private void RentPaid(RentPaid rentPaid) { if (_rentersAccount.Amount() > _currentRent.Amount()) { _rentersAccount.Remove(new Rent(_currentRent.Amount())); RentPaidToday = true; } else { World.NavigateToScene("Evicted"); } }
static void HomePayment() // method containing if statment that will determin via user input whether or not they will be renting , buying or not paying rent etc. { Console.WriteLine("Please type 1 if renting a home or 2 if you are paying off a home loan. "); Console.WriteLine("If neither press 3 else press anything else to exit"); var answer = Console.ReadLine(); if (answer.Equals("1")) // if statement for determining living status costs { Console.WriteLine("Please enter how much is spent on rent per month: "); Rent amount = new Rent(); amount.PrintLine(); amount.Amount(); } else if (answer.Equals("2")) { var amount = new HomeLoan(); amount.Amount(); } else if (answer.Equals("3")) // if user chooses 3 the program continues with R0 paid for living expenses { Expense.Expenses.Add(0); // Rent free in your head- Cranberries zombie } else { Environment.Exit(0); } }