0 ? "_" + maxNumber.ToString() : ""); } else { int maxNumber = 0; doc = new XDocument(); try { doc = XDocument.Load(fileName); } catch { if (controlNames.Where(r => r.Equals(control.Name)).Count() > 1) { maxNumber = i++; } } var subfolders = doc.Descendants().Elements("ControlNode").Where(x => x.Attribute("DisplayName").Value.StartsWith(control.Name)); // if control not exist then adding childern if (subfolders.Count() > 0) { maxNumber = subfolders.Count() + inc++; } // int.TryParse(maxuinode.Name.Substring(node.Name.Length).Remove(0, 1), out maxNumber); control.Name = control.Name + (maxNumber > 0 ? "_" + maxNumber.ToString() : ""); controlNodeColl = AddChild(controlNodeColl, control); isChildAdded = true; } } //UIControl topParent = GetTopParent(control); if (!isChildAdded) { DialogResult d = MessageBox.Show("Element already existing ...", "Duplicate Element !!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); if (d == DialogResult.OK) { return; } } utility.WriteData(nodeInfo, fileName); MessageBox.Show("Element added successfully... \n\nFile Name: " + fileName, "Success !!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); }