Esempio n. 1
        protected override void DisplayItem(ReportLineViewModel line, Excel.Range cell)
            cell.Offset[0, 0].Value = line.Product.Name;

            PrintQuantity(cell, 0, 1, line.Quantity, line.UnitMeasure);
            //cell.Offset[0, 1].Value = Math.Round(line.Quantity, 2) + " " + line.UnitMeasure.Caption;
Esempio n. 2
        //public List<ReportLineViewModel> GetSalesDataWithCost(DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate)
        //    return GetSalesData(fromDate, toDate, true);

        private List <ReportLineViewModel> GetSalesData(IUnitOfWork unitOfWork, DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate, bool loadCost)
            List <ReportLineViewModel> allSales = new List <ReportLineViewModel>();
            //List<SaleLineItemReportViewModel> allSalesTotalized = new List<SaleLineItemReportViewModel>();

            DateTime startDate = fromDate.Date;
            DateTime endDate   = toDate.Date.AddDays(1);

            //get data
            var query = from sale in unitOfWork.OrderRepository.Get(s => s.Date >= startDate && s.Date < endDate)
                        //where sale.Date >= startDate && sale.Date < endDate
                        select sale;

            //group li by li.Product;

            //UnitMeasure unitUM = context.UnitMeasures.Single(x => x.Name == "U");

            foreach (var sale in query)
                ReportLineViewModel copy = new ReportLineViewModel(sale, loadCost);


Esempio n. 3
        private void MakeSum(IEnumerable <ReportLineViewModel> group, ReportLineViewModel lic)
            //qtty in base unit of measure
            double qttySum = group.Sum(x => x.Quantity * x.UnitMeasure.ToBaseConversion);

            //UMFamily umFamily = appvm.ProductsOC.Single(x => x.Id == lic.Product.Id).UMFamily;
            var invSVC = ServiceContainer.GetService <IInventoryService>();

            UnitMeasure bestUM = invSVC.GetBestUM(lic.Product.UMFamily, qttySum);

            lic.UnitMeasure = bestUM;
            lic.Quantity    = qttySum / bestUM.ToBaseConversion;

            //basic quantity
            double      ep     = lic.Product.EdiblePart;
            UnitMeasure realUM = invSVC.GetBestUM(lic.Product.UMFamily, qttySum / ep);

            lic.RealUnitMeasure = realUM;
            lic.RealQuantity    = qttySum / ep / realUM.ToBaseConversion;

            lic.Cost     = group.Sum(x => x.Cost);
            lic.RealCost = lic.Cost / (decimal)ep;
Esempio n. 4
        protected override List <ReportLineViewModel> Transform(List <ReportLineViewModel> filtered, CustomizeReportOptions cro)
            List <ReportLineViewModel> result = new List <ReportLineViewModel>();

            var query = from item in filtered
                        //orderby item.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday ? 7 : (int)item.DayOfWeek
                        group item by item.DayOfWeek;

            foreach (var dowGroup in query)
                ReportLineViewModel lic = new ReportLineViewModel();

                lic.DayOfWeek = dowGroup.Key;

                //MakeSum(dowGroup, lic);

                int days = dowGroup.GroupBy(x => x.Date).Count();

                lic.Amount  = dowGroup.Sum(x => x.Amount) / days;
                lic.Clients = dowGroup.Sum(x => x.Clients) / days;


Esempio n. 5
        protected override List <ReportLineViewModel> Transform(List <ReportLineViewModel> filtered, CustomizeReportOptions cro)
            List <ReportLineViewModel> result = new List <ReportLineViewModel>();

            var query = from sale in filtered
                        group sale by sale.SalesPerson;

            foreach (var salesPersonGroup in query)
                ReportLineViewModel line = new ReportLineViewModel();

                if (salesPersonGroup.Key == null)
                    //NO  SALESPERSON
                    line.SalesPersonName = "Sin Dependiente";
                    line.SalesPerson     = salesPersonGroup.Key;
                    line.SalesPersonName = salesPersonGroup.Key.Name;

                MakeSum(salesPersonGroup, line);


Esempio n. 6
        public ReportLineViewModel Create(ReportLineViewModel pt, string UserName)
            ReportLine obj = Mapper.Map <ReportLine>(pt);

            obj.CreatedDate  = DateTime.Now;
            obj.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now;
            obj.CreatedBy    = UserName;
            obj.ModifiedBy   = UserName;
            obj.ObjectState  = Model.ObjectState.Added;


            pt.ReportLineId = obj.ReportLineId;

            _logger.LogActivityDetail(LogVm.Map(new ActiivtyLogViewModel
                DocTypeId    = _DocumentTypeService.Find(TransactionDoctypeConstants.Report).DocumentTypeId,
                DocId        = pt.ReportHeaderId,
                DocLineId    = pt.ReportLineId,
                ActivityType = (int)ActivityTypeContants.Added,

Esempio n. 7
        public void Delete(ReportLineViewModel pt, string UserName)
            List <LogTypeViewModel> LogList = new List <LogTypeViewModel>();

            var obj = Find(pt.ReportLineId);

            LogList.Add(new LogTypeViewModel
                ExObj = obj,

            XElement Modifications = _modificationCheck.CheckChanges(LogList);


            _logger.LogActivityDetail(LogVm.Map(new ActiivtyLogViewModel
                DocTypeId       = _DocumentTypeService.Find(TransactionDoctypeConstants.Report).DocumentTypeId,
                DocId           = pt.ReportHeaderId,
                DocLineId       = pt.ReportLineId,
                ActivityType    = (int)ActivityTypeContants.Deleted,
                xEModifications = Modifications,
Esempio n. 8
        public void Update(ReportLineViewModel pt, string UserName)
            var obj = Find(pt.ReportLineId);

            obj.FieldName      = pt.FieldName;
            obj.DataType       = pt.DataType;
            obj.Type           = pt.Type;
            obj.ServiceFuncGet = pt.ServiceFuncGet;
            obj.ServiceFuncSet = pt.ServiceFuncSet;
            obj.CacheKey       = pt.CacheKey;
            obj.Serial         = pt.Serial;
            obj.IsVisible      = pt.IsVisible;

            obj.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now;
            obj.ModifiedBy   = UserName;
            obj.ObjectState  = Model.ObjectState.Modified;



            _logger.LogActivityDetail(LogVm.Map(new ActiivtyLogViewModel
                DocTypeId    = _DocumentTypeService.Find(TransactionDoctypeConstants.Report).DocumentTypeId,
                DocId        = pt.ReportHeaderId,
                DocLineId    = pt.ReportLineId,
                ActivityType = (int)ActivityTypeContants.Modified,
        private void AddToCategoryBranch(ReportLineViewModel lic, Category targetCategory,
                                         List <ReportLineViewModel> tempList, bool isRecursiveCall)
            ReportLineViewModel targetLine = tempList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Category == targetCategory);

            //Category targetCategory = appvm.CategoriesOC.Single(x => x.Id == targetCategoryId);

            if (targetLine == null)
                targetLine          = new ReportLineViewModel();
                targetLine.Category = targetCategory;

                var invSvc = ServiceContainer.GetService <IInventoryService>();
                targetLine.CategoryName = invSvc.GetFullCategoryName(targetCategory);


            targetLine.Amount += lic.Amount;
            if (!isRecursiveCall)
                targetLine.ChildrenProductsTotalSale += lic.Amount;
            targetLine.Cost += lic.Cost;

            if (targetCategory.ParentCategory != null)
                AddToCategoryBranch(lic, targetCategory.ParentCategory, tempList, true);
            //else targetLine.IsRootCategory = true;
Esempio n. 10
        protected override List <ReportLineViewModel> Transform(List <ReportLineViewModel> filtered, CustomizeReportOptions cro)
            var groupsByCategory = from item in filtered
                                   orderby item.CategoryName
                                   group item by item.Category;

            List <ReportLineViewModel> result = new List <ReportLineViewModel>();

            foreach (var group in groupsByCategory)
                ReportLineViewModel line = new ReportLineViewModel();

                MakeSum(group, line);

                if (group.Key == null)
                    line.CategoryName = "Sin CategorĂ­a";
                    //noCategoryLine.IsRootCategory = true;

                    line.ChildrenProductsTotalSale = line.Amount;

                    AddToCategoryBranch(line, group.Key, result, false);


        // GET: /ProductMaster/Create

        public ActionResult _Create(int id)
            ReportLineViewModel line = new ReportLineViewModel();

            line.ReportHeaderId = id;
            return(PartialView("_Create", line));
Esempio n. 12
        private void MakeSum(IEnumerable <ReportLineViewModel> group, ReportLineViewModel lic)
            lic.Quantity    = group.Sum(x => x.Quantity);
            lic.UnitMeasure = group.First().UnitMeasure;

            lic.Cost   = group.Sum(x => x.Cost);
            lic.Amount = group.Sum(x => x.Amount);
Esempio n. 13
        protected override List <ReportLineViewModel> Transform(List <ReportLineViewModel> filtered, CustomizeReportOptions cro)
            var groupsByProduct = from item in filtered
                                  group item by item.Product;

            List <ReportLineViewModel> transformed = new List <ReportLineViewModel>();

            double totalQtty = filtered.Sum(x => x.Quantity);

            foreach (var group in groupsByProduct)
                ReportLineViewModel lic = new ReportLineViewModel();

                lic.Product = group.Key;

                lic.Preference = group.Sum(x => x.Quantity) / totalQtty;

                MakeSum(group, lic);


            double avePref = 0; decimal aveProfitMargin = 0;

            if (transformed.Count() == 0)
                avePref = 0; aveProfitMargin = 0;
                avePref         = transformed.Average(x => x.Preference);
                aveProfitMargin = transformed.Average(x => x.ProfitMargin);

            foreach (var item in transformed)
                if (item.Preference >= avePref && item.ProfitMargin >= aveProfitMargin)
                    item.ProductClass = ProductClass.A;
                else if (item.Preference >= avePref && item.ProfitMargin < aveProfitMargin)
                    item.ProductClass = ProductClass.B;
                else if (item.Preference < avePref && item.ProfitMargin >= aveProfitMargin)
                    item.ProductClass = ProductClass.C;
                else //if (item.Preference < avePref && item.ProfitMargin < aveProfitMargin)
                    item.ProductClass = ProductClass.D;

        // GET: /ProductMaster/Edit/5

        public ActionResult _ModifyLine(int id)
            ReportLineViewModel pt = _ReportLineService.GetReportLineViewModel(id);

            if (pt == null)
            return(PartialView("_Create", pt));
Esempio n. 15
        protected override void DisplayItem(ReportLineViewModel line, Excel.Range cell)
            cell.Offset[0, 0].Value = line.Product.Name;

            PrintQuantity(cell, 0, 1, line.Quantity, line.UnitMeasure);
            PrintQuantity(cell, 0, 2, line.RealQuantity, line.RealUnitMeasure);

            PrintMoney(cell, 0, 3, line.Cost);
            PrintMoney(cell, 0, 4, line.RealCost);
Esempio n. 16
        protected override void DisplayItem(ReportLineViewModel line, Excel.Range cell)
            cell.Offset[0, 0].Value = line.DiaEnEspanol.ToString();

            PrintMoney(cell, 0, 1, line.Amount);

            cell.Offset[0, 2].Value = line.Clients;

            PrintMoney(cell, 0, 3, line.SalesByClient);
Esempio n. 17
        private void MakeSum(IEnumerable <ReportLineViewModel> group, ReportLineViewModel lic)
            //qtty in base unit of measure
            double tempQuantity = group.Sum(x => x.Quantity * x.UnitMeasure.ToBaseConversion);

            //UMFamily umFamily = appvm.ProductsOC.Single(x => x.Id == lic.Product.Id).UMFamily;
            var invSVC = ServiceContainer.GetService <IInventoryService>();

            UnitMeasure bestUM = invSVC.GetBestUM(lic.Product.UMFamily, tempQuantity);

            lic.UnitMeasure = bestUM;
            lic.Quantity    = tempQuantity / bestUM.ToBaseConversion;
Esempio n. 18
        protected override void DisplayItem(ReportLineViewModel line, Excel.Range cell)
            cell.Offset[0, 0].Value = line.CategoryName;

            PrintMoney(cell, 0, 1, line.Amount);

            PrintMoney(cell, 0, 2, line.Cost);

            PrintMoney(cell, 0, 4, line.Profit);

            cell.Offset[0, 3].Value = line.CostToPriceRatio;
            cell.Offset[0, 3].Style = "Percent";
Esempio n. 19
        protected override void DisplayItem(ReportLineViewModel line, Excel.Range cell)
            cell.Offset[0, 0].Value = line.Product.Name;

            cell.Offset[0, 1].NumberFormat = "0.00%";
            cell.Offset[0, 1].Value        = line.Preference;
            //cell.Offset[0, 1].Style = "Percent";

            cell.Offset[0, 2].Value = line.ProfitMargin;
            cell.Offset[0, 2].Style = "Percent";

            cell.Offset[0, 3].Value = line.ProductClass.ToString();
        public ActionResult DeletePost(ReportLineViewModel pt)
                _ReportLineService.Delete(pt, User.Identity.Name);

            catch (Exception ex)
                string message = _exception.HandleException(ex);
                ModelState.AddModelError("", message);
                return(View("_Create", pt));

            return(Json(new { success = true }));
Esempio n. 21
        protected override void DisplayItem(ReportLineViewModel line, Excel.Range cell)
            cell.Offset[0, 0].Value = line.Date.ToString("d");

            cell.Offset[0, 1].Value = line.ShiftName;

            cell.Offset[0, 2].Value = line.InvoiceNumber;

            cell.Offset[0, 3].Value = line.DateCreated.ToString("t");

            cell.Offset[0, 4].Value = line.DatePrinted == null ? "-" : line.DatePrinted.Value.ToString("t");

            cell.Offset[0, 5].Value = line.DateClosed == null ? "-" : line.DateClosed.Value.ToString("t");

            cell.Offset[0, 6].Value = line.ServiceTime + " mins";
Esempio n. 22
        private void AddIngredients(Product recipeProduct, double qtty, UnitMeasure um,
                                    List <ReportLineViewModel> allSalesLines, DateTime date, Shift shift, Employee salesPerson)
            double proportion = qtty * um.ToBaseConversion / recipeProduct.RecipeQuantity / recipeProduct.RecipeUnitMeasure.ToBaseConversion;

            foreach (var ingredient in recipeProduct.Ingredients)
                Product     ing_prod = ingredient.IngredientProduct;
                double      ing_qtty = proportion * ingredient.Quantity;
                UnitMeasure ing_um   = ingredient.UnitMeasure;

                ReportLineViewModel ing_op = new ReportLineViewModel(ing_prod, ing_qtty, ing_um, 0, date, shift, salesPerson);

                //ing_op.Product = ingredient.IngredientProduct;
                //ing_op.Quantity = proportion * ingredient.Quantity;
                //ing_op.UnitMeasure = ingredient.UnitMeasure;

                //foreach (var tag in ing_op.Product.Tags)
                //    ing_op.TagIds.Add(tag.Id);
                //if (salesPerson != null)
                //    ing_op.SalesPerson = salesPerson;
                //    ing_op.SalesPersonId = salesPerson.Id;
                //if (shift != null)
                //    ing_op.Shift = shift;
                //    ing_op.ShiftId = shift.Id;


                //add ingredients recursively
                if (IsRecipe(ingredient.IngredientProduct))
                    AddIngredients(ing_op.Product, ing_op.Quantity, ing_op.UnitMeasure, allSalesLines, date, shift, salesPerson);
Esempio n. 23
        protected override List <ReportLineViewModel> Transform(List <ReportLineViewModel> filtered, CustomizeReportOptions cro)
            var groupsByProduct = from item in filtered
                                  group item by item.Product;

            List <ReportLineViewModel> transformed = new List <ReportLineViewModel>();

            foreach (var group in groupsByProduct)
                ReportLineViewModel lic = new ReportLineViewModel();

                lic.Product   = group.Key;
                lic.ProductId = group.Key.Id;

                MakeSum(group, lic);


        public ActionResult _CreatePost(ReportLineViewModel pt)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                if (pt.ReportLineId <= 0)
                        _ReportLineService.Create(pt, User.Identity.Name);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        string message = _exception.HandleException(ex);
                        ModelState.AddModelError("", message);
                        return(PartialView("_Create", pt));

                    return(RedirectToAction("_Create", new { id = pt.ReportHeaderId }));
                        _ReportLineService.Update(pt, User.Identity.Name);

                    catch (Exception ex)
                        string message = _exception.HandleException(ex);
                        ModelState.AddModelError("", message);
                        return(PartialView("_Create", pt));

                    return(Json(new { success = true }));

            return(PartialView("_Create", pt));
Esempio n. 25
        public List <ReportLineViewModel> GetSalesByItemData(IUnitOfWork unitOfWork,
                                                             DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate, bool includeIngredients)
            List <ReportLineViewModel> allSalesLines = new List <ReportLineViewModel>();
            //List<SaleLineItemReportViewModel> allSalesTotalized = new List<SaleLineItemReportViewModel>();

            DateTime startDate = fromDate.Date;
            DateTime endDate   = toDate.Date.AddDays(1);

            //get data
            var query = from li in unitOfWork.LineItemRepository.Get(x => x.Order.Date >= startDate && x.Order.Date < endDate)
                        //where li.Order.Date >= startDate && li.Order.Date < endDate
                        select li;

            //group li by li.Product;

            //UnitMeasure unitUM = context.UnitMeasures.Single(x => x.Name == "U");

            foreach (var li in query)
                ReportLineViewModel copy = new ReportLineViewModel(li);

                //copy.Product = li.Product;
                //copy.Quantity = li.Quantity;
                ////unit of measure will be "each"(U)
                //copy.UnitMeasure = unitUM;


                //add ingredients
                if (includeIngredients && IsRecipe(copy.Product))
                    AddIngredients(copy.Product, copy.Quantity, copy.UnitMeasure, allSalesLines, li.Sale.Date, li.Sale.Shift, li.Sale.Employee);

Esempio n. 26
        // GET: Report/ReportLines/5
        public IActionResult ReportLines(int id)
            var report  = _reportRepository.Select(id);
            var project = _projectRepository.Select(report.ProjectId);

            var reportLineViewModel = new ReportLineViewModel
                ProjectName = project.ProjectName,
                OssIndexs   = new List <OssIndexViewModel>()

            foreach (var reportLine in _reportLinesRepository.SelectListByReportId(report.Id))
                var ossIndex  = _ossIndexRepository.Select(reportLine.OssIndexId);
                var component = _componentRepository.Select(ossIndex.ComponentId);
                var score     = _scoreService.GetScoreByOssIndexId(reportLine.OssIndexId);

                Enum.TryParse(ossIndex.HttpStatus.ToString(), out HttpStatusCode httpStatusCode);

                reportLineViewModel.OssIndexs.Add(new OssIndexViewModel()
                    Id              = reportLine.OssIndexId,
                    ComponentName   = component.Name,
                    Score           = score,
                    ScoreFieldClass = _scoreClassService.SetScoreFieldClass(score),
                    Status          = httpStatusCode.ToString()

            HttpContext.Session.SetString(SessionConstants.ProjectName, project.ProjectName);
            HttpContext.Session.SetInt32(SessionConstants.ProjectId, project.Id);
            HttpContext.Session.SetInt32(SessionConstants.ReportId, id);

            ViewData["Breadcrumbs"] = _breadcrumbService.GetReportLines(project.ProjectName, project.Id);
Esempio n. 27
 protected override bool OfflineFilter(ReportLineViewModel li)
Esempio n. 28
 protected override bool OfflineFilter(ReportLineViewModel li)
     return(li.Product.ProductType == ProductType.RawMaterials ||
            li.Product.ProductType == ProductType.CompraVenta);
Esempio n. 29
 protected override bool OfflineFilter(ReportLineViewModel li)
     //return li.ProductType == ProductType.FinishedGoods || li.ProductType == ProductType.CompraVenta;
Esempio n. 30
        protected override void DisplayItem(ReportLineViewModel line, Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range cell)
            cell.Offset[0, 0].Value = line.Product.Name;

            PrintQuantity(cell, 0, 1, line.Quantity, line.UnitMeasure);