private static void InitializeReport() { var reportConfig = configuration.GetSection("ReportConfiguration"); extent = ReportsUtility.InitializeReport(reportConfig); ReportsUtility.CreateScreenshotsfolder(reportConfig); }
public tlrGSTAdditionalInfo(DataSet DS) { String GLBadDebt = "", GLCapitalGoods = ""; InitializeComponent(); if (!Object.Equals(DS, null)) { DataRow DTCompany = DS.Tables[0].Rows[0]; GLBadDebt = DTCompany["GLCodeBadDebt"].ToString(); GLCapitalGoods = DTCompany["CapitalGoods"].ToString(); string FromDate = string.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}", DTCompany["FromDate"]); string Todate = string.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}", DTCompany["ToDate"]); txtTaxPeriod.Value = string.Format(" for Taxable Period {0} To {1}", FromDate, Todate); List <GstReport> lstGstReport = new GstReport().GetGstReport(DS.Tables[1]); txtRLS1.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => (P.GstCode == "ZRL")).Sum(P => P.GstBaseAmount)); txtRLS2.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstCode == "ZRL").Sum(P => P.GstAmount)); txtVES1.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => (P.GstCode == "ZRE")).Sum(P => P.GstBaseAmount)); txtVES2.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstCode == "ZRE").Sum(P => P.GstAmount)); txtExmS1.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => (P.GstCode == "ES")).Sum(P => P.GstBaseAmount)); txtExmS2.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstCode == "ES").Sum(P => P.GstAmount)); txtSGR1.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => (P.GstCode == "RS")).Sum(P => P.GstBaseAmount)); txtSGR2.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstCode == "RS").Sum(P => P.GstAmount)); txtSGS1.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => (P.GstCode == "IM")).Sum(P => P.GstBaseAmount)); txtSGS2.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstCode == "IM").Sum(P => P.GstAmount)); txtVDS1.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => (P.GstCode == "GS")).Sum(P => P.GstBaseAmount)); txtVDS2.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstCode == "GS").Sum(P => P.GstAmount)); txtGT1.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstCode == "ZRL" || P.GstCode == "ZRE" || P.GstCode == "ES" || P.GstCode == "RS" || P.GstCode == "GS" || P.GstCode == "IM" || P.GstCode == "GS" ).Sum(P => P.GstBaseAmount)); txtGT2.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstCode == "ZRL" || P.GstCode == "ZRE" || P.GstCode == "ES" || P.GstCode == "RS" || P.GstCode == "GS" || P.GstCode == "IM" || P.GstCode == "GS" ).Sum(P => P.GstAmount)); } }
private void InsertReportSteprs() { var stepType = ScenarioStepContext.Current.StepInfo.StepDefinitionType.ToString(); if (ScenarioContext.Current.TestError == null) { if (stepType == "Given") { scenario.CreateNode <Given>(ScenarioStepContext.Current.StepInfo.Text); } else if (stepType == "When") { scenario.CreateNode <When>(ScenarioStepContext.Current.StepInfo.Text); } else if (stepType == "Then") { scenario.CreateNode <Then>(ScenarioStepContext.Current.StepInfo.Text); } else if (stepType == "And") { scenario.CreateNode <And>(ScenarioStepContext.Current.StepInfo.Text); } } else if (ScenarioContext.Current.TestError != null) { var webDriver = objectContainer.Resolve <IWebDriver>(); string screenshot = ReportsUtility.TakeScreenshot(webDriver, configuration.GetSection("ReportConfiguration")); if (stepType == "Given") { scenario.CreateNode <Given>(ScenarioStepContext.Current.StepInfo.Text) .Fail(ScenarioContext.Current.TestError.ToString(), MediaEntityBuilder.CreateScreenCaptureFromPath(screenshot).Build()); } else if (stepType == "When") { scenario.CreateNode <When>(ScenarioStepContext.Current.StepInfo.Text) .Fail(ScenarioContext.Current.TestError.ToString(), MediaEntityBuilder.CreateScreenCaptureFromPath(screenshot).Build()); } else if (stepType == "Then") { scenario.CreateNode <Then>(ScenarioStepContext.Current.StepInfo.Text) .Fail(ScenarioContext.Current.TestError.ToString(), MediaEntityBuilder.CreateScreenCaptureFromPath(screenshot).Build()); } } }
public BalanceSheet(DataSet Ds, string Month, int YYYY, string filepath, DataSet DsComp, string logfilepath) { InitializeComponent(); ReportsUtility objrep = new ReportsUtility(); textBox13.Visible = true; textBox9.Visible = true; textBox9.Value = "RUN DATE :" + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); //objrep.LogFile(textBox9.Value, "textBox9.Value +" + textBox9.Value + "", "BalanceSheet", "", logfilepath); textBox13.Value = "For Financial Month :" + Month + ' ' + YYYY; //objrep.LogFile(textBox13.Value, "textBox13.Value +" + textBox13.Value + "", "BalanceSheet", "", logfilepath); //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filepath)) //{ // pictureBox1.Visible = false; //} //else //{ // Image image1 = Image.FromFile(filepath); // this.pictureBox1.Value = image1; //} if (Ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { Ds.Tables[0].Rows[0].Delete(); table2.DataSource = Ds; } if (Ds.Tables[1].Rows.Count > 0) { //textBox2.Value = Ds.Tables[1].Rows[0]["CompanyName"].ToString(); //textBox4.Value = Ds.Tables[1].Rows[0]["CompanyAdd1"].ToString(); //textBox6.Value = Ds.Tables[1].Rows[0]["CompanyAdd2"].ToString(); //textBox8.Value = Ds.Tables[1].Rows[0]["CompanyAdd3"].ToString(); //textBox10.Value = Ds.Tables[1].Rows[0]["CompanyAdd4"].ToString(); //textBox1.Value = Ds.Tables[1].Rows[0]["Email"].ToString(); //textBox3.Value = Ds.Tables[1].Rows[0]["RegNo"].ToString(); //textBox5.Value = Ds.Tables[1].Rows[0]["GSTCode"].ToString(); textBox2.Value = Ds.Tables[1].Rows[0]["CompanyName"].ToString(); textBox4.Value = Convert.ToString(Ds.Tables[1].Rows[0]["CompanyAdd1"]) + " " + Convert.ToString(Ds.Tables[1].Rows[0]["CompanyAdd2"]) + " " + Convert.ToString(Ds.Tables[1].Rows[0]["CompanyAdd3"]) + " " + Convert.ToString(Ds.Tables[1].Rows[0]["CompanyAdd4"]); textBox6.Value = Ds.Tables[1].Rows[0]["RegNo"].ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(Ds.Tables[1].Rows[0]["GSTCode"]))) { textBox8.Value = Convert.ToString(Ds.Tables[1].Rows[0]["GSTCode"]); } } }
//START - Method for Generate Batch Printing(Vouchers) Report :--------------------- public VoucherLawton(DataRow header, DataTable dt, string ReportType) { InitializeComponent(); txtCompanyName.Value = Convert.ToString(header["CompanyName"]); txtAddress.Value = Convert.ToString(header["CompanyAddress"]); txtDescription.Value = Convert.ToString(header["Description"]); txtVoucherNo.Value = Convert.ToString(header["VouRefNo"]); txtVoucherDate.Value = Convert.ToString(header["VoucherDate"]); if (ReportType.Trim().ToUpper() == "P") { txtReportType.Value = "Payment Journal"; } else if (ReportType.Trim().ToUpper() == "J") { txtReportType.Value = "General Journal"; } int rowCount = dt.Rows.Count; for (int i = 1; i <= 24 - (rowCount % 20); i++) { dt.Rows.Add(dt.NewRow()); } table1.DataSource = dt; double total = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) { try { total += double.Parse(dt.Rows[i]["TranAmountCr"].ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { } } ReportsUtility ReportsUtility = new ReportsUtility(); txtAmountinWord.Value = ReportsUtility.DecimalToWords(total); }
public VoucherLawton(DataSet DS, string ReportType) { // // Required for telerik Reporting designer support // InitializeComponent(); txtCompanyName.Value = DS.Tables[1].Rows[0]["CompanyName"].ToString(); txtAddress.Value = DS.Tables[1].Rows[0]["CompanyAddress"].ToString(); txtDescription.Value = DS.Tables[1].Rows[0]["Description"].ToString(); txtVoucherNo.Value = DS.Tables[1].Rows[0]["VouRefNo"].ToString(); txtVoucherDate.Value = DS.Tables[1].Rows[0]["VoucherDate"].ToString(); if (ReportType.Trim().ToUpper() == "P") { txtReportType.Value = "Payment Journal"; } else if (ReportType.Trim().ToUpper() == "J") { txtReportType.Value = "General Journal"; } int rowCount = DS.Tables[0].Rows.Count; for (int i = 1; i <= 24 - (rowCount % 20); i++) { DS.Tables[0].Rows.Add(DS.Tables[0].NewRow()); } table1.DataSource = DS.Tables[0]; double total = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) { try { total += double.Parse(DS.Tables[0].Rows[i]["TranAmountCr"].ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { } } ReportsUtility ReportsUtility = new ReportsUtility(); txtAmountinWord.Value = ReportsUtility.DecimalToWords(total); // // TODO: Add any constructor code after InitializeComponent call // }
public tlrGoodsAndServiceTaxReturn(DataSet DS) { String GLBadDebt = ""; InitializeComponent(); if (!Object.Equals(DS, null)) { DataRow DTCompany = DS.Tables[0].Rows[0]; GLBadDebt = DTCompany["GLCodeBadDebt"].ToString(); txtGSTNo.Value = DTCompany["GSTCode"].ToString(); txtBusinessName.Value = DTCompany["CompanyName"].ToString(); string FromDate = string.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}", DTCompany["FromDate"]); string Todate = string.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}", DTCompany["ToDate"]); txtTaxableDate.Value = string.Format("{0} To {1}", FromDate, Todate); List <GstReport> lstGstReport = new GstReport().GetGstReport(DS.Tables[1]); txtTotStandRate.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstType == "OUT" && P.GstAmount > 0).Sum(P => P.GstBaseAmount)); txtOtherAdjustment.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstType == "OUT" && P.GstAmount > 0).Sum(P => P.GstAmount)); txtINTotStanRate.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstType == "IN" && P.GstAmount > 0).Sum(P => P.GstBaseAmount)); txtInTotOtherAdj.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstType == "IN" && P.GstAmount > 0).Sum(P => P.GstAmount)); if (decimal.Parse(txtOtherAdjustment.Value) > decimal.Parse(txtInTotOtherAdj.Value)) { txtGSTAmtPayable.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(decimal.Parse(txtOtherAdjustment.Value) - decimal.Parse(txtInTotOtherAdj.Value)); } else { txtGSTAmtClamable.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(decimal.Parse(txtInTotOtherAdj.Value) - decimal.Parse(txtOtherAdjustment.Value)); } txtZeroRatedSup.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstCode == "ZRL").Sum(P => P.GstBaseAmount)); txtTotExpSuplies.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstCode == "ZRE").Sum(P => P.GstBaseAmount)); txtTotExeSupplies.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstCode == "ES" || P.GstCode == "ES43").Sum(P => P.GstBaseAmount)); txtTotSupGSTRel.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstCode == "RS").Sum(P => P.GstBaseAmount)); txtTotTradScheme.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstCode == "IM").Sum(P => P.GstBaseAmount)); txtTotItem14.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstCode == "IM").Sum(P => P.GstAmount)); txttotGoodsAcq.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstCode == "TX" || P.GstCode == "EP").Sum(P => P.GstBaseAmount)); txtTotRecIncTax.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GLCode == GLBadDebt && P.GstType == "IN").Sum(P => P.GstAmount)); } }
public ltrTopTenAmtByHospital(DataSet ds) { // // Required for telerik Reporting designer support // InitializeComponent(); DataTable dt = null; DataTable dt2 = null; if ((ds != null) && (ds.Tables.Count > 0) && (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)) { dt = ds.Tables[0]; dt2 = ds.Tables[1]; dt.TableName = "ReportByAmtVisits"; table1.DataSource = dt; if (dt.Rows.Count > 0 && dt.Rows[0]["ReportType"].ToString() == "ABH") { txtReport.Value = "Report Claim Analysis By Top Ten Amount By Hospital/Clinic"; _PieChartAmount.ChartTitle.TextBlock.Text = "Top Ten Amount By Hospital/Clinic"; ReportsUtility.GeneratePieChart(dt2, _PieChartAmount, "A_Percentage", "Hospital"); } else if (dt.Rows.Count > 0 && dt.Rows[0]["ReportType"].ToString() == "VBH") { txtReport.Value = "Report Claim Analysis By Top Ten Visits By Hospital/Clinic"; _PieChartAmount.ChartTitle.TextBlock.Text = "Top Ten Visits By Hospital/Clinic"; ReportsUtility.GeneratePieChart(dt2, _PieChartAmount, "V_Percentage", "Hospital"); } else if (dt.Rows.Count > 0 && dt.Rows[0]["ReportType"].ToString() == "ABD") { txtReport.Value = "Report Claim Analysis By Top Ten Amount By Disease"; _PieChartAmount.ChartTitle.TextBlock.Text = "Top Ten Amount By Disease"; ReportsUtility.GeneratePieChart(dt2, _PieChartAmount, "A_Percentage", "DISEASE"); } else if (dt.Rows.Count > 0 && dt.Rows[0]["ReportType"].ToString() == "VBD") { txtReport.Value = "Report Claim Analysis By Top Ten Visits By Disease"; _PieChartAmount.ChartTitle.TextBlock.Text = "Top Ten Visits By Disease"; ReportsUtility.GeneratePieChart(dt2, _PieChartAmount, "V_Percentage", "DISEASE"); } else if (dt.Rows.Count > 0 && dt.Rows[0]["ReportType"].ToString() == "ABM") { txtReport.Value = "Report Claim Analysis By Top Ten Amount By Member"; _PieChartAmount.ChartTitle.TextBlock.Text = "Top Ten Amount By Member"; ReportsUtility.GeneratePieChart(dt2, _PieChartAmount, "A_Percentage", "Name"); } else if (dt.Rows.Count > 0 && dt.Rows[0]["ReportType"].ToString() == "VBM") { txtReport.Value = "Report Claim Analysis By Top Ten Visits By Member"; _PieChartAmount.ChartTitle.TextBlock.Text = "Top Ten Visits By Member"; ReportsUtility.GeneratePieChart(dt2, _PieChartAmount, "V_Percentage", "Name"); } if (dt.Rows.Count > 0 && dt.Columns[0].ToString() == "HOSPITAL") { txtSortBy.Value = "Hospital / Clinic Name"; txtSortValue.Value = "=HOSPITAL"; } else if (dt.Rows.Count > 0 && dt.Columns[0].ToString() == "DISEASE") { txtSortBy.Value = "Disease"; txtSortValue.Value = "=DISEASE"; } else if (dt.Rows.Count > 0 && dt.Columns[0].ToString() == "Name") { txtSortBy.Value = "Member"; txtSortValue.Value = "=Name"; } } // // TODO: Add any constructor code after InitializeComponent call // }
public tlrTotSuppNOutTax(DataSet DS) { String GLBadDebt = "", GLCapitalGoods = ""; InitializeComponent(); if (!Object.Equals(DS, null)) { DataRow DTCompany = DS.Tables[0].Rows[0]; GLBadDebt = DTCompany["GLCodeBadDebt"].ToString(); GLCapitalGoods = DTCompany["CapitalGoods"].ToString(); string FromDate = string.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}", DTCompany["FromDate"]); string Todate = string.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}", DTCompany["ToDate"]); txtTaxPeriod.Value = string.Format(" for Taxable Period {0} To {1}", FromDate, Todate); List <GstReport> lstGstReport = new GstReport().GetGstReport(DS.Tables[1]); txtSRNS1.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => (P.GstCode == "SR")).Sum(P => P.GstBaseAmount)); txtSRNS2.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstCode == "SR").Sum(P => P.GstAmount)); //txtSRDBA1.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstCode == "DS" && P.GLCode == GLCapitalGoods).Sum(P => P.GstBaseAmount)); //txtSRDBA2.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstCode == "DS" && P.GLCode == GLCapitalGoods).Sum(P => P.GstAmount)); //txtSRAUP1.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstCode == "DS" && P.GLCode != GLCapitalGoods).Sum(P => P.GstBaseAmount)); //txtSRAUP2.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstCode == "DS" && P.GLCode != GLCapitalGoods).Sum(P => P.GstAmount)); txtSRDBA1.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstCode == "DS" && P.GLCode == GLCapitalGoods).Sum(P => P.GstBaseAmount)); txtSRDBA2.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstCode == "DS" && P.GLCode == GLCapitalGoods).Sum(P => P.GstAmount)); txtSRAUP1.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstCode == "DS" && P.GLCode != GLCapitalGoods).Sum(P => P.GstBaseAmount)); txtSRAUP2.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstCode == "DS" && P.GLCode != GLCapitalGoods).Sum(P => P.GstAmount)); txtST1.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstCode == "SR" || P.GstCode == "DS").Sum(P => P.GstBaseAmount)); txtST2.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstCode == "SR" || P.GstCode == "DS").Sum(P => P.GstAmount)); txtBDR1.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstCode == "AJS" && P.AdjType == "BDR").Sum(P => P.GstBaseAmount)); txtBDR2.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstCode == "AJS" && P.AdjType == "BDR").Sum(P => P.GstAmount)); txtCNDN1.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstCode == "AJS" && P.AdjType == "CNDN").Sum(P => P.GstBaseAmount)); txtCNDN2.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstCode == "AJS" && P.AdjType == "CNDN").Sum(P => P.GstAmount)); txtCGA1.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstCode == "AJS" && P.AdjType == "CGA").Sum(P => P.GstBaseAmount)); txtCGA2.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstCode == "AJS" && P.AdjType == "CGA").Sum(P => P.GstAmount)); txtAAd1.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstCode == "AJS" && P.AdjType == "AAD").Sum(P => P.GstBaseAmount)); txtAAd2.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstCode == "AJS" && P.AdjType == "AAD").Sum(P => P.GstAmount)); txtOAd1.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstCode == "AJS" && P.AdjType == "OAD").Sum(P => P.GstBaseAmount)); txtOAd2.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstCode == "AJS" && P.AdjType == "OAD").Sum(P => P.GstAmount)); txtAST1.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstCode == "AJS" && (P.AdjType == "BDR" || P.AdjType == "CNDN" || P.AdjType == "CGA" || P.AdjType == "AAD" || P.AdjType == "OAD")).Sum(P => P.GstBaseAmount)); txtAST2.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstCode == "AJS" && (P.AdjType == "BDR" || P.AdjType == "CNDN" || P.AdjType == "CGA" || P.AdjType == "AAD" || P.AdjType == "OAD")).Sum(P => P.GstAmount)); txtGT1.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(decimal.Parse(txtST1.Value) + decimal.Parse(txtAST1.Value)); txtGT2.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(decimal.Parse(txtST2.Value) + decimal.Parse(txtAST2.Value)); } }
public tlrGSTSummaryTotAcqInTax(DataSet DS) { String GLBadDebt = "", GLCapitalGoods = ""; InitializeComponent(); if (!Object.Equals(DS, null)) { DataRow DTCompany = DS.Tables[0].Rows[0]; GLBadDebt = DTCompany["GLCodeBadDebt"].ToString(); GLCapitalGoods = DTCompany["CapitalGoods"].ToString(); string FromDate = string.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}", DTCompany["FromDate"]); string Todate = string.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}", DTCompany["ToDate"]); txtTaxPeriod.Value = string.Format(" for Taxable Period {0} To {1}", FromDate, Todate); List <GstReport> lstGstReport = new GstReport().GetGstReport(DS.Tables[1]); txtNPSRS1.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => (P.GstCode == "TX" || P.GstCode == "BL") && P.GLCode != GLCapitalGoods).Sum(P => P.GstBaseAmount)); txtNPSRS2.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstCode == "TX").Sum(P => P.GstAmount)); txtNPSRS3.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstCode == "BL").Sum(P => P.GstAmount)); txtNPMES1.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstCode == "EP").Sum(P => P.GstBaseAmount)); //txtNPSRS2.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstCode == "EP").Sum(P => P.GstAmount)); txtNPMES3.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstCode == "EP").Sum(P => P.GstAmount)); txtNPIES1.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstCode == "TX-E43" || P.GstCode == "TX-N43").Sum(P => P.GstBaseAmount)); txtNPIES2.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstCode == "TX-E43").Sum(P => P.GstAmount)); txtNPIES3.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstCode == "TX-N43").Sum(P => P.GstAmount)); txtCGSRS1.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstCode == "TX" && P.GLCode == GLCapitalGoods).Sum(P => P.GstBaseAmount)); txtCGSRS2.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstCode == "TX" && P.GLCode == GLCapitalGoods).Sum(P => P.GstAmount)); //txtNPIES3.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstCode == "TX-N43").Sum(P => P.GstAmount)); txtCGMES1.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstCode == "EP").Sum(P => P.GstBaseAmount)); //txtNPSRS2.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstCode == "EP").Sum(P => P.GstAmount)); txtCGMES3.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstCode == "EP").Sum(P => P.GstAmount)); txtGI1.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstCode == "IS" || P.GstCode == "IM").Sum(P => P.GstBaseAmount)); txtGI2.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstCode == "IS").Sum(P => P.GstAmount)); txtGI3.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstCode == "IM").Sum(P => P.GstAmount)); txtST1.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstCode == "TX" || P.GstCode == "BL" || P.GstCode == "EP" || P.GstCode == "TX-E43" || P.GstCode == "TX-N43" || P.GstCode == "IS" || P.GstCode == "IM").Sum(P => P.GstBaseAmount)); txtST2.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstCode == "TX" || P.GstCode == "TX-E43" || P.GstCode == "IS").Sum(P => P.GstAmount)); txtST3.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstCode == "BL" || P.GstCode == "EP" || P.GstCode == "TX-N43" || P.GstCode == "IM").Sum(P => P.GstAmount)); txtBDR1.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstCode == "AJP" && P.AdjType == "BDR").Sum(P => P.GstBaseAmount)); txtBDR2.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstCode == "AJP" && P.AdjType == "BDR").Sum(P => P.GstAmount)); txtCNDN1.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstCode == "AJP" && P.AdjType == "CNDN").Sum(P => P.GstBaseAmount)); txtCNDN2.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstCode == "AJP" && P.AdjType == "CNDN").Sum(P => P.GstAmount)); txtCGA1.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstCode == "AJP" && P.AdjType == "CGA").Sum(P => P.GstBaseAmount)); txtCGA2.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstCode == "AJP" && P.AdjType == "CGA").Sum(P => P.GstAmount)); txtAAd1.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstCode == "AJP" && P.AdjType == "AAD").Sum(P => P.GstBaseAmount)); txtAAd2.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstCode == "AJP" && P.AdjType == "AAD").Sum(P => P.GstAmount)); txtOAd1.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstCode == "AJP" && P.AdjType == "OAD").Sum(P => P.GstBaseAmount)); txtOAd2.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstCode == "AJP" && P.AdjType == "OAD").Sum(P => P.GstAmount)); txtAST1.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstCode == "AJP" && P.AdjType != "").Sum(P => P.GstBaseAmount)); txtAST2.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(lstGstReport.FindAll(P => P.GstCode == "AJP" && P.AdjType != "").Sum(P => P.GstAmount)); txtGT1.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(decimal.Parse(txtST1.Value) + decimal.Parse(txtAST1.Value)); txtGT2.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(decimal.Parse(txtST2.Value) + decimal.Parse(txtAST2.Value)); txtGT3.Value = ReportsUtility.MyFormat(decimal.Parse(txtST3.Value) + decimal.Parse(txtAST3.Value)); } }
public ltrClaimTop10HospitalBenefit(DataSet ds) { // // Required for telerik Reporting designer support // InitializeComponent(); // // TODO: Add any constructor code after InitializeComponent call // DataTable dt = null; if ((ds != null) && (ds.Tables.Count > 0) && (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)) { dt = ds.Tables[0]; tblNormal.DataSource = dt; if (dt.Rows.Count > 0 && dt.Columns[1].ToString() == "HOSPITAL") { // tblNormal.ColumnGroups.RemoveAt(1); // tblNormal.Body.Columns.Remove(tblNormal.Body.Columns[1]); tblNormal.Visible = false; tblMember.Visible = true; tblMember.DataSource = dt; tblMember.Location = new Telerik.Reporting.Drawing.PointU(Telerik.Reporting.Drawing.Unit.Pixel(0), Telerik.Reporting.Drawing.Unit.Pixel(250)); txtReport.Value = "Report Claim Analysis By Top Ten Amount Of Hospital / Clinic All Benefit"; txtsortByMember.Value = "Hospital / Clinic Name"; txtsortValueMember.Value = "=HOSPITAL"; //txtSortBy.Value = "Hospital / Clinic Name"; // txtSortByThai.Value = "Hospital / Clinic Name"; //txtSortValue.Value = "=HOSPITAL"; // txtSortValueThai.Value = "=HOSPITAL"; _PieChartAmount.ChartTitle.TextBlock.Text = "Claim Cost Amount"; _pieChartFrequency.ChartTitle.TextBlock.Text = "Claim Frequency of Visits"; ReportsUtility.GeneratePieChart(dt, _PieChartAmount, "A_Percentage", "Hospital"); ReportsUtility.GeneratePieChart(dt, _pieChartFrequency, "F_Percentage", "Hospital"); } else if (dt.Rows.Count > 0 && dt.Columns[1].ToString() == "DISEASE") { txtReport.Value = "Report Claim Analysis By Top Ten Amount Of Disease All Benefit"; txtSortBy.Value = "Disease"; txtSortByThai.Value = "Disease Thai"; txtSortValue.Value = "=DISEASE"; txtSortValueThai.Value = "=DISEASE_THAI"; tblNormal.Location = new Telerik.Reporting.Drawing.PointU(Telerik.Reporting.Drawing.Unit.Pixel(0), Telerik.Reporting.Drawing.Unit.Pixel(250)); _PieChartAmount.ChartTitle.TextBlock.Text = "Claim Cost Amount"; _pieChartFrequency.ChartTitle.TextBlock.Text = "Claim Frequency of Visits"; ReportsUtility.GeneratePieChart(dt, _PieChartAmount, "A_Percentage", "DISEASE"); ReportsUtility.GeneratePieChart(dt, _pieChartFrequency, "F_Percentage", "DISEASE"); } else if (dt.Rows.Count > 0 && dt.Columns[1].ToString() == "Name") { tblNormal.Visible = false; tblMember.Visible = true; tblMember.DataSource = dt; tblMember.Location = new Telerik.Reporting.Drawing.PointU(Telerik.Reporting.Drawing.Unit.Pixel(0), Telerik.Reporting.Drawing.Unit.Pixel(250)); txtReport.Value = "Report Claim Analysis By Top Ten Amount Of Member All Benefit"; txtsortByMember.Value = "Member Name"; txtsortValueMember.Value = "=Name"; _PieChartAmount.ChartTitle.TextBlock.Text = "Claim Cost Amount"; _pieChartFrequency.ChartTitle.TextBlock.Text = "Claim Frequency of Visits"; ReportsUtility.GeneratePieChart(dt, _PieChartAmount, "A_Percentage", "Name"); ReportsUtility.GeneratePieChart(dt, _pieChartFrequency, "F_Percentage", "Name"); } } }