public ActionResult GetReportData(string reportId)
            ReportTempEntity reportEntity = reportTempIBLL.GetEntity(reportId);
            dynamic          paramJson    = reportEntity.F_ParamJson.ToJson();
            var data = new
                tempStyle = reportEntity.F_TempStyle,
                chartType = reportEntity.F_TempType,
                chartData = reportTempIBLL.GetReportData(paramJson.F_DataSourceId.ToString(), paramJson.F_ChartSqlString.ToString()),
                listData  = reportTempIBLL.GetReportData(paramJson.F_DataSourceId.ToString(), paramJson.F_ListSqlString.ToString())

Esempio n. 2
 public ActionResult SaveForm(string keyValue, ReportTempEntity entity)
     reportTempIBLL.SaveEntity(keyValue, entity);
Esempio n. 3
        public ActionResult GetReportData1(string reportId, string queryJson)
            ReportTempEntity reportEntity = reportTempIBLL.GetEntity(reportId);
            dynamic          paramJson    = reportEntity.F_ParamJson.ToJson();

            string   sql        = paramJson.F_ChartSqlString;
            string   sql_chart  = paramJson.F_ChartSqlString;
            JObject  jo         = (JObject)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(queryJson);
            DateTime EndTime    = jo["EndTime"].ToDate();
            DateTime StartTime  = jo["StartTime"].ToDate();
            string   machine_id = jo["machine_id"].ToString();
            string   group_id   = jo["group_id"].ToString();

            if (reportId == "40a0b5ef-9440-4ed9-97f8-1aec36642f0a")//小时产量统计
                sql = "select sp.day_time as 小时,mi.group_name as 设备组,mi.machine_name as 设备号,sum(sp.prod_num) as 实际产量,"
                      + " sum(sp.pass_prod_num) as 合格产量"
                      + " from tb_curday_prod_num sp inner join  tb_dict_parameter dp on sp.day_time = dp.data_setup"
                      + " left join vw_machine_info mi on sp.group_id = mi.group_id and mi.machine_id = sp.machine_id"
                      + " where dp.param_type = 'DayTime' and dp.prw_type = 'ToOut' and sp.is_stage = 'Hour' and sp.machine_id = " + machine_id + "and sp.group_id = " + group_id + ""
                      + " and sp.wshift_date= '" + EndTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "'group by day_time,mi.group_name,mi.machine_name,calc_date "
                      + " order by sp.calc_date, sp.day_time asc";

                sql_chart = "select sp.day_time as name,mi.group_name as 设备组,mi.machine_name as 设备号,sum(sp.prod_num) as value,sum(sp.plan_prod_num) as 计划产量,"
                            + " sum(sp.pass_prod_num) as 合格产量"
                            + " from tb_curday_prod_num sp inner join  tb_dict_parameter dp on sp.day_time = dp.data_setup"
                            + " left join vw_machine_info mi on sp.group_id = mi.group_id and mi.machine_id = sp.machine_id"
                            + " where dp.param_type = 'DayTime' and dp.prw_type = 'ToOut' and sp.is_stage = 'Hour' and sp.machine_id = " + machine_id + "and sp.group_id = " + group_id + ""
                            + " and sp.wshift_date= '" + EndTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "'group by day_time,mi.group_name,mi.machine_name,calc_date "
                            + " order by sp.calc_date, sp.day_time asc";
            else if (reportId == "f43e6528-4f04-454f-9922-ead91c938add")  //年产量统计
                sql = "  select LEFT(sp.wshift_date, 4) as 年 ,mi.group_name as 设备组, mi.machine_name as 设备号, "
                      + " sum(tpd.plan_day) as 计划产量,sum(sp.prod_num) as 实际产量, sum(sp.pass_prod_num) as 合格产量"
                      + " from tb_curday_prod_num sp"
                      + " left"
                      + " join vw_machine_info mi on sp.group_id = mi.group_id and mi.machine_id = sp.machine_id"
                      + " left join tb_plan_day_data tpd on sp.calc_date = tpd.calc_date"
                      + " where sp.machine_id = " + machine_id + ""
                      + " and sp.is_stage = 'Day'"
                      + " and sp.group_id =" + group_id + " and sp.wshift_date <= '" + EndTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "' AND sp.wshift_date >= '" + StartTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "'"
                      + " group by LEFT(sp.wshift_date, 4),mi.machine_name,mi.group_name"
                      + " order by LEFT(sp.wshift_date, 4) asc";

                sql_chart = "select LEFT(sp.wshift_date, 4) as name ,sum(sp.prod_num) as value, "
                            + " mi.machine_name as 设备号,mi.group_name as 设备组, sum(sp.plan_prod_num) as 计划产量,sum(sp.pass_prod_num) as 合格产量"
                            + " from tb_curday_prod_num sp inner join  tb_dict_parameter dp on sp.day_time = dp.data_setup"
                            + " left join vw_machine_info mi on sp.group_id = mi.group_id and mi.machine_id = sp.machine_id"
                            + " where dp.param_type = 'DayTime' and dp.prw_type = 'ToOut' and sp.is_stage = 'Hour' and sp.machine_id =  " + machine_id + "and sp.group_id = " + group_id + ""
                            + " and sp.wshift_date <= '" + EndTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "' AND sp.wshift_date >= '" + StartTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "'"
                            + " group by LEFT(sp.wshift_date, 4),mi.machine_name,mi.group_name"
                            + " order by name asc";
            else if (reportId == "522af585-5f4c-47fe-a3aa-0930754fb03b")//日产量统计
                sql = "select sp.wshift_date as 日期, Convert(nvarchar(50),wshift_date)+'-'+Convert(nvarchar(50),mi.machine_id) as 计划id,mi.group_name as 设备组, "
                      + " mi.machine_name as 设备号,sum(sp.plan_prod_num) as 计划产量,sum(sp.prod_num) as 实际产量,sum(sp.pass_prod_num) as 合格产量"
                      + " from tb_curday_prod_num sp inner join  tb_dict_parameter dp on sp.day_time = dp.data_setup"
                      + " left join vw_machine_info mi on sp.group_id = mi.group_id and mi.machine_id = sp.machine_id"
                      + " where dp.param_type = 'DayTime' and dp.prw_type = 'ToOut' and sp.is_stage = 'Hour' and sp.machine_id = " + machine_id + "and sp.group_id = " + group_id + ""
                      + " and sp.wshift_date <= '" + EndTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "' AND sp.wshift_date >= '" + StartTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "'"
                      + " group by sp.wshift_date,mi.machine_name,mi.machine_id,mi.group_name order by wshift_date asc";

                sql_chart = "select sp.wshift_date as name,sum(sp.prod_num) as value,"
                            + " mi.machine_name as 设备号,mi.group_name as 设备组, sum(sp.plan_prod_num) as 计划产量,sum(sp.pass_prod_num) as 合格产量"
                            + " from tb_curday_prod_num sp inner join  tb_dict_parameter dp on sp.day_time = dp.data_setup"
                            + " left join vw_machine_info mi on sp.group_id = mi.group_id and mi.machine_id = sp.machine_id"
                            + " where dp.param_type = 'DayTime' and dp.prw_type = 'ToOut' and sp.is_stage = 'Hour' and sp.machine_id = " + machine_id + "and sp.group_id = " + group_id + ""
                            + " and sp.wshift_date <= '" + EndTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "' AND sp.wshift_date >= '" + StartTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "'"
                            + " group by sp.wshift_date,mi.machine_name,mi.group_name order by wshift_date asc";
            else if (reportId == "6ac82b75-c508-4237-8ec9-bae1df8066cb")//月产量统计
                sql = "select LEFT(sp.wshift_date, 6) as 月份 , mi.group_name as 设备组, "
                      + " mi.machine_name as 设备号,sum(tpd.plan_day) as 计划产量,sum(sp.prod_num) as 实际产量,sum(sp.pass_prod_num) as 合格产量"
                      + " from tb_curday_prod_num sp "
                      + " left join vw_machine_info mi on sp.group_id = mi.group_id and mi.machine_id = sp.machine_id"
                      + " left join tb_plan_day_data tpd on sp.calc_date=tpd.calc_date "
                      + " where sp.is_stage = 'Day' and sp.machine_id = " + machine_id + "and sp.group_id = " + group_id + ""
                      + " and sp.wshift_date <= '" + EndTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "' AND sp.wshift_date >= '" + StartTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "'"
                      + " group by LEFT(sp.wshift_date, 6),mi.machine_name,mi.group_name"
                      + " order by LEFT(sp.wshift_date, 6) asc";

                sql_chart = "select LEFT(sp.wshift_date, 6) as name ,sum(sp.prod_num) as value, "
                            + " mi.machine_name as 设备号,mi.group_name as 设备组, sum(sp.plan_prod_num) as 计划产量,sum(sp.pass_prod_num) as 合格产量"
                            + " from tb_curday_prod_num sp inner join  tb_dict_parameter dp on sp.day_time = dp.data_setup"
                            + " left join vw_machine_info mi on sp.group_id = mi.group_id and mi.machine_id = sp.machine_id"
                            + " where dp.param_type = 'DayTime' and dp.prw_type = 'ToOut' and sp.is_stage = 'Hour' and sp.machine_id = " + machine_id + "and sp.group_id = " + group_id + ""
                            + " and sp.wshift_date <= '" + EndTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "' AND sp.wshift_date >= '" + StartTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "'"
                            + " group by LEFT(sp.wshift_date, 6),mi.machine_name,mi.group_name"
                            + " order by name asc";
            else if (reportId == "8060e1eb-5286-4c22-97bd-07ebde2d4cc8")//班次产量统计
                sql = "select Convert(nvarchar(50),wshift_date)+'-'+Convert(nvarchar(50),sp.wshift_id)+'-'+Convert(nvarchar(50),mi.group_id) as 人员, sp.wshift_date+b.wshift_name as 班次,mi.group_name as 设备组, "
                      + " mi.machine_name as 设备号,sp.plan_prod_num as 计划产量,sp.prod_num as 实际产量,sp.pass_prod_num as 合格产量"
                      + " from tb_curday_prod_num sp inner join tb_shift_info b on sp.wshift_id=b.wshift_id "
                      + " left join vw_machine_info mi on sp.group_id = mi.group_id and mi.machine_id = sp.machine_id"
                      + " where 1 = 1 and sp.is_stage = 'Shift' and sp.machine_id = " + machine_id + "and sp.group_id = " + group_id + ""
                      + " and sp.wshift_date <='" + EndTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "' AND sp.wshift_date >= '"
                      + StartTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "'  order by wshift_date asc,b.start_time";

                sql_chart = "select  sp.wshift_date+b.wshift_name as name,sp.prod_num as value,"
                            + " mi.machine_name as 设备号,mi.group_name as 设备组, sp.plan_prod_num as 计划产量,sp.pass_prod_num as 合格产量"
                            + " from tb_curday_prod_num sp inner join tb_shift_info b on sp.wshift_id=b.wshift_id "
                            + " left join vw_machine_info mi on sp.group_id = mi.group_id and mi.machine_id = sp.machine_id"
                            + " where 1 = 1 and sp.is_stage = 'Shift' and sp.machine_id = " + machine_id + "and sp.group_id = " + group_id + ""
                            + " and sp.wshift_date <='" + EndTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "' AND sp.wshift_date >= '"
                            + StartTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "'  order by wshift_date asc,b.start_time";
            else if (reportId == "6628efa3-8ba5-47c7-be6a-58dd05df9661") //产量报表
                sql = "  select sum(tcp.prod_num)as prod_num,tcp.day_time,tcp.wshift_date,tcp.group_id,tcp.wshift_id"
                      + " from tb_curday_prod_num tcp"
                      + " where tcp.is_stage = 'Hour'"
                      + " and wshift_date <='" + EndTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "' AND"
                      + " wshift_date >= '" + StartTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "'"
                      + " group by tcp.day_time,tcp.wshift_date,tcp.group_id,tcp.wshift_id"
                      + " order by tcp.wshift_date desc";
            else if (reportId == "bdcda43c-c277-400a-979f-a925270c9171")//OEE报表
                sql = "  select tcp.group_id ,tcp.prod_num,tcp.wshift_date,trs.time_second as run_time_second,"
                      + " (case when tqi.unqualified_no is null then 0 else tqi.unqualified_no end) as unqualified_no"
                      + " ,(case when tqi.unqualified_no is null then tcp.prod_num else (tcp.prod_num - tqi.unqualified_no) end )as qualified_no"
                      + " from tb_curday_prod_num tcp"
                      + " left join (select sum(trs.run_dur) as time_second ,trs.machine_id,trs.wshift_date"
                      + " from tb_run_state_seque trs"
                      + " where trs.run_state = '1'"
                      + " group by trs.machine_id,trs.wshift_date"
                      + " )trs on tcp.machine_id = trs.machine_id and tcp.wshift_date = trs.wshift_date"
                      + " left join("
                      + " select tqi.group_no, tqi.unqualified_no, convert(varchar(8) ,tqi.product_time, 112) as wshift_date"
                      + " from tb_quantity_info tqi)tqi on tcp.wshift_date = tqi.wshift_date"
                      + " where is_stage = 'Day'"
                      + " and tcp.wshift_date <= '" + EndTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "' and tcp.wshift_date >= '" + StartTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "'"
                      + " and tcp.machine_id = " + machine_id + ""
                      + " order by tcp.wshift_date";

            else if (reportId == "8d76ac76-fe7a-4b7f-af71-1250851d11df")//设备状态统计
                if (machine_id == "0")
                    sql_chart = sql = "select a.*,  isnull(b.value, 0) as value    from("
                                      + " SELECT  1 as run_state, '运行' as name"
                                      + " union"
                                      + " SELECT  2 as run_state, '报警' as name"
                                      + " union"
                                      + " SELECT  3 as run_state, '暂停' as name"
                                      + " union"
                                      + " SELECT  4 as run_state, '空闲' as name"
                                      + " union"
                                      + " SELECT  0 as run_state, '停机' as name) a"
                                      + " left join("
                                      + " SELECT top 100 PERCENT run_state, case  when run_state=1 then '运行' when run_state=2 then '报警' "
                                      + " when run_state = 3 then '暂停' when run_state=4 then '空闲'  when run_state=0 then '停机' end as name,convert(varchar(50),"
                                      + " sum([run_dur])/60)  as value"
                                      + " FROM tb_run_state_seque where calc_date <='" + EndTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "' AND calc_date >= '"
                                      + StartTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "' and group_id =  " + group_id
                                      + " and run_state in  (0, 1, 2, 3, 4)"
                                      + " group by run_state"
                                      + " ) b on ="
                                      + " order by  case a.run_state"
                                      + " when '0' then 5"
                                      + " when '1' then 1"
                                      + " when '2' then 2"
                                      + " when '3' then 3"
                                      + " else 4"
                                      + " end";
                    sql_chart = sql = "select a.*,  isnull(b.value, 0) as value    from("
                                      + " SELECT  1 as run_state, '运行' as name"
                                      + " union"
                                      + " SELECT  2 as run_state, '报警' as name"
                                      + " union"
                                      + " SELECT  3 as run_state, '暂停' as name"
                                      + " union"
                                      + " SELECT  4 as run_state, '空闲' as name"
                                      + " union"
                                      + " SELECT  0 as run_state, '停机' as name) a"
                                      + " left join("
                                      + " SELECT top 100 PERCENT run_state, case  when run_state=1 then '运行' when run_state=2 then '报警' "
                                      + " when run_state = 3 then '暂停' when run_state=4 then '空闲'  when run_state=0 then '停机' end as name,convert(varchar(50),"
                                      + " sum([run_dur])/60)  as value"
                                      + " FROM tb_run_state_seque where calc_date <='" + EndTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "' AND calc_date >= '"
                                      + StartTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "' and machine_id =  " + machine_id
                                      + " and run_state in  (0, 1, 2, 3, 4)"
                                      + " group by run_state"
                                      + " ) b on ="
                                      + " order by  case a.run_state"
                                      + " when '0' then 5"
                                      + " when '1' then 1"
                                      + " when '2' then 2"
                                      + " when '3' then 3"
                                      + " else 4"
                                      + " end";
            else if (reportId == "7cca72d4-92f0-4e3f-82e4-6b47a087e414")//报警信息统计-按报警号
                if (machine_id != null && machine_id != "0")
                    sql_chart = sql = "select  alarm_no  as name,count(1) as value from tb_alarm_history_init where calc_date <='"
                                      + EndTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "' AND calc_date >= '" + StartTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "' and machine_id ="
                                      + machine_id + " group by alarm_no ";
                    sql_chart = sql = "select  alarm_no  as name,count(1) as value from tb_alarm_history_init where calc_date <='"
                                      + EndTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "' AND calc_date >= '" + StartTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "' group by alarm_no ";
            else if (reportId == "ac4baec2-0e81-470d-95ad-040ecca9cc5d")  //报警信息统计-按设备
                sql_chart = sql = "select  mi.machine_name  as name,count(1) as value from tb_alarm_history_init sp"
                                  + " left join vw_machine_info mi on sp.group_id = mi.group_id and mi.machine_id = sp.machine_id"
                                  + " where calc_date <='"
                                  + EndTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "' AND calc_date >= '" + StartTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "' and sp.group_id ="
                                  + group_id + " group by mi.machine_name ";

                /* //ZK
                 * JObject jo = (JObject)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(queryJson);
                 * DateTime EndTime = jo["EndTime"].ToDate();
                 * DateTime StartTime = jo["StartTime"].ToDate();
                 * sql = " select sp.day_time as name," +
                 * " sp.group_id," +
                 * " sp.group_name," +
                 * " sp.prod_num as value," +
                 * " sp.plan_prod_num," +
                 * " sp.pass_prod_num" +
                 * "        from tb_curday_prod_num sp," +
                 * " tb_dict_parameter dp where 1 = 1 and sp.day_time = dp.data_setup" +
                 *      " and dp.param_type = 'DayTime' and dp.prw_type = 'ToOut' and sp.is_stage = 'Hour' and sp.machine_id = 11" +
                 *      " and sp.calc_date <='" + EndTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "' AND sp.calc_date >= '" + StartTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "' order by dp.data_addr asc," +
                 * " sp.day_time asc";
                 * //paramJson.F_ChartSqlString = sql;
                 * //paramJson.F_ListSqlString = sql;
                 * //END;*/

            if (reportId == "8060e1eb-5286-4c22-97bd-07ebde2d4cc8")//班次产量统计
                var data = new
                    tempStyle = reportEntity.F_TempStyle,
                    chartType = reportEntity.F_TempType,
                    chartData = reportTempIBLL.GetReportData(paramJson.F_DataSourceId.ToString(), sql_chart),
                    listData  = reportTempIBLL.GetReportData2(paramJson.F_DataSourceId.ToString(), sql)
            else if (reportId == "522af585-5f4c-47fe-a3aa-0930754fb03b")//日产量统计
                var data = new
                    tempStyle = reportEntity.F_TempStyle,
                    chartType = reportEntity.F_TempType,
                    chartData = reportTempIBLL.GetReportData(paramJson.F_DataSourceId.ToString(), sql_chart),
                    listData  = reportTempIBLL.GetReportData3(paramJson.F_DataSourceId.ToString(), sql)
            else if (reportId == "6628efa3-8ba5-47c7-be6a-58dd05df9661") //产量报表
                var data = new
                    tempStyle = reportEntity.F_TempStyle,
                    chartType = reportEntity.F_TempType,
                    listData  = reportTempIBLL.GetReportData4(paramJson.F_DataSourceId.ToString(), sql)
            else if (reportId == "bdcda43c-c277-400a-979f-a925270c9171")//OEE报表
                var data = new
                    tempStyle = reportEntity.F_TempStyle,
                    chartType = reportEntity.F_TempType,
                    listData  = reportTempIBLL.GetReportDataOEE(paramJson.F_DataSourceId.ToString(), sql)
                var data = new
                    tempStyle = reportEntity.F_TempStyle,
                    chartType = reportEntity.F_TempType,
                    chartData = reportTempIBLL.GetReportData(paramJson.F_DataSourceId.ToString(), sql_chart),
                    listData  = reportTempIBLL.GetReportData(paramJson.F_DataSourceId.ToString(), sql)