private void NewResource_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { RepoPC.UpdateAvailableResources(); int before = RepoPC.ResourceList.Count; NewResource newResource = new NewResource(); newResource.ShowDialog(); RepoPC.UpdateAvailableResources(); int after = RepoPC.ResourceList.Count; if (after == before + 1) { ResourceSelction.ItemsSource = new string[] { "You Can't See Me" }; ResourceSelction.ItemsSource = RepoPC.ResourceNamesList; ResourceSelction.SelectedIndex = RepoPC.ResourceList.Count - 1; UpdateView(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Resource Creation cancelled by User", "Message", MessageBoxButton.OK); } }
private void GoodExit_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (EditMode.IsChecked == false) { Close(); } else { try { resource.Name = Name.Text; resource.MaxValue = int.Parse(MaxValue.Text); resource.MinValue = int.Parse(MinValue.Text); resource.MaxedAtStart = (bool)StartMaxed.IsChecked; RepoPC.UpdateResource(resource); Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Something went wrong - " + ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK); } } }
private Ability ShowAbility(Ability input) { Ability output = null; RepoPC.UpdateAvailableAbilities(); int before = RepoPC.AbilitiesList.Count; ShowAbility showAbility = new ShowAbility(); showAbility.Initialize(input); showAbility.ShowDialog(); RepoPC.UpdateAvailableAbilities(); int after = RepoPC.AbilitiesList.Count; try { if (after != before - 1) { output = RepoPC.AbilitiesList.Find(x => x.ID == input.ID); } } catch (ArgumentNullException) { } return(output); }
private void Create_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { int id; if (RepoPC.ResourceList.Count == 0) { id = 0; } else { id = RepoPC.ResourceList.MaxBy(x => x.ID).ID + 1; } Resource dummy = new Resource() { Name = Name.Text, MaxValue = int.Parse(MaxValue.Text), MinValue = int.Parse(MinValue.Text), MaxedAtStart = (bool)StartMaxed.IsChecked, ID = id }; ReturnMessage result = RepoPC.NewResource(dummy); Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Something went wrong - " + ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK); } }
private void ShowResource_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ShowResource show = new ShowResource(); show.Initialize(RepoPC.ResourceList[ResourceSelction.SelectedIndex]); show.ShowDialog(); RepoPC.UpdateAvailableResources(); }
private void TerribleExit_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { MessageBoxResult result = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to delete this ability?", "Warning", MessageBoxButton.YesNo); if (result == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { RepoPC.DeleteAbility(ability); Close(); } }
public NewAbility() { InitializeComponent(); RepoPC.UpdateAvailableResources(); ResourceType.ItemsSource = RepoPC.ResourceNamesList; HaveActive.IsChecked = true; HaveEmpoweredOrAlternative.IsChecked = true; HavePassive.IsChecked = true; }
private void Create_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { int id; if (RepoPC.ChampionList.Count == 0) { id = 0; } else { id = RepoPC.ChampionList.MaxBy(x => x.ID).ID + 1; } champ.ID = id; champ.Resource = RepoPC.ResourceList[ResourceType.SelectedIndex]; champ.Name = Name.Text; champ.HealthStart = Health.Text; champ.HealthGrowth = HealthGrowth.Text; champ.HealthRegenStart = HealthRegeneration.Text; champ.HealthRegenGrowth = HealthRegenerationGrowth.Text; champ.ResourceStart = Resource.Text; champ.ResourceGrowth = ResourceGrowth.Text; champ.ResourceRegenStart = ResourceRegeneration.Text; champ.ResourceRegenGrowth = ResourceRegenerationGrowth.Text; champ.AttackDamageStart = AttackDamage.Text; champ.AttackDamageGrowth = AttackDamageGrowth.Text; champ.AbilityPowerStart = AbilityPower.Text; champ.AbilityPowerGrowth = AbilityPowerGrowth.Text; champ.AttackSpeedStart = AttackSpeed.Text; champ.AttackSpeedGrowth = AttackSpeedGrowth.Text; champ.RangeStart = Range.Text; champ.RangeGrowth = RangeGrowth.Text; champ.CriticalStrikeChanceStart = CriticalStrikeChance.Text; champ.CriticalStrikeChanceGrowth = CriticalStrikeChanceGrowth.Text; champ.ArmorStart = Armor.Text; champ.ArmorGrowth = ArmorGrowth.Text; champ.MagicResistStart = MagicResist.Text; champ.MagicResistGrowth = MagicResistGrowth.Text; champ.MoveSpeedStart = Movespeed.Text; champ.MoveSpeedGrowth = MovespeedGrowth.Text; ReturnMessage result = RepoPC.NewChampion(champ); if (result.WasSuccesful == true) { Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show(result.Message + " - " + result.Exception, "Warning", MessageBoxButton.OK); } }
public NewChampion() { InitializeComponent(); RepoPC.UpdateAvailableResources(); PassiveAbilityButton.Content = "New Ability"; QAbilityButton.Content = "New Ability"; WAbilityButton.Content = "New Ability"; EAbilityButton.Content = "New Ability"; RAbilityButton.Content = "New Ability"; ResourceType.ItemsSource = RepoPC.ResourceNamesList; ResourceType.SelectedIndex = 0; }
public ShowAbility() { InitializeComponent(); RepoPC.UpdateAvailableResources(); ResourceType.ItemsSource = RepoPC.ResourceNamesList; GoodExit.Content = "OK"; BadExit.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; TerribleExit.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; HaveActive.IsChecked = true; HaveEmpoweredOrAlternative.IsChecked = true; HavePassive.IsChecked = true; }
private void Create_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { int id; if (RepoPC.AbilitiesList.Count == 0) { id = 0; } else { id = RepoPC.AbilitiesList.MaxBy(x => x.ID).ID + 1; } Ability dummy = new Ability() { Name = AbilityName.Text, ID = id, Slot = Slot, ResourceUse = RepoPC.ResourceList[ResourceType.SelectedIndex], HaveActive = (bool)HaveActive.IsChecked, IsToogleAble = (bool)IsToogleAble.IsChecked, HaveEmpoweredOrAlternative = (bool)HaveEmpoweredOrAlternative.IsChecked, HavePassive = (bool)HavePassive.IsChecked, DescriptionAct = DescriptionAct.Text, DamageAct = DamageAct.Text, CooldownAct = CooldownAct.Text, RangeAct = RangeAct.Text, ResourceCostAct = ResourceCostAct.Text, DescriptionEmpAlt = DescriptionEmpAlt.Text, DamageEmpAlt = DamageEmpAlt.Text, CooldownEmpAlt = CooldownEmpAlt.Text, RangeEmpAlt = RangeEmpAlt.Text, ResourceCostEmpAlt = ResourceCostEmpAlt.Text, DescriptionPas = DescriptionPas.Text, RangePas = RangePas.Text, DamagePas = DamagePas.Text, CooldownPas = CooldownPas.Text }; ReturnMessage result = RepoPC.NewAbility(dummy); Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Something went wrong - " + ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK); } }
public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); List <ReturnMessage> messages = RepoPC.Initialize(); ResourceSelction.ItemsSource = RepoPC.ResourceNamesList; AbilitySelction.ItemsSource = RepoPC.AbilityNamesList; ChampionSelction.ItemsSource = RepoPC.ChampionNamesList; ResourceSelction.SelectedIndex = 0; AbilitySelction.SelectedIndex = 0; ChampionSelction.SelectedIndex = 0; UpdateView(); try { foreach (ReturnMessage mes in messages) { if (mes.WasSuccesful == false) { throw new Exception(); } } } catch (Exception) { string warning = "Initialization of Database Handler failed \n" + "Restart program to try again \n" + "If this message have been shown multiple times, then contact program creator"; MessageBox.Show(warning, "Warning", MessageBoxButton.OK); NewChampion.IsEnabled = false; NewResource.IsEnabled = false; ChampionSelction.IsEnabled = false; AbilitySelction.IsEnabled = false; ResourceSelction.IsEnabled = false; ShowChampion.IsEnabled = false; ShowAbility.IsEnabled = false; ShowResource.IsEnabled = false; DeleteChampion.IsEnabled = false; DeleteResource.IsEnabled = false; } }
private void GoodExit_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (EditMode.IsChecked == false) { Close(); } else { try { ability.Name = AbilityName.Text; ability.ResourceUse = RepoPC.ResourceList[ResourceType.SelectedIndex]; ability.HaveActive = (bool)HaveActive.IsChecked; ability.IsToogleAble = (bool)IsToogleAble.IsChecked; ability.HaveEmpoweredOrAlternative = (bool)HaveEmpoweredOrAlternative.IsChecked; ability.HavePassive = (bool)HavePassive.IsChecked; ability.DescriptionAct = DescriptionAct.Text; ability.DamageAct = DamageAct.Text; ability.CooldownAct = CooldownAct.Text; ability.RangeAct = RangeAct.Text; ability.ResourceCostAct = ResourceCostAct.Text; ability.DescriptionEmpAlt = DescriptionEmpAlt.Text; ability.DamageEmpAlt = DamageEmpAlt.Text; ability.CooldownEmpAlt = CooldownEmpAlt.Text; ability.RangeEmpAlt = RangeEmpAlt.Text; ability.ResourceCostEmpAlt = ResourceCostEmpAlt.Text; ability.DescriptionPas = DescriptionPas.Text; ability.RangePas = RangePas.Text; ability.DamagePas = DamagePas.Text; ability.CooldownPas = CooldownPas.Text; RepoPC.UpdateAbility(ability); Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Something went wrong - " + ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK); } } }
private void ShowAbility_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { int before = RepoPC.AbilitiesList.Count; int indexBefore = AbilitySelction.SelectedIndex; ShowAbility showAbility = new ShowAbility(); showAbility.Initialize(RepoPC.AbilitiesList[indexBefore]); showAbility.ShowDialog(); RepoPC.UpdateAvailableAbilities(); int after = RepoPC.AbilitiesList.Count; if (after == before - 1) { AbilitySelction.ItemsSource = new string[] { "You Can't See Me" }; AbilitySelction.ItemsSource = RepoPC.AbilityNamesList; AbilitySelction.SelectedIndex = indexBefore - 1; } UpdateView(); }
private Ability NewAbility(LibRepo.AbilitySlot slot, int typeIndex) { Ability output = null; RepoPC.UpdateAvailableAbilities(); int before = RepoPC.AbilitiesList.Count; NewAbility newAbility = new NewAbility(); newAbility.Initialize(slot, typeIndex); newAbility.ShowDialog(); RepoPC.UpdateAvailableAbilities(); int after = RepoPC.AbilitiesList.Count; if (after == before + 1) { output = RepoPC.AbilitiesList.Last(); } return(output); }
private void DeleteResource_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { int indexBefore = ResourceType.SelectedIndex; MessageBoxResult result = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to delete the selected Resource?", "Warning", MessageBoxButton.YesNo); ReturnMessage returnMessage = null; try { if (result == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { returnMessage = RepoPC.DeleteResource(RepoPC.ResourceList[ResourceType.SelectedIndex]); ResourceType.ItemsSource = new string[] { "You Can't See Me" }; RepoPC.UpdateAvailableResources(); ResourceType.ItemsSource = RepoPC.ResourceNamesList; ResourceType.SelectedIndex = indexBefore - 1; } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Something went wrong - " + ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK); } }
private void DeleteChampion_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { int indexBefore = ChampionSelction.SelectedIndex; MessageBoxResult result = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to delete the selected Champion?", "Warning", MessageBoxButton.YesNo); try { if (result == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { RepoPC.DeleteChampion(RepoPC.ChampionList[indexBefore]); ChampionSelction.ItemsSource = new string[] { "You Can't See Me" }; RepoPC.UpdateAvailableChampions(); ChampionSelction.ItemsSource = RepoPC.ChampionNamesList; ChampionSelction.SelectedIndex = indexBefore - 1; UpdateView(); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Something went wrong - " + ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK); } }
public NewResource() { InitializeComponent(); RepoPC.UpdateAvailableResources(); }