public void GetItemMaterialFromFactory(CSFactory factory, List <ItemIdCount> itemsNeedToGet, ref bool transferedItem) { foreach (ItemIdCount iic in itemsNeedToGet) { Replicator.KnownFormula[] msList = UIGraphControl.GetReplicator().GetKnowFormulasByProductItemId(iic.protoId); if (msList == null || msList.Length == 0) { continue; } Replicator.Formula ms = Replicator.Formula.Mgr.Instance.Find(msList[0].id); foreach (Replicator.Formula.Material mt in ms.materials) { int itemCount = factory.GetCompoundEndItemCount(mt.itemId); if (itemCount > 0) { if (CSUtils.AddToStorage(mt.itemId, itemCount, core)) { factory.CountDownItem(mt.itemId, itemCount); transferedItem = true; } } } } }
public static List <int> resolveProtoIdToProcess(List <int> protoIds) { List <int> resourceId = new List <int> (); foreach (int protoId in protoIds) { if (CSProcessing.CanProcessItem(protoId)) { resourceId.Add(protoId); continue; } List <int> needReplicate = new List <int> (); needReplicate.Add(protoId); do { List <int> tempNeed = new List <int> (); tempNeed.AddRange(needReplicate); foreach (int tempProtoId in tempNeed) { Replicator.KnownFormula[] msList = UIGraphControl.GetReplicator().GetKnowFormulasByProductItemId(tempProtoId); if (msList == null || msList.Length == 0) { needReplicate.Remove(tempProtoId); //Debug.LogError("can't get "+tempProtoId+" for colony"); continue; } //--to do: temp_ only use script 01 Replicator.Formula ms = Replicator.Formula.Mgr.Instance.Find(msList[0].id); foreach (Replicator.Formula.Material mt in ms.materials) { if (CSProcessing.CanProcessItem(mt.itemId)) { if (!resourceId.Contains(mt.itemId)) { resourceId.Add(mt.itemId); } } else { if (!needReplicate.Contains(mt.itemId)) { needReplicate.Add(mt.itemId); } } } needReplicate.Remove(tempProtoId); } }while(needReplicate.Count > 0); } return(resourceId); }
public void ReplicateItem(ItemIdCount iic, List <int> replicatingItems, out List <ItemIdCount> materialList, out int productItemCount) { Replicator.KnownFormula[] msList = UIGraphControl.GetReplicator().GetKnowFormulasByProductItemId(iic.protoId); materialList = new List <ItemIdCount> (); productItemCount = 0; if (msList == null || msList.Length == 0) { return; } //--to do: temp,only use formula 01? Replicator.Formula ms = Replicator.Formula.Mgr.Instance.Find(msList[0].id); foreach (Replicator.Formula.Material mt in ms.materials) { materialList.Add(new ItemIdCount(mt.itemId, mt.itemCount)); } productItemCount = ms.m_productItemCount; int productCount = Mathf.CeilToInt(iic.count * 1.0f / ms.m_productItemCount); //2.replicate it and count down material in storage int countCanGet = CSUtils.GetMaterialListCount(materialList, Assembly); if (countCanGet == 0) { return; } if (countCanGet >= productCount) { if (SetCompoudItemAuto(iic.protoId, productCount * ms.m_productItemCount, ms.timeNeed * productCount)) { iic.count = 0; foreach (ItemIdCount countDownItem in materialList) { CSUtils.CountDownItemFromFactoryAndAllStorage(countDownItem.protoId, countDownItem.count * productCount, Assembly); } replicatingItems.Add(iic.protoId); } } else { if (SetCompoudItemAuto(iic.protoId, countCanGet * ms.m_productItemCount, ms.timeNeed * countCanGet)) { iic.count -= countCanGet * ms.m_productItemCount; foreach (ItemIdCount countDownItem in materialList) { CSUtils.CountDownItemFromFactoryAndAllStorage(countDownItem.protoId, countDownItem.count * countCanGet, Assembly); } replicatingItems.Add(iic.protoId); } } }
public static ItemProto StaticGenItemData(int obj_id, VCIsoHeadData headinfo, CreationAttr attr) { if (attr.m_Type == ECreation.Null) { return(null); } ItemProto item = new ItemProto(); = headinfo.Name; // item.nameStringId = 0; item.englishDescription = headinfo.Desc; item.itemLabel = 100; item.setUp = 0; item.resourcePath = AssetsLoader.InvalidAssetPath; item.resourcePath1 = AssetsLoader.InvalidAssetPath; item.equipReplacePos = 0; item.currencyValue = Mathf.CeilToInt(attr.m_SellPrice); item.currencyValue2 = Mathf.CeilToInt(attr.m_SellPrice); item.durabilityMax = Mathf.CeilToInt(attr.m_Durability); item.repairLevel = 1; item.maxStackNum = 1; item.equipSex = Pathea.PeSex.Undefined; = obj_id; item.level = 1; item.repairMaterialList = new List <MaterialItem>(attr.m_Cost.Count); item.strengthenMaterialList = new List <MaterialItem>(attr.m_Cost.Count); Dictionary <int, int> repairItemDic = new Dictionary <int, int>(); foreach (KeyValuePair <int, int> kvp in attr.m_Cost) { if (kvp.Value != 0) { Replicator.Formula formula = Replicator.Formula.Mgr.Instance.FindByProductId(kvp.Key); int itemID = kvp.Key; int itemCount = kvp.Value; if (null == formula) { if (repairItemDic.ContainsKey(itemID)) { repairItemDic[itemID] += itemCount; } else { repairItemDic[itemID] = itemCount; } } else { for (int i = 0; i < formula.materials.Count; ++i) { itemID = formula.materials[i].itemId; itemCount = formula.materials[i].itemCount * Mathf.CeilToInt((float)kvp.Value / formula.m_productItemCount); if (repairItemDic.ContainsKey(itemID)) { repairItemDic[itemID] += itemCount; } else { repairItemDic[itemID] = itemCount; } } } } } foreach (KeyValuePair <int, int> kvp in repairItemDic) { int finalCount = kvp.Value / 2; if (finalCount > 0) { item.repairMaterialList.Add(new MaterialItem() { protoId = kvp.Key, count = finalCount }); item.strengthenMaterialList.Add(new MaterialItem() { protoId = kvp.Key, count = finalCount }); } } // [VCCase] - Generate item data, different types of creations switch (attr.m_Type) { // 剑 ------------------------ case ECreation.Sword: item.equipType = EquipType.Sword; item.icon = new string[3] { "0", "0", "0" }; item.equipPos = 16; item.itemClassId = (int)CreationItemClass.Sword; item.tabIndex = 1; item.sortLabel = 9910; //item.level = Mathf.Clamp((int)((attr.m_Attack - 8f) / 2.5f), 1, 100); item.durabilityFactor = 1f; item.editorTypeId = 4; if (item.propertyList == null) { item.propertyList = new ItemProto.PropertyList(); } item.propertyList.AddProperty(Pathea.AttribType.Atk, attr.m_Attack); item.buffId = 30200087; break; //双手与双持 case ECreation.SwordLarge: case ECreation.SwordDouble: item.icon = new string[3] { "0", "0", "0" }; item.equipPos = 528; item.itemClassId = (int)CreationItemClass.Sword; item.tabIndex = 1; item.sortLabel = 9910; //item.level = Mathf.Clamp((int)((attr.m_Attack - 8f) / 2.5f), 1, 100); item.durabilityFactor = 1f; item.editorTypeId = 4; if (item.propertyList == null) { item.propertyList = new ItemProto.PropertyList(); } item.propertyList.AddProperty(Pathea.AttribType.Atk, attr.m_Attack); item.buffId = 30200087; break; // 弓 ------------------------ case ECreation.Bow: item.equipType = EquipType.Bow; item.icon = new string[3] { "0", "0", "0" }; item.equipPos = 528; item.itemClassId = (int)CreationItemClass.Bow; item.tabIndex = 1; item.sortLabel = 9914; //item.level = Mathf.Clamp((int)((attr.m_Attack - 8f) / 2.5f), 1, 100); item.durabilityFactor = 1f; item.editorTypeId = 10; if (item.propertyList == null) { item.propertyList = new ItemProto.PropertyList(); } item.propertyList.AddProperty(Pathea.AttribType.Atk, attr.m_Attack); item.buffId = 30200087; break; // 斧 ------------------------ case ECreation.Axe: item.equipType = EquipType.Axe; item.icon = new string[3] { "0", "0", "0" }; item.equipPos = 16; item.itemClassId = (int)CreationItemClass.Axe; item.tabIndex = 1; item.sortLabel = 9912; //item.level = Mathf.Clamp((int)((attr.m_Attack - 8f) / 2.5f), 1, 100); item.durabilityFactor = 1f; item.editorTypeId = 7; if (item.propertyList == null) { item.propertyList = new ItemProto.PropertyList(); } item.propertyList.AddProperty(Pathea.AttribType.Atk, attr.m_Attack * WhiteCat.PEVCConfig.instance.axeAttackScale); item.propertyList.AddProperty(Pathea.AttribType.CutDamage, attr.m_Attack * WhiteCat.PEVCConfig.instance.axeCutDamageScale); item.propertyList.AddProperty(Pathea.AttribType.CutBouns, 0.03f); item.buffId = 30200092; break; // 盾 ------------------------ case ECreation.Shield: item.equipType = EquipType.Shield_Hand; item.icon = new string[3] { "0", "0", "0" }; item.equipPos = 512; item.itemClassId = (int)CreationItemClass.Shield; item.tabIndex = 1; item.sortLabel = 9920; //item.level = Mathf.Clamp((int)((attr.m_Defense + 2f) / 2f), 1, 100); item.durabilityFactor = 0.01f; item.editorTypeId = 9; if (item.propertyList == null) { item.propertyList = new ItemProto.PropertyList(); } item.propertyList.AddProperty(Pathea.AttribType.Def, attr.m_Defense); item.propertyList.AddProperty(Pathea.AttribType.ShieldMeleeProtect, Mathf.Clamp(attr.m_Defense / 330 + 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.87f)); item.buffId = 30200093; break; // 手枪/单手枪 ------------------------ case ECreation.HandGun: item.equipType = EquipType.HandGun; item.icon = new string[3] { "0", "0", "0" }; item.equipPos = 528; item.itemClassId = (int)CreationItemClass.HandGun; item.tabIndex = 1; item.sortLabel = 9930; //item.level = Mathf.Clamp((int)((attr.m_Attack - 4f) / 2f), 1, 70); item.durabilityFactor = 1f; if (item.propertyList == null) { item.propertyList = new ItemProto.PropertyList(); } item.propertyList.AddProperty(Pathea.AttribType.Atk, attr.m_Attack); item.buffId = 30200095; item.editorTypeId = 11; break; // 步枪/双手枪 ------------------------ case ECreation.Rifle: item.equipType = EquipType.Rifle; item.icon = new string[3] { "0", "0", "0" }; item.equipPos = 528; item.itemClassId = (int)CreationItemClass.Rifle; item.tabIndex = 1; item.sortLabel = 9940; //item.level = Mathf.Clamp((int)((attr.m_Attack - 4f) / 2f), 1, 70); item.durabilityFactor = 1f; if (item.propertyList == null) { item.propertyList = new ItemProto.PropertyList(); } item.propertyList.AddProperty(Pathea.AttribType.Atk, attr.m_Attack); item.buffId = 30200095; item.editorTypeId = 11; break; // 车 ------------------------ case ECreation.Vehicle: item.equipType = EquipType.Null; item.icon = new string[3] { "0", "leftup_putdown", "0" }; item.equipPos = 0; item.itemClassId = (int)CreationItemClass.Vehicle; item.tabIndex = 0; item.sortLabel = 9950; //item.level = CalcCarrierLevel(attr.m_Durability); if (item.propertyList == null) { item.propertyList = new ItemProto.PropertyList(); } item.propertyList.AddProperty(Pathea.AttribType.HpMax, attr.m_Durability); item.propertyList.AddProperty(Pathea.AttribType.Hp, attr.m_Durability); item.engergyMax = (int)attr.m_MaxFuel; break; // 飞机 ------------------------ case ECreation.Aircraft: item.equipType = EquipType.Null; item.icon = new string[3] { "0", "leftup_putdown", "0" }; item.equipPos = 0; item.itemClassId = (int)CreationItemClass.Aircraft; item.tabIndex = 0; item.sortLabel = 9960; //item.level = CalcCarrierLevel(attr.m_Durability); if (item.propertyList == null) { item.propertyList = new ItemProto.PropertyList(); } item.propertyList.AddProperty(Pathea.AttribType.HpMax, attr.m_Durability); item.propertyList.AddProperty(Pathea.AttribType.Hp, attr.m_Durability); item.engergyMax = (int)attr.m_MaxFuel; break; // 船 ------------------------ case ECreation.Boat: item.equipType = EquipType.Null; item.icon = new string[3] { "0", "leftup_putdown", "0" }; item.equipPos = 0; item.itemClassId = (int)CreationItemClass.Boat; item.tabIndex = 0; item.sortLabel = 9970; //item.level = CalcCarrierLevel(attr.m_Durability); if (item.propertyList == null) { item.propertyList = new ItemProto.PropertyList(); } item.propertyList.AddProperty(Pathea.AttribType.HpMax, attr.m_Durability); item.propertyList.AddProperty(Pathea.AttribType.Hp, attr.m_Durability); item.engergyMax = (int)attr.m_MaxFuel; break; // 简单物体 ------------------------ case ECreation.SimpleObject: item.equipType = EquipType.Null; item.icon = new string[3] { "0", "leftup_putdown", "0" }; item.equipPos = 0; item.itemClassId = (int)CreationItemClass.SimpleObject; item.sortLabel = 9980; item.tabIndex = 0; if (item.propertyList == null) { item.propertyList = new ItemProto.PropertyList(); } item.propertyList.AddProperty(Pathea.AttribType.HpMax, attr.m_Durability); item.propertyList.AddProperty(Pathea.AttribType.Hp, attr.m_Durability); break; // 装甲 ------------------------ case ECreation.ArmorHead: case ECreation.ArmorBody: case ECreation.ArmorArmAndLeg: case ECreation.ArmorHandAndFoot: case ECreation.ArmorDecoration: item.equipType = EquipType.Null; item.icon = new string[3] { "0", "0", "0" }; item.equipPos = 0; item.itemClassId = (int)CreationItemClass.Armor; item.sortLabel = 9990 + (int)attr.m_Type; item.tabIndex = 3; item.durabilityFactor = 0.01f; break; // 机器人 ------------------------ case ECreation.Robot: item.equipType = EquipType.Null; item.icon = new string[3] { "0", "leftup_putdown", "0" }; item.equipPos = 0; item.itemClassId = (int)CreationItemClass.Robot; item.tabIndex = 0; item.sortLabel = 9945; if (item.propertyList == null) { item.propertyList = new ItemProto.PropertyList(); } item.propertyList.AddProperty(Pathea.AttribType.HpMax, attr.m_Durability); item.propertyList.AddProperty(Pathea.AttribType.Hp, attr.m_Durability); item.engergyMax = (int)attr.m_MaxFuel; break; // 炮台 ------------------------ case ECreation.AITurret: item.equipType = EquipType.Null; item.icon = new string[3] { "0", "leftup_putdown", "0" }; item.equipPos = 0; item.itemClassId = (int)CreationItemClass.AITurret; item.tabIndex = 0; item.sortLabel = 9946; if (item.propertyList == null) { item.propertyList = new ItemProto.PropertyList(); } item.propertyList.AddProperty(Pathea.AttribType.HpMax, attr.m_Durability); item.propertyList.AddProperty(Pathea.AttribType.Hp, attr.m_Durability); item.engergyMax = (int)attr.m_MaxFuel; item.unchargeable = attr.m_Defense < 0.5f; break; default: item.equipType = EquipType.Null; item.icon = new string[3] { "0", "0", "0" }; item.equipPos = 0; item.sortLabel = 10000; item.tabIndex = 0; break; } return(item); }
public static List <ItemIdCount> ResolveItemsToProcess(List <ItemIdCount> itemsNeedToGet, CSAssembly core = null, CSFactory factory = null) { List <ItemIdCount> resourceItems = new List <ItemIdCount> (); List <ItemIdCount> ItemsOwnRecord = new List <ItemIdCount> (); foreach (ItemIdCount iic in itemsNeedToGet) { if (CSProcessing.CanProcessItem(iic.protoId)) { resourceItems.Add(iic); continue; } List <ItemIdCount> needReplicate = new List <ItemIdCount> (); needReplicate.Add(iic); do { List <ItemIdCount> tempNeed = new List <ItemIdCount> (); tempNeed.AddRange(needReplicate); foreach (ItemIdCount tempIic in tempNeed) { Replicator.KnownFormula[] msList = UIGraphControl.GetReplicator().GetKnowFormulasByProductItemId(tempIic.protoId); if (msList == null || msList.Length == 0) { needReplicate.Remove(tempIic); //Debug.LogError("can't get "+tempIic.protoId+"for colony"); continue; } //--to do: temp_ only use script 01 Replicator.Formula ms = Replicator.Formula.Mgr.Instance.Find(msList[0].id); foreach (Replicator.Formula.Material mt in ms.materials) { int needCount = mt.itemCount * Mathf.CeilToInt(tempIic.count * 1.0f / ms.m_productItemCount); if (core != null) { int ownMaterialCount = CSUtils.GetItemCountFromAllStorage(mt.itemId, core); if (factory != null) { ownMaterialCount += factory.GetAllCompoundItemCount(mt.itemId); } ItemIdCount ownRecord = ItemsOwnRecord.Find(it => it.protoId == mt.itemId); if (ownMaterialCount > 0) { if (ownRecord == null || ownRecord.count < ownMaterialCount) { int leftRecordCount = 0; if (ownRecord == null) { leftRecordCount = ownMaterialCount; } else { leftRecordCount = ownMaterialCount - ownRecord.count; } int addRecordCount = 0; if (needCount > leftRecordCount) { needCount -= leftRecordCount; addRecordCount = leftRecordCount; } else { needCount = 0; addRecordCount = needCount; } if (ownRecord == null) { ItemsOwnRecord.Add(new ItemIdCount(mt.itemId, addRecordCount)); } else { ownRecord.count += addRecordCount; } if (needCount == 0) { continue; } } } } if (CSProcessing.CanProcessItem(mt.itemId)) { CSUtils.AddItemIdCount(resourceItems, mt.itemId, needCount); } else { CSUtils.AddItemIdCount(needReplicate, mt.itemId, needCount); } } needReplicate.Remove(tempIic); } }while(needReplicate.Count > 0); } return(resourceItems); }
void UpdateItemsTrackState(Replicator.Formula ms) { bool containe = GameUI.Instance.mItemsTrackWnd.ContainsScript(; ckItemTrack.isChecked = containe; }
public void OnCancelCompound(int index) { if (index < Data.m_CompoudItems.Count) { CompoudItem ci = Data.m_CompoudItems[index]; // if(ci.IsFinished) // return; if (PeGameMgr.IsSingle) { // add materials // 0)get materials List <ItemIdCount> materialList = new List <ItemIdCount> (); Replicator.Formula ms = Replicator.Formula.Mgr.Instance.FindByProductId(ci.itemID); foreach (Replicator.Formula.Material mt in ms.materials) { materialList.Add(new ItemIdCount(mt.itemId, mt.itemCount * ci.itemCnt / ms.m_productItemCount)); } // 1)storage not full if (!CSUtils.AddItemListToStorage(materialList, Assembly)) // 2)storage full, gen object { System.Random rand = new System.Random(); Vector3 pos; if (gameLogic != null) { pos = Position + gameLogic.transform.rotation * (new Vector3(0, 0, 4)); } else { pos = Position + new Vector3(0, 0, 6); } pos = pos + new Vector3((float)rand.NextDouble() * 0.1f, 0, (float)rand.NextDouble() * 0.1f); while (RandomItemMgr.Instance.ContainsPos(pos)) { pos += new Vector3(0, 0.01f, 0); } RandomItemMgr.Instance.GenFactoryCancel(pos, CSUtils.ItemIdCountListToIntArray(materialList)); } if (m_CurCompoundIndex == index) { if (m_Counter != null) { CSMain.Instance.DestoryCounter(m_Counter); m_Counter = null; } } if (m_CurCompoundIndex > index) { m_CurCompoundIndex--; } Data.m_CompoudItems.Remove(ci); } else { _Net.RPCServer(EPacketType.PT_CL_FCT_GenFactoryCancel, index, ci); if (m_CurCompoundIndex == index) { if (m_Counter != null) { CSMain.Instance.DestoryCounter(m_Counter); m_Counter = null; } } if (m_CurCompoundIndex > index) { m_CurCompoundIndex--; } Data.m_CompoudItems.Remove(ci); } } }
public float GetCurOriginTime() { Replicator.Formula ms = Replicator.Formula.Mgr.Instance.FindByProductId(Data.m_CompoudItems[m_CurCompoundIndex].itemID); return(Data.m_CompoudItems[m_CurCompoundIndex].itemCnt * ms.timeNeed / ms.m_productItemCount); }