Esempio n. 1
 protected void btnsearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (objnchk_list != null)
         var objsearch = objnchk_list.Where(c => c.tnc_fname.Contains(txtsearch.Text) || c.tnc_lname.Contains(txtsearch.Text)).ToList();
         RepeaterPatient.DataSource = objsearch;
Esempio n. 2
        protected void patientlist()
            if (Session["LabId"] != null)
                dtpatientlist = operation.PatientList(Session["LabId"].ToString());

                if (dtpatientlist != null)
                    RepeaterPatient.DataSource = dtpatientlist;
Esempio n. 3
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var table = new DataTable();

            table.Rows.Add("Appointment", "12:30am", "#89328731", "Smith", "200", "+1 8459 67558");
            table.Rows.Add("Appointment", "12:40am", "#89325611", "Jonas", "300", "+1 56532 5558");
            table.Rows.Add("Appointment", "12:50am", "#89355731", "Martha", "210", "+1 85454 67558");
            table.Rows.Add("Appointment", "12:12am", "#84656731", "Potter", "202", "+1 84913 67558");
            table.Rows.Add("Appointment", "12:37am", "#84648731", "Vanesa", "203", "+1 561468 67558");

            table.Rows.Add("CheckedIn", "12mins", "#89328731", "Smith", "98", "+1 54132 67558");
            table.Rows.Add("CheckedIn", "14mins", "#95656411", "Clara", "82", "+1 23556 51558");
            table.Rows.Add("CheckedIn", "17mins", "#65464445", "Sansa", "86", "+1 85454 98582");

            table.Rows.Add("Visited", "12:30am to 12:40am", "#85235651", "Stark", "200", "+1 8459 67558");
            table.Rows.Add("Visited", "12:40am to 12:50am", "#56465466", "Drogo", "300", "+1 56532 5558");
            table.Rows.Add("Visited", "12:50am to 1:00pm", "#51354513", "Cersei", "210", "+1 85454 67558");

            RepeaterApp.DataSource = table.AsEnumerable().Where(i => i.Field <string>("Category") == "Appointment").OrderBy(i => i.Field <string>("Time")).CopyToDataTable();

            RepeaterPatient.DataSource = table.AsEnumerable().Where(i => i.Field <string>("Category") == "CheckedIn").OrderBy(i => i.Field <string>("PatientName")).CopyToDataTable();

            RepeaterVisited.DataSource = table.AsEnumerable().Where(i => i.Field <string>("Category") == "Visited").OrderBy(i => i.Field <string>("Time")).CopyToDataTable();

Esempio n. 4
        private void LoadData(int compid)
            var objcomp = (from cus in dbc.trn_company_details where cus.tcd_id == compid select cus).FirstOrDefault(); //where form?

            if (objcomp != null)
                lblremark_compname_th.Text = objcomp.tcd_tname;
                lblremark_compname_en.Text = objcomp.tcd_ename;
                lblcompany_Code.Text       = objcomp.tcd_code;
                lbldeptowner.Text          = objcomp.tcd_type;
                lbDocumentNo.Text          = objcomp.tcd_document_no;
                lblcompany_th.Text         = objcomp.tcd_tname;
                lblcompany_en.Text         = objcomp.tcd_ename;

                var objchklocation = (from location in dbc.trn_checkup_locations
                                      join mstlocation in dbc.mst_checkup_locations on location.mcl_id equals mstlocation.mcl_id
                                      where location.tcd_id == objcomp.tcd_id
                                      select new { tname_location = mstlocation.mcl_tname }).ToList();
                if (objchklocation.Count > 0)
                    lblloc_remark.Text = objcomp.tcd_location_remark;

                    foreach (var data in objchklocation)
                        lblnolocation.Text = "";

                        switch (data.tname_location)
                        case "IMS":
                            chkims.Checked = true;
                            chkims.Visible = true;

                        case "OBG":
                            chkbcancer.Checked = true;
                            chkbcancer.Visible = true;

                        case "JMS":
                            chkjms.Checked = true;
                            chkjms.Visible = true;

                        case "HPC1":
                            chkhpc1.Checked = true;
                            chkhpc1.Visible = true;

                        case "HPC2":
                            chkhpc2.Checked = true;
                            chkhpc2.Visible = true;

                        case "HPC3":
                            chkhpc3.Checked = true;
                            chkhpc3.Visible = true;

                        case "Other":
                            chkOth.Checked = true;
                            chkOth.Visible = true;
                    lblnolocation.Text = "-";

                lbldate_s_contract.Text = String.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}", objcomp.tcd_date_from);
                lbldate_e_contract.Text = String.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}", objcomp.tcd_date_to);

                //package and option Order set
                var objpackage = (from package in dbc.trn_package_details
                                  where package.tcd_id == objcomp.tcd_id
                                  select new
                    package_order = package.tpd_order_desc,
                    package_price = package.tpd_price,
                    package_payment = (from mpt in dbc.mst_payment_types
                                       where mpt.mpt_id == package.mpt_id
                                       select mpt.mpt_tname).FirstOrDefault(),
                    package_credit = package.tpd_limit_credit,
                    package_s_date = String.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}", package.tpd_date_from),
                    package_e_date = String.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}", package.tpd_date_to),
                    package_type = package.tpd_order_type
                if (objpackage != null)
                    RepeaterPackage.DataSource = objpackage.Where(c => c.package_type == "Order Set");

                    RepeaterOption.DataSource = objpackage.Where(c => c.package_type == "Option");

                var old_paymentType = (from t1 in dbc.trn_payments
                                       where t1.tcd_id == objcomp.tcd_id
                                       select new
                    mst_id = t1.mst_id,
                    mst_nameTh = (t1.mst_type != null) ? t1.mst_type.mst_tname : "",
                    mst_nameEn = (t1.mst_type != null) ? t1.mst_type.mst_ename : "",
                    mpt_id = t1.mpt_id,
                    mpt_nameTh = (t1.mst_payment_type != null) ? t1.mst_payment_type.mpt_tname : "",
                    mpt_nameEn = (t1.mst_payment_type != null) ? t1.mst_payment_type.mpt_ename : "",
                    tpa_mpt_credit = t1.tpa_mpt_credit,
                    tpa_mpt_remark = t1.tpa_mpt_remark,
                    mbm_id = t1.mbm_id,
                    mbm_nameTh = (t1.mst_billing_method != null) ? t1.mst_billing_method.mbm_tname : "",
                    mbm_nameEn = (t1.mst_billing_method != null) ? t1.mst_billing_method.mbm_ename : "",
                    mpm_id = t1.mpm_id,
                    mpm_nameTh = (t1.mst_payment_main != null) ? t1.mst_payment_main.mpm_tname : "",
                    mpm_nameEn = (t1.mst_payment_main != null) ? t1.mst_payment_main.mpm_ename : "",
                    mpr_id = t1.mpr_id,
                    mpr_nameTh = (t1.mst_payment_rate != null) ? t1.mst_payment_rate.mpr_tname : "",
                    mpr_nameEn = (t1.mst_payment_rate != null) ? t1.mst_payment_rate.mpr_ename : "",
                    mpq_id = t1.mpq_id,
                    mpq_nameTh = (t1.mst_payment_quatation != null) ? t1.mst_payment_quatation.mpq_tname : "",
                    mpq_nameEn = (t1.mst_payment_quatation != null) ? t1.mst_payment_quatation.mpq_ename : "",
                    tpa_mpq_credit = t1.tpa_mpq_credit,
                    mpn_id = t1.mpn_id,
                    mpn_nameTh = (t1.mst_payment_nquatation != null) ? t1.mst_payment_nquatation.mpn_tname : "",
                    mpn_nameEn = (t1.mst_payment_nquatation != null) ? t1.mst_payment_nquatation.mpn_ename : "",
                    tpa_mpn_credit = t1.tpa_mpn_credit,
                    mrm_id = t1.mrm_id,
                    mrm_nameTh = (t1.mst_receive_medicine != null) ? t1.mst_receive_medicine.mrm_tname : "",
                    mrm_nameEn = (t1.mst_receive_medicine != null) ? t1.mst_receive_medicine.mrm_ename : "",
                    tpa_coupon = t1.tpa_coupon,
                    coupon_name = (t1.tpa_coupon == 'I') ? "ให้" : "ไม่ให้",
                    tpa_coupon_remark = t1.tpa_coupon_remark,
                    Status = "O",
                    tpa_id = t1.tpa_id
                _paymentType = (from t1 in old_paymentType
                                select new PaymentType_hpc
                    mst_name = t1.mst_nameTh + "/" + t1.mst_nameEn,
                    mpt_name = t1.mpt_nameTh + "/" + t1.mpt_nameEn,
                    tpa_mpt_credit = t1.tpa_mpt_credit,
                    tpa_mpt_remark = t1.tpa_mpt_remark,
                    mbm_name = t1.mbm_nameTh + "/" + t1.mbm_nameEn,
                    mpm_name = t1.mpm_nameTh + "/" + t1.mpm_nameEn,
                    mpr_name = t1.mpr_nameTh + "/" + t1.mpr_nameEn,
                    mpq_name = t1.mpq_nameTh + "/" + t1.mpq_nameEn,
                    tpa_mpq_credit = t1.tpa_mpq_credit,
                    mpn_name = t1.mpn_nameTh + "/" + t1.mpn_nameEn,
                    tpa_mpn_credit = t1.tpa_mpn_credit,
                    mrm_name = t1.mrm_nameTh + "/" + t1.mrm_nameEn,
                    tpa_coupon = t1.tpa_coupon,
                    coupon_name = (t1.tpa_coupon == 'I') ? "ให้" : "ไม่ให้",
                    tpa_coupon_remark = t1.tpa_coupon_remark,

                RepeaterPaymentType.DataSource = _paymentType;

                lblpayor.Text = objcomp.tcd_payor;

                //condition service employee
                var objmcs = (from mst_mcs in dbc.mst_condition_services
                              join trn_mcs in dbc.trn_condition_services on mst_mcs.mcs_id equals trn_mcs.mcs_id
                              where mst_mcs.mcs_status == 'A' && (trn_mcs.tcd_id == objcomp.tcd_id) && (trn_mcs.tcs_type == "EM" || trn_mcs.tcs_type == "EX")
                              select new{
                    Namex = mst_mcs.mcs_tname + "/" + mst_mcs.mcs_ename,
                    Typex = trn_mcs.tcs_type
                if (objmcs.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var data in objmcs)
                        if (data.Typex == "EM")
                            if (lblcondition_service.Text == "")
                                lblcondition_service.Text += data.Namex;
                                lblcondition_service.Text += "," + data.Namex;
                        if (data.Typex == "EX")
                            if (lblcondition_serviceEmployee.Text == "")
                                lblcondition_serviceEmployee.Text += data.Namex;
                                lblcondition_serviceEmployee.Text += "," + data.Namex;

                //family welfa
                lblfam_welfa.Text = objcomp.tcd_family_welfare;

                var objcontact = (from tcp in dbc.trn_contact_persons
                                  where tcp.mst_contact_type.mct_code == 'C' && tcp.tcd_id == objcomp.tcd_id
                                  select new
                    contact_name = tcp.tcp_name,
                    contact_tel = tcp.tcp_tel,
                    contact_fax = tcp.tcp_fax,
                    contact_email = tcp.tcp_email
                if (objcontact.Count > 0)
                    RepeaterContact.DataSource = objcontact;

                lblresult_address.Text     = objcomp.tcd_address;
                lblresult_subdistrict.Text = objcomp.tcd_district;
                lblresult_district.Text    = objcomp.tcd_tambon;
                lblresult_province.Text    = objcomp.tcd_province;
                lblresult_zipcode.Text     = objcomp.tcd_postcode;

                List <string> medicalRpt = (from tmr in dbc.trn_medical_reports
                                            join mmr in dbc.mst_medical_reports
                                            on tmr.mmr_id equals mmr.mmr_id
                                            where tmr.tcd_id == compid
                                            select(mmr.mmr_tname.Trim() + "/" + mmr.mmr_ename.Trim()) + " " + tmr.tmr_rep_remark).ToList();

                lblresult.Text = string.Join(", ", medicalRpt);

                switch (objcomp.tcd_send_rep_real)
                case "Y":
                    lblsend_ref_real.Text = "รับกลับ";

                case "N":
                    lblsend_ref_real.Text = "ไม่รับกลับ";
                    if (objcomp.tcd_send_rep_flag == "C")
                        lblsend_ref_real.Text += "(ส่งบริษัท)";
                        lblsend_ref_real.Text += "(ส่งบ้าน)";
                switch (objcomp.tcd_send_rep_copy)
                case "H":
                    lblsend_rep_copy.Text = "ส่งบ้าน";

                case "N":
                    lblsend_rep_copy.Text = "ไม่ต้องการ";

                case "C":
                    lblsend_rep_copy.Text = "ส่งบริษัท";

                //emp mtk name
                var objtcp = (from tcp in dbc.trn_contact_persons
                              where tcp.tcd_id == objcomp.tcd_id && tcp.mst_contact_type.mct_code == 'M'
                              select new
                    mtk_name = tcp.tcp_name,
                    mtk_tel = tcp.tcp_tel,
                    mtk_fax = tcp.tcp_fax,
                    mtk_email = tcp.tcp_email
                if (objtcp.Count > 0)
                    RepeaterMTK.DataSource = objtcp;

                lbllastupdate.Text   = String.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}", objcomp.tcd_update_date);
                lblupdatebyname.Text = objcomp.mul_user_login;

                //attach file
                var objattach = Constant.GetObjAttachFile(objcomp.tcd_id, "HPC");//(from file in dbc.trn_attach_files where file.taf_user_type == 'H' && file.tcd_id == objcomp.tcd_id select new { file_name = file.taf_file_name, file_path = file.taf_path_name }).ToList();
                if (objattach.Count > 0)
                    RepeaterFile.DataSource = objattach;

                divremark.InnerHtml = Server.HtmlDecode(objcomp.tcd_remark);

                //search name check
                objnchk_list = (from tnc in dbc.trn_name_checks
                                where tnc.tcd_id == objcomp.tcd_id
                                select tnc).ToList();
                if (objnchk_list != null)
                    RepeaterPatient.DataSource = objnchk_list;
Esempio n. 5
        private void LoadData(int compid)
            var objcomp = (from cus in dbc.trn_company_details where cus.tcd_id == compid select cus).FirstOrDefault(); //where form?

            if (objcomp != null)
                lblremark_compname_th.Text = objcomp.tcd_tname;
                lblremark_compname_en.Text = objcomp.tcd_ename;

                lbldoccode.Text    = objcomp.tcd_document_no;
                lblcompcode.Text   = objcomp.tcd_code;
                lblcompany_th.Text = objcomp.tcd_tname;
                lblcompany_en.Text = objcomp.tcd_ename;
                lbldeptowner.Text  = objcomp.tcd_type;

                //check-up location
                var objmcl = (from mst_mcl in dbc.mst_checkup_locations
                              join trn_mcl in dbc.trn_checkup_locations on mst_mcl.mcl_id equals trn_mcl.mcl_id
                              where trn_mcl.tcd_id == objcomp.tcd_id
                              select new
                    ename = mst_mcl.mcl_ename,
                    tname = mst_mcl.mcl_tname
                List <string> tempLocation = new List <string>();
                if (objmcl.Count > 0)
                    tempLocation.Add(string.Join(", ", objmcl.Select(x => x.ename + "/" + x.tname)));
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(objcomp.tcd_location_remark))
                lblchk_location.Text = string.Join(", ", tempLocation);

                 * if (objmcl != null)
                 * {
                 *  lblchk_location.Text = objmcl.mcl_tname; //+ "/" + objmcl.mcl_ename;
                 * }

                lbldate_s_contract.Text = String.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}", objcomp.tcd_date_from);
                lbldate_e_contract.Text = String.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}", objcomp.tcd_date_to);

                //package and option
                //var objpackage = (from package in dbc.trn_package_details
                //                  where package.tcd_id == objcomp.tcd_id
                //                  select new
                //                  {
                //                      package_order = package.tpd_order_desc,
                //                      package_price = package.tpd_price,
                //                      package_payment = (from mpt in dbc.mst_payment_types
                //                                         where mpt.mpt_id == package.mpt_id
                //                                         select mpt.mpt_tname).FirstOrDefault(),
                //                      package_credit = package.tpd_limit_credit,
                //                      package_s_date = String.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}", package.tpd_date_from),
                //                      package_e_date = String.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}",package.tpd_date_to),
                //                      package_rd = (from rd in dbc.trn_package_request_doctors where rd.tpd_id == package.tpd_id select rd.trd_doc_tname).FirstOrDefault(),
                //                      package_dc = (from dc in dbc.trn_package_doctor_cats where dc.tpd_id == package.tpd_id select dc.mst_doctor_cat.mdc_tname).FirstOrDefault()
                //                  }).ToList();

                //if (objpackage != null)
                //    RepeaterPackage.DataSource = objpackage;
                //    RepeaterPackage.DataBind();

                //package and option Order set
                var objpackage = (from package in dbc.trn_package_details
                                  where package.tcd_id == objcomp.tcd_id
                                  select new
                    package_order = package.tpd_order_desc,
                    package_price = package.tpd_price,
                    package_payment = (from mpt in dbc.mst_payment_types
                                       where mpt.mpt_id == package.mpt_id
                                       select mpt.mpt_tname).FirstOrDefault(),
                    package_credit = package.tpd_limit_credit,
                    package_s_date = String.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}", package.tpd_date_from),
                    package_e_date = String.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}", package.tpd_date_to),
                    package_rd = (from rd in dbc.trn_package_request_doctors where rd.tpd_id == package.tpd_id select rd.trd_doc_tname).FirstOrDefault(),
                    package_dc = (from dc in dbc.trn_package_doctor_cats where dc.tpd_id == package.tpd_id select dc.mst_doctor_cat.mdc_tname).FirstOrDefault(),
                    package_type = package.tpd_order_type
                if (objpackage != null)
                    RepeaterPackage.DataSource = objpackage.Where(c => c.package_type == "Order Set");

                    RepeaterOption.DataSource = objpackage.Where(c => c.package_type == "Option");

                var old_paymentType = (from t1 in dbc.trn_payments
                                       where t1.tcd_id == objcomp.tcd_id
                                       select new
                    mst_id = t1.mst_id,
                    mst_nameTh = (t1.mst_type != null) ? t1.mst_type.mst_tname : "",
                    mst_nameEn = (t1.mst_type != null) ? t1.mst_type.mst_ename : "",
                    mpt_id = t1.mpt_id,
                    mpt_nameTh = (t1.mst_payment_type != null) ? t1.mst_payment_type.mpt_tname : "",
                    mpt_nameEn = (t1.mst_payment_type != null) ? t1.mst_payment_type.mpt_ename : "",
                    tpa_mpt_credit = t1.tpa_mpt_credit,
                    tpa_mpt_remark = t1.tpa_mpt_remark,
                    mbm_id = t1.mbm_id,
                    mbm_nameTh = (t1.mst_billing_method != null) ? t1.mst_billing_method.mbm_tname : "",
                    mbm_nameEn = (t1.mst_billing_method != null) ? t1.mst_billing_method.mbm_ename : "",
                    mpm_id = t1.mpm_id,
                    mpm_nameTh = (t1.mst_payment_main != null) ? t1.mst_payment_main.mpm_tname : "",
                    mpm_nameEn = (t1.mst_payment_main != null) ? t1.mst_payment_main.mpm_ename : "",
                    mpr_id = t1.mpr_id,
                    mpr_nameTh = (t1.mst_payment_rate != null) ? t1.mst_payment_rate.mpr_tname : "",
                    mpr_nameEn = (t1.mst_payment_rate != null) ? t1.mst_payment_rate.mpr_ename : "",
                    mpq_id = t1.mpq_id,
                    mpq_nameTh = (t1.mst_payment_quatation != null) ? t1.mst_payment_quatation.mpq_tname : "",
                    mpq_nameEn = (t1.mst_payment_quatation != null) ? t1.mst_payment_quatation.mpq_ename : "",
                    tpa_mpq_credit = t1.tpa_mpq_credit,
                    mpn_id = t1.mpn_id,
                    mpn_nameTh = (t1.mst_payment_nquatation != null) ? t1.mst_payment_nquatation.mpn_tname : "",
                    mpn_nameEn = (t1.mst_payment_nquatation != null) ? t1.mst_payment_nquatation.mpn_ename : "",
                    tpa_mpn_credit = t1.tpa_mpn_credit,
                    mrm_id = t1.mrm_id,
                    mrm_nameTh = (t1.mst_receive_medicine != null) ? t1.mst_receive_medicine.mrm_tname : "",
                    mrm_nameEn = (t1.mst_receive_medicine != null) ? t1.mst_receive_medicine.mrm_ename : "",
                    tpa_coupon = t1.tpa_coupon,
                    coupon_name = (t1.tpa_coupon == 'I') ? "ให้" : "ไม่ให้",
                    tpa_coupon_remark = t1.tpa_coupon_remark,
                    Status = "O",
                    tpa_id = t1.tpa_id
                _paymentType = (from t1 in old_paymentType
                                select new PaymentType_ctc
                    mst_name = t1.mst_nameTh + "/" + t1.mst_nameEn,
                    mpt_name = t1.mpt_nameTh + "/" + t1.mpt_nameEn,
                    tpa_mpt_credit = t1.tpa_mpt_credit,
                    tpa_mpt_remark = t1.tpa_mpt_remark,
                    mbm_name = t1.mbm_nameTh + "/" + t1.mbm_nameEn,
                    mpm_name = t1.mpm_nameTh + "/" + t1.mpm_nameEn,
                    mpr_name = t1.mpr_nameTh + "/" + t1.mpr_nameEn,
                    mpq_name = t1.mpq_nameTh + "/" + t1.mpq_nameEn,
                    tpa_mpq_credit = t1.tpa_mpq_credit,
                    mpn_name = t1.mpn_nameTh + "/" + t1.mpn_nameEn,
                    tpa_mpn_credit = t1.tpa_mpn_credit,
                    mrm_name = t1.mrm_nameTh + "/" + t1.mrm_nameEn,
                    tpa_coupon = t1.tpa_coupon,
                    coupon_name = (t1.tpa_coupon == 'I') ? "ให้" : "ไม่ให้",
                    tpa_coupon_remark = t1.tpa_coupon_remark,

                RepeaterPaymentType.DataSource = _paymentType;

                lblwelfare.Text = objcomp.tcd_family_welfare;

                //condition service employee, executive (edit code by morn)
                var objCond = (from mst_mcs in dbc.mst_condition_services
                               join trn_mcs in dbc.trn_condition_services on mst_mcs.mcs_id equals trn_mcs.mcs_id
                               where mst_mcs.mcs_status == 'A' && (trn_mcs.tcd_id == objcomp.tcd_id) && (trn_mcs.tcs_type == "EM" || trn_mcs.tcs_type == "EX")
                               select new
                    type = trn_mcs.tcs_type,
                    ename = mst_mcs.mcs_ename,
                    tname = mst_mcs.mcs_tname
                lblcond_service.Text           = string.Join(", ", objCond.Where(x => x.type == "EM").Select(x => x.ename + '/' + x.tname));
                lblcond_service_executive.Text = string.Join(", ", objCond.Where(x => x.type == "EX").Select(x => x.ename + '/' + x.tname));

                List <trn_company_request_doctor> tcrd = dbc.trn_company_request_doctors.Where(x => x.tcd_id == objcomp.tcd_id).ToList();
                lbldoctor.Text = String.Join(", ", tcrd.Select(x => x.tcr_doc_ename + '/' + x.tcr_doc_tname));

                //doctor type (edit code by morn)
                var objmdc = (from mst_mdc in dbc.mst_doctor_cats
                              join trn_mdc in dbc.trn_package_doctor_cats on mst_mdc.mdc_id equals trn_mdc.mdc_id
                              where trn_mdc.trn_package_detail.tcd_id == objcomp.tcd_id
                              select new
                    ename = mst_mdc.mdc_ename,
                    tname = mst_mdc.mdc_tname
                lbldoctor_type.Text = String.Join(", ", objmdc.Select(x => x.ename + '/' + x.tname));

                 * if (objmdc != null)
                 * {
                 *  lbldoctor_type.Text = objmdc.mdc_tname; // + "/" + objmdc.mdc_ename;
                 * }

                var objchklocation = (from location in dbc.trn_checkup_locations
                                      join mstlocation in dbc.mst_checkup_locations on location.mcl_id equals mstlocation.mcl_id
                                      where location.tcd_id == objcomp.tcd_id
                                      select new { tname_location = mstlocation.mcl_tname }).ToList();
                if (objchklocation.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var data in objchklocation)
                        lblloc_remark.Text = objcomp.tcd_location_remark;

                        switch (data.tname_location)
                        case "IMS":
                            chkims.Checked = true;

                        case "OBG":
                            chkbcancer.Checked = true;

                        case "JMS":
                            chkjms.Checked = true;

                        case "HPC1":
                            chkhpc1.Checked = true;

                        case "HPC2":
                            chkhpc2.Checked = true;

                        case "HPC3":
                            chkhpc3.Checked = true;

                            chkoth.Checked = true;

                //mtk staff name
                var objtcp = (from tcp in dbc.trn_contact_persons
                              where tcp.tcd_id == objcomp.tcd_id && tcp.mst_contact_type.mct_code == 'M'
                              select new
                    mtk_name = tcp.tcp_name,
                    mtk_tel = tcp.tcp_tel,
                    mtk_fax = tcp.tcp_fax,
                    mtk_email = tcp.tcp_email
                if (objtcp.Count > 0)
                    RepeaterMTK.DataSource = objtcp;

                lbllastupdate.Text   = String.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}", objcomp.tcd_update_date);
                lbllastupdateby.Text = objcomp.mul_user_login;

                var objattach = Constant.GetObjAttachFile(objcomp.tcd_id, "CTC");//(from file in dbc.trn_attach_files where file.taf_user_type == 'H' && file.tcd_id == objcomp.tcd_id select new { file_name = file.taf_file_name, file_path = file.taf_path_name }).ToList();
                if (objattach.Count > 0)
                    RepeaterFile.DataSource = objattach;

                divremark.InnerHtml = Server.HtmlDecode(objcomp.tcd_remark);

                //search name check
                objnchk_list = (from tnc in dbc.trn_name_checks
                                where tnc.tcd_id == objcomp.tcd_id
                                select tnc).ToList();
                if (objnchk_list != null)
                    RepeaterPatient.DataSource = objnchk_list;
Esempio n. 6
        private void LoadData(int compid)
            //,DateTime compdateform,int type
            //sel company detail from code
            //&& (cus.tcd_date_from >= compdateform && cus.tcd_date_to <= compdateform) && cus.mst_id == type
            var objcomp = (from cus in dbc.trn_company_details
                           where cus.tcd_id == compid
                           select cus).FirstOrDefault(); //where form?

            if (objcomp != null)
                lblremark_compname_th.Text = objcomp.tcd_tname;
                lblremark_compname_en.Text = objcomp.tcd_ename;

                lbldoccode.Text          = objcomp.tcd_document_no;
                lblcompcode.Text         = objcomp.tcd_code;
                lblcompany_th.Text       = objcomp.tcd_tname;
                lblcompany_en.Text       = objcomp.tcd_ename;
                lbldeptowner.Text        = objcomp.tcd_type;
                lblcompany_address.Text  = objcomp.tcd_address;
                lblcompany_amphur.Text   = objcomp.tcd_district;
                lblcompany_tumbon.Text   = objcomp.tcd_tambon;
                lblcompany_province.Text = objcomp.tcd_province;
                lblcompany_postcode.Text = objcomp.tcd_postcode;

                var objcontact = (from tcp in dbc.trn_contact_persons
                                  where tcp.mst_contact_type.mct_code == 'C' && tcp.tcd_id == objcomp.tcd_id
                                  select new { contact_name = tcp.tcp_name,
                                               contact_tel = tcp.tcp_tel,
                                               contact_fax = tcp.tcp_fax,
                                               contact_email = tcp.tcp_email }).ToList();
                if (objcontact.Count > 0)
                    RepeaterContact.DataSource = objcontact;

                //emp mtk name
                var objtcp = (from tcp in dbc.trn_contact_persons
                              where tcp.tcd_id == objcomp.tcd_id && tcp.mst_contact_type.mct_code == 'M'
                              select new
                    mtk_name = tcp.tcp_name,
                    mtk_tel = tcp.tcp_tel,
                    mtk_fax = tcp.tcp_fax,
                    mtk_email = tcp.tcp_email
                if (objtcp.Count > 0)
                    RepeaterMTK.DataSource = objtcp;

                lblcontact_s.Text = String.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}", objcomp.tcd_date_from);
                lblcontact_e.Text = String.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}", objcomp.tcd_date_to);

                lblpayor.Text = objcomp.tcd_payor;

                var objplan = (from plan in dbc.trn_plans where plan.tcd_id == objcomp.tcd_id select new { plan_name = plan.tpl_name, plan_action = "..." }).ToList();
                if (objplan.Count > 0)
                    RepeaterPlan.DataSource = objplan;

                //comp name billing
                lblcomp_name_bill.Text = objcomp.tcd_bill_company;

                //comp address billing
                lblcomp_addr_bill.Text = objcomp.tcd_bill_address + " " + objcomp.tcd_bill_tambon + " " + objcomp.tcd_bill_district + " " + objcomp.tcd_bill_province + " " + objcomp.tcd_bill_postcode;

                //contact person billing
                var objcontactbill = (from tcp in dbc.trn_contact_persons
                                      where tcp.mst_contact_type.mct_code == 'B' && tcp.tcd_id == objcomp.tcd_id
                                      select new { contact_bill_name = tcp.tcp_name,
                                                   contact_bill_tel = tcp.tcp_tel,
                                                   contact_bill_fax = tcp.tcp_fax,
                                                   contact_bill_email = tcp.tcp_email }).ToList();
                if (objcontactbill.Count > 0)
                    RepeaterContactBill.DataSource = objcontactbill;

                var old_paymentType = (from t1 in dbc.trn_payments
                                       where t1.tcd_id == objcomp.tcd_id
                                       select new
                    mst_id = t1.mst_id,
                    mst_nameTh = (t1.mst_type != null) ? t1.mst_type.mst_tname : "",
                    mst_nameEn = (t1.mst_type != null) ? t1.mst_type.mst_ename : "",
                    mpt_id = t1.mpt_id,
                    mpt_nameTh = (t1.mst_payment_type != null) ? t1.mst_payment_type.mpt_tname : "",
                    mpt_nameEn = (t1.mst_payment_type != null) ? t1.mst_payment_type.mpt_ename : "",
                    tpa_mpt_credit = t1.tpa_mpt_credit,
                    tpa_mpt_remark = t1.tpa_mpt_remark,
                    mbm_id = t1.mbm_id,
                    mbm_nameTh = (t1.mst_billing_method != null) ? t1.mst_billing_method.mbm_tname : "",
                    mbm_nameEn = (t1.mst_billing_method != null) ? t1.mst_billing_method.mbm_ename : "",
                    mpm_id = t1.mpm_id,
                    mpm_nameTh = (t1.mst_payment_main != null) ? t1.mst_payment_main.mpm_tname : "",
                    mpm_nameEn = (t1.mst_payment_main != null) ? t1.mst_payment_main.mpm_ename : "",
                    mpr_id = t1.mpr_id,
                    mpr_nameTh = (t1.mst_payment_rate != null) ? t1.mst_payment_rate.mpr_tname : "",
                    mpr_nameEn = (t1.mst_payment_rate != null) ? t1.mst_payment_rate.mpr_ename : "",
                    mpq_id = t1.mpq_id,
                    mpq_nameTh = (t1.mst_payment_quatation != null) ? t1.mst_payment_quatation.mpq_tname : "",
                    mpq_nameEn = (t1.mst_payment_quatation != null) ? t1.mst_payment_quatation.mpq_ename : "",
                    tpa_mpq_credit = t1.tpa_mpq_credit,
                    mpn_id = t1.mpn_id,
                    mpn_nameTh = (t1.mst_payment_nquatation != null) ? t1.mst_payment_nquatation.mpn_tname : "",
                    mpn_nameEn = (t1.mst_payment_nquatation != null) ? t1.mst_payment_nquatation.mpn_ename : "",
                    tpa_mpn_credit = t1.tpa_mpn_credit,
                    mrm_id = t1.mrm_id,
                    mrm_nameTh = (t1.mst_receive_medicine != null) ? t1.mst_receive_medicine.mrm_tname : "",
                    mrm_nameEn = (t1.mst_receive_medicine != null) ? t1.mst_receive_medicine.mrm_ename : "",
                    tpa_coupon = t1.tpa_coupon,
                    coupon_name = (t1.tpa_coupon == 'I') ? "ให้" : "ไม่ให้",
                    tpa_coupon_remark = t1.tpa_coupon_remark,
                    Status = "O",
                    tpa_id = t1.tpa_id
                _paymentType = (from t1 in old_paymentType
                                select new PaymentType
                    mst_name = t1.mst_nameTh + "/" + t1.mst_nameEn,
                    mpt_name = t1.mpt_nameTh + "/" + t1.mpt_nameEn,
                    tpa_mpt_credit = t1.tpa_mpt_credit,
                    tpa_mpt_remark = t1.tpa_mpt_remark,
                    mbm_name = t1.mbm_nameTh + "/" + t1.mbm_nameEn,
                    mpm_name = t1.mpm_nameTh + "/" + t1.mpm_nameEn,
                    mpr_name = t1.mpr_nameTh + "/" + t1.mpr_nameEn,
                    mpq_name = t1.mpq_nameTh + "/" + t1.mpq_nameEn,
                    tpa_mpq_credit = t1.tpa_mpq_credit,
                    mpn_name = t1.mpn_nameTh + "/" + t1.mpn_nameEn,
                    tpa_mpn_credit = t1.tpa_mpn_credit,
                    mrm_name = t1.mrm_nameTh + "/" + t1.mrm_nameEn,
                    tpa_coupon = t1.tpa_coupon,
                    coupon_name = (t1.tpa_coupon == 'I') ? "ให้" : "ไม่ให้",
                    tpa_coupon_remark = t1.tpa_coupon_remark,

                RepeaterPaymentType.DataSource = _paymentType;

                //package and option Order set
                var objpackage = (from package in dbc.trn_package_details
                                  where package.tcd_id == objcomp.tcd_id
                                  select new
                    package_order = package.tpd_order_desc,
                    package_price = package.tpd_price,
                    package_payment = (from mpt in dbc.mst_payment_types
                                       where mpt.mpt_id == package.mpt_id
                                       select mpt.mpt_tname).FirstOrDefault(),
                    package_credit = package.tpd_limit_credit,
                    package_s_date = String.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}", package.tpd_date_from),
                    package_e_date = String.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}", package.tpd_date_to),
                    package_type = package.tpd_order_type
                if (objpackage != null)
                    RepeaterPackage.DataSource = objpackage.Where(c => c.package_type == "Order Set");

                    RepeaterOption.DataSource = objpackage.Where(c => c.package_type == "Option");

                //condition service employee, executive (edit code by morn)
                var objCond = (from mst_mcs in dbc.mst_condition_services
                               join trn_mcs in dbc.trn_condition_services on mst_mcs.mcs_id equals trn_mcs.mcs_id
                               where mst_mcs.mcs_status == 'A' && (trn_mcs.tcd_id == objcomp.tcd_id) && (trn_mcs.tcs_type == "EM" || trn_mcs.tcs_type == "EX")
                               select new
                    type = trn_mcs.tcs_type,
                    ename = mst_mcs.mcs_ename,
                    tname = mst_mcs.mcs_tname
                lblcondition_emp.Text  = string.Join(", ", objCond.Where(x => x.type == "EM").Select(x => x.ename + '/' + x.tname));
                lblcondition_exec.Text = string.Join(", ", objCond.Where(x => x.type == "EX").Select(x => x.ename + '/' + x.tname));

                var objattach = Constant.GetObjAttachFile(objcomp.tcd_id, "CLT");//(from file in dbc.trn_attach_files where file.taf_user_type == 'H' && file.tcd_id == objcomp.tcd_id select new { file_name = file.taf_file_name, file_path = file.taf_path_name }).ToList();
                if (objattach.Count > 0)
                    RepeaterFile.DataSource = objattach;

                divremark.InnerHtml = Server.HtmlDecode(objcomp.tcd_remark);

                lbllastupdate.Text   = String.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}", objcomp.tcd_update_date);
                lbllastupdateby.Text = objcomp.mul_user_login;

                //search name check
                objnchk_list = (from tnc in dbc.trn_name_checks
                                where tnc.tcd_id == objcomp.tcd_id
                                select tnc).ToList();
                if (objnchk_list != null)
                    //objnchk_list = objnchk_list;
                    RepeaterPatient.DataSource = objnchk_list;